. Fresh Christmas Candies When you want to buy the beft, jrbu go to a man who knows his business and is a specialist in his line. We are Specialists in making Candies and in sele&ing and handling Fruit. ' Therefore, remember that our Candy Kitchen is the place to fill those Chriftmas Stockings. Fancy Fruit Baskets. California Fruit Company Phone 286 » 1 ANNOUNCEMENT D. M. BOYD CO. have taken over the Vehicle and Harness business of the Hinkel-Craig Live Stock Co., and will be pleased to serve their friends and the public. The business will be conducted at the same place, the Hin kel-Craig stables in Hickory. Full lines of Babcock and Rock Hill Buggies and Nissen and Piedmont Wagons for sale at lowest prices. Respediully, D. M. BOYD & COMPANY Sg. Watches, !>£■>! | |. - ctoeks,' | I * u Jewelry, £ f Silverware ** cL * • y & r* 2 2. ® 0 I Guarantee Every O O Piece of Goods I Sell. & J. O. RHODES The Eternal Question What Shall I Give For Xmas The most appreciated of all giits is an article of personal adornment." Let us help you solve the problem. We have just received and have i. dy for display a large lot pf the real useful, ) us packed in beautiful holiday boxes; | We Offer a Few Suggestions: We Have Many More Silk Robespierre Collars 25c to SI.OO Lace Dutch Collars, 25c to $3.00 Lace and Velvet Bows and Jabots 25c to 75c Automobile Scarfs, 25c to $5 Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c to 50c each Gloves, 25c to $3 Hand Bags, 25c to $5 Crepe and Silk Kimenas, $1 to $6.50 Jewelry Novelties, 10c to $1 German Silver Mesh Bags, 25c to $5 | Look our stock over while our line is complete Thompson-Weft Company "Sellers of Merchandise of the Better Kihd" FffIMVEMEHT BY com A Committee of Chamber of Commerce is at Work. THE FEATURES OF THE PLAN. Citizens Would Elect Three Com missions Under Whom a City Manager Would Work — Would Secure Business Methods. A special committee appointed by the Hickory ( bamber of Commerce has been at work for some time pre paring anew Charter forthis city, bas ed on the "commision" form, whieii is nothing more or less than putting the business of the city on a business basis. The basic principle of the plan the ' committee is workiug on is to have the citizens of Hickory elect three commissioners, and these three com misssoness shall hire and control and accept responsibility for a city man ager, The latter, in turn, controls all departments, just as the manager of any business does, subject to the direction of the three elected com missioners. The commissioners shall receive only nominal salaries, give only a portion of their time, and will not have to devote so much of their time to public affairs as heretofore. This it is supposed, will make it less diffi cult to secure business men who could not otherwise be induced to serve as commissioners. The city manager will give all of I his time to the city and will receive a salary substantial enough to se cure the services of a first class man. His tenure in office will have no rel ation to city politics. He will sim-. ply be a hired expert to manage tin affairs of the city. It will be remembered that an ef fort was made over a year ago to have a new charter prepared for Hickory, but lack of time before the meeting of the legislature prevent ed its consummation. However, there was such a unanimity of feeling in .favour of the movement that the Chamber of Commerce decided to be gin early enough this year to carry it through successfully. Probably the most encouraging evidence of interest manifested was the for mation of a Government by Commis sion Club, composed exclusively of of the young men of the town. The conimitte, in drafting the new charter, has endeavored to pro tit by the experiences of other cities who have tried out the new form of business government for munici palities, Wherever possible they have adapted tried experiences to condi tions that prevail here, and recom mend the plan they have adopted or the following reasons: 1, It gives complete unification of the administrative established. 2. It makes it possible to have a permanent professional expert admin istrator. 3. It leaves the people free to choose candidates simply as representatives, unlimited by any implied require ment as to executive experience or capacity to earn a large salary. (This feature is of special interest to labor.) 4. It abandons the unscientific plan of attempting to select executive ex perts by popular election for Short terms. 5. It keeps the vital short ballot feature of the commission plan. After the charter has been passed upon by the State Legislature, a copy of the new charter will be placed in the hands of every voter in the city, to read, digest, examine and compare, and thereby be enabled to vote on the matter intelligently. A household remedy in America far 215- years —Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, bruis es. 25c and 50c. At all drugstores. Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists be tween liver and bowels to cause dis tress by refusing to act, take Dr. Kings New Life Pills, and end such abuse of your system. They genlly compel right action of stomach, liver and bow els, and restore your health and all good feelings. 