— ——— ~ For Infant, f l§T9M||The Kind You Have Um P Bo#! Bears the / ■j rromojesDigearion.ChrerW- l i! ness and Rest.Contains neither B j [.IP |; opnim.Morphine norl&neral ■ QJ /(\ A f W j sot narcotic. | If I' H . WVM iuiuutto- I U Ml 1 la£*i» J Ifv |A»* In %%=£=-} . 1/J J ; tiAp i A perfect Remedy fortonstip*- ■[ | IV VOu I Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea ■ | I|k , • , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ■« |p A u a. ncas and Loss of Sleep. |y/ Y\Ji UV 6 r Facsimile Signature of Thirty Years ''—ICASTORIA VMsesißwMeeMMMn, wsveMem. - * * m* .*■ .. N - * CORJRIGBTiSKSi Rook Pat on jpgjE 26 Yews Ago iIL«rjJI!M are as good as new, and have ■ jnpMHMj never needed repairs—never W B Mp ; need attention of any ex- I fl| cept an occaaonalcoatcrfpaint I Storm-proof Fire-proof . Lightning-proof Don't buy that roof (or the new bmUSnf, or re-roof lhe old, S until you have examined die Cortrifht Mdal Slnnlw, .. v | - ' F. B. Ingold, Hickory, N. C. V' " > v. * ** ■ ? ??'■ " . - .-i , m mL pWMWWHMIMWMq I "Cardui Cured Me" I gi For nearly ten years, at different timet, Mrs. Miry Jinks I 3 of Tread way, Tenn., suffered with womanly troubles. She I I says: "At last, 1 took down and thought I would die. I I - B could not sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The I §J doctors gave me up. 1 read that Cardui had helped so I || many, and I began to take it, and it cured me. Cardui I M saved my lifel Now, I can do anything.** I CARDUI WomansTonic| fe If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from My ef I 9 the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, I |j backache, draggingrdown feelings* pains in arm, side, hip H I or limbs, and other, symptoms oH womanly trouble, you 1 I should try Cardui, the woman's tonic Prepared from per- I II fectly harmless, vegetable Cardui is the best I || remedy for you to use; as it can do you nothing but good. I H It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-affects. I B Ask your druggist He sells and recommends Cardui. i Write tb: AdvUty D»iChrttanoof* Ifadtda* C*. TM. I |S far Special Irutractioiu, and 64-wt book. "Ho—Ti—tairtlf Wo—. Mtlm Jli I The Home Protl'Ctof and Chiklrefl s Friend ■ CHESTOL (CHEST OINTMENT) ; A Household Remedy which works from the Outside and* RELIEVES QUICKLY CROUP, COUGHS, COLDS, PNEUMONIA AND ALL AFFECTIONS OF "CHEST AND THROAT PRICE 25c EVERYWHERE , ... Manufactured by MfIIWELL k DUNN, Chari»Uc v N. C. .. V*-f ? ' __ - "" . / ' —■» '■ 1 i . - v - Bgar/ ' and aH Texas points* Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Skreveport, 1 r and all Louisiana points* Hattiesburg, . Jackson, .Meridian, Yicksfcurf* and all Mississippi points* AL«. POINTS North, East, South and West REACHED II BY THE THROUtH TRAIN SERVICE Of THfc QUEBIN St CRGSCBNT ROUTE j FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR W*JTE _ ■ L-^fi CQNN > Division Passenger Agent, H«— , CHATT^NOOgA^E*^ SUNDAY SCHOOL. ■ i tesson |.—First Quarter, For Jan. 5, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Qen. i, 1, to ii, a. Memory Verses 27, 28— Golden Text. • Qen. i. I—Cemmentary Prepared by *«v. D. M. Stearns. In our meditatiou upon this most wonderful |»ortion of the most won -lerful book ever written we will prob *bly reiwnt many things. hoping that hus the precious truths amy enter ■i»»ny hearts. More than erer do we lewire to be fnlly under the control of aim who wrote It. that He may say hrough as only that which ts truly Hi* own. The opening section assign ed to us for today's lesson contains In the first terse the record of creation. :n the second the resuk of a great urastrophe and In all the rent an ac count of a great six days' restoration »r fashioning anew of the work which md by a Judgment been brought Into -httos. It Is not written that in six days I»d created, but La six days the Lord :iaJe (or fashioned) heaven and earth, he sea and ali that In them ts (lb. «. Hi. or. as It la in Gea. tt. 3, "all work, which God created and uarie (margin, created to make). The 3r*t verse of Just seres Hebrew words nd twenty-eight letters tella all we u«w of creation and does not tell y* mythlng as to when It wa*r It Is a tateletti statement and. for aught we kuow. may refer to what took place uililuns of years is the past Other '•rrwes hearing upon this which abouJd !