Goods in Season at Great Bargains Christmas and the Holidays will soon be here. You want to be prepared to enjoy them comfortably. You wi 1 want nice, good clothing, shoes and hats for yourself and family when visiting friends, or you have them visit you. " ■ Our line of Ready Made clothing for men an 1 boys is unsurpassed in style, quality and pri >e. Our shoes are nice, tasty, easy and cheap. And our hats cap the latest styles m beatiful harmony. turn m iw—w— 1 — lyar-w-'ww————————> We cordially_ invite all to inspect our goods and get prices before buying, and we shall be satisfied, and we know you will be pleased, The OudersellingStore J L. E. ZERDEN, Prop. The Democrat is only $l.OO year- Ladies Are Invited to Attend MHMBBBM Our Free -Cooking D : monstration by the noted chef, Prof. Wulff, Illustrating the Many Superior Features of TflE GREAT MAJESTIO RANGE ONE WEEK-NOVEMBER 25 TO 30. Prof. Wulff will lecture on the art of Economical and Scientific Cooking at this store on Moiday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Satur day of the week from 2tosp. m. On Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, lecture hour 3 will be from 3p.mto6 p. m. for the benefit of County Residents. 4. • • The Great Majestic Range Will be Exhibited and Demonstrated by a Factory Representative and Prof. Wulff . from 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Each Day. Don't miss this rare opportunity—bring your friends with you. If you are not the proud possessor of a Majestic Range, these lec tures will prove just as interesting. Every lady in the city and county should attend. Thif course of lectures affords an opportunity I to learn more about cooking and preparing new and tasty dishes than your cook book will teach you in years. f" *. • / «• We will Give with Every Majestic Range Sold this week a Set of Ware Valued'at $9.00. ~ | | PBOGII^^^EEH. | Shuford Hardware Company Doings In Granite Fails A lot of our folks went to Hickory last Saturday to see the man fly in the flying maching and all agree that it was one of the most thrilling sights thev have ever seen. It was a success from beginning to end and is one of the most marvelous inventions of the 20th centuary. Mr. Dick M. Cline had the misfortune to be bitten by one of his horses last week. He was training his horse to talk :nd thinking he had mastered enough j of English language to have] some idea of politics, asked the' horse if he wasn't a Republican; and the horse became so enraged i that he bit ' him, but not seriously we are glad to learr.! Mr. Clinrt is strong Bull Mooser.! One of largest droves of tur keys we ever saw passed through our town last Saturday, Mr. C. R. Payne has the walls of the Lutheran Church about completed. Rev. Mr. J. P. Price attended the Tennessee Synod at Colum bia, S. C'., returning home last Friday. Dr. Russell has purchased a) ! nice Buick automobile. The town and community were shocked on last Monday morning when it became know that Mrs. E. E Cline had died at States ville in the hospital where she had undergone an operation, which was pronounced a success i but she was not strong enough "to rally from the effects. Mrs, Cline is one of our most highly respected women. She leaves an aged husband and several; children, some grandchildren, step children, step grandchildren brothers and sisters to mourn her death. Is your husband cross? An irritable, fault finding disposition is often due t° a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permmently cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale b/ all dealers. Death oi Mrs. Dozier. Mrs. Elizabeth Dozier died of pneumonia at her home in this | city on Monday. She was 75 I years of age and was born in Warren county but lived the greater part of her life in Frank- Jin county. The past ten years of her iife she has spent in Hick ory. The funeral was held at the home, conducted by Rev. J. D. Harte, and Rev. W. R. Brad shaw. She was a lovely Chris-, tian character and a life-long; member of the Baptist Church, i Surwing are her two daugn- j ters, .Misses'Mattie and Josie j Dozier, of this city and her brother and sister, Mr. Henry i Mmga and Miss Martha Mings,! of Hict ory, and Mrs. Maiy E. : Clifton, of Raleigh. ! Abernethy-Graham. : The f Jlowinsrf announcements havebem received in this city: Mrs. Samuel Creutzborg Gra ham announces the marriage of her daughter Helen Martyn to Mr. Albert Edwin Abernetfiy, Monday, November the eigh teenth! nineteen hundred and twelve. Philldelphia. of this event has created unusual interest in Hickory where Mr. Abernethy is one of t*ie best liked >oung men in socia) and business life, and where his beautiful and accom plished bride made many friends during her visit to Mrs. Roy. Ab ernethy. She is exceedingly popular in West Philidelphia so cial circles. The Democrat wishes them a tang and useful life to gether. City Fish And Oyster Market We have arranged to open up a fish and oyster market in the old Gayety Theatre building. We will keep the freshest and best quality, and would like to have the patronage of the public, The guarantee satisfaction, will (pan for business Friday, Nov. 22, Give us vour Thanksgiving order, A.'F. SETZER, M'g'r sHBy Smarter. r - To the Editor of the Demo, rat: * I see that it is irtin ated that President-elect Wilso 1 and a number of Congress men aid advocate the idea of ! holding primaries to select post masters and posibly many other places to be filled in the incom ing Democrat administration. J am heartily in favor i/f this as ly this means you get he sen i j ?nent of the people wlv are to be ; t erved. This is m> opr '"on and is ia true democratic idti> tnd pri . | ciple. | There is no Federj gover r ' mental position that veryboc y ! concerned comes in & ect co - ! tact with as much as the pos - j • master of each vicinii ', ther - : fore, he should be a ma t aproacl • ; able, affable and pleas, nt disp - fition, and accom nodatin*:. I Through a primary ay-rtem the I people directly concer sd have | the privilege to say *ho the y wish to serve them, an . by th s means do away with t; i petitic 1 question for each posit! >n to I ? iuled. Furthermore X shou! think, it would be great relief t the con gressman and senato; of each district. However, a* I at th? proper time, will be ar applicai t for the position of Pos! laster cf Hickory, am perfectly /i I ling to abide by whichever 'ay the proper parties decide t is matter is to be brought about. Verv truly you* i Wm. P. Hufi man. "The Fools Reveng" Edwin Booth's famous mastemiece will be presented by the Christonian and Eumean Literary s cieties of Lenoir College at the college auditorium Monday night, Dee. 2nd 1912, For further particu lars see next week's Dt nocrat. The Pre«idtnt of Char'ctte Hard ware Co. >ayt: "I con lid er Dr. King s Blcod and Liter Pills very .est I ever used." Dr. King's alway cur#. SoM at 25«. by all ««dWne dee f», Zl i i)inn 11 in . 1 WE HONESTLY BELIEVE That our stock of Clo- A thing, Shoes and Furn- gl| of merchandise of the highest standard and ; is as good as most JL ' :^L-; towns of three times oursize usually show, - merchandise bought | rights priced right, and LJfe sold right, no misrep- J&\ I resentation and you |§ money back if not pleased in every way. put wise to the very money saving prices. Come in and allow us the pleasure of showing you through our stock. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. "The Quality Shop."