ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure [From a series of elaborate chemical tests.] Comparative digestibility of food made with different baking powders. An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of two kinds of baking powder— cream of tartar and alum—and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. . The percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Broad mad# with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: Bread made with almn powder i Royal Bflifing Powder raised food is shown to be of greatly superior digestibility and healthfulness. f GENERAL NEWS J Former J. S. Senator Joseph M. Terrell, twice Governor of the State o; Georgia, died at his home in Atlanta, Ga., Sunday after an extended illness ftetident- elect Wilson is spending bis vacation in the Bermuda Islands. Catawba must Beat This. Charlotte Observer. The Observer is in receipt of a letter and accompanying photograph* from Mr. D. J. Campbell of Aberdeer, of a sweet potato other "Triumph" variety that weighed 14 1-2 poundi when first taken from the ground The huge vegetable measured 21 in ches in circumference and was 15 in ches in length. The potato was sent to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, where a cast is being made of it foi the State Museum. Photographs were made of the potato on a pair oi scales and on a carpenter's square. There was also a picrure of a small child holding the vegetable in its lap, which is Completely covered by the giant vegetable. This one potato is very probably the largest ever raised in this State, aud is and that appears to have been gladly received al the museum, where the cast will be kept on exhibit. McDowell-Abernethy. Morganton Messenger. Nov. 15. There was a considerable sur prise in store for the many friends in this town of Miss Elizabeth McDowell when she wired her sister, Mrs. E. M. Gayle, Wednesday afternoon that she and Mr. Alex Aberne thy, of Hickory had just been married at Dysartsville, in Mc- Dowell County. It was a gretna green affair and none of the brides relatives or friends knew that she contemplated taking this «tep until notified by her, as above stated. They are now at home in Hickory, and a large circle of friends join the Messen ger in wishing for them an abundance of happiness. Miss McDowell was a prime favorite in Morganton and numbers her friends by the score. The boy's appetite is often the source of amaxement. If you would have such an appetite take Chamber lain's Tablets, They not only create a healthy appetite, but strengthen the and enable it to do its work * MKorffc &K cole Uf ill An Able Preacher. Morganton Messenger, Nov. 14. Much interest is being mani fested in the series of meetings which began at the Baptist Church Monday night. Rev. J. D. Harte, of Hickory, who is assisting Fas tor Johnson is delivering some able sermons, which are making deep impres sions on the large congregations that are attending the services. One Box Fixed Him Shopton, N. C. "I have had kidney trouble for the last four years, and got no relief until I tried Dr. King's Blood and Liver Pills, and one box entirely cured me. FRANKLIN WATT.' Sold by all medicine dealers. A $141.00 Bale of Cotton. ehenyville Eagle, Nov. 14, Mr. J. W. Kendrick a cotton buyer of this place, bought a bale of cotton last Friday, paying $l4l for the bale and seed from it. The cotton was of the long staple variety and was sold by Mr. John Vandyke, of Bessemer City, route one. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants 1,000,000 Early Jersey Wake field.® Anything under 4,000, $1.60 per thousand. Over 4,000 i lOOper thousand. ■■ J. M. Huffmar, Hickory. N. C., R. P. D.2, Box 30 Ivey Dots. Nov. 18,—Well, the election h now a thing of the past and the people are rejoicing over the result and we can quit talking politics now for a while and settle down to business. P. K. Baker has had a new room built to his dwelling house which adds greatly to the appear ance of the dwelling. A. M. Rowe sold a vacant lot of land in West Hickory to Miss L. E. Houk one day last week the consideration was fifty dollars. W. H. Hicks has his new dwelling house finished on the lot of land that he bought from Mrs. M. J. Lowman in Long View a few months ago and he is now moving into his new home. L. R. Pry sold a house and lot that he owned near the West Hickory Baptist Church to the trustees of said church for a parsonage. The consideration was $5OO. W, A. Abee last week sold a 2-acre lot of land lying in Long View to Messrs. A. S, and F. A, Abernethy the consideration was $3OO. Everett Pierce, the 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Pierce, died here of Diphteria last Wed nesday evening and was burieo at Houks Chapel Thursday. The family has the sympathy of ah their neighbors in their sari bereavement. J. C. Austin, from Caldwell, was here Saturday and Sunday visiting his son, W, P. Austin. Prof. M. M. Cordell, has been at Nebo for several days teach ing music. Mr. Q, A. Hedrick, the Mayor of West Hickory, celebrated his 63rd birthday Sunday, Nov. 17th by giving a nice birthday dinner. There was present one son and 4 daughters and 21 grand chil dren and other relatives and friends present were