>e most prayerfully considered are Pa. txxill. «. 9. and Heb. Xt a. which af firm that the creating word brought >nto existence that which did not exist liefore. That the creation was by Him whom know as the Son of God la most »' - inly stated In John I, 1-3; Col. 1. 12- .. Thus-believing the first verse to he Bible, one can readily believe every irarle and wonderful record In the vh«»le book, according te Jer. xxxii. IT. and find comfort In It as the proph ets and apostles did (Isa. xl. 28-31; \cts Iv. 24-31>. The words "la the be ginning God" hare helped some whom i kuow. for they hare said. I will not •egin that which I cannot begin with J :««!.. We do well to pray that all oar •rorktt may lie begun, continued and : -«U»d in Him. In the second terse the R. T. reads. 1 And the earth was (or became) waste 1 .md Told.** In Isa. xlt, 18, we read. j "He created it not a waste." We know, j tlwrefore. that the second Terse does t not describe it as He crested it There j «re only two other places where the words translated "without form snd roid" are used together (Iss. XXXIT, II; Jer. it. 23). and in each there is s Isolation because of a judgment, so we conclude that in Gen. 1. 2. we sre reading of a desolation caased by s judgment because of a great rebellion. The suggestion by Peuiber In "Earth's Harliest Ages" that possibly the deril tirfore he fell was in coutrol of thi* farth may be well worth considering. i»ut we must watt. Oter this waste and toid condition ;he spirit of God moved, and God said. Let there be light, and there was ight"—more literally. "Light be. ami Urbt was." Thus early In the book we are made acquainted with God a* Father. Son and Holy Spirit and are «hown that all things are accomplished »»y the Spirit through the word. In he first terse we hate already noticed 1 four times setea of letters, and If *e count we shall find In ear lesson *«Mlay the name "God" just fire times even, suggesting an abundant com rieteness (l. 20-23; IL l-3». -• -In this section God ts seen working juhindered by His Spirit and His *ord, and when He la allowed to work ;* unhindered tn us we shall be per 'ectly new creatures to His glory. Let hose who desire to know God count he number of times that the different ;*rbs are associated with Hfa name *Hd do not accept my figures nates* rou prote them correct: Said flOt. saw 7i, divided (8). called $K created S>. '•lessed (3). made (ft. rented (2). set -nded. finished, sanctified, given (IV t waa so (8). let (14). More important, nowever, hi It to notice that God alone ■n seen working, so It was hi Christ when He waa here aa man, and so It should be In us (Phil. 11. 18). Inasmuch aa there are ages enough for all the geological periods between the first two terses. 1 am willing to ac the data as ordinary days, but >t ~eftMrbe fully pemaded {or iiimself. "***•- Not only bare we here tnwrecord of t Jod working by His Spirit and*"BMa word In earth, air and sea. but we sre tanght by II Cor. Iv, d». to Qtod-afe anal .»gy In the work of God In man. whose life because of sin Is all wasts and rold and dark. By the spirit and the word light ea ers the dark soul. Christ Ts received, and there ts a new blrtb. Thus becom ings child of light, there la a dlviateo • efcween light snd darkness, and wa ters from below do not satisfy.: so tlie water that He gives Is desired and en joyed. There la the power «t