25cat C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. Surplus Crop. Howes— "How is it that Wildboy's tons all walk in the straight and nar row?" Crewes —"Oh, they feel that their father sowed wild oats enough lor the whole family."— Judge. SIOO Reward SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at teast one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the systen, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, add giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cur- j ative powers that they have offered One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address F.'J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hallos Family Pilts for con stipation. South Fork Items. Thomas Seagle of Lihcoln county. Was married to Mi?s Delia Blackburn, daughter of E. D. Blackburn, of CataWbi County, in Jacob's township a few days ago. The new bridge across . the Jaoob's river at the Finger ford is finished and has been crossed. The construction of the roads is partially made. It will .take several weeks before it wtH be fully completed. There ii, a country road leading to thO bridge. . Misses Mamie Williams front Boone as principle and Bertha. Rhmehardt as assistant are teaching the Yoder school; and her sister as principle and MT6s Alice Rhoney as assistant are teaching Oak GrOve school, Robert Huffman near Black burn has moved to Mt. Holly and A. E. Houser, the purchaser of the farm, is now occupying the hause, C. £. Finger tenant has moved to Jacob Mostellers. Thanksgiving day passed off" very quietly. Some -few had; turkey for dinner. * Mary Lore of Lincoln county, died yesterdry morning, % COLONEL. 'The Fool's ftevenge." Even more difficult than the Merchant of Venice attempted last year was "The Fool's Re venge' presented by the Lenoir College students Monday night. Yet it was a great success under the mo3t excellent coaching and training of Miss Esther Schultz, of Pittsburg, teacher of expres sion. The play is a classic in which Booth is sasd to have reached the height of his genius. It is tragedy. The costumes were the best even seen at the 1 college, The acting was exceptionally good, Mr. Lake in the difficult part of the Fool did a fine piece of worl. Miss Louise Ear»de as Fiordel se the fool's daughter, showed remarkable talented. Worthy of mention also were Mr. Paul Rbyne as Doke Mal atesta and Miss Edna Hammond as his Duchess. The play al together was one of the best ever presented and all the cast did splendidly. Other charac ters were impersonated by Miss Dora Rhodes, and Messrs. V. V. R. L. Coons, L. L. Lohr, J. F. Lineberger, E. Z. Pence and A. M. Huffman. While Miss Willie Ashby as Ginera. showed fine historian ability. The clouds were threatening and the sidewalks muddy biit a good crowd was present and a neat sum realized for the LiterarySocietieS. Freshman-Sophomore Debate, ; The Annual Freshman-Soph omore rebate bfelWe^n. the two Literary societies, of Lenoir College will be hetd next Mon day night, December9th, Hi the college auditorium. The speakers injure a very interesting and intertaining program. To this eqercise as well as to all otfc&rs the pulblic is cordially inVftech tutor. - The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will hold there annufeld&te of fancy articles, cakes candies, etc. Friiay, Dec. 6th at 2 o'clock! in the J. W, Shuford bidding, next ths tetefcbohe exchange. A salad course, consisting of chioken salad, between Biscuits and coffee Will be served during the afte*noon and evening for 25 cents. The public is cordially invited to attend. My wif 3 was all run down, and I feared a long illness; but one bottle of King's Sarsaprilla made a new 'woman of her. It is a wonderful medicine. , F. J. REBMAN, Sevtrsvilie, N. C. Sold by all medicine dealers. PILES TREATED AND €UREL> At My Office or Your Home TESTIMONIALS '* . ' - jJ. T. Johnson, Hickory, C. Connelly Springes, N. C., T uly 20, 1887 My Pear Doctor; —I feel that it tts due you, and suffering humanity ought to. know it, that your treatment of pijes is a success. I had suffered for more than two yea s severely. lam now relieved, and I have every reason to 1 elieve, c ir ed. No;le but those that have suffered can sjppreclate how grateful I feel, um er God, to you. I would alsp say that your treatment was almost painlesi. The suf fering ought to know that they S»h be cured. . _ Fraternully, J. B, Carpenter. Pastor Connelly Springs Circuit, etc. Piles Cured Without Pain—l had them for 40 years and J. T. Johnson, M. D., of Hickory, N. C., cured me over two years ago. ' Yours respectfully, W. W. Adams, March 8 1895. Penelope, Burke Co., N. C. This is to certify that I had Piles for five years. In June 1892 I took treatm nt under Dr. J. T. Johnson; 1 have not been troubled since. P. R. Yoder, Hickory, N. C' Thisis to certify fhatl had Pile? very bad for 15 years and J. T. Johnson, M. D., of Hickory, cured nfe in the yellr 1894, and I have had no trouble since. J. M. Miller, March 3, 1895. Conover, N. C m Thfs is id certify '(fcit I bid Pifcs In Its worst form InFeb. 