Mr. W. D. Boston and family, Mrs. Cindia Boston, Mrs. H. Holler, Mrs. Fox and Mr. Ed Dellinger. The total number present was 40, and those present enjoyed them selves fine and went away feel ing that they were fortunate U be invited to such a nice birth day celebration. The board of alderman for the town of West Hickory at a call meeting last Friday night made the order to have the damagt assesed for the State high wa\ over the land of W, P. Austii and others and I suppose th work will proceed at once. lOTA Don't waste your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamberlain's Liniment is cheaper and better. Dam pen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it wili relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers. County News Mr. 1), Link brought the News a cluster of perfect strawberries on Tuetday November 12th. Catawba county strawberries for Tnanksgiving right out of the patch. What county in North Carolina can beat this?— Newton News. Mr. Tom Gabriel and Mr. Mat Gabriel, of SherriU's Ford, left with their families Tuesday morning for Taylor, Texas, and will begin at once to prepare for a crop of cotton next year. Mr. Johnson Gabriel accompanied chem to Catawba and then came up to Newton on business.— Newton Enterprise. Only a Fire Hero but the crowd cheered, as, with burn d hands, he held up a small round box, "Fellows!" he shouted, "this Bucklen's Arnica Salve I hold, has everthing beat for burns." Right! also for boils, ulcers, sores, pimples,eczema cuts, sprains, bruises. Surest pile cure. It subdues inflammation, kills pain. Only 25 cents at C. M. Shufori, Moser & Lutz and Grimes. Poultry Fanciers td Meet at Henrietta The members of the Western North Carolina Poultry Association arc much elated over the prospects for a great show to be held here December 12, 13 and 14. Mr. D- B. Johnson, who is secretary and treasurer, and his as sociates have been enthusiastically at work since early Spring, nothing being left uudone that would further the interest in the association's ex hibit. In the beginning they were most fortunate in securing as their judge Mr. F. J. Marshall of Atlanta, who is an expert judges of fine fowls is known all over the United States. Mr. Marshall was on the revision com mittee of 1910 and has been selected to serve in the same capacity in 1915, when the st.rdards ol the different breeds of poultry will be adopted- All fanciers who put their birds on exhibition first look at the judge who is to pass upon them and this alone has attracted the attention of poultry men over this and neighboring States, and has led them to keep in touch with this association and its exhibits. A very attractive premium list is now in the hands of the printer, Sev eral handsome loving cups will be competed for at the approaching show, among them a very elegant one given by Congressman J, M. Gudger, Jr., which is valued at $5O, and open to everybody. In addition to the loving cups, there are many cash premiums, whfch are of interest of all J owners of good poultry. • . Mr. A- S Harrill, of Ellenboro, who is suprintendent, is Known as one ol the most capable in North Carolina. The industry is rapidly developing in this section and the show this winter is expected to greatly stimulate further interest. Pomp's Defense. Belle R. Harrison. I stole dem britches. I 'knowl edge de corn, But 'twarn't no crime, ez sure ez • you're born, If de motiv' is right, den whar's de sin? I stole dem britches ter be bap tised in, Fur my onlies' pa'r wuz clean worn out, Dey give up de ghos't when I «gun ter shout; But religion is mighty en mus' prevail, Do it lan's er darkie in de county jalK . De chaingang's got me, en de coal mines, too, But what could a 'fenseless col ored man do, When de judge an' jury Mowed it wuz sin, Ter steal dem britches ter be baptised in. Tell de folks all howdy en good bye, too, I'll meet 'em in hebben when my work is fru; Fur my heart is white, do my skin shine black, En I'm gwine ter trabel on de shinin' track. When de Lawd is judae, He's gwine ter say, Pomp's straight ez er shingle en ez fair ez de day, He'll shout ter de worl' dit: ~ wan't no sin Ter steal dem britches ter be baptized in. STATE NEWS » Miss Fannie Caison, of tanoir, lied at the Foot Hills recently. Frank Powers was shot a? Wake Forest by a student namer Rhodes, a Freshman' returning from a social call. He was at tacked by a hazing party of, yil acres and students. Powers Was i villager. * ; .4* • The Lexington Mirror Com pany has given Mr. M. C. Trip lett the contract for the erection of a mirror factory in Lenoir. Work on the building has already begun and the contract calls for its completion by Jan. Ist, 1913, when the factory will begin oper ation. The plant is located be tween the Blue Ridge Bending Company's plant and that of the Kent Coffey Mfg Company. ; It will give employment tp about 25 workman.—Lenoir Topic. .5 ;• j Dr. C. B. McNairy and his mother were called to Greensboro Thursday by the critical illness of the doctor's only uncle, Mr. John W. McNairy, whose death from pneumonia occurred Sun day. Mr. McNairy was 70 years of age. He visited his relatives in Lenoir last year and had many friends here.