MR. J. C. FOWLER Who will make three or more flights in his Curtiss Aeropfane here Oct. 31 and Noy. 1 THE DEM PLATFORM IS GOOD (Continued from first page) Judge Councill Means To Win. ,4 I am not-o'ng to be defeat ed," said Judge Councill, "Aman yho heard sadi Jonas he said sue rri a 'jn things about me that was poing to vote for me. "I don't know where we're at," said another Republican,, ''so I am S" to vote for you. Not less thin 15 or 20 have pledged me and I will welcome sup port from others. i'nere never has been an o> ca3 ~ijn more auspicious than this n get in under cover in the big ?es"t victory a presidential candi date ever won." The speaker commented on the high privilege of voting, and refered to the fact that Col. G. H. Yoder who sat "Before him, had voted tor a Democratic Presi dent ever since 1848. "The Democratic party has al ways stood for equal rights to all and special privileges to none. Oar peopie are awaking to the fact that the Republican party is Republican only in nanie. v The bigtrustshave poured millions in to the Republican corruption fund to poison the fountains of justice, corrupt the laws and build up great fortunes in the hands of a few." Lack of space forbids a full re port of the judge's able speech. He reviewed the splendid record of the Democratic party in the state on education, the constitu tional amendment, care for the unfortunate, etc. The judge concluded with the story of a man fascinated by see ing the man mthe circus who did tie stunt of putting his head in the lion's jaws. He followed the circus from place to place. Tc's only a matter of time when that head will come off,'' he ex la nei . "and I want to be on and to see it." It's only a few weeks until Theodore Roosevelt with his big teeth will bite off the head of the Republican party, and everybody ought to be on hand to see it." In his night speech, Judge Councill paid a handsome tribute to the Independents in politics. The bulkof them this year appear to be for Wilson, the intellectual equal of Jefferson, and who wears no man's collar. Cn 11 c. r © r> Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Black Gloves That Wear best" is never too good in a black glove is the conclusion reached by all who risk an inferior kid or suede. Centemeri Black Gloves Give Satisfaction While not more expensive than any good black kid or suede, the exceptional wearing qualities of these gloves place them above . all others less expertly made. One standard of quality. Every glove "the best" at the price that can be made. tiompson-Wes: Cc HICKORY, N.C. COL. ROOSEVELT HAKES SPEECH U AFrER HE IS SHOT Fired at by a Soc alist as he bad enterered an automobile to go to the Auditorium in Milwaukee Monday night, CoK Theodore Roosevelt made half the distane. before he discovered that he had actually been shot in the breas r . I'll make this speech or die." he said to his doctor, and refu ing to go to a hospital he spoke to an enormous audience, who were thrilled by the announce ment, confirmed Mr. Rooseve t himself, that he had a bullet ii; his body. An ovation was given him. Twice he seemed about to falter, and his voice grew weak. He was" shot at 8 o'clock ano finished his speech-at 9:45, whei he was whisked to the hospital for treatment. His assailant was named Jno. Schrank and said he had a vision of Wm. McKinley, dressed as a monk, who told him that Roose velt wa? his murderer and should be killed rather than have i third term begged the crowr not to lynch Schrank. Mrs. Jones Very 111 in Granite. Granite Falls, Oct. 14th — Last Wednesday morriug Mr. Wesley Winkler had his arm cu off in a corn shreder. He let his haii get cau?ht in the feed rolls and it drew in his arm and cut it off at his elbow. Dr. Shuford in Hickory had t amputate close to his shoulder - There was not a doctor in towr and Mr. D. H. Warlick brought his auto., and rushed him to tht Richard Baker Hospital, as notec in the Democrat last week. Mrs. Martha Jones is not ex pected to live. She is an agec lady and has been an invalid foi several years. She is the widow of the late S. G. H. Jones. Invitations are out announ cing the marriage of Miss Claudie Ciane to Dr. Hickman of Hudson. Dr. A. D. Abernethy will build an office on the public square in the near future. Notice For the purpose of registering voters, I will be at Setzer & Russell's store every day except Saturdays, and that day I will be at the old Marshall House, the regular polling place. Book close even ing of the 26th, at sunset. D. E. Whitener, Registe US Wit TIE DEMOCRATIC • ■ COUNTY TICKET SHOULD BE ELECTED Our Record. Catawba is a close county politically and its voters are think ing men who act usually for what they think best for the public in terest, The Democrat has great admiration for the independent in politics, and it wishes to put before the Catawba county Jnde oendent and Republican reasons why, this year, their vote should be cast for the county Democratic ticket. The county commissioners are the legislative part of the county machinery. What is the record of our Democratic board? They have pqjii-off the $6,000 debt, chiefly on the Catawba-Alexander