ME HICKORY DKMUtKAi. Published Every Thursdf T _ ■OWARDJA. BANKS, H^oraadOmwr TBRMS OFI SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In I I » ao tlx Months, " " So rhree Monlhs " " *5 Advertising Rates on Application Rntered at the Post Office at Hickory second class matter. HICKORY. N. C. JAN. 9, 1918 A MILLION A YEAR. Hitherto the great in-flow of foreign immigration has been absorbed, but not always assim ilated, north and west. The South has been freest for som»- reason, from the foreigners voice. But the tide is beginning t» flow this way, and we must In prepared to swim it and not b* swamped by it. In round numbers 1,000,0(X people a year are streaming r through Ellis Island if this strean of humanity could be stowe away in cities of 10,000 eacl there would be 22 Italian towns, 271-2 Austro-Hungarian, 181-5: Poles and Russian Jews, 4 Ger man, 6 Scandinavian, 1 each 01 French, Greeks and Japanese, 6 1-2 English, 5 Irish, 2 Scotcl and Welsh, with a number ol smaller villages for Turks, Syri ans, and other peoples. Of this 1,000,000 annual in crease from abroad, 230,90$ can not read or write, enough people to make a town the size of Jersey City. (It is of interest to note s silver living to this dark cloud— out of 20,000 Scotch only 75 art illiterate and out of 60,000 Scan dinavians only 157.) Ofthe 1,000,000 per year, 780,- 000 were unskilled labor, a num ber equal to the population oi Connecticut and 26,000 more. In 1842, 8,000 landed from the good, cold north countries- Great Britain, Sweden and Ger many; in 1842 104,000; in '49. 297,000; in 'SO, 310,000; in '54 427,000. There was a dropping off during the troublous days oi the civil war, but from 1880 ti 1890 the total inflow was 5,200,- 000, more than for the 45 years from 1820-'65. Since colonial days, 23,000/ 000 have come to our shores, 13,000,000 since 1880. Of the 23,000,000, 14,000,000 are still living, with their chil dren making a mighty host of 35,000,000, or 46 percent of our population. America, the home of the free, is a magic word throughout all Europe, and Asia, and theit citizenry flies hitherto to escape persecution, military service, taxes and poverty, or to make money. ''American wages -\> the honey pot that draws th> alien flies," declared Commis eioner Watchorn, of Ellis Island. Herein lies a menace, of course, but if both the state and th Church did their full duty it might be an opjor u ity. At any rate if North Carolina would get ready to meet the near at-hand invasion of Attils and she must have a 6 months school term and com pulsory enforcement of atten dance, Mrs. Robert Laban Aberasthy. .i m.C. Christian Advocate. It was about the middle of the nineteenth century that a daring young knight-errant in the cause of truth, blazed an opening in the wooded hills of Western Caroli na and opened school with equal welcome to rich and poor. He, himself knew little then: be hat; nothing save a rugged frame, a great mind, and still greater soul, a peerless faith in God and man, and the vision of an old-time seer. He kept ahead of his classes, gi\ • ing freely as he received, and won the world's recognition as a scholar. He did the state some service, and the state repaid in love and honor. It will not for get Dr. Robert L. Abernetby. Back of that stalwart cham pion of man, in the shadow, was a finer figure, which the world did not see. A child in years when she laid her hand in his, her vision outran that of her husband, and it was her heroic heart which poured iron into his blood; it was her self-sacrifice which made his work possible. Carrying her children on her hip, she toiled and cooked and wash ed for the workmen on the first college building, and that with* out money and without price. Often she slept on a floor pallet* S'ving her own bed to some wor~ y indigent student for the min- 1 | iatry. Over and over, with deft fingers, she turned her old gowns til they were threadbare, sewed | and spun and knit through long J nights, clothing her family, that the money mS«t be cotoed into the characters of the boys and girls. Amidst this arduous and unremitting toil she stored her fine mind with the richest germs of literature so that she sfcone easily in any circle. Wnile yet a gin. hermother-heart was the repository for the cares of the the cares of the earlier groups of students; later group® loved and trusted her as a mother. As the years fell on her, she wss known affection ately as ''Grannie," and when she passed, there was a shadow on many hundred homes. A long life, luminous of "light that never was on sea or land;" fearless, stainless, selfless, tender, womanly, tier self-sac rifice reached the white summit of service, her devotion to her family added lustre to love, her superb faith smote all scepticism into silence. Age could a not stale her thought nor wither her affection. To