" linn— i Planning the Children's Educa- 1 [ tion is Easy When You've j I | A Bank Account. I | The whole of their future is made clear when you have the necessary money. Open a special account while they are yet young. Yor owe it to them, as well as to yourself, to save. You are responsible—they are help less—depending on you. Open this account I today. ! You Are Invited to consult this bank on all points relating to. investments, the purchase of bonds, stocks, or other financial matters. It is the business of the banker to know about these things. Our services are entirely at your disposal. Nothing is too small tor our attention. You may save yourself loss. Come in today and let us talk it over. ————— — I FIRST NATIONAL BANK | Hickory, N. C. f] CAPITAL 5200.000. SURPLUS $50,000. OFFICERS: J. D. Elliott, Pres.. K. C. Menzics. Cashier. J. L. Cilley, Asst. Cashier. SASH, TRIM, DOORS, MANTLEL, LUMBER, ETC. Do It^ow. HICKORY NOVELTY CO. | Drink a Ectds of § s f a fc £ And Sec How the World Lights Up. a ; ' S \ S SI five cents and if you don't like it— 1 © \ get your money back. / JJ \ i S Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company k Hickory, N. C. h J. A. CLINE Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fancy Candies, Feed Stuffs, Etc. Stationery and Other Students Supplies a"Specialty. Can save you money, ask our price before buying elsewhere 305 TENTH AVENUE. 'PHONE NO. 109. Mountain Farm For Sale AT A BARGAIN. On headwaters of John's River, two miles from Green Park Hotel, Blowing Kock, 65 acres. Fine orchard, 350 trees, Dulas Beauty, Albemarle, Pippin, etc. 5-room house, fine spring. Apply to Dallas Holler, Hickory, N. R., R. 2 The Democrat is sl. per year Persian Lutherans. Cliurch Visitor. The first Persian Lutheran church in America was organ ized January 21, at Yonkers, N. Y., by Rev. Philip Pascha, son of the late John' Pascha, with 20 Persian men. It i? called St. Thomas' Evangelical congrega tion. These Persians hold that the Apostle St. Thomas first brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to .Persia and later preach ed on the southwest coast of In dia. Hence the name of this congregation. There are at the present day 200,000 so-called Thomas Christians on the Mala bar Indian coast who are sub ject to the Nestarian patriarch of Kotschanis, Kurdistan. Indian Killed on Track. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track and was killed by tne fast express. He paid for his carelessness with his life. Often its that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. ,4 lt completely cured me, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of Grip, ' writes J. R. Watts, Floydada Tex.j "and I regained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, relia ble and guaranteed, 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. The garden party given in the Reading Room and beautiful flower gardens of Rev. W. R. Savage of Blowing Rock on Saturday night last, for the bei fit of the Blowing Rock Civic League, was a very brillia«i, success, the net sum realized be ing sl3l. —Boone Democrat. SIOO Reward SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the contsitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. . Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Take Halls Family Pills for consti pation. The Watauga Democratic con vention will be held in Boone Sept. 17. Primaries to select delegates are to be held Sept. 14. Are Ever at War. There are two things everlastingly at war, joy and piles. But Bucklens Ar nica Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon subdues the itching, irritation, inflamation or swelling. It gives com fort, invites joy. Greatest healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, ec zema, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25 cts at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lut7. and Grimes Drug Co. The Morganton Herald prints from a California paper the con fession of C. R. Snipes who 11 years ago killed John Brittain in Burke when all had been drink ing from a jug of moonshine. A letter from his wife told him, soon after he fled, of the birth of a little girl, Laura, named for Snipe's mother. He went back from across the continent, and took a look at little Laura by the light of the moon on a lonely road. Then he went off again but the desire of the little 10 year old girl to see her father, of which his wife wrote him, has led him to give himself up. He claims his killing was done in self-defence. GREAT MASS OF PROOF: Reports of 30 000 Cases of Kid ney Trouble, Some of Them Hickory Cases. Each of some 6,000 newspapers of the United States is publishing from week to week names of people in its particular neighborhood, who h?ve used and recomended Doan's Kidney Pills foi' kidney backache, weak kid neys, bladder troubles and urinary disorders. This mass of proof includes over 30,000 testimonials. Hickory is no exception. Here is one of the Hickory cases. Mrs. Fannie Probst, Twelth st. and Second ave., Hickory, N, C., says "Judging from my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills, I do not hesitate to confirm the public testimonial I gave some time ago recommending them. I suffered a great deal from nervous and dizzy spells and my head and back. The kidney action was irregular. I did not sleep well at night and arose in the morning tired. 1 pro cured Doan's Kidney Pills at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store and used them. They made me strong and well." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doans —and take no other. CIGARETTES ARE BAD [ORWOMEN Mrs. foodroi filsoa Has De cided Yieis on Subject A CONFUSION 8F NAMES Wife of Democratic Candidate Gives Out Letter Taking Strong Stand on Smoking Habit. New York. —For the first time since Woodrow Wilson t«»me the Demo* cratic presidential candidate has Mrs. Wilson appeared. She attended in person her husband's dally conference with reporters, although heretofore she has made special requests that MS be not quoted nor written about in the papers. What Mrs. Wilson wished to have fully understood was that If "h® be comes the first lady of the land she will not, at has been said in a widely distributed interview, package* of cigarettes in her personal desk at the White House and Indulge In smok lng them with her caller*. . Through Governor Wilson, Mrs. Wil son asked that publicity be to a letter she had written to the editor of the State Journal at Columbus, 0., repudiating an alleged interview with her in which she defended cigarette smoking for women. The interview nad come to her in S letter signed "American Citlsen." whioh said: "Dear Madam—l can ecaroely think of any greater calamity to the young women of the nation than to read such a preachment as your interview offers tnem. I am a worklngman, and I see men lose their Jobs almost ovary da* because they are incapacitated for worlr by the use of the oigarette. If smoking does this for strong men what will It do for girls and women?" The "interview" was indeed a cor> dial indorsement of the woman smok er. Here are some sf ita assuring phrases, all credited to Mrs. Wlleon: "A woman writer for a syndicate of Sunday newspapers asked Mrs Woodr row Wilson if she agreed with Ger trude Atherton's opinon of the smok ing of cigarettes by women. She smil ingly exhibited three cigarette boxes piled in the corner of her desk, all but empty. " 'Why shouldn't a woman smoke It she enjoys it?* she queried. " 'Why hasn't she just as much right to a cigarette as a man Certainly 1 agree with Mrs. Atherton that any existing prejudice against women smoking is to the last silly and ab surd. " Smoking cigarettes is a question of manners, nft morals. It promotes good fellowship. " 'Some women feel that a cigarette calms their nerves and helps their brains into working order. -Personally smoking diffuses my thoughts instead of concentrating them. I enjoy it as I enjoy after dinner coffee. Both ars pleasant ways of ending and finishing off; both add to conviviality and good fel'. iwship.'" The editor of the Ohio State Journal, It was clear, had besn much Incensed at the apologies for the cigarette habit among women attributed to Mrs. Wil son, as he wrote eh Aug. 10 an edito rial in which he ealled for the defeat of Governor Wilson or a repudiation from his wife. If there was ne mis take about it, hs wrote, "Mrs. Wood row Wilson shouldn't hs mistfsss of the White House." If the Ohio editor VM emphatli Mrs. Wilson WM oertalnly not lest DO. After the reporters had said they would gladly publish her letter to the Ohio editor she asked for an hour's time In which to write one. This was what she prepared: "Dear Slrv-I have just received a copy of the Journal wltfe your edito rial entitled 'Smoking Women,' and I beg leave to deny indignantly the statement that I approve of women smoking cigarettes. The interview upon which your editorial was based is a pure invention. I Intensely dis like the olgarette smoking habit for women—in fact, so strong is my feel* Ing on the subject that my real danger lief; in being unjust and unkind In my judgment of those who differ with me in this respect "But oertainly no woman in our household ever has or ever will smoke, i.uite apart from the bad taste of It, I believe with you that it has an ex tremely injurious effect on the nerres. "ELLEN A. WILSON. ("Mrs. Woodrew Wilson.") Governor Wilson, la approving the letter sent out by Mrs. Wilson, offered what he thought might prove an ex planation for the interview. "I do not think it was maliciously Invented," be said. 'There is a rather well known writer who sighs herself Mrs. Wilson Wood row, and she no doubt has been confused with Mrs. Wilson." Mrs. Wilson Woodrow was formerly married to a relative of Governor Wil son, and it fs understood that her views on the matter at women who smoke are different from tbose held in the household of the Democratic candidate. It is reported that papers which are supporting the bull mooser hart or dered extra fonts ef Ai d they will be needed when Teddy get* to AUking. Wonder how the colonel likes being an outcast? Bame Here. John Smith was seen on our streets Saturday evening.—Little York Cor respondence. Man's Idea of Woman's Dress. "If a man spots anything remark able about a woman's dress, nine times out of ten it is something that annoys him; if he merely considers her well dreesed, the effect as a whole Is enough for him, and details are in-, perfloua."