18941 took treatment under T>r. f. T. Johtisttn who i>erT6rmed twb operations uOdn IilSVe h«d ho trouble sinbe. J. Lee Hahn, Jan, 1, 1895. . Hickory, N. C. This is to Piles so bad that I could "do no wo?k. Dr. Johns6n applied his medicine one timeatrdVured me. K. F. Ogle, Feb. 4, 1895. Connelly Springs, Burke Co., N. C. Clarence Cline Browne I in Florida Clafrencfe Killian CI ne, son o 1 Perry arid Jane Glint, of States ville, and grandson o S. E. Kil iian ms Working int it Southern part of Florida on a tuck f; rm and On his way frbir an Mind in a boat, the boatsp' ung a 1 ak. Clime left the boat at a bush und thought he Would wi de out to I iiaiid. Not knowing ihe deptl oi ! the watter, The Water was too i deep to wade and as } e could lot he Was drowne . This v as on ttfe- Evening of | Ufa body wte fpaht. Nov. 26. and was embalmed* ar J Stent to Statesville, arrived there Dec. 1 and Was brought to St. Paul church pn Monday, Dec. 2 ?nd buried 6y his pastor, Rev. W. A. Luiz. He was g member of the Statesville Rifles. Many of his friends accompanied his,body to its last resting place. Deceased was a member of St Joins Lutheran church at Statesville and a model Christian. He was 20 years old And had Ortly a Way from homo three weeks. A large number of friends fend kindred witnessed, his burial at old St Mis church. S. E.X NO. 489 RBPORT OF TUB CONDITIO*? OF the First National Bank • —AT — • Hickory, io the State of North - C a'r ffnk, at TtfifcCld&e of hUsiueis Nov. 26 isf2. RESOURCES. Loan? and Discounts 1679,116,14 Overdrafts, secured and un secured , 6477.39 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 100,000.00 Other bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 5, 000. 00 Banking.House, Furniture & fixtures 12,000.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents, 34,964-17 Dtfe from State and Private Banks and Bankers. .Trust Companies, and Saving Banks 550.56 Due from approved Reserve Agents 35,398.41 Checks and other Cash Items 1,839 90 Notes of other National Banks i,i>oo.oo Fractional Paper Currency, Nickle6, and Cents 855.44 Lawful money reserved in Bank, viz: Specie 26.i01.50 Legal-tender notes 2,12s 28,226.30 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 percent of circulation) 5,000.00 TOTAL 910.968.5 l LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $200,000. x> Surplus fund 40,000. JO Undivided Profits, less Expen ses and Taxes oaid 23,146.56 National Bank Notes outstanding iO r >,000,(0 Due to other National Banks 48.303. -4 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 6,295. y4 Dividends unpaid . , , 18.50 Individual deposits anhjdet to check $7,488. J4 Demand Certificates of Deposit 70,461.21 Cashier's checks outstanding a, Postal Saving Deposits, , 360.36 Bonds horroVed 27,000.00 Reserved for Interest 5,000 00 TOTAL 910,968.51 State of North Carolina, Co'nnty of Catawba, ss: I. K. C. Menzies, Cashier of the abo. e darned bank, dosoletafily swear that the abbve Btat«Hent"is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. _ K. C. MENZIES, Cashier. Subscribed awl sWorn' tc before ne this -»tlj dav of Dec. isfa. " J. W. WARWICK - Nofk 7 Public. Correct—Attest: • J. D. ELLIOTT, J. W. EL LJOTT. W. B. MLN£IES - _ Of rttctors. Xsrt FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOFUA ■t * Dally Thought. . *Praetles self-control, self-poise, and MBmly u4 persistant!? await your X Wfce Family. ''l have trted -Dt KifigV BlOOdani Liver Pills in TMV family and With my tenants. Am sixgr-nine, and have raised amesprfs twenty-One years old, aad four daughters, have used all the leading Bver medicines, but find Kute 1 * tQ be the teesi of all. "RSStJBEN F. CHRISfiNBURY.'' r Extfie&bde tells. Get these pills from iUTfaetifeifee dealers. •• New Goods ===== We are now New Goods, which consist of all new styles in the highest quality of Watches, Cut Glass, Silverware, Silver Novelties, Diamond Jewelry, • •• '' • .*'*'• ' .. . *. * ** Fine Gold Jewelry. t i \ , • *' These goods make useful and lasting presents. ' . • i y * You are always welcome at this store. , ■ ». Make your selections now, goods will be delivered later if you like. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optometrist , . / ' • * •":,'«> ' JZ. • - # . i ' z- ..." * * ■ r : . '"*•. t - - - v ** . * v 1 ' Christmas Shoppers \ *'' * are already on the war path. You better get the habit and then you have more time to think of about it. What Do You Want? • See our Bath Robes $5.00 to $10.00,-Rain Coats $5:00 and up. A box of the celebrated Hole-Proof • Hose, in either silk or cotton* Xmas Neck wear, Mufflers and Suspenders. Call and See as Before Making t • * - Your Purchases .* - * Martin & Clark Clothing Co. "The One-Price Clothiers" —— Jack-of-all-trades failed be cause he couldn't learn to . r specialize; Focused effort has made the Ford "the un- : } iversal car.'" Our tremen dous producing power is 1 centered upon the building of just one good car —the world-beating Model T. C. T. MORRISON ' HICKORY - - N. C.