fHE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday HOWARD A. BANKS, - Editor and Owner. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ I -°° Six Months, " 5© Chree Months «« " 2 5 Advertising Rates on Application Entere J at the Post Office at Hickory second class matter. HICKORY. N. C. SEPT.26, 1912 Democratic Ticket. Governor—Locke Craig. Lieutenant Governor—E. L. Daughtridge. Secretary of State—J. Bryan Grimes. Treasurer—B. R. Lacy. Auditor—W. P. Wood. Attorney General—T, W. Bicket. Superintendent of Public In struction —J. Y. Joyner. • Commissioner of Labor ana j Printing—M. L. Shipman. Commissioner of Agricult ure... \V. A. Graham. Long Term Corporation Com missioner---Geo. P. Pell. Short Term Corporation Com missioner—E, L. Travis. Supreme Court Judges—W. A. ; Hoke and Geo. H. Brown. State Senate—W. B. Councill, of Hickory. House of Representatives— W. B, Gaither, of Newton. WHY DOESN'T SIMMONS SUE HIM? We do not believe Senator Sim mons is a man who could fr bribed. We hold some thing* against him but not that, al though we do believe he is a man who would be captivated and tre mendously though perhaps un consciously influenced by a mas ter mind like Bailey's. (He wa c swept off his feet by a maudlin sentiment of pity for Lorimer, who had walked, either near sighted or blind folded, into tht Senate through the stench of a veritable Valley of Hinnom of debauchery of legislators.) We cannot understand why Senator Simmons would sue a lapsing weekly newspaper for libel an not bring suit against the man who charges that the lumber trust is financing the Senator's campaign. WASN'T IT THE BLOW THAT KILLED FATHER? The Statesville Landmark says "It will be recalled that wher. a Democratic House passed f tariff bill during the last Cleve land administration, the biil was so protectionized in the Senate by men like the late Senator Gorman, of Maryland, Senatci Smith, of New Jersey, anc. others, that Old Man Clevelanc refused to sign it. He allower it to become a law without hi: signature but he wrote a lette to Mr. Catchings, of Mississippi, in which he referred to th measure as 'party perfidy am party dishonor' and said 4 th« deadly blight of treason har crept into the councils of the brave and destroyed them in their hour ot might." Don't you believe that cost th Democratic-party a long lease o: power, and that no chances ought to be taken on returning un-bowlegged Senators who have ever wabbled a single wabble? SHAMELESS EXTRAVAGANCE. Editor Beasley in the Monroe Journal, is making a strong pro test for economy in government expenditures. It makes a tru assertion when it says this can not be done without increasing the burdens of the people. It recalls that "the princely andtru* J. P. Caldwell'' used to opposi the idea that getting something from the government was just so much in "on the ground that it was a vitiating and demoraliz ing influence on the character o* the people." The Journal justly makes the point that "all that is wasted is a direct waste of the bone and sinew of the men~~who labor." There is shameless and sinful extravagance in Congress, and there is far too great a tendency to estimate the value of a man in public life by what he gets in appropriations. The last Congress was far too spendthrift with the people's money, when, with the check of a Democratic House which was being urged by Underwood and other leaders to be economical, it should have checked the uni versal desire to pack the pork barrel, The way Congress ap propriates money is often little I*BB than thievery. A SELF-DISFRANCHISED OFFICE SEEKER. Mr. Smyre, who is running or the Republican ticket for sheriff, is a very clever gentleman, but we were told the other day ii Newton that he had not availed ■limself of the high privilege ol voting for 16 years. The chanct to go to the polls on electior day and put a white slip in i jox with a slit in it was bough "rom tyrants, ecclesiastical an ;ivil, at the price of blocc joured oat freely through cen ;uries. Yet after despising thi: >irthright of freedom for 16 /ears, the Republican candidal or sheriff in Catawba comes be fore his fellow citizens and say :n effect: "Vote me into a job, please. ' And Mr. Smyre hasn't even of ered the excuse that he had >een waiting, lo these man> ;ears, for the Bull Moose to bel