, ■ I Xbe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of /¥r ~ and has been made under his per-* /V* jc/rffljrjfcts 801101 Ba P since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. jHI Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g00d 99 are but Experiments tt*»t trifle with and endanger the health of turnut;• and Children—Experienco against Experiment* What is CASTORIA i r . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms find allays Feverishness. It cures and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, ~ures Constipation nn(l Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the gtoniach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, jhe Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS j Sears the Signature of _ The KM Ton Hare Always Sought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH* CCMTAUN COMPANY, TF MURRAY tTHUT, frrw YORK SITY. - . M ,COPTRIGin\ * it Bk m m. ■ WmMm' shinoies LAID RIGHT wWE&BSHBw over old wod " SHINGLES Y BO * wfcenooce ir'j make a thoroughly ttorm-proof /'s■. /(■ fire-proof roof, neither of which can FY\'lT' ' ** EU ® ED FOI THEWOOD,HINGLE -. V ( 0 price—they cost no mote than a good wood shingle, and in tome plica they co«t much lew. Roofi put on 26 vear» ago ate a> good as new today, awl hare Beret needed repair*. F, B. Ingold, Hickory, N. C. 1 - V My DoctorSaktg "Try Cardui," writes Mrs. Z. V. Spell, of Hayne, N. C I " I was in a very low state of health, and was not able to 1 be up and tend to my duties. I did try Cardui, and soon f|| began to feel better. I got able to be up and help do my I housework. I continued to take the medicine, as*d now I I am able to do my housework and to care for my children, I and I feel as though I could never praise Cardui enough I for the benefits I have received." Cardui | Cardui is successful, because it is made especially for Hi women, and acts specifically on the womanly constitution. I Cardui does one thing, ana does it well. That explains I | the great success which it has had, during the past 50 years, a | in helping thousands -of weak and ailing women back to B| | health and happiness. If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and are nervous, g H cross and Irritable, ifs because you need a tonic. Why not I 1 try Cardui? Cardui builds, strengthens, restores, and acts m |1 in every way as a special, tonic remedy for women. Test j® I it for yourself. Your druggist sells Cardui. Ask him. Writa tor Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooa Medidne Co.. Chattanooga. Ten^ Sjg for Special Instructions , and 64-paft book, " Home Trettment lor Women, sent frit. JS> | Lee's Headache and Neuralgia Remedy - Safely, Sure y, Speedily. , ," Cures Headache and Neuralgia no matter what the cause. Nnmeous testimonials on file in our officebear us out in this statement. Read t e following: I have been a constant sufferer from headache fo - 12 years and could not get any reliet until it had run its course or take morphine. I tried Lee's Headache and Neuralgia Remedy and found permanent re l;e r . I heartily endorse it as the best thing I have ever tried. (Signed) H. A. GANDY, Hartsville, S.C. Soul Everywhere. Price 25c and 59c. : Manufactured hy Burwell & Dunn Co,, Charlotte, N. C. * Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vicksbufj, and all Mississippi points. AU. POINTS North, EastTSouthand West REACHED BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THfc Queers & CR6§Q6NT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, C AU ON OR WRITE j J. C. CONN, Pivtoion Paa>enger Agent, Read How, chattanoooa. tenn^ SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson Hl.—Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 20, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Texfef the Lesson, Mark Matt, viii, 5-13—Memory-Veraas 27, 2S—Goldan Taxt, s John vi, 37—Com mentary by Rav. D. M. Stearns. The two Incidents of these lessons, though far separated as to the time of their occurrence, are both illustrations of great faith on the part of two people who were not of Israel—foreshadow- Ings, no doubt, of the time when bless ing shall go from Israel and her right eous king to all other nations, as set forth in Ps. lxvii and many other places in wonderful words as these, "God be merciful unto us and bless us, that Thy way may be