•The Kind Yon Have Always Bought* which been In use for over SO years, has borne theagnature of •onai supervision since itsinfhncy. Allow no one to deceive you In this! Jill Counterfeits, Imitations and «Just-as-good'* are bnt jSxperl ments ttnt trifle with and endanger the health ot bsnte and Children—Experiencs against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Osstoria is a harmless substitute fbr Castor Oil, Pure, gorle, Drops and Soothing Sjnps. It Is Pleasant. I* contains neither Opium* Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Ss its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, «mres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels* giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. OINUINK CASTORIA ALWAYB Bears the Signature ' * J The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. .... mtMWMMWMn,nn«MfRMR,HRNUMf. COKTRIGH'IB ca^ : Used in ever increasing . M quantities, because the roofs put on 26 years ago ars as good as new to-day, and have jrfjßrT, F. B. ID gold, ,>•: Hickory, N. C. V V-*i— —u-- I assd Is he troubled wNH a weafcneee peculiar to | I mm," vriles Mrs. Asna Jones, of Kenny, 111 "For g H nearly a year, ! cenld not walk, without holding my sides. I 8 I tried several different doctors, but I grtw worse. Finally, I I our druggist advised CardUl tor my complaint 1 was so I | thin, iny weight - was 115. Now, 1 weigh 163, and Jam la n sever sick. I rids horseback as good as evsa laa in I I fins health at St years,'* I CARDUI Woman'fonic | p Wi Wvs ftonsMds *ef aocfc tetters, and mors are I B arriving dafly. Snell earnest testimony from those who p H have tried ft, sorely proves the greirt vahis of ftfs vegeta- I B ble, Mi aiedlefine, for women. . V n utrdtil relieves wonqm's suffer!nas, and bunds weak I @ womea as to healii and strengih. If you are a woman, I H give H a tlal It should help ymx, for ft has helped a mjl- Blt on others, ft Is made from purs, harmless, herbinfredl- I M ents, whleh act promefly and stirely on the womanly organs. | Bltis a good tenia, iff ft! Tour druggist sells II , CHESTOL Chest Ointment An external application for Croupe, Pneumonia and all affections of Chest and Throat. Now sold at all medicine dealers at 25 cents. And money refunded if not satisfactory , I Manufactured by - Burwell & Dunn Co., Charlotte, N. C. Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston, Houston, lliH and aU Texas points. I Alexandria, Monroe,.New Orlean., Skreveport, and all Louisiana points* Hattiesbnrg, Jackson, Meridian, Vickfbvrg, and all Mississippi points. AU. POINTS North. East, South and Wost .lached BY THE THROUGH TRAIN vns QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE ... FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL MO" WRITE J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent, R ma Haw, CHATTANOOOA. TE . ( "MMi Lesson Vll.—Fourth Quarter, Fo Nov. 17, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of th« Lesson, Mark viii, 27, to fx, I—Memory Verses, 38. 37—Golden Text, Matt, xvi, 16—Commentary Pre pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This lesnou la recorded also lu Matt *rl nnd Luke lx*. und we will consider I It with the harmony of the gospels before us. Miinprlss in his • hannonj sayß that this iu the tirst (mrticMilai prediction concerning the rejection. | the death nnd the resurrection of the Chrlut nnd wn* probably apart fro:i the multitude and Is the first key op posed to the leaven of the Pharisees Matthew and Mark say that He had come into the coasts or towns of Caesa ren Philippi. and Luke.adds? that 11* was alone praying. His disciples being with Hliu. We shall see in the uexi lesson that De was praying also at thr time of His transfiguration (Luke ix 18, 29). Luke records other instance* of Cls praying in chnpters iil. 21: vl. 12: xl, 1; xxli. 41; xxlii. 