Royal BahingPowder gjHgjrtggro The Woman Makes the Home She makes it best who, looking after the culinary department, turns her back resolute ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food accessories. She is economical; she knows that true economy does not consist in the use of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advocate of home made, home baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cook ing in the world today is done with Royal Baking Powder. Burke Split Her Ticket. The official vote in Burke County gives Wilson 1,385, Roose velt 1,288, Taft 48, Debs 2, Sim mons 1,039, Kitchin 187, Clark 63, Craig 1,375, Meares 1,211, Settle 91. The county ticket is Democratic by about 75 except John M. Mull, Progressive, elect ed to the Legislature by 27, John A, Dickson, Democratic chair man of county commissioners, who was defeated by Dan John son, Progressive by 16 and J. D. Cassels defeated by J. H. Mull, Progressive, by 29. Dr. E. S. Warlick, the only candidate re maining on the Taft Republican county ticket, polled 62 votes for treasuier. When baby suffers with croup, apply and five Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil at once. Safe for children. A little goes a long way. 25c and 50c. At all drug stores. HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tan nery: Green Hides 13 l-2c per pound. Partly cured hides 9c. Green Salted Hides 12c " Dry Flint Hides 20c 44 " Dry Salted Hides 18c 44 44 Tallow 6c Rye Straw 40c per ICO lbs Costner Estate Near Lincolnton TUESDAY, NOV. 19,11 A.M. The Lands are 2 1-4 to 4 miles N. W. of Lincolnton, N. C., and near the South Fork of Ca- T * » tawba River, mostly on East Side of River. They have been cut into SMALL FARMS and will be SOLD AT AUCTION ON THE LAND. \ Tract No. 1. Contains 43 acres and lies on the West side of the river. 2-3 in cultivation, the remainder in timber. Tract No. 3. Contains 91.7 acres, dwelling, barns and out houses, spring, two running branches on it, about 1-3 bottom, and 1-4 of the tract in cultivation, balance in timber, every foot can be cultivated if cleared. Tract No. 4. Contains 150 acres, the Home dwelling and out buildings worth three thousand dollars, well, two running branches, springs, 2-5 bottom, 3-4 of tract in cultivation. Tract No. 5. Contains 135 acres, 2-5 bottom, 7-8 in cultivation, one running branch, no houses, foot ran becultivated neariy level! * we "' ng ' arn and cril5 ' spring near house, running branch, 15 acres cleared, remainder in oak and hickory timber, every Tract No. 7. 136.6 acres dwelling barns, outhouses, spring running branch, 1-2 in cultivation, balance in oak and hickory timber fnlw f lu- aC , reS ' filing, barn and out houses well, running branch, 34 in cultivation, oak and hickory timber, about 10 acres in hillside gullies; furthest part of this place is four miles from town and three hundred yards of new school house. 111 s Tract No. 9. About 175 acres, is about 2 1-2 miles north of town on the Island Ford road, dwelling, barn and out houses fine mineral soring three branches, about 40 acres in cultivation, balance in virgin pine, Southern Power Co's line runs through this n)« p nouses, tine mineral spring There is no swamps on any of the land, not over 25 acres in the whole 950 too steep to be cultivated with anv kind of machiin-rv if HparAH . „ , ... .. ... . , r tft „ his two railroads, the S. A. L. and C. &N. W. Has fine graded school, and Fassifern College, a fine preparatory LK for Tut the T CT IS I™- Fn^coDal also a new school house. Kir.s, tne tpiscopal, Presbyterian, Bajtist, Methodist and Lutheran Churches in town, Episcopal A Band Concert and Free Dinner and many valuable Silver Souvenirs will be given awav at timp nf « fl |« „ r„i„ J 1 "","" own price, as we sell to the highest bidder. - y eOl e ' Make a of it, come out and attend the sale, and buy land at you on defered payments. Remember the date, Tuesday, Nov. 19th, 1912 at 11 A. M v-B——T2*-m-i f—■■■ I ■ I ■■■ n. ■■ MI ■ »—CK*«p— Southern Realty & Auction Company E. M ANDREWS, Manager - , XT Caldwell an do it, Too Lenoir News Mr. John W. Robinson, of Ca tawba county, furnishes the Hickory Democrat a statement how he made 467 bushels of corn on five acres of ordinary land at a cost of only 18 cents per bush el. His yield was little over 93 bushels to the acre, some plots of the land going as high as 108 bushels to the acre. If this can be done in Catawba it can be done in Caldwell. Mr. Robinson broke some of his land by dyna miting it and the Other was broken with good plows. He simply applied the best up to date methods in preparing his land and in cultivation, methods that any farmer can put into practice if he desires to do so. No doubt Mr. Robinson will be glad to furnish any one interested with the information as to how he did the work. CASTORIA For Infants and Children* The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sjj? Signature of Greatest Democratic Victory Ever Won Raleigh Dispatch. Before closing State Demo cratic headquarters and leaving for his home in Asheville, State Chairman Webb said: "We have won the greatest victory in the history of the Democratic