ow. Against a self-disfranchised nan, the Democrats offer for a ;econd term Mr. Lee Hewitt, vho has made gofcd—as good a> my sheriff Catawba ever had, md it has had lots of good ones fn fidelity to every duty and ir the splendid system in his offic* md books,' Sheriff Hewitt de serves especial commendation We do not believe Catawba vo ters will hesitate as between these two. fHE HONOR SYSTEM FOR HAZ- ING. This is the pitifullest sentence are ever read: "I intrusted to the care of the University my beloved boy; he was returned to me a mangled :orpse." The words were spoken by the ? ather of young Rand, murdered it the University by four sopho mores, one of whom by the way s said to be a candidate for the ministry. It is not entirely fair to say hat any college faculty cannot >tamp out hazing. We were nildly hazed at Davidson. We nissed the most of it as- we en tered fresh half advanced after Christmas. The bulk of our ilass was severely hazed, and two men had been suspended for it before wejr matriculated. But it was still gettingr in some sneaking cowardly work although r ,he faculty was doing its best to stamp it out. A false system of college honor prevailed (which we admit we fell in with at the time) that it was dishonorable tc report a college man even for the meanest and most lawless icts. It still generally prevails Later on our own class, whicl included such men as President 'V. «L Martin, Rev. C. G. Var lell, Dr. Salomon R. McKee am Rev-J. A Harris, in this State, rook the lead in stamping out this barbarism, and with eoor results. It has showed its hear )ccasionally since but Davidsor las been comparatively fre» from. The honor system in th? hands of the boys themselves i the ideal way to abolish it. It i almost as hard to free a campu: )f it, as a country of murder anc robbery. HASN'T THE RIGHT RING. Senator Simmons did not hesi tate to say in his speech in New ton that North Carolina had no' ?ot her share in the way of ap propriations, and we presume h also meant in tariff balance? against New England greediness. It is just such a statement that which makes us fear Sena tor Simmons. It was that idea that swung Ben Tillman off th( track as a bulldog champion for tariff reduction. That meant that he will fight for lowering duties in the interest of the whole people as long as he can, but when he finds he can't re sist the enormous pressure to keep duties up, he will let up, and go in to grab for ourselves what he can. There can never b$ any true tariff reform that way. That is the ta'k of a log roller, not the argument of a statesman. GLADIATORS. Two high toned gentlemen will meet on the stump when Yates Webb and Charlie McKes son make the race for Congress in this district. There will be some splendid oratory, some keen thrusts. History repeats itself and we will have another "gen tle passage of arms at Ashby;" THE MEANEST AND STINKING EST." Said Senator Simmons at New Ljon: " "The meanest, stinkingesl rust in America is J. P. Mor Morgan's steel trust." We think the Senator in trying ;o straighten up has leaned bacl ;oo far. We v have alway hought that Carnegie and Pier >oint Morgan* were~ men o .igher ideals and cleaner mei ;han those who have heade ome other trusts, and, if th Senator's language must be ap )lied, that the Standard Oil, th obacco, the beef, and trie woo :rusts were meaner and stink nger than the steel trust. LAFOLLETTE'S TACTICS. Senator La Follette in hh magazine is maintaining hi? position in the Republican party vhile at the same time he makes .10 secret of his desire to see tht lational Democratic ticket elect ad. He indicates his belief that ne and his group of Republicar progressives can be very usefu ; to Mr. Wilson, if the latter is elected, and this is true. Tht aght of Big Business this year is to hold the Senate. The country :an never pay its debt to the ittle band of Progressives wh stood with Democrats in the last Congress in fhssing the tarifi oiils, which were sent to Tali for his fatal vetoes. THE FRANKING EVIL. The seed graft frank ing privilege are two evils that will need the attention of Wilson when he gets into power. Con gressman Rodenburg, of Illinois, has lately franked 250,000 copies of an attack on the pure food laws to doctors and • others throughout the country and not in his own constituency. This