34. He ever talked with His Father in heaven with tke tame realisation of His presence an "that of the people about Him. Pfcople talked about Him .aud had their opinions as they have today The Charisee* who believed In a resurrec tion thought that He might be John ;he Baptist or Elijah or Jeremiah or me of the prophets, at which, no •ioubt. the Sadducees scoffed, for thej Ifti not believe in resurrection or spirit, hut the Pharisees confessed both (Acts txlii. B>. His next question is the one that should laj hold of our hearts. •Whom say ye that I am?" or as He i»ut It to the Pharisees at another time. •What think ye of Christ?" (Matt. *xli. 42.) It should not so much concern me That others say. but what does my . leart say. what is He to me person Hl.rT. Simon Peter, generally the spokesman, answered. "Thou art the 'hrist, the Son of the living C!od" verse 29: Matt xri. 16). See his similar testimony in John vl. (59, and that of Martha in John xi, 27. Can I look upon Him with His eyes as a lame of fire searching me through end through and say. O Lord, thou art o m# the risen living Christ, my per •onanßtviour. if so. then blessed am I. for our Father In heaven has taught -rne by His spirit i.Matt. xvi. 17). The vtwfti teaaafert»4 Peter and rook is Matt xri. 18. are not quite the same, the first signifying a piece of rock easily moved and the other a solid rock Immovable. The rock foundation is the great truth that Jesus Is God and other foundation can no man lay (I Cor. ill, 11: Acts IT. 12). ThQ church built on this and on His treat atonement as Cod can never be moved. The company of all true be 'levers in Him constitutes this church ind ail else must come to naught Peter was given the keys of the king lom, not the church, and the church Is not the kingdom, but the heavenly cen of It. Prom that tfme and re heatedly He began to tell - them thai *t the hands of the elders, chief priests nnd scribes He must suffer many 'hlngs, be rejected and killed nnd aft *r three days rise again (verses 31: Ix H; x. 33, 34): but. although to us «eemingly so plain. His disciples did lot receive those sayings, not even Peter and John, and it Is written con -ernlng them that up to the time of His actual resurrection from the dead 'hey knew not the Scripture that lie nust rise again from the dead (John tx. 9). They "had not message of the prophets that the Mes elah must suffer, die. be buried and ise again, though we can see it plain y in such passages as Ps. xxli; Isa .III: Dan. lx. 20: Zech. xil. 10: xiii. ( r. Peter therefore said that He should »ot speak of suffering: "He It far froi; rhee. Lord. This shall not be unto rhee." "Pity thyself" (Matt. xvi. 22 md margin). Mark our Lord's reply nnd note that what is not of Cod is o f the devil and Is an offense to Cod. Believers are either a sweet savo: -»f Christ or salt that has lost its savor There is no room for self in a disciple *t Christ It must be always a,denial of self, taking up the cross daily and following Him; always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life of Jesus may be manifest in us; reckon lng ourselves dead unto sin and alive unto God (11 Cor. iv, 10. 