known upon earth. Thy saving health among all nations." and meantime contrasting the "little faith" or "no faith" of Is rael with the "great faith" of those of lesser privilege. The story of the woman of Tyre and Sldon follows in the regular order of events, while that of the Roman cen turion tafces us back to a time just after the choosing of the twelve'apos ties. Both events are recorded by Matthew: the centurion also in Luke rii and the gentile woman in Mark In the lesson of today. The great words In each lesson are, to my mind, "O w®- man. great is thy faith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt," and "Verily I say unto you,"l have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. * * * Go thy way, and as thou hast believed, so be It done unto thee" (Matt, iv, 2S; viii. 10-13). Taking the story of the centurion first, we note that his servant, who was dear unto him, was sick unto death, and the messengers who came to Jesus on his behalf Rpoke of the centurion's love for the nation and bow lie had built them a synagogue; but the centurion himself said, either per sonally or by his messengers, that he was not worthy to have the Lord Je sus come under his roof, but that if lie would only speak the word his servant would be healed. When the messengers returned to the centurion's house they found the servant whole that had been sick. He had been heal ed in the same hour-that Jesus had said. "As thou hast believed, so be it "done unto thee." As Jesus commended the centurion's faith He said to the people that many would come from all parts and share the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, while many who supposed they ' were>§ure of it would find themselves ' cast into outer darkness. How essen tial It Is that we become In God's way j His children and know that our names : are written in heaven (Luke x, 20; Rev. ; xx, 15; xxi, 8), for many who profess to be His will have to hear Him say, ! "I never knew you, depart from Me" iMatt -vii, 21-23). Mark the poverty of spirit of the centurion, no self con ceit or consciousness of the importance of his position, but evidently from his heart, "Lord, I am not worthy." Some thing of the spirit of him of Luke xviil. 13. 14, who went to his house Justified There is only one who is truly worthy, and when we take our right place be fore Him He is ready to honor all the faith we place In Him. * As to the other incident I have often thought that Jesus went away off there i fo be refreshed by that woman's greai faith, for knowing all things He knew ill abouMier and her_ trouble, and tbf way she would come to Him and cling 'o Him and take no denial. Nothing ♦leases Him like faith, and without faith it is impossible to please Him ft is written that the centurion's serv int was dear unto him, but here it b i mother pleading for her own daugh er who must have been dear to her nd specially dear because of her at Mctlon, for the sick one in a home gen j rally has the sympathy of all. As we hink of those who are dear to us do ve consider the words of our Father ID leaven concerning His only begotten •on, "This is My beloved Son in whon am well pleased?" (John lii, 1G latt. ill, 17; xvii, 5). Let us also la. ) heart that we do not honor the Fa her unless we honor the Son; and tha inee God spared not His own Son Ht vill with Him also freely give us all kings (John v, 23; Rom. viii, 32). Probably this distressed mother dii' iot know these great truths, but sht cnew that she had a greatly afflicted laughter, she had heard of this won lerful teacher who could heal all dis ases and cast out demons and had nc loubt longed to reach Him, but He wa> 00 far away, and so her case seemed uopeless. But now He had come near o her. the blessing was within her aach, and as soon as possible she is .t His feet heseechirig Him for her laughter. To get the complett record ve must put the accounts irf Matthew ind Mark side by side. To her first ppeal Jesus answered her not a word. The disciples besought Him to send ier awayi He then said that,He was out only to the lost sheep of' the souse of Israel. She first cried unto lim as the Son of David, now she ■ays. "Lord, help me." To this He re lied, "It is not meet to take the chil ren's bread and cast It unto the dogs." 