adds $5,000 to the postal deficit. DOUBT DISAPPEARS. No One in Hickory Who Has a Bad Back Should Ignore This Double Proof. Does your back ever ache? Have you suspected your kidneys? Backache is sometines kidney ache. With it may came dizzy spells, Sleepless nights, tired dull days. Distressing urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills have been en dorsed by thousands. Are reccomended here at home. You have Read Hickory proof. Reidnow the Heckory sequel. Renewed testimony; tested by time, H. C. Sigmon, 820 Ninth Ave., Hickory, N. C., says. "A few weeks ago I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store and used ihem for lame back and weak kidneys, from which I had suffered for some time. I received more relief than from any other preparation I had ever tried. I gladly reccomend Doan's Kidney Pills to others.'' (Statement given Januiry 16, 1908.) v. FOUR YEARS LATER. When Mr. Sigmon was interviewee on March 6, 1912, he added: "All 1 have said in 1908 recommendinf Doan's Kidney Pills still holds good. They are a reliable kidney remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 :ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the n^me—Doans —and ake no other. Civil Service Examination. V September 28 a civil service axamination will be held at tht oostoffice in Hickory for clerl md carrier. The age limit ol applicants is 18 to 45. Women, anless married, are admitted t the examination for clerk. Ap plicants must be physically sound and male applicants not less thai 5 feet 4 inches in height, or not less than 125 pounds in weight. For applications, blanks and full information about the examina tion, qualifications, duties, salaries, etc., address immediate ly Mr. A. L. Deal, secretary, Hickory, N. C, A Noble Life. The noble life 13 the life of large and spacious aims, the life which ia. sweet and quick within, by the living gsasp of great things upon the soul. It is the atmosphere which a life makes around it, a life which lives habitually in the upper air, which dwells serenely in the company of great and beautiful things.—J. Vickery. How To Be Plump Most people constantly suffer from oss of appetite, especially for break ast, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, low spirits; irritability, with a heavy, dull headache, biliousness, sick head ache, blotches on the skin, lack of en ergy and a feeling of weariness, all of which are due to constipation. Con stipation is the forerunner of indiges tion, sluggish liver and nervousness, and it is of the utmost importance that the bowels should be gently regulated by a reliable aperient. Dr. King's Blood and Livei Pills meet this want, 25c. at store of all medicine dealers. haosaftiis Have Kidney Troable and Haver Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or com mon plass with your vater ami let it stand twenty-four hours. a brick dust sedi x-r'Csi ment, or settling, fe) stringy or milky &Vft\ (J appearance often -y/ « i f indicates an un liealtliy condi fpj [hi tion of tße kid neys; too fre -1 qnent desire to - _ pass it or pain in he back are also symptoms that teil you he kidneys and bladder are out of order nd need attention. What To 80. There is comfort in the knowledge so ften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Vwainp-Root, the great kiduey remedy, ulnlls almost every wish in correcting heumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, i ver, bladder and every part of the urinary as sage. Corrects inability to hold water nd scalding pain in passing it, or bad ffects following use of liquor, wine or jeer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne :essity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many imes during the night. The mild and ramediate effect of Swamp-Root is. •oon realized. It stauds the highest be muse of its remarkable -4 iealth restoring prop irties. If you need a nsSSSSS SSlgfisi"? medicine you should g lave the best. Sold by iruggi ts in fifty-cent ind one-dollar sizes. Homeot .vvoui|>-lfeK4. You may have a sample bottle sent free oymaii. Address Dr. Kilmer &Co.