11: Rom. vi. 11). There Is no cross of gold or jet or jewels or flowers seen in Scripture, bnt only a cruel cross of death. It means crucified to the world ami the world to us, seeing Jesus only. To one life means business, to another his profession, to another pleasure, to an other this or that great scheme, phil anthropic perhaps, or Just to make money, but one who is right with God | says, 'To me to live is Christ" Ho does not ask us to suffer with Him without setting before us the glory of the kingdom to which He has called (I Thess. li. 12: II Thess. ii. 14; I Pet ?, 10), and to which He refers in versos 38 of our lesson, and which we shall see more clearly In next week's study of the transfiguration, and to which the last verse of this lesson (Mark ix. I) tflearty belongs. It wns the God of glory who appeared to Abraham (Acts vii, 2), and we can only be sustained . I In the patient waiting, as He and others were. But the church as n whole is as blind to the glory of His kingdom as the disciples were to His death and resurrection, not because it is not plainly, revealed, but because other thoughts and ways leave no room for His. A Great Building Falls when its foundation is undermined | and if the fountation of health —good I digestion —is attacked, quick collaps ' ollows. On the first signs of indiges , ion, Dr. King's New Li r e Pills should be taken to tone the stomach and re state liver, kiineys and bowels . *:ant. easy, sfife and 0'"-ly 25 cen f iC. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz anc James, im** • - #* Tafee |J - . 4 One "? v J) Pain Pill, , TaRe it \ ' * & E.asy. | ' For nothing is I , beitc? tl.an I | Dr. Miles' | j AiitiaPain Fills } Used by tboixaands for a generation | ] Those who have suffered from [ j neura'gic pains need not be told | | how necessary it is to secure re- g j lief. The easiest way Qut of t | neuralgia is to use Dr. Miles' [' Anti-Pain Pills. They have re j -i licved sufferers for so many f ; years that they become a housenold necessity. "I have lakon Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain ! Pills for five years and they are the j j only. thing that does me any good. They have relieved neuralgia in my head in fiftee* minutes. I have also taken them for rheumatism, - head ache, pains in the breast, toothache, roarachtj and pains in the bowels and limbs. I T have found nothing to equal them and they are all that i» claimed for them." J. W. SEDGE, Blue Spring*, Mo. At ell druggists—2s deses 25 cants. Never cold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. r ' PROFESSfONAL CARDS I Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES t PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET dTlTrussell AT FORNEY- AT-LA W j Honest service premised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will pr.-.c:ice in all the courts of this State. k. W. WOLF'S .. VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9wi Ave., 9ch St. j • • : ; Palace Barber Shop. | ' 'I j Oietz's Barber Shop; , ..THE OLD RELIABLE | For First Class Kaircutting and Shaving. jPALM TREE CAFE Neat, Clean and Up-to-Date. Sunday-Dinners a Specialty Dr. J. C* BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. ')ffice at residence, 143 C 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. DR. .J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my dike Fridays and Saturdays Up stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to SLuford Hardware Co, WILL G. KIR KM AN Piano acd Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. i • Dr. George E. Flowers Office at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 506 A. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office ove; Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Seaboard Mr Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jan. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. Enst Bound Trair No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily [ " " 132, f>:6M p. m., '* West Bound Tr§jn \ T o. 13.", 1 V;? oa. m., daily " 47." r> - m., " For further information apply: I; JAS KEK, Jr., H. S. LEAFD, T. P /.. D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N, C v":*Vv • i ■ /-* - v Mr 4: \^\ : |f?i v thcJ£> New Double Daily Service | > VIA Piedmont & Kor the n Line: AND. | Carolina & North- Nesten Railway Compß »y. Effective Wednesday,C 22 1912, 8:30 A. M. I:3} P. M. Lv. Lenon Ar. 1:15 P. tit 8:35 P. M. 8:58 A. M. 2:01 P. M. L Granite . Falls Ar. 12:48 P.M. 8:10 P. M. 9:25 A.M. 2:30 P. M. Hickorj Ar. 12:00 Noon 7:4() P. A. 9:45 A M. -Of V M. I v Newtoi Ar 11:05 A V 7.08 P. &• 10:20 A. M 3:43 P. M. Lv. Lincoln ton Ar. 10:26 A. M 6.31 P M. 11:09 A. M. 4:27 P. M. Lv. Dallas Ar. 9:47 A. M. 5.52 P. M. 11.20 A. M. 4>:o P M. Ar Gastonij Lv P:3O A. M. 5:40 P. M i! 1J,..:. A. M 1 P. M. J. Gastoni: | Ar '24 V. M 12:50 Noon 5:30 P M. A- Charlotte Lv. 8:1 ft 4.25 P. M. Close connections it Mount Holly. N C. with Sea board Air Line, at Gastonia, N. C. * ith Soufhan Railway and C. & N-W. Railway t c ind from al! paints. North, South, East and Wesf The above schedule, figures and ct n. publiahet only as informulion and are not tuarc iteed. E. THOMASON. C. V. ALMER, General Manager. General Ps enferAft. : . Carolina & North-Wesiern R. t . Schedule Effective Juh 13, 1912. Dan 77 Northbound. tT^ lxe l So. 60 Chester Lv 1 00 p n Yorkville .2 30 Gast a 4 3t' * Gast ,o 4u Line on 4o New j 40 Hick _ & 20 Leno 1 Mortimer gK---. ' " Edgemont Ar. Southbound. N . x T o. 61 Edgemont jiX.Lv. 12 05 a m Mortimer 1213 Lenoir | 1 Hickory 2 715 a n Newton 3 7 55 Lincolnton 3 8 45 Gastonia Ar. 4 038 p m Gastonia Lv. 4 145 Yorkville ! 5 39 1 15 ( hester Ar. 625 - 320 CONNECTIONS" Chester. —Sou. Ry., S. A I. ndL. & ( Vorkville. —Southern Railu r. iastonia.—Southern Lincolnton.—S. A L. 'ewton and Hickorv. —Sov jrn R. P.- E. F. REID, G. Agt., Ch sr/S. C. I • """™i 1 Buildkig | J Materfe Is. iSash, i' 1 Glass, t, 1 ] Doors, I'; >■>! Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, . | .j . r j ' Mantels, J Framing, Flooding, | Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, I Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. j Estimates made from ? plans. Good supp ; y of jL Manufacturing Material in 3 |j Stock. 1 i Hickory Mfg. Co 1 | HICKORY, N. C. | A Good Corn Farm ;r. The Lenoir News Mr. Jesse F. Greer report making 80 bushels of shelle corn on one acre of 1 ind the past season, at a net cost of $21.97 or a little less Jnan 28 cents a bushel. This is good farming and others s= ould d> likewise. \ 2 jLs i. v» i -iLLS * THK DIA3SON® Ei ND. A I.ndk-a! ~«!i joarD'i !ht for /l\ .- v . V -1 ■ -r~ (randAfWS • i.'boa. \ / I i- :'i. .. -• KKt Ht! - vnnK " / ~ itf '»':£* : #i t fKS.TOtfi V I»IAAr«> (l» ifKANO : LI.S, for 86 •/C* feJ ;-->'skaC'--.;sEi.st.Safcs:. «ays Rdlabte I SOiubtwiuuulSfSt.tßVWHEßt :^^--OSC>O0O®©0©00!J000000a I IS YOUR MONEY IDLE) | I A 8 planted — it wi not yield a har- Q } vest. • S Deposit your funds with us-~your O money will tfcen'work steadily, V takes no holidays, and will be O ■■ l O % absolutely safe. X | J 9 WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST 8 It 8 X " Hickory Banking & Trust Co— | Your Sewing Machine can be fixed. flf it drops stitches, breaks thresd and needles; draws feeds siow, chokes ut;der loot; runs heavy, ha 1 ? knocking or loss motion, piece lost, hr" or vvot r -.-t A • »:•••• • t We - i dti{;-:.c •U; Ai.