'hen came her conquering appeal Yes, Lord, yet the dogs under the lble eat of the children's crumbs." Villing to own herself a gentile dojr leading for a crumb, ske gets all she ime for. "Forjthis saying go thy -ay; tlie devil is gone out of thy daugh- In each of these cases note the itreme weakness and lowliness of the replicants. o He Knows Now T. H. Barber, a large cotton plante ; if South Carolina, said: "For ter 'ears I suffered with severe headachi splitting, unfitting me for busi i less and putting me in bed, I fin inly lee's Headache and Neuragli Remedy never fails to cure mt promp ly." A scientific cure. Sold by all dealers. Children Ory 1 FOR FLETCHER'S jl CAST-ORIA Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "I#y daughter was afflicted with epileptic fits for three years, the attacks coming every few weeks. We employed several doctors but they did her no good. About a year ago wo and it certainly Httle girl. She is *Pf now apparently /r'i I cured and is en- i •I * Joying the best I \v *\vJf J of health - Tt 53 UR\\i' // over a year since \WnyV '' Bhe has had a * »' fit.' We cannot speak too. highly of Dr. Miles' Nervine." - MRS. FRANK ANDERSON, Comfrey, Minn. Thousands of children in the United States who are suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and sorrow to their parents, who would give anything to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles' Nervine is one of the best remedies known for this affliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest • faith in it. It is not a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy for nervous diseases. . You need not hesitate to give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. If the first bottle fails to benefit youi»" money Is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. • PROFESSIONAL CARDS Palace Barber Shop. . PALM TREE CAFE Neat, Glean and Up-to-Date. Sunday Dinners a Specialty Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTJST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. - Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Shuford Hardware Co, . - WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner , CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory, j Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 506 A. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. 1 Office Over Postoffice. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C,- D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. . R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shavinj. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1915 i Leave Lincolnton, N. C. ' East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily " " 132, 5:53 p. m., «* r West Bound , Train No. 133, 11:20 a. m., daily " 47, 5:55 p. " " For further information apply: - JASKERVJr., H. S. LEAF 1 ?, i T. P A. D.P. A. a Charlotte, Nr€k Raleigh, N. C CHICHESTER 8 PILLS W*- TIIB DIAMOND BRAND. A /OiiK Udletl A«k yonr Vrauht fo» A\ ~ fin Ohl-chea-ter**l'lswondßrnnd//Vl CMiiXStSk >" Bed and Vv boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. y/ fW 9%. &'} Take otkei'. Bay of yon r v 1/ fit Urunlrt. AskforCiri-ClifeS-TERS IL. Jf DIAMOND KRAND HILLS, for 85 \ V B Jfrs known as Best, Sat»st, Always Reliabl* I rr~rsou> by omjogists everywhere Paint Better Better isnt' enough; paint best A man bought "cheap" paint saved 20c or 30 or 40 or 50e a gal ion, didn't be? Yes, and. bought 40 or 50 or 6( or 80 percent more gallons; how ;nuch did he make on his paint' And he paid for painting thosf pallors—a fair day's work is .* gallon—how much did he mak' jn the labor part of his job? He lost a quarter or third ci hismoney. How long will it last? lot his money, the paint? Perhapi ha if as long as Devoe. How long w>ll his money last, f he bjys other stuff as h »ought tibt pair.t? Bet er buy the best paint; i the least bill and least - I'ten. v DEvOE F. B. Ingold sells it. Here is a worrtan who speaks fron personal knowledge and long experi ence, viz., Mrs, P. H. Brogan, c vVilson. Pa., who says, "I know fron experience that Chamberlain's Cougl Remdy is far superior to any other For croup there is nothing that excel; it.". For sale.by all dealers. j[iOA waifi«r*a cr.) pa.iap.io SBAV pub 'juauiauguoa Xibjhos siep oaaq} oj paotfajuas SBAV aq saidp -ujad opHjuojun siq jo ©enßaag -apßii ap(6)no qjjM. X[j[Bjan aaijaduioa sb* 3q punoa3 aqi uo uo }ae*s 'raoai SupoiJßj sift uj