>Biug lamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and -emember the name, Dr. Kiliher's Swamp- Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Burton W. Gibson, a New York lawyer, has been jailed, on charge of murdering Mrs. Rosa Menschic Szago, a client, while boating together on Greenwood Lake, N. Y., July 16. The worn an's lungs contained no water it is believed she was choked :o death, as her "Adams apple" .vas pushed down into the lar ynx. Gibson told her he had found a fortune willed to her, md she had signed papers by which he could benefit, if she were out of the way. l *l suffered habitually from consti pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels so they have been regular ever since." E Davis, Grocer, Sulphur SpriDgs, Tex. Senator James A. Reed, quotes from a circular letter which is being sent to great industrial plants begging for J?500 00 sub scriptions for the Bull Moose campaign. They are signed by National Treasurer E. H. Hook er, of New York. Senator Reed says one letter was sent to e western firm recently charger 1 , by the U. S. attorney genera) with having violated one of the criminal statues of the United States. f Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made in the Special Proceeding enti tled J. W. Robinson, administrator of R. A. Yoder, deceased, vs. RoSa E Yoder and others, the undersigned Commissioner, on the 19th day ol October, 1912, at 12 o'clock M, at the stpps of the First National Bank, Hickory, N. C., will offer for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract of valuable real estate being in Hickory, N. C., Catawba County, adjoining the lands of L. A. Witherspoon and othen and near Lenoir College, and more particularly described ai follows: to-wit. Beginning at the N. E. corner e; L. A. Witherspoon's lot, on College Ave.; thence N. 54 1-4 W. 538 1-2 feet with his line to a stone of A.L Crouse's line; thence with A. L. Crouse's line N. 35 3-4 E. 172 feet to a stone cor ner on Hope Avenue; thence with Hope Avenue S. 54 1-4 E. 538 1 2 feet to a stone on Hcpe Avenue; thence S. 35 3-4 W. 172 feet to the beginning corner, namely N. E. cor ner of L. A. Witherspoon's lot on College Avenue,—said land to be offered for sale in lots of convenient size and as a whole —with the following boundaries contained in a deed from R. A. Yoder to Rosa E, Yoder, dated 9th November, 1907, and recorded ii register's office, Catawba County ii Book 84 at page 214 to be excepted fromthe above described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a stone corner of col lege Avenue and Hope Avenue, nea: che eastern limits of the town of Hick ory, N. C., and runs with Hope Ave N. 54 1-4 W. 300 feet to a stone; thence S. 35 3-4 W. 100 to a stone; thence S. 54 1-4 E. 300 feet to a stone, on College Avenue; thence with College Avenue N. 35 3 4 E 100 feet to the beginning. Terms of sale are cash. This 12th day of September, 1912, 9-19-4t John.W. Robinson, Conj."* Show Yourself. Little Marjorie was showing hex new birthday toys to grandpa, when her mother told the girl to let grandpa show them to himself. Marjorie waa unwilling to do this because she wished to do the exhibiting. Then an idea struck her. "Here, grandpa," she said, handing him a toy at a time aa she "show yourself my dolly, Bhow yourself my blocks." And thus she went through the collection.— Judge. Too Much for 50 Cents V King's Improved Chill and Fever Tonic is the finest I ever saw. I sold one bottle which cured some ia three families. The only objection 1 have to it is that it too manv people. S. H. MATHIS. Conrad's, N. C. Taste not bad. L?rge bottle. Al ways cures and chills don't return. Sold by all medicine dealers. The Men Who Succeed. as heads of large enterprises are men of great energy. Success, today, de mands health. To ail is to fail* It s utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half alive condition when Electric Biiters will put him on his feet in shoit order. "Four bottles did me more real good than any other medicine I ever took," writes Chas B. Allen, Sylvania, Ga. "After years of suffering with rheumatism, liver trouble, stomach disorders and de ranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to .Electric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 50c. at Moser & Lutz, C. M. Shuford, and Grimes Drug Co. _ PHONE City Bakery 235, For Your Bread, Cakes and Pies. Nutlet Peanut Butter for the school lunch, 10 and 25 cent sizes. 