party in the State. We have given Woodrow Wilson a majority of 60.000 over both his opponents, which is. the greatest majority ever given a Democratic candidate for the presidency. Locke Craig has been elected Governor, according to the best information which we are able to receive, by a majority of 62.500. He has received a plurality over Iredell Meares of 102,000 and a plurality over Thomas Settle of 123,000. We have elected 10 Democratic Con gressmen by over whelming ma jorities, the smallest majority being that of Congressman Gudger, from the tenth, where has majority was not less than 2,500. STATE GAINS "We have elected 47 Demo cratic State Senators, including the extreme western district that was at first in doubt. We have elected 106 members of the lower house of the Legislature. ' We have elected for the first time in its history a Democratic Representative from Henderson County. We have also elected a Democratic Representative from Brunswick County, and carried the county for the entire Demo cratic ticket, which is the first time this county has gone Demo cratic in 15 years. Only One county in the eastern part of the State has elected Republican can didates, and that is the county of Sampson. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Consumption. Notice Of Sale of Valuable Real ESTATE. Whereas on the 3rd day of March, 1910, Carrie Pool executed to Geo. R Wootten, Trustee for the First Build ing & Loan Association of Hickory, 8 Deed of Trust on the property hearin after descibed for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars. Said Deed of Trust beine recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba county, North Carolina, in book 96 on page 42. And whereas Carrie Pool has made default in the payment of . the weekly interest for a period of more liian thirty days and has made default in the keeping of otKer stipulations contained in said Deed of Trust for a like period. Now, therefore, Geo.|R. Wootten, by virtue of tEe powers contained in said Deed of Trust, will sell at the steps of the First National Bank in the City of Hickory, the place designated by the said Trustee, at 12 o'clock noon, Satur day the 23rd day of November, 19i2, for cash the following described prop erty, to-wit: Beginning Lot No.l 1 on a plat of lost made for Hickory Insurance and Realty Company, by J. E. Barb, Surveyor, in Jaauary 1909, Begining at a stake in the line of lot No. 10 and running North 65 3-4 degrees, East 50 feet to a stake | in the line of lot No. 12; thence South 26 1-2 degrees East i 75 2-10 feet to Second Avenue; thence with said Second Avenue South 64 3-4 degrees West 50 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No. 10; thence North 25 1-2 degrees West 175 8-10 feet to the beginning, and being the lot conveyed by the Hickory Insurance and Realty Company to Car rie Pool by deed dated Feb. i 9. i9lO This the 24th day of October, 10i2. Geo. R. Wootten. Trustee. Bagby and Blackwelder, Attorneys 10-24-4t. "When You're in Doubt, Lead Trumps." Dr. King's medicines are prescribed by doctors. Do you know any othe they recommend? A complete line kept by a 11 medicin dealers. Woa $lO Prize Lenoir News. The Patterson School exhihit of corn won a ten dollar prize at the fair in Hickory last week. The corn was of the Goodman Prolific variety and was donated by the Government for demon stration and the exhibit was in charge of Mr. Bruce Anderson, who is manager of the Agricul tural department at the school. Is your husband cross? An irritable, fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For arte by all dealec*. - WE OFFER, at a reduced price, two number five, one number ten and one number twelve De Laval Separators. These have been slightly used but are practically as good as new. If interested, call and see us. : • • We buy all kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY. N. C.| THE WORD STIEFF I ======== i is all the recommenda tion you need in the purchase of a piano, whether it be a Stieff, a Shaw, manufactured by ] ourselves, or any piano | handled by this great firm. We won't deceive any customer as to the grade of the piano or the price. We charge what it is worth and you get value received. Chas. M. Stieff Southern Wareroom 219 South Tryon St., Opposite Academy of Music, Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH,Mgr. Prescription I t> «*f*' iV'l • Compounding I DtOl 111 can be relied up . ( 7 on—and that is I pounding that is iu any way short of being At I SOLUTELY ACCURATE is dangerous. I Besides being absolutely correct and exception I ally, thoroughly careful. We use only the p Ur . I est of fresh drugs without the slightest attempt I at substution Your prescription should be compounded by I MOSER & LUTZ, DruggistT I 8 "ON THE CORNER." I ISave money by buying diamonds now. Diamonds are continually advancing, and | you can buy from my selection of beautiful I stones and save money. Come and see these fine stones and other I nice goods in all lines. GEO. E. BISANAR JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST. Watch Inspector for Southern and C. & N-W. Railways. ■r ■ " Job Printing' That's Different—PHone 37