sbai oqM. PUB eauajuas uaAas b Buj •AJas sj oqM nsra b uaqA 'ijßf (BJißjq •any »q* Q{ ' o2B Sn oi jou 'pajmaoo ejujjs „ÜBra-auo„ y UO J»UO3|Jd If you have young children yov have pe/haps noticed that disorders o' ihe stomach are their most common ailment. To correct this you will fjm Chamberlain's Stomach and Live. Tablets excellent. They are easy anc. pleasant to take, and mild and genth in effect. For sale by all dealers. Vanity. When the kahn of the Tartars, who does not possess a house to live in and only subsists on rapine, has finished his dinner of milk and horseflesh, he has it proclaimed by a herald, "All the potentates, princes and great men of the earth may now sit down at ta ble." "Do you think your father would object to your marrying me?" - She— *'lf he thinks as I do, he cer tainly would; and, if you don't get King-'s Catarrh Cure, and take j£ tor oad breath, you've got to sit farther iway." No man has an excuse for Bad Breath when all medicine sells a posi tive cure— gufranted for SI.OO. Foi sale by dealers. I ' Curious Result of Acer's P'te. As the result of an adder bite, tently, the back of the hand of a Car diff (Wales) boy named J. W. Coffy has become marked like an adder. The physician who is attending the case states that the skin and swollen flesh near the bite are like a piece of leather, pigmented exactly the same as j an adder, the white streak or ring run • ling round the dark mottled ground, J * v Carolina & North-Western K. R Schedule Effective July 13, 1912 1 Daily j Northbound. Pass. - No. 10 No. 60 Chester Yorkville 8 42 2 30j Gastonia 9 30 4 301 Gastonia 5 40) Lincolnton 10 26 6 46 Newton. ® 11 05 7 40 HickorySJ 1215 pm|B 20 Lenoir 1 Mortimfer 253 Edgemont JAr. 305 Southbound. No. 9 No. 61 Edgemont 12 05 a|m Mortimer j 12 13 Lenoir |j 133 ' Hickory \ 2 301 7 15am Newton 3 05| 7 55 Lincolnton 3 43 8 45 Gastonia Ar. 4 40 lu 38 p m Gastonia Lv. 455 11 45 Yorkville] , 539 115 , Chester Ar. "6 25J 320 I CONNECTIONS. Jhester.—Sou. Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C f Yorkville. —Southern Railway, iastonia.— Southern Railway. Lincolnton.—S. A. L. Newton and Hickory.—Southern R. R ;E. F. REID, G, P. Agt., " Chester. S. C. IW t y \p\ js> x T PIEDMONT TRACTION CO. Between Gastonia and Charlotte, N. C. Effective Wednesday, July 3rd 1912, Leave Gastonia Arrive Gastonia No, 2 700 A. M. No. I—7 53 A. M. 4 8 15 3 9 15 6 930 s—lo 15 B—lo 25 7—ll 25 10—11 50 9—12 50 P.M. 12—1 30 P. M. 11— 2 30 16— 3 20 15— 4 20 . 18— 440 17— 533 20— 5 35 19— 6 28 * 22 630 21— 740 24 7 50 2&r- d 45 26 9 10 25—10 10 Close connections at Mount Holly, N, C. with Set board Air Line, at Gastonia. N. C. with Southern Railway and C. & N-W. Railway to and from all points, North, South, East and West. The abbve schaLilCj figures and con. published only as informution anttare not guaranteed. E. THOMASON. C.V. PALMER, General Manager. General Passenger Aft- 1 * ■miii. ~i i.l ■ . ■■■ . ■ .. . . THE WORLD'S - BEST PIANO - ■ THE KNABE piano is £amed universally for its delicate - sweetness of tone. For three generations it has had no peer. -Will you not inspect our complete stock of .these time* . honored instruments? PARKER-GARDNER CO. * CHARLOTTE; N. C. Selling {Agents hin i \mmmumumuMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm— Your Sewing Machine can be fixed If it drops stitches, breaks thread and needles; draws goods, feeds slow, chokes under foot; runs heavy, has knocking or loss motion, piece lost, broken or worn out. All parts for all makes. We duplicate and repair under* guarantee. You do Inot live too far for us to come and repair it at your home. Address, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. Phone 320. M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372. CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD AND OHIO RAILWAY AND Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Raiway of South Carolina THE NEW SHORT LINE BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va., Johnson City, Tenn., Altapass and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. C. "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE MAY 12, 1912. 1 SOUTHBOUND f Eastern Standard Time j I N'RTHB'D 1 . j . B „ I I cJ > a; i 111- * i-2 2 > N0.