—Topic. ■■ 1 • Mr. W. C. Moore, jr.. Clerk, of Superior Court of Caldwell County and Miss Margaret Taylor Barber, of Wilkesbo o were united in marriage Thurs day, at high noon, in St. Paul's Episcopal church, Wilkesboro.— Topic. HIDES. Prices paid at the Hickory Tar • nery: Green Hides 13 l-2c per pound. Partly cured hides 9c. *v- M Green Salted Hides 12c " " Dry Flint Hides 20c " M Dry Salted Hides 18c 44 " Tallow • 6c " *• Rye Straw * 40c per 100 lb Notice Of Sale of Valuable Real ESTATE. Whereaa on the 3rd day or March, 1910, Carrie Pool executed to Geo. R Wootten, Trustee for the First BuiHl-, ing Se Loan Association of Hickory, a Deed of Trust on the property hearin after descibed for the sum of Thi ee Hundred Dollars. Said Deed of Trust beinsr recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba county, North Carolina, in book 96 on page 42. And whereas Carrie Pool has made default in the payment of the weekly interest for a period ,of more than tliirty days and has made default in the keeping of other stipulations contained in said Deed of Trust for a like period. Now, therefore, Geo.|R. Wootten, by virtue of the powers contained in said Deed of Trust, will sell at the steps of the First National Bank-in the City of Hickory, the place designated by the said Trustee, at 12 o'clock noon, Satur day the 23rd day of November, 19i2, for cash the following described prop erty, to-wit: Beginning Lot No.l 1 on a plat of lost made for Hickory Insurance and Realty Company, by J. E. Barb, Surveyor, in January 1909, Begining at a stake in the line of lot No. 10 and running North 65 3-4 degrees, East 50 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 12; thence South 25 1-Jlr/legrees East i75 2-10 feet to Second Avenue; thence with said Second Avenue South 64 3-4 degrees West 50 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No. 10; thence North 25 1-2 degrees West 175 8-10 feet to the beginning, and being the lot conveyed by the Hickory Insurance and Realty Company to Car rie Pool by deed dated Feb. i 9. ?910 This the 24th day of October, 10i2. Geo. R. Wootten. Trustee. Bagby and Blackwelder, Attorneys -24-4t« f++++++++ -f + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + ♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦+♦++++++ The Lenoir News, Nov. ' 14: Mrs. J. F. England is visiting relatives in Hickory. Mr. W. T. Sledge has returned from Baltimore where he went to buy new Roods for. his fail stock. Rev.Johnson, of Morganton, filled t • the pulpit at the morning hour in the First Baptist Church Sunday in the absence of Rev. J. D. Harte, who is conducting a meeting in Mr. Johnson's church in Morganton. The corner stone of the new Luth eran Church in West Hickory will be laid next Saturday afternoon at 3:30 Rev. W. A. Deaton will lay the stone. The building of Geo. Miller, Lee Fry and John Moose, The new bell was put in last Saturday. .The church has been ready for this ceremony for some rime. The dedication sermon will be preached next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Mr. N. S. Dasher and Mr. A. K. Joy, of Hickory, were here a few hours Wednesday, Mr. Dasher looking after his tele phone interests here and Mr. Joy, shaking hands with friends. Mr. Joy is the busy and aggressive secretary of the Hickory CI am ber of Commerce and thrcugh his efforts the organization has done much for Hickory and Cat awba County. He is a good roads enthusiast and is much interest ed in the improvement of the road between Hickory and Lenoir He says Hickory township, which recently voted a $50,000 bond issue for good roads, will build a road to the Caldwell line and it is hoped that the intervening townships in Caldwell can be in duced to continue the good work to Lenoir.—Lenoir News. "When You're in Doubt, Lead Trumps." . Dr. King's medicines are prescribed by doctors. Do you know any othe they recommend? A complete line kept by a mile dicic dealers. ' An Unsual Case. Kansas City Journal. "What became of that male factor of great wealth who was sentenced to serve a year?" "He got out of the tangle in an unusual way.'' "Some new technicality?" "No; he served his time." t _____ Flagged Train With Shirt Tearing his shirt from Lis back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved it from a wreck, but H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C.. once prevented a wreck with Electric Bitters. "I was in a terrible plight when I began to use them," he writes, "my stomach, head, back and kidneys were all badly affected and my liver was in bad con dition, but four bottles of Electric Bit ters made me feel like a new man." A trial will convince you of their match less merit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Price SO cents at C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes. Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. M I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, "and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters mads me,feel like a new man." u PRICE tO CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. I JThe Word STIEFF ✓ is *ll the recommendation you need in the purchase of a pia io, whether it be a Stieff, a Shaw manufactured by ourselves, or any piano handled by this great I firm. We don't decieve any custo mer as to the grade of the pianos or the price. We charge what it is worth and you get value re ceived. Chas. M. Stieff No. 219 South Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Get The Value Out Of Yourself Skill gains wealth where sloth want. A man is worth only two dol-1 lars a day from his chin down. Witl proper training he is worth $lOO,OOO s year from his chin up. Eighty five per cent of the' men ol America are earning fifteen dollars » week. Fifteen per cent make 11800 ti $3,000 a year. Which Class Are You In? There is in eery young person a con tinent of undiscovered possibilities Let us help discover that continent help yon to get that value out of your self. Nothing will do this quicker than a course in Scientific Salesmanship This course is extremely practical and interesting from start to finish. Let us tell you all .about this c >urse. We guarantee splendid situations on it. Write Henry S. Slrockley, Principal Asheville Business College, A»he7ille, N. C. FRAIL, SICKLY CHILD Restored to Health by Vinol— Letter to Mothers. Anxious mothers often wonder why their children are so pale, thin and nervous and have so little appetite. For the benefit of such mothors in this vicinity we publish the following letter. J. Edmund Miller, New Haven, Conn., says: "My little daughter, ever since her birth, had been frail and sickly, and was a constant source of worriment. Several months ago we commenced to give her Yinol. I im mediately noted an improvemtnt In her health and appearance. I gave her three bottles of Vinol, and from the good it has done her I can truly say it will do all you claim." This child's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers, —combined with the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonic iron, which are contain 3d in Vinol. Vinol will build up and strergthen delicate children, old people ard the weak, run-down and debilitated. We return the money in every case vherc It fails. Moser& Lutz, Druggist, Hickory, N.C. WE OFFER, .at a reduced price, two number five, one number ten and one number twelve De Laval Separators. These • have been slightly used but are practically as good as new. If interested, call and see us. : : : We buy all kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY, N. C. . i Subscriptions Payable in "Advance The attention of our sub scribers is again directed to our cash-in-advance plan, which is now in effect. All subscribers are asked to keep their subscriptions paid up well in advance. Our field representative, Mr, S. J. Lawrence, will call on a great number of sub scribers and will be plea ;ed to get your renewal. He will also be in potition to offer a splendid club com bination. Read the offer on the last page. Diarrhoea When you want a qaiclc cure without any loss of time, and on« that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It nsver foils and Is pleasant to It is equally valuabis tor children. It fa fomous for its curec over a I+rg» nut •> •» (tvfllMi waorLd. i ftwsfr} SJSj? prescription^ pounding that is in any way short of SOLUTELY ACCURATE is dangerous. AB> Besides being absolutely correct and excent;* ally, thoroughly careful. We use only the n?" est of fresh drugs without the slightest atw! at substution pt Your prescription should be compounded by MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists, "ON THE CORNER." Save money by buying diamonds now. Diamonds are continually advancing, and you can buy from my selection of beautiful stones and save money. Come and see these fine stones and other | nice goods in all lines. GEO. B. BISANAR JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST. Watch Inspector for Southern an 4 C. & N-W. Railways. a*)OGO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(^ |For CHRISTMAS i Allow Us To Suggest C I the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL i I the SATURDAY EVENING POST 8 \ More than one thousand Hickory people are now reading the Jour Q nal and Post. Are YOU. X . If you are, please let us have your renewals for either or both of X them at once. We know you do not want to miss any copies, and V f' you will let us have your renewals before December let, we will v ) promise you that you will get every number. U | And since you enjoy the Journal and Post so much, why hot send A | one or both to your Friend or friends in other towns. For $1.50 there /\ I is nothing to compare with the Journal and Post as Christmas Gifts,— A they continue the entire year, they are easy to send, they are most V f highly appreciated. 1 v I 'Phone us at once, or when up street call in at the 0 I BOOK STOREj ALL KINDS OF GAME Such as Squirrels, Rabbits, O'Possums, Quail, etc., bought at highest market prices by Brawley & Poovey Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters always on hand. Free delivery. * Phone 69 - . . Old Field's Stand, The Democrat Job Dept. offers to you the use of its splendid mod ern facilities for the production of neat, ta&y, down-to-the-minute * . "i ' •' ' i Commercial Job Printing Send us a trial order TODAY!— Delivery the quicker—Satisfaction guaranteed. The Hickory Democrat, Job Department Hkk©ry, N. C Minn

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