reenr -action as on the third day. the reflec tion of the light of the sun tn onr lives as on the -fourth dsy. then the abundance and frultfulness of the fifth day. while the alxth day sees man. male and female, in the Image of God. with dominion over All things If we would enjoy the rest of the seventh day, while we wait for Its full coming, we must wholly cease from ourselves and all our works | Electric] Bitters ! ' Made A New Man Of Him. | • "I waa goffering from gain la tay fj 'tomach, head and baok, writes H. p. Alaton/Ratelgk I*.C, "tedßT f: itz and kidneys did not work right, i iCTJT bottles of Else trie Bitten S "»-dd me fe&l like * now rasa. | 53 CTB. AT AUL PHUfI *"***! | Ccnstip ition, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, if neglected, leads to aimost innumerable complies* tions nfFc:ting the general health. J s*. Many cases of typhoid fever, appendicitis and JH other severe dis eases are trace able to prolonged ». .3© clogging of the W bowels. Regard the effects of constipation, C. jjL F- Ayers, 6 Sabin St., Montpelier, "I was afflicted Y'&rry/rfi with constipation " and biliousness for years, and at times became so bad I would beet n« unconscious. I have been foand in that condition many times. Physicians did not seem to be able to do me ary rood. I would become weak and for days at a time could do no work. Not long ago I got a box of Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets, and •fter uslnp them found I had never tried anything that acted In such a mild and effective manner. I believe J have at last found the remedy that suits my case." Thousands of people are sufferer! from hantual constipation and while possibly realizing something of the danger of this condition, yet Mgieet tc o long to employ proper curative measures until serious ill ness often results. .The advice oi Dr-' MilaHEf' «a£ jm •old by all draggtttft- w* ay tents a box cont lining as doses. If not found satisfactory, your money it returned. MILS* NODICAL Btkhart, la* PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. George E, Flowers Offlaa M tie mUaN Laa| VW w. Cili —weid ri|M mi day. rata or iMm. Phone No. 506 A. WILL G. KIR KM AN Piano and Pipe Organ Toner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. HICKS DEN 11ST ; Will be in my office Fridays anc Saturd »ys I Up Stairs in Club ElJ'g., next door t« Sbuford Hardware Co, I Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls arswered nifcht and day. >£Ece at residence, $l3O lltb Arenuc 'PHONE No. 94. 0 I, u BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Bfaehine Office. HICKORY. N. C Oietz's Barber Shof THE OLD RELIABLE For First Glass fcnd Shaving. Palace Barber Shop. j__zz__zz_r i R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St D. L. RUSSELL ATrORNEY-AT-LAW leaeat tcrrkx praarind all who capfe. hba ta cltaad ta the* heal righto. Wit praam Is al wnUW this ftett. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy 1 ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES ! raom » im Utk STUUT " ' M'M " ' " ■ i» ■! ii iwjj,'i—-m. j»a i igiiiimji. i ■ h&r studiel - 9 *% ■ * ;f dENTIST (Bee aver Moser k Lute Drag Store Hickorr, N. C. Mrs. D. M. Atkins • Trained Nuraa Wilt b« gW4 to tarve Fhyiickai la a4jacea towns aad oouatry as well as ta Hickory PHONE M HICKORY, N. C. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffiee. E. E. ANDERSON Factory Representative ADAM SCHAFF PIANOS and Piano Tuner. PHONE NO. IS4-L- HICKORY. N. C fflpilS withJtaa mMLV/ Vf Jp • Farm For Salp 135 acres > Sood river bottom $ll,OOO, half cash, remainder on time. • -.4 20 Head Registered Jerseys Calves from $l5 to $3O. Registered Berkshire Pigs and Shoats from $5 to $lO. Cpp/] rV|rn Batt's Prolific Seed Corn from a yield of 108 bushels per acre. $2 per bu. Special select. JOHN W. ROBINSON, NEWTON, N. C., R. F. D. 4. Administrator's Notic Having qualified as admin ;trator of i Max. A. Sigmon, deceased, late of l "atavba county, N. C. 