~5j No. 3 j - . No. 2 No. 4 Mixdi Fass. J Miles " STATIONS - | $ j Pass. Pass. " D'ly Dailyj iKjoii Daily Daily J)- ' i I t I «- P. MJ A. M. J JL y Dante, Va jAr. P. M. P. M 1.10 8.00 O.OjLv St. Paul, Va Ar. 1760 12.45 10.15 1.35 8.20 7.sjLv Dungannon, Va Ar, 1484 12.17 9.46 * 2.21 8.51 21.9;Lv....Ft. Blackmore, Va....Ar. 1305 11.40 9.11 2.45! 9.08 "30.2 Lv Hill, Va. Ar. 1772 11.20 8.53 f 3.01jf 9.21 36.OiLv....Speer's Ferry, Va....Ar. 1280,f 11.01 f 8.34 3.27 9.41 46.4Lv... Cameron, Va.-Tenn.. .Ar.' 1378 10.42 8.15 ~ 3.441 9.'56 51.6jLv Kinsport, Tenn Ar. 1306 10.24 7.65 3,59j 10.09 58.9|Lv Pactolus, Tenn.....Ar. 1213 10.09 7.41 £4.18if10.20 62.8jLv... .Fordtown, Tenm. ...Ar. 1295 9.55 £ 7.30 4.40; 10.32—OT.SLv. Gray, Tenn Ar. 1434 9.42 7.18 f4.561f10.43 72.6jLv...Johnson City, Tenn...Ar. 1526 9.30f 7.07 5.34* 11.15 85.1' Lv Unicoi, Tenn..... .Ar. 1624 9.01 6.35 6.32 11.43 95.7iAr Erwin, Tenn Lv. 1932 8.29 6.01 .6.47 11.55 101.1 Lv Erwin, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.17 5.48 6.54 12.02 lOl.ljLv Chesota, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.10 5.41 ,£7.05 12.12 104.8|Lv...r;naka Sprgs, Tenn...Ar. 1703 8".00 f5.32 f 7.08;f 12.15 105.1|Lv. Hntdale, N. 0.....Ar. 1703 f7.58 f5.28 7.591 12.47 117.9jLv....Green Mtn, N. C....Ar. 2058 7.281 4.59 8.24 1.05 124.9 Lv Toecane, >N. C Ar. 2152 7.12 4.43 f9.22 1.51 140.1 Lv Penland, N. C Ar. 2401 6.35 4.04 8.46 1.21 131.3 Lv Boonford, N. C Ar.l 2256 6.57 f9.38 2.03 114.6 Lv...Spruce Pine, N. C...Ar. 2462 6.32) 3.53 P. M. P. M. j | A. M. P. M. No. 1 I No. 6 Mix'd «•»»■ ~ Pass. ♦ ♦ A. M. P. M. JT~ P. M. P. M. 6.15 2.23 151.9 Lv.....Altapass, N. C Ar. 2629 8.05 3.34 f6.22 f2.31 155.3 Lv...Mt. Mitchell, N. C...Ar. 2450 7.50 £3.19 f6.52 f2.58 161.3;Lv.. .Linville Falls, N. C...Ar. 1738 f7.21 £2.48 7.26 3.15; 175.1|Lv Sevier. N. C Ar. 1400 7.05 _ 2.34 7.49 3.31 i 183.2 Lv Marion. N. C Ar. 1316 6.45 2.15 f8.33 f4.01 197.81 Lv Thernwl, N. C.....Ar. 984 £6.15 £1.46 8.55 4.16 205.5jLv.. .Westminster, N. C..,Ar. 861 6.00 1.32 9.07 f 4.25 209.6[Lv.... Bostic Yard, N. C....ArJ 836 5.43 £1.23 9.11 4.30 211.0jLv Bostic, N. C Ar. 845 5.33 1.20 955 5.02 226.8 Lv Chesnee, S. C.....Ar. 882 5.02 12.43 10.09 5.12 231.6 Lv Mayo, S. C Ar. 822 4.50 12.33 10.45 5.40 242.3 Spartanburg, S. C...Lv. 778 , 4.25 12.10 A. M. P. M. (Union Pass. Station) P. M. P. M. The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway, and the CarolinaTClinch field & Ohio Railway,of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to the pub lic. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite infor mation or to "T. CHAS. T. MANDEL, J. J. CAMPION, T. P.>A, in charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. f —Flag Stop. * Daily, except Sunday Two Interesting Patent*. Among recent patents which attract attention by reason of their novelty are one for making sausages without casings (a searing process) and one for an illuminated flat iron. The lat ter contrivance is described as con taining incandescent light bulbs which serve at the same time to heat the Iron and. to illuminate the work which is being ironed. The Election These conditions "determine the trouble. The cure is certain — a good thorough course o! Dr. King's Blood and Liver Pills (they purify the blood and energize the liver) is as a spring hoiuse-cieanin g —thorou ghly renovates and cleans the system and if followed by Dr. King's Sarsaparilla you are ready for the wear of summer work and fitted for it. The price of these best of all Fills is 25c. There are none so good as King's, Get from Dealers. Price "of Ignorance. Many children, are never taught to think and to reason out every ques tion in a fair-minded, reasoning man ner. That is why we meet with and suffer from so many unreasonable and unreasoning men and women . . . who are governed by prejudice, int. pulse and personal feelings, instead . of by thoughtful and eareful consider ation. They do not see what is right because they do not know how to Judge without prejudice^—Our Pour- Footed Friends. ■ Fortunes in Faces There's often much truth in the saying "her face is her fortune," but__ its never said where pimples, skin erup tions, blotches, a other blemishes dis figure it. Impure blood is back of them all, and shows the lieed of Dr. .King's New Life Pills. They promote health and beanty. Tit them. 25cts at~G, M, Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes. ,

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