1 WTIZ A wants a Foun j WHU tain Pen that | won't write? The woods j are full of pens called best by their makers. : Where you find a man with a WATERMAN IDEAL in his pocket you will find a man that is J particular. | The Van Dyke Shop, J Hickory, N. C. WE OFFER, at a reduced price, two number five, one number ten and one number twelve De Laval Separators. These have been slightly used but are practically as good ;as new. If interested, call and see us. : : : We buy all kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORV, N. C.; j Building ! Materials. s - * i Sash, \ Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, - Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, \ Cypress Shingles. I H I a i Estimates made from i 5 ' ] plans. Good supply of • j Manufacturing Material in I Stock. •5 j Hickory Mfg. Co. 1 HICKORY, N. C. Chinese Children Like Pirla. Recently a number of Chinese chll Iren have been found in the streets 0/ Paris and taken before the magistrates xs vagabonds. These children were brought to France by showmen to per orm as acrobats. After a few months, their performances having lost their novelty and ceased to attract, the man agers abandoned them. They have been taken to the Chinese legation to be sent home. But they don't want to go home. The beautiful city of Paris is more to liking. Cheapest accident insurance—Dr. Thomas' Eclectic -fcl. For burns, scalds, cuts and mergencies. Ail druggists sell it, 2Sq and SOc. WOMEN TAKE JJ3TICEI A man cannot understand the torture ond suffering many women endure nnooniplainingly. If the majority of men suffered as much pain and endured with the weakening sicknesses thct most women do, they would ask f Gr immcdiate sy npathy and look for a tn ick- cure. Many women have been saved from a life of misery and suffering by turning to the right remedy—Dr. Pierce's Fav.»r>e Prescription—a remedy which is to take because containing no narcotics. uicohol or injurious ingredients. It j 8 an alterative extract of roots, made with pure glycerin, and first given to the public by that famous specialist in the diseases of women—Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y. ®MBS. T-.T7.rric M. HESSHEIMER. of Lincoln, Neb.. 5291(3 » 0F ravs: "I send a testimonial with much pleasure so that sorw? suffering woman may know the true worth of vour rctnedii I was a great suffer or from female troubles hut aiter taklri one bottle of Dr. i ierce's Favorite Prescription, which S friend advised mu to take, I fouud myself very much in, proved. After taking three more bottles, and usine boxes of Dr. Pierce 3 Lotion Tablets, I found mys. if 0H fh " road to recovery. I was in poor health for five y.-ars but now I am cured. "I hope all women suffering from female weakness will givo Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a fair trial. 1 Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate mm stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. The Authorities of the Appala chian Training School are anxious to increase the area of its patronage. They believe that the strong faculty and improved equipment, together with the good climate and extreme cheapness of living ought to attract students from a large radius. If you are interested, Address, SECRETARY OF* THE FACULTY, BOONE, N. C. The Fall Term Begins August 20. s-15-st. I Goes a Long Way if | invested in our store I YTI7 E carry a full line of Dry ™ Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes and everything handy in the m home. Buy your groceries from us. Housekeepers brag on our _ Flour. | Setzer & Russell. I ift ■gaBUMBPS.* ft NpyBJW wMJJtM WbsKSM SnKHKiA JBiMklr WBtßm. SI f&QOSOOOOOOOOSOOOOQOBOOe^ I Drink a Bottle of | 1 And See How the World Lights Up. I 8 ? I H h f Call for Pepsi-Cola. Put down your \ 8 v I five cents and if you don't like it— 1 £5 « \ get your money back. / K i x Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company K h Hickory; N. C. O >ooo , '8Cooocosoooo»SQoes^^ OAK LUMBER I • WANTED. I The Hickory Chair Manufactur-j ing Co. are now ready to buy! your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. Mountain Farm For Sale AT A BARGAIN. \ On headwaters of John's River, two miles from Green Park Hotel, Blou 'fV Rock, 65 acres, fine orchard, 350 trees, Dulas Beauty, Albemarle, npP»" 2 etc. 5-room house, fine spring. Apply to Dallas Holler, Hickory, N. K.,k-