'i hi is tq no | rify ali persons having claim against he estate of said deceased, t ■ exhibit hem to the undersigned on v before the 13th day of December, 1913, or his notice will be plead in b of their ecsvery. All persons indebt i to said sstpte will please make i mediate pajßcst# This 12th day of Decemb r, 1912 JOSEPHUS H. BOLC 3, 12-19-7t. v Admin: trator. Gov. Wilson had a thr e hour chat with W. J. Bryan o 7 ar mak ing up his cabinet Building Materials. Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Msntels, \ Framing, I Flooring, Mouldirgs, Pine Shic sles, Sish Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumbei. Cypress Shingle; y m^H mmm imm m v Estimates made rom plans. Good supp! of Manufacturing Mate; al in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co HICKORY, N. C m Fares! r mpug On the Ist and 3rd Tuesdays of each month the fans are #xfat low—-and allow stop oven free and 25 days time— via Cotton Belt Route to 1 Arkansas m & Texas The Cotton Belt Rc ite it the m iirtct line from M> nphis to ' Texas, through A ansas.— two splendid trains d • ily, with through sleepers, cha i cars and £s* parlor-cafe cars. Tr .ins from vSy- all parts of the South, itt make direct connection at .vlemphis with Cotton Belt Rf-utetrains ag| to the Southwest. 1% Write to me today I will tell you exact fare from your town, sched *j& ule, and send ?-u splen wß did illustrated books of farm facts about Arkan- W\ sas and Texas, a H. H. SITTON, MMBHI Dutrict PUKI «r Aceat . I M. SFORD, Pal—ger Vftnt 109 W. 9th Street I Chattanooga, T—. Ml* Daily to c«r- " 1 " Is Gov. Newland a Candidate? Statesville Landmark. Some weeks ago a report was i sent out from Washington that Lieut. Gov. Newland was a can didate for collector of internal revenue in this district and that ;he had been to the capital in i that interest, The Lieutenant Governor re i turned home last week, he says from a business trip to Washing j ton and a visit to his daughter, j Mrs. Day, at Chester, Pa. He says he was not in Washington in the interest of an office for : himself; and the statement sent ;out from Lenoir, which thus j quotes Mr. Newlands, adds that the report that he is to be a can didate "has been given no cre dence by him." This language leaves the matter' in doubt. Is the Lieu tenant Governor a candidate or not? j Stiff Joints j Sprains, Bruises j are relieved at once by an applica- I i tion of Sloan's Liniment. Don't I rub, just lay on lightly. "Sloan's Liniment has done mora a good tlum anything I have ever tried I ' for stiff joints. I got nsy hand hart so 1 badly that I had to stop vrork rljjbt Jit £ I the busiest time of the year. I thought ■ j at first that 1 would nave to have my I hand taken off, but I got a bottle of g Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand." I WU/roif AVhkki.f.b, Morris, Ala. Good for Broken Sinews G. G. Jones, Baldwin, L. L, 'writes: —"I used Sloan's Liniment for broken sinews above the knee cap caused by a fall and to my great satisfaction was able to resume work in less than three weeks after the accident.** SLOAN'S LINIMENT " Fine for Sprain Mb. Heniiy A. Vokhl, 84 Somerset St., Plainfield, N. J., writes:— "A friend sprained his ankle so badly that it went black. He laughed when I told him that I would have him out in a week. I applied Sloan's Liniment and in four days ho was working and said Sloan's was a right good Unl» ment." Sloan's Book j " on horses, cattle, * UflVy _ sheep and / ■ M/ poultry sent free, u / ijfj jyi Diarrhoea When you. warn a quick core without i any lon of time, and one that it JbikmW by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It newer Ub and it pleasant Ml take It is equally valuable for children. It k 'vnsai for its curec «w«r a