the hour of the shary and sudden stroke her mind was young and her soul vernal. With heavy heart and wet eyes, I myself have laid her last tetter by the side of the choice writings of the world, and that letter has suffered nothing. My earliest impres sion of earth is of her blue eyee, filled with a nameless love beam ing above my cradle. It was the lure of that love-light, I think, which Wooed and won me from the we of the world, back to that Christ whom she served. Xy latest impression of heaven—that which is before me fcow like a pillar of fire in a shadowy wilderness—ls that of the same blue eyee with the old time love, beckoning from out Father's house with the snrny mansions. W, £, Abernetby. More Rural Telephones for Hickory. Mr. N. S. Dssher, our telephone manager, informs us that there Witt soon be another farmers telephone lin4 connected ' up witt Hickory, and several more are being Strongly talked, erhich we hope will be soon organised and have connections with tele phone service. The line which will soon be finished is called the Black | burg Line and will have on it Messrs. J. C. Townsend, J. G, Huffman, J. H. Huit, W, A. Robinson, J, D, Hollar, Avery Miller, D. M. Huffman, D. E. Seaboch, and others. This makes nearly 200 farmers, or rural telephones connected with Hick' ry, and this is some thing that our farmers as well as ourcity folks should be proud of. All of the farmer lines connect ed with Hickory arebuilt metallic and as well as telephones here in town. The reason for this we should congratulate the telephone company, as this company will not connect with lines that are not built of first-class material and put up in first class condi tion. With the new parcel post which has come, into effect, the farmer who has a telephone in his home and is on a rural route will be able to reap many advan tages, which brings the old iso lated home in the country to the sameas a city home. One Mvin? in the country, now can pho:e ivr aVpiougb poiqt or a repair ot j rachinery an&hsve it earned to hisJoor for the small smn of a few cents. " h( >pe tljat before long we wftt be abletfireport some more rsral linesofwephodea: ; About two years ip> we had scarcely no ruralteflphoaes con nected to Hickory, now juit think we have nearly 2 00." v " This Coantry a progressive country and is Safely coming to the front. Let the goodPwork goon. * > ' • .} . »' i T.> X % TEXAS WOMAN SAVED HER BOY BY qx&r KIDNEY REMEDY. - at about thirteen jean of •hemorrafn ofthe kttnsys. H» would hif tnm two t« four attacks Sfenr. WehadsoTsral physlcltßiPatttndiQf Wm fbr thm yeatt. Tt* Doctors told my family wo would sot ralsa him to be twentj-oaa years old. • •- J 1 saw your admttsoment la the p*- psis. Ae a Iset r4e«rt 1 (eve up UM doctorssnd tried Dr. KUmsr'aS wains* Root After using several bottlts, was so well Pfeafcd with the reeult we stuck tolt and tie Is now twentj °ne years old and' a perfect and »tout SSLP-Im ®' t 3r ni MBS. ffxTBESON, 428 23rd Street PartsTrW »v.® w £ r ? subscribed to before me, this February lWh, A. JD , 1912. * " CHAS. 3. NEOTAEFLLIY, Justice of the Peace aad Ei-Offlclo, Notary Public In and for Lamar Co., Texas. I Letter to ~ Dr. KUnr Sc Co., Biugbmmt—. N. Y. IW What SWMVRM( WW De Hr YM. •J?*# 1 ?-' Kitas to **>., Blngiwr- N - Y., for a sample bottle, it , Yo £ *! u ***> receive a booklet of valuable inform ttion, teHlayail • about' the kttfsreyi I Stops BacKache I rub tt in—just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once, got for M erf SUflaess I U. BnrMANAN of Welch, Okla., writess—"l have used your Un- past tea for pain In back and stiffness and find i«t thebe* I - SSaent I etWtried. I recommend It to anyone for pains of any land. SLOAN'S UNIMENT Is *ood for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest. Cot Entire Relief R. D. BURGOYNE, of Maysville, Ky., RR. I, Box - mites: "I had severe pains between my shoul- M 3rMw ders; I got a bottle of your Liniment and had entire relief at the fifth application." Relieved Severe Pain In Shoulders MR. J. UNDERWOOD, of 2000 Warren Ave., ■ Chicago. 111, writes:— " lam a piano polisher I by occupation, and since last September have I suffered vith severe pain in both shoulders. ■ V I could not rest night or day. One of my friends told me about your Liniment. I V Three applications completely cured ■ \ me and I will never be without I & \ Price 86e., 60c., and SI.OO at All Dealers. : ''~f iffl! li'tlT' I 'Bead tor Sloau'a free book on horses. llf Address pr. Earl S. Sloan '' ■ ' Boston, Mass. BCI'MSiELY LOW KAIKS Vla SOUTHERN RAILWAY TO NEW ORLEANS. LA., MOBILE, ALA., FLA., AC COUNT OF THE MARDI GRAS CELEBRATION JAN, 30, FEB 4, 1913- Ob account of this occasion, the Southern Railway w?U sell round trip tickets** tha ebovementioned points at ffredtly reduced rates, these tickets being on aale Jan. 28th to Feb. 3rd with final Kant Feb. l 4» with privi lege of extension of limit until March 3rd, 1913, by depositing ticket with special agent and - upon payment of •1.00 at time of deposit. For detail information, Pullman res ervation, etc., calfon nearest agent or write. R. it DEBUTTS Division Pas. Agt. Charlotte. WE OFFER^ at ft reduced price, two number five, one numbed ten tnd ooe Bomber twelve De Lftvftl Separators. These have been stiffed? used but are practically as good as new. If interested, call and see us. We buy aU kinds of country produce and pay the highest market prices. Hickory Seed Co. HICKORY. N. C. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schelale Effective Jan. 1. 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 8:52 a. m., daily •• " 132, 5:53 p. n»., «• West Bound Train No. 133, } 120 »• m -> daily " " 47,5:65 p. m., " For further information apply: ■ JAS KER. Jr., H. S. LEARD, . T P*. DP A cWfotte. N. C ' Raleigh. Notice To AII Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given thatjapplication will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina, Section 1913, for the repeal of the eatsting charter of thf City of Hickory, with all amendments thefeto, and for the enattmenfof'a new charter in lien thereof. ~ | Friends of the mpoied legislation desire suggestions, and co operstioto, on the part of the ci tizens of Hickory. he made at the office of the Ctpsafe as of Commerce, to which office, communications, also, may bo addressed. > & CHASTER COMMITTEE December ltth,tt£2. i l}lfst ntvaf af Pittsburgh. BscaaaS of the Constant pali ei smoke that hangs ova# it, the MfSjaa 6t Edinburgh Is known as "AnM Waakla" i DJURER FRNt&MPPE - "* lie* in That Cough and Weak, Worn-out Condition. Grippe, pleurisy, pneumonia, these are greatly to be feared at this time of the year. Te prevent grippe from being fol lowed by either pleurisy or pnfeumo* nia, it is Important to drive the last traces of it out of the system quickly. j Our advice is to take Vlnol, our dsHcioua ood liver and iron prepara tion without oil, and get your strength aad vitality bock quickly. r*' Grablll, of Strasbnrg, •eys: "Grippe left me weak, run down and with a severe cough, from which I suffered four years. I tried different remedies, hut nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Vlnol, | from which I received great benefit, j* T oough Is almost entirely gone, and i I am strong and well again, and I am CM to recommend Yinol to others who suffer Ks t did." H*ol with the certainty **?.; » does not benefit ft 4 "V.W" will give back your money. M*tSi ) Hckory, N.C Let's Turn Over A New Leaf START THE NEW YEAR WITH A PIANO IN YOUR HOME What A Stieff Or Shaw Player Piano Means To Your Family Think of the fun you could have with the children when there's a Slieff or Shaw in your home. The musical evenings you can have. The enjoyment you can derive from being able to play your favorite music AS WELL as you ever heard it played. The Player-Piano That's Different It supplier you with MASTERFUL SKILL.. You can forget the difficulties of the notes and enjoy the Musical beauties of the composition as brought >ut by this magnificent rich tone instrument. It is the player that DOES NOT PLAY MECHANICAL. Aak About Our "Easy Plan" and the 20 per cent. Saving of Buying Direct From The Makers. n + "117 219 South Tryoa Stnet, Southern WftreroomSj charlotte s. c. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager The Love Letters of a * Confederate General jjtjajK, \ WE begin in the November issue a scries V of real love-letters written over fifty , years ago by one of our national r j;iii|233j4 F" heroes to his sweetheart during the period of HSTJ '6i to '65. This great general will go down to pHf posterity as having accomplished one of the most brilliant feats of arms in the history of the world. He was as great a lover as he was a general, therefore these letters combine au thentic history and exquisite romance. They w sound a human note that no other work of literature has done in a decade; it is war, it is romance, it is history, it Is literature. You simply can't afford to miss this wonderful series—an inside story of the Civil War now published for the first time and containing ali kthe freshness of a contemporary happening. These letters will grip you hard, and hold your interest from first to last. Fill out the coupon and send it now before you forget it. Pictorial Review Bttitw Ct. fe* Dec andean. V and Lioeral Commismion* to oar Agmnt*. Nov., Dec. and Jan. . . . AskJor^rticalars \ THE PICTORIAL REVIEW COl Address \ 222 West 39th St., N.w York City " Turn Over a New Leaf For The New Year And this is to remind you that if you are out of leaves we can furnish them toyou at almost any price you want to pay for them. A big shipment of Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Books, Journals, Records, Memorandums, K[and other Blank Books has just been received at the BOOK STORE The Van Dyke Shop Hickory, N. C. Un Social Circles The Then day S'udy Club met Jsn. 2nd wi.h Mss Mamie Sue ,kbn or. After quotation* on New Year, Mrs. Hsrte gave tile t pics. W« men Urder Medical lustitutfons, and, Woman as an Artist. Mrs. Bost Rave a biog raphical sketch of the Empress Augusta Victoria, and Miss John son told of Homer's 'Athene/ Current events concluded ' the program and the club adjourned to meet on the 14th with Mrs. Worth Elliot. - Refreshments dainty and appe tizing were served. •Mrs. J. F. Abenethy en er lained a number of elatives and frienc's at a dir > r party on New Year's day, ii honor of the 73rd birthday of hi) lather, Mr. P. W. Whitener, Tfce following v ere p esent ard tnjoytd the Fecial ho pital- Uy of the occasit r: Rev. Dr. Murphy, Mr. art Mrs. L. Whitpoerard Hfiry; Mr. and Mrs S, L Whiterer, two chil dren ?rvd Bessie Cline; Mr. and Mrs, Will and two children; Mesfis. H. E.. Billy and Harvey McCkmb; M s es Margaret ana Ka.e McComb, Julius Ab critlhya d Cifude Abernethy, of i Fie A. & M. Colege, Rale gh, with tl e ot u ir members of the f : mily iwJled the number to hiity three. A BLOOD MEDICINFE WITHOUT ALCOHOL Recently it hat bees definitly prove® by experiment* on enunelsthat alcohol power of the bodyand that alcohol the whrtecor- SX RF ATS«MI S tkOT UMMO to TTK« OP ««L ""«* «-'• rv„ aM , ferns Mtise the death of over one-half of the human race. A klood medicine made entirely without alcohol, which it a pure giyoene ex- BWroU. Quo..'. root. Goidea Se.l root. M«dr.U ;od i™ ct ° . Axtenaively sold &y druggiats for the past forty years as Dr. I Fierce Medical Discovery. *he refreshing »nfl««»cc of this extract is like I Nature s ioflueuce-the Wood k bathed ia the tomo which fim Ue to the *>lood i the vital fires of the body bum brighter and their increased activity oonsjmes the tissue rubbish which has accumulated during the winter. „ , tissue ruDDisn wmcu _ Df R V/Pierce. the founder of the Invalids' Hotel and !§ Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience and practice, was the first to make up an ALTIBATIVS EXTRACT of roots, without a particle of alcohol or narcotic. "It IE with THT *re*teet of pleasure, that I write So tat yao TAW at the «wat benefit I received from the use OF your MSDFCIM and self- T£ATL£«T atbonn, s, wri us Man. WK. HXVBS, of LodysnsHh. B.C. Isu f » #, TI ,J, —FROM a tunning sore. Consulted four doctors but Velief. Finally I WTU told I was iu cou.ump- WOSD l»v« to CONSULT a SPECIALIST eonoeruin* my ear. that IHA J Trr J BONE MUST be CW out before the *ro*U»J would hoaL Aklad fneiid advised me to WRITS to Dr. Pierce, which I did, and after eeven mot»tb» UTSC thai the sore U healed, and I enjoy better health than J THE W OUUD with Dr. Pierces ALL-Heahng Setae and SSIA -'OSRVS■- ™ trouble*. 1 ■*•«',' sjWays recommend your meflicnwa lias. Hitxm. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Belleta regulaU Uver and bowels • _~~M I- ■ * Perfection in biscuits, cakes and pastry enhances tho reputation of the hostess* l while costing about half as much as the so*callel "best M Baking Powders, makes lighter, lUMftsr and «Mr wWciome foods ttun any other. Sold BY nil FOOD GMOORS, Inaiet on having It. OAK LUMBERI WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur-I ing Co. are now ready to buy! your Oak Lumber. Call or write J and get prices. J Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co.l HICKORY, N. C. J • t ** / Serviceable, Safe. TH£ roost reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best ma terials; 90 thait it is strong and durable without being heafty and awkward. \ m • It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and re wick. It won't' blow,out, worft leak, and won't smoke. It is an expert-made lantern.-. Made in various styles and sizes. There is a RAYQ for every requirement. At Emorymhrnrm STANDARD OIL COMPANY (UewHntW !■ N»w J«*wr) N«w*rk.N.X r ~ . .\4 • - J 553,000.00 BEING GIVEN AWAY to those WJSD set as tli« local representatives o? EVERYBODY'S MAGA ZINE and THE DEL IN EATOR—aII in addition to liberal commissions. Let us showysou how you can n * Secure A Share •imply by forwarding the subscription* of your friends and neighbors and collecting the renewals of present subscriber*. Try this for THIS month's prises. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by person* living in towns same size of your own. Write at once to the BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY | ALL KiM>S OF GAME | Such as Squirrels, Rabbits, o'Possums, I Quail, etc., bought at highest market 1 prices by E. M. Brawley & Son Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters always on hand. Free delivery. Phone 69 - Oid TwU't Sttnd.