county bridge, which they inherited, and will carry five thou sand dollars surplus over for thtir successors. They rebuilt the Brookford bridge at SISOO, a bridge down at Finger's ancjt are receiving bids now for a bridge at the Modeller place on the new 3-mile road vhich is being cut out from the Sharp place to Da Foard's. At a cost of $774 they.luilt a new road to the Catawba- Iredell bridge at Buffalo Shoals. Besides they have repaired many bridges. At a cost of over $2500 they have repaired the court house and jail. They have inaugurated the new era of good road building in Cat awba, the value of which will be beyond estimate for this and un born generations. To handle the $50,000 bond issues each of New ton and Hickory townships they have risen above petty politics and appointed non-partisan boards to expend the road money. Two and a half miles of sand clay are now infuse between Hickory and Brookford. They have spent S3OO on the hookworm campaign, and given $l5O to the Hickory Rifles, the company to which the county would look to save it from the blot of lynching or the danger of riot A splendid record for both economy and service! Our Ticket Of the present board Messrs Gabriel. F. A. Yoderand Little were renominated, while the new blocd presented consists of Messrs. S. L. Whitener and M. Caleb Petzer, splendid, safe men, all. For sheriff, Lee Hewitt has made a record which surpasses that of any sheriff in Nortn Carolina. .He rep >rts his taxes collected up in full to the very last penny, at the end of his term. . His books are perfect. E. D. Gamble is right behind him in the Register's ofHee with his excellent books. "Waiter S lerrill is a splendid man, alfaole, capable, for treasurer. R. L. Hoke for coroner and Enloe Yoder for surveyor add strength to an already unusually fine ticket. Gaither tor the House and Councill for the Senate will give Catawba a standing in the Legislature which few other counties will have. Our Platform Our platform pledged these two last named to work for six months school terms, to abolish the old fee system in Catawba in favor of fair salaries to county officers, and for a simple system for registering land titles. What does the Republican platform favor? Is there any Republican county platform? v Voters of Catawba, here is our record, our ticket and our plat form. We ask you to endorse all three. § .BUSINESS LOCALS [ The Hickory Chair Co. will buy Newspapers at 1 cent a pound, 7 18 tf FOR SALE— dwellings, vacant lots, farms, other Real Estate. See Haithcocks ad. this issue. WANTED—Position as steno grapher, day or half day work. Reference. M. Hickory, N, C. Routed, Box 28. WANTED—A renter for my home farm. Every thingfurnish ed. J. B. Lutz. Young lady with some ex perience desires a position as saleslady in a dry goods store, can furnish the best of referen ces. Address X. f. Conover, N. C. HAITHCOCKS 18 years record fire insurance business here in Hickory. Many losses not one contest all promptly paid. See adJn this issue. WANTED—Two corps mana gers-Selling inventions sls. week ly and commission. W. M. Tryon "835-9 ave, Hickory N. C. - - FOR SALE—Four full blooded Pointer dogs, three are puppies four months old. Apply D. J. Sox, Lenoir College. WANTED—To sell good ma chine cheap. Apply L. S. Sherrill's. FOR SAtE— dwellings, vacant lots, farms, other Real Estate. See Kftithcock ad. this issue. LOST— or strayed one blaci' horse, blocky built, weighed about 900 pounds with a little age. Will pay a reasonable re ward for return to our stable, tlenkel Craig-Live Stock Co, WANTED—To rent a good piano. Write Frof. K.P. Patter son or phone 22. WANTED—A good sash and door man two good bench men, and two good machine men, Azalea Woodworking Co., Azalea, N. G. WARE HOUSE to rent, Ap ply to T. A, Mott. WANTED—IOO pounds of choice, clean persimmon seed; 1,000,000 strawberry plants, dif ferent varieties; 500 pounds of wa nut kernels;l bushel of red oak acorns. Hickory Seed Co, Hickory, N. C. 10 2t TO BE SOLD—FOUR valuable lots, Yoder property, near Lenoir College at public auction to the highest bidder at First National Bank steps, Oct. 19 at 12 o'clock. i 2t HAITHCOCKS 18 years record fire insurance business here in Hickory. Many losses not one contest all promptly paid. See ad. in this issue. WANTED —four milk cows, must give three and one half gallons milk per day. Addrees, Box 11. Route 2. Gastonia, N. C., DIIOCRATC SPEMINGS BY LEADERS AND CANDIDATES ' Hon. W. A. Self, and Hon. A. G. Shuford, will address the voters of Catavba county, dis cussing the issues df the day, a h the following places, at 7:30 o'clock at night:- November Ist—, Flemings Cross Rords; November. 2nd—, Mount Plesant; November 4th—, Lail's School House. Judge W. B. Councill and Hon. Lester Russell will address the voters of Maiden, Saturday, November 2nd at 7 o'clock. Everybody is invited to come out and hear the issues of the day discussed by these two able leaders of Democracy. ThelDemoci atic Candidates of Catawba county will meet the voters at 7:30 at night, at the following dates and places October 21st Conover October 22nd Claremont October 23rd Catawba October 24th Olivera October 25th Newton October 26th ,Brookfora October 28th West Hickory October 29th • • East Hickory October 31st Pitts Store November. 