Uf. ->«r» » The Love Letters of a Confederate General WE begin in the November issue a series of real love letter? written over fifty years ago by one of our national heroes to his sweet heart during the period of '6l and '65. The.great general will go down to posterity as having accomplished one of the most brilliant feats of arras in ihe history of the world. He was as great a lover as he was a general, therefore these letters combine authentic history and exquisite romance. They sound a human note that no other work of literature lias done in a decade, it is war, it is romance, it is history, it is literature. You simply can't afford to miss this wonderful series an Inside story of the Civil War now published for the first time and containing all the freshness of a contemporary happening. These letters will grip you hard, and hold your interest from fi.st to last. Fill out the coupon and send it now before you forget it Pictorial Review l_ 15 Cents A Copy One Dollar a Year s, R "S?w $lO,OOO in Cash Prizes Enclosed please find 25c. and Liberal Commission to ouifAgents. for which please send P. R. • Ask for Particularsj„ao. _ for Nov., Dec. and Jan. .>, _ Nime The Pictorial Co. Address 222 West 3*th St., New York CityM WE OFFER, at a reduced price, two number five, one number ten and one number twelve De Lava! Separators. These have been slightly used but are practically as . good as new. If interested, call and see us. : : : We buy all kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY, N. G. Wilson savs the office-seeker that asks him for a job will be feast likely to get it. Notice r\ North Carol In*. Catawba County. In The Superior rourt. Special Proceeding before the Clerk. Lou. A. Fry,admr'x of the estate of H. D. iTry, deceased. VS. Clyde Fry and Sadie Fry, heirs at law of H. D. Fry. By virtue of an order from the Clerk of the superior Court of Cataw ba County in the above entitled cause, for the purpose of securing assets v\i! h which to pay debts of the estate of FT. D. Fry, deceased, I, Lou. A. Fry commissioner will on the eighteenth lav of Jan. 1913, in front of the Post 'ffice in Hickory, N. C. at one o "clock -ell to the highest bidder for cash he following described real estate: viz; First tract. Adjoining the lands .f Laban Hall man and Q. W. Fox Beginning on a stone in the Bridge I road Hajlman's Corner and running !S. 57 3-4 West 17 poles to a Post oi K I Hallman'B corner: Thence South, 51 East 19 1-2 poles to a stake in said Ball man's line; Thence North, 55 Bast 14 poles to a stake in the road. Thence North 41 1-2 West 20 poles to the beginning, containing 1 .91 acres, same being the home tract, but .not including the widow's dower. Second tract Lying and being situated in Catawba County, Hick ory Township, N. C. adjoining the lands of J. A. Poovey.Saprouia Holler and others; beginning at a stone in the branch near a bunch of poplar crees and running South 74 West 20 poles to a pine; thqnce S. 57.- Week 12 poles to a Spanish oak; thence South 42 West 29 H pole& to a stone, thence South 48 East 30 4-5 poles to a stone in Mrs. Holler's line; thence with Mrs. Holler's line N. 32 E. 17 poles to a stone; thence S. 63 %E. 31 poles crossing a branch to a stake by a Persimmon pointer, thence N. W. 56 poles to a stake in the branch; thence N. 59tf W. 12-5 poles to the beginning, containing . about _l2 1-2 acres. Third tract. Being situated in the town of Longview, Catawba County, Hickory Township, North Carolina adjoining the' lands of O. J. Brewer and others: Beginning at a stake on the street and runs S. H W. 80 feet to a stake Brewer's corner; thence N. 89 X & with Brewer's line 200 feet to a stake; thence N. X E. 80 feet with said street to a stake thence N. 89 %W. 200 feet to the beginning, and known as the B. G. Campbell lot. Lou. A. Fry, commissioner. D. L. Russell, Atty. 12-12-4t