—Clouds, by Charles Igglee- Good On* Way. For many years a mas named Dut ton was a popular conductor between Duluth and Two Harbors. A woman from Duluth purchased a ticket, a re turn ticket to Two Harbors, and then concluded to return by boat. Some months later she wished again to visit Two Harbors and presented the re maining half of her former ticket. Mr. Dutton looked at it a full minute, then •aid: "I think this ticket is good for one transportation, madam, but you will have to ride backward." Dally Thought. Our grand business is not to pee what lies dimly at a distance, l>ut to do what lies clearly at hand. — Car lyle. One of the most common ailments that hard working people are afflicted, with is lame back. Apply Chamber lain's Liniment twice a day and mas sage the parts thorougly at each appli cation, and you will get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. The recent Southern confer ence of the N. C. Synod meeting in Richfield church appointed Rev. Messrs. Kir.ard, Parkei and Brown a committee to confer with a committee from the Ten nessee Synod concerning the proposed consolidation of all the congregations in the Liberty community regardless of Synod ical relation. A resolution diss approving Coca-Cola advertising in church literature was adopted. It Made Him Shake. I wish to say a word in praise of Dr. King's Improved Chill and Fever Ton ic. I had chills for one year continu ally, and tried all the chill tonics I could get and also doctor's prescriptions but all failed to cure. Part of one bottle entirely cured me, and have not had chills since. I recommend only King's. T. F.-HOWARD. Sold by ll medicine dealers. Certificate of Dissolution. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To all to whom these presents may come—Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposit ed in my office, that the Morrison Bros. Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. —, - —Street, in the town of Hickory, County ot Cataw ba. State of North Carolina (C. T. ! Morrison being the agent therein andj in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Re visal of 1905, entitled "Corporations." preliminary to the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 21 day of February, 1912, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent ana the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof. I have here to, set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 21 day of Febru ary, A. D, 1912. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. N. C., Catawba County—Recorded in Corporation Book No. 2. Office Clerk of Superior Court, 7-29-1912. C. M. McCORKLE. (Low Fares! On the Ist and 3rd Tuesdays of each month the fares are sxtra low and allow stop overs free and 25 days time— via Cotton Belt Route to Arkansas & Texas The Cotton Belt Route is the dirtct line from Memphis to Texas, through Arkansas two splendid trains daily, with through sleepers,chair cars and parlor-cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Belt Route trains Vg§ to the Southwest. t Write to me today I will tell you exact fare from your town, sched ule, and send you splen « did illustrated books of farm facts about Arkan sas and Texas. & H. H. SUTTON, District Pauenf cr Agent ■ M. B. HOLTSFORD, Passenger Agent 109 W. 9th Street Tenxi* All year Tourist Tickets alto on sal* Daily to eer talnpointsiaTex- -:> r M, MMajrsUioit. Ml IfcJ WSfNkklh l© IS your con(,ition run RUN LHJlvrir down—do you feel lacking |n s just when you j which will make your blood rich and red, better your appe tite, braee up your nerves and build up and strengthen your entire system. Try a bottle, costs $1 and notice the buoyant vitality and life that it will bring. MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists. "ON THE CORNER." sooeocooeooacoooocoooaoo^ k "Swat the Fly" f & —-—n 8 To avoid the spreading of disease kill JJ V V V the fly. To avoid poverty and misery V & when you are old deposit your money O in OUR bank,where it will grow while k you sleep, earning four per cent com- X pounded quarterly. We have some 9 fly swatters, which we will be glad to X ® give our friends while they last. Call 0 and get one. h 1 1 | & Hickory Banking & Trust Co. 4o0000600Q00900000eOQ09(»l NEW MOTIONS j Old Emotions in New Form OPERA HOUSE OR ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEWLY REFURNISHED AND REFITTED Under its new auspices the Opera House has opened for the Season and all the winter with Three New Reels of Motion Pictures each and every night during every week. These pictures, of wh'ich three are tr be shewn each night during the season, are fresh from the factory ac»l every reel is guaranteed to be not over 18 days old. These pictures are not only new and fresh but are perfect in every respect and are in the highest class of art. They are shown in Hickory tne third day after arriving in North Carolina from New York, and operated on one of the latest type and best make and best machines in the business. Although costing much more than twice as much to procure these high class pictures they will be exhibited in the newly refitted Thornton Opera House at the popular price. Admission 10c, Children under 12, sc. Come and join in the festivities which will help to keep Lic'ory in the front rank of all that's going on. There are 535 seats and the seats have been raised in the THORNTON OPERA HOUSE as it is now called until you would hardly know the place. There are two entrances, and exits. The si eel stairway outside, built as a fire escape can be used, a door having been made in the wall for the purpose. "Join in the Right Glad Hand." IT DOLLAR'! Goes a Long Way if 1 invested in our store ♦ "ITT E carry a full line of Dry j|j 8 Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes R jS • and everything Tiandy in the I home. | Buy your groceries from us. m Housekeepers brag on our m |Setzer & Russell. |