4th Hickory Everybody is invited to be present, and meet Catawba county's candidates, and hear what they have to say. J. D. Elliott, Chairman, Democratic Executive Com. "I s')ff;red habitually from constipa tion Doan's Regalets relieved and strengthened the bowels so that they have bten regular ever since," —E' Davis, Grocer, Sulphur Springs. Texas. Call for Meeting. We, the undersigned members of the WILSON-CRAIG DEMO CRATIC CLUB, hereby call a meeting to be held in the Stroup Hall, on Saturday the 19th, at eight o'clock, p. m, All members are urged to -be present. The organization of the club will be completed, short speeches to be made by leading Democrats, and music will be furnished by an excellent band. Signed; J. D. Elliott, D. L. Russeli, W. A. Self, P. P. Jcnes, Q. t£. Herman, R, H, Pitts, Chas. W. Bagby, W. J. Shuford, H. A. Banks, J. F. DeUinger, C. M. Shuford, F. A. Henderson, J. C. William?, A. A-Shuford Jr, N. W, Clark, D. B. Taylor, A. C. Link, C. E. Keever, J. F, Abernethy, D. H. Russell, P. C. Setzer, Methodist Sunday School Orchestra The Methodist Sunday School has organized an orchestra and expects to greatly improve tl e music. Other in struments will be added within .a few weeks. As now organized it consists of the following members: Miss Clara Bowles, piano, Mr. H. T. Campbell and Miss Mary Campbell, violin, Miss Mattie May Stroupe, bas3 i viol; Mis. G. F, Ivev, Guitar; Mr. Cedrich Dellinger, _ trombone, Mr. Loyd Whitener, clarinet. m Real Estate For Sale i-A( i *** >1 'Jf\. I V. §& ?V *' $500.00 For nicety painted cottage and large lot on Bth Ave. about 4 1-2 -blocks from passenger depot. Terms $200.00 cash, balance easy terms. $150.00 Will buy bargain in a jiice vacant lot 100 feet front, across the St. from Lane Martins dwelling. $2500.00 -For the lot 83 1-2 ft front on sth Ave. adjoining Charter House Hotel, best close In property on the market. $1200.00 For 10 acres good land, nice five room cottage, good large barm, right at corporation. - $1650.00 For 36 acres land, good 4 room dwelling, also 1 room cottage, large barn, crib, orchard, etc. About two miles south of town- Terms part cash balance in 1 year >' $650.00 For 14 acres land on Lincoln road about 2 miles from corporate limits. $2250.QQ For 17 1-2 acres land in Long View, 8 room dwelling partly finsh ed. Street on 3 sides, 1 block from railroad, Graded School building and church close by. Terms part cash. $4500.00 For elegant 9 room dwelling and lot, city water, sewer, electric lights on 9th Avei Fart cash balance easy terms.' $750.00 For new 4 room cottage and lot on Main Street in Long View. Part cash. $475.00 For stroag 3 large room cottage and lot in West Hickory. Part cash, balance easy terms. $4000.00 For good 60 acre farm, large dwelling and out buildings about 3 miles North-West of town. Part cash, balance easy terms. SIOOO.OO For new cottage, good barn, 4 acres lnnd, near church and Graded School in long View. $600.00 eash, balance easy terms. Other farms, other town property, vacant lots, etc. COME AND SEE COME AND SEE ME. JNO. E. HAITHCOCK _ £s3r . i jf *• --■? W ~- 9 -* V ! HIG KOR¥ $ >C. O vi Now is the Time to place your order for an artistic Stieff or Shaw Piano or Player Piano before the Christ mas rush. We have hundreds o4U- orders ahead at our factories and it begins to look like we will be unable to supply the demand. Better select your piano now and be sure of not being disappointed the day you want it Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Piano with the Sweet Tone Southern Wareroom 219 South Tryon St., i Opposite Academy of MifStc, Charlotte, N. C. i C. H. WILMOTH,Mgr. - ■ Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Here's A wireless MESSAGE FOR YOU - A clean, modern bakery will promptly relieve you of ALL the hard, hot labor or baking if you will but tell it to supply you with its choice bfread, pastry, cakes, etc. Our phone number is 236. Use it. Our-Motto is QUALITY, CITY BAKERY Mountain Farm For Sale AT A BARGAIN. On headwaters of John's River, two miles from Green Park Hotel, Blowing v Hock, 65 acres. Fine orchard, 360 trees, Dulas Beauty, Albemarle.; Pippin." etc. 5-room house, fine spring. Apply to Dallas Holler, Hickory, N. R., R. 2 r : 1 There are ninety new rea sons why you should own t .. a Ford touring car. And they are all dollar reasons. * You'll get your full share of Fora profits and Ford prosperity—when you take advantage of this big I % j price reduetion. - 1 t Runabout $575 Touring Car. . $650 Town Car. SBSO j These new prices, f. o. b. Hickory, N. C. with all equipment An early order will mean an early delivery Get particulars from, C. T. MORRISON, Hickory, N. C. .. . . ■'? ,*** g§B9stS SifT The Benjaman Starr Piano Fac tory will display some of their new est styles of Pianos atthe Hickory Fair Watch for future —After 'the Fair they will be sold— you'll pay the fac tory their -price--- not a dealers price —On display in the Thornton Building —Keep this in mind.. . "There's A Reason*"