«i iepii- i: " You do J . not iive t'X) far for us o »». pair it at your home. A'idr ss. SEWING MACHINL REPAIR SHOP. I Phone 320. . M. C. D. OWEN, Mgr., Hickory, N. C. Box 372. CA«OLi>\t. CLINCHFIELU AND OIUO RAILWAY AND .. :, 'A •' » •»£ South Carolina I BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Spccfs ketry, Va., tr.i.., i a'.ja,,*-* I and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg. S. C. "CHnciitleld Route" KFFI!C'ib. 5. ■ &ij G i i'ijSv' UoiLI j t j jx\li i Jtiß D ii'i ■ T No. 5j No. Si ' t ' a [ No. 21N o. 4 Mixds 1 a;..-. Vi'df '• - * & j r&ss. j Pasd D'ly ; i-aily • , . 5 - i *>***/1 Daii.» _) i J _ > J J P. M.J A. M. j' j'L ▼ Dante, Va -Ar.i jP. M. P. Ai 1.10! 8.00 o.o|Lr St. Paul, Va Ar. 1760 12.45 10.it i l.S5j 8.20 7.E|Lv.... .Dungannon, Va Ar. 1484 12.17 9.40 • 2.211 8.61 21.i) Lv Ft. Blackmore, Va Ar. 1305 11.40 9.11 I 2.45j 9.08 30.2jLv Hill, Va Ar. 1772 11.20 B.si f3".Oljf y.2i 36.u|Lv Speer's Ferry, Va Ar. 1280 fJU.OIf 8.34 \ 3.27; 9.4 i 46.4iDv.. .Cameron, Va.-Tenn.. .Ar. 1378 10.42 8,16 ; 3.44 9.5G Sl.bjLv Kinsport, Tenn.....Ar. 1306 10.24 7.'50 3.59: 10.09 58.9|Lv„ .. .Pactolus, Tenn Ar. 1213 10.09 7.41 ] f4.lß|f 10.20 62.8jLv Fordtown, Tenn Ar. 1296 9.66 f 7.30 j 4.40, 10.32j 67.8; Lv Gray, Tenn....."..Ar. 1434 9.42 7.18 1 f4. sti,f xO. 43; 72.bjLv.. .Johnson City, Tenn... Ar. 1526 9.30 f .7,07 6.34] lui&j 85.1jLv Unicoi, Tenn.. Ar. i 624 9.01 | 6.32 11.431 96.7|Ar Erwin, Tenn Lv. 1932 8.29 -0-.01 j .6.47 11.65 101.lLv .Erwin, T®nn ~Ar. 1662 8.17 6.4S I 6.54 12.02-j lOl.ljLv Chesota, Tenn. Ar. 1662 8,10 6.4 i f7.05 12.121 104.3|Lv.. .T',naka Sprgs, Tenn...Ar. 1703 8.00 £6.3^ ! f7.08if12.15j lus.ljLv Hntdale, N. C; Ar. 1703 f7.681-f 6.28 7.59 i i2.4 117.9|Lv Green Mtn, N. C....Ar. 2068 7.281 4.59 8.24 1.05 124.9 Lv Toecane, N. C Ar. 2152 7.12 4.43 f9.22 1.51 140.1 Lv Penland, N. C Ar. 8.46 1.21 131.3 Lv Boonford, N. C Ar. 2266 6.57 4.28 f9.38 2.03 114.6Lv...Spruce Pine, N. C...Ar. 2462 6.32 ?.53 P. M. P. M.( ( ' A. M. P.M. NoTl ~ 1 j .. No. ! Mix'd I Pass. : _! I A. M. P. M. | i P. M. P. M. 6.15 2.23 151.9 Lt Altapasß, N. C Ar. 2629 8.06 3.34 f6.22 f2.31 i 165.3[Lv.. .Mt. Mitchell, N. C...Ar. 2450 7.60 f3.19 f 6.52 f2.68j 161.3|Lv...Llnville Kails, N. C.. .Ar. 4738 £7.21 f2.48 7.26 3.16) !76.1|Lv Sevtel*. N, O Ar. 1400 7.05 2.34 7.49 3.3H 183.2! Lv Marion. N. C Ar. 1316 f8.33 f4.01 197.8-Lv thermal. N. C Ar. 984 £6.15 f1.46 8.56 4.16 205.5jLv...Westminster, N. C...Ar. 861 6.00 1.32 | 9.07 £4.25] 209.0;Lv....805tic Yard, N. C....Ar. 836 6.43 £1.23 j 9.11 4.30' 211.0|Lv Bostic, N. C Ar. 845 6.33 1.20 ; 9.17 4.34 213.OjLv....Forest City, N. C....Ar. 867 5.29 1.18 965 6.02 226.8|Lv- Chesnee, S. C Ar. 882 5.02 12.43 S 10.09 5.12 23i.6|Lv Mayo, S. C Ar. 822 4.60 12.33 ' 10.45 5.40 242.31Ar... Spartanburg, S. C...Lv. 778 4.25 12.10 j A. M. P. M. | (Union Pass. Station) P. M. P. M. The Carolina, Clinch£ield & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina, Cliach field & Ohio Railway,o£ South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time showm above without notice to the pub ] lie. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite inter mation or to CHAS. T. MANDBL, | J. J. CAMPION, T. P. in charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tena. Johnson City, Tenn. f—Flag Stop. •Pelly, except Sunday _ mmmmimß— aa^ mmmam Mß M j A DOLLAR I i Goes a Long Way if I ig invested in our store I j lIT E carry a full line of Dry ■ * Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes I and everything handy in the home. H Buy your groceries from us. Housekeepers brag on our ____ Flour. sSetzer & Russell. | Let US Print for YOU— We Print for Others.