• *_ i h^iij;ilil W* X 1 Von Have Always Bought, m& which has htm Ite ()re r 30 years, has bonie the ißgnAtmre «f • ■ in use i°r been made tinder his per. 1 rfl sonalßaperrlilaiasine*}itsi*fkncy. 9 Allow no one todecefreyoniu tlil«, I Imitation*and" Just-**-good*are hot ■ Its tl- 't trifle with and endanger tho health, of V ■ SS'. and Cliildren-Experienci against Experiment. " I*What is CASTORIA 1 _* _' fl ig ft harmless for■; Castor 011, » Drops aufl Soothing aywpa, ft is Pleasant; If ' I neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcofle ■ 'Cce. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms -"" * I /allays FcvcrJaliness. It cares XMarrhcoa and Wind "* Ifi It relieves Teething Troubles; Elites Constipation * 9 a FlfttHleney. It assimHates the Food, -regulates the ■ SlLch and Bowels, giving hfealthyand natural sleep. 9 Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend, ■ciNUINE CASTORIA AUWAYi pM Yon Haralhrajs Bought ■ In Use For Over 30 Years. H Tin «tnT»n« toiiwurr. TT MIHIIH tntrr.lW ; ■ - . . jT . ■ Ut 0n yCmn *** _ g F. B. Infold, Hickory, N. C. I My Doctor Said . I I "Try Cardui," writes Mrs. Z. V. Spell, at Hiyrt*, H. C k I "I was in a very low stats of health, and was not able to R Hbe up and tend to ray duties. I did try Cardui, jurid "lo&n I I began to feel better. I got ible to be up and -belt) do my B ■ housework. 1 continued to take the medicine, sod now I I lam able to do my housework and to care for thy children, m ■ and I feel as though I coukl never praise Cardui enough | r ■ for the benefits I have received.* • ; ]4 I* TAKE n, I lIARDUI Womao'sTonic| ■ Cardui is successful, because it is made especially for I ■ women, and acts specifically on the womanly constitution, p ■ Cardui does one thing, ana does it well That explains I ■ [tie great success which it has had, during th* pest 50 years; K| ■in helping thousands of weak aad ailing «wm back to ■ ■ health and happiness. H - K If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and are nervous, ■ ■ cross and irritable, if s because you need • tonic Why not | : ■ jry Cardui ? Cardui builds, Strengthens, restores, and ads H ■in every way as s special, tonic remedy for women. Test ■/ I h * or yourselL Your druggist sells Cardui. Ask hiek.. If lie Home Prote&or and Children's Friend CHESTOL (CHEST OINTMENT) : . v Household Remedy which works from die Outside and'. RELIEVES QUICKLY ROUP, COUGHS, COLDS, PNEUMONIA AND 1L AFFECTIONS OF CHEST AND THROAT PRICE 25c EVERYWHERE Manufactured by BUR WELL & DUNN, Chariotte.N. C. " '• - -fji is »• ••» -"V * * V** * J Dallas, Fort Worth, ' _ Galveston, Houston, and all Texas prints: * •. ' ,-j r>* ** \•• .Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Skrevepertv and all Louisiana yebfek Hattiesburg, Jackiott,. Meridian, '7' Vicksb|tf|»A •' and all Mississippi points. ALI -POINTS North, East, South and West niawEO;. jtl r\. BYTHE THROUtH TRAIN SERVICE THt .. QUI BBN & CRBSCBNT.ROUTE ;! i j c R v RAT ES AND-FULL IHfORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITC S^J> U NN, DjvUion P—s»gf Ag«gt, *mi Hl—», CWATTAWOOQA. ftMH. SUNDAY SCHOOL " L! 1 Lesson ll.—first Quarter, For Mn. 12, I9ia I m . t . ■■ THE INTEf»I«TIONAL SERIES. - * * y' . a. • T«xi of Q«rt. ii, 4-25—Mem- is, =l7-Qold«n Text, Gen. i, 27—Commentary Prepirad by R« v . 0. M. Stearns, i * central thought of this book is God- Its oae'object Is ta reveal U«d.' In reading it oor cbtef desire ought t6 be -to know God." These words 1 copied from n Bible iu Dr. Audrew Hurray's study U». Wellington. Soutb Africa.,in August v lßoß, and tbey help ed me. He remarked as he saw me banding thai particular Bible: "You w\ll notice that j"hare used that copy of the Scriptures fo mark in it all the fames' of 'Govl. That whicb the Holy Spirit makea prominent we-should and same proportion. Apply this to .the book of Jonah .and BSO the names Lord and Gojl forty times and the tlsh Jn&tffour tijaea and make the applica tion yoursel ty . We saw in*last week's lesson the first sectfdfi of Scripture, the first name of Deity. God (or" Hebrew :'Elohim"). «*»fd Just tMrty-five Now. we hare a new tmuie. Lord God (Jehovah ■ - Elohiml, used th this lenson Just eleren •times.-and when-we get the trne mean ing or the «nuait)er eleven we shall be surprised at the reason whj of this. Uaf: week • wer saw God., the Creator (SlohUaf, working unhindered.' All the •igiMAeaaoe ,We'see in any name of Deity Is bat Wrtia!. for now we know only pari We may always see la Klohim Ood as Creator. Jehovah la -the- greatest name in the Bibles used -nboutT.OOO timet, and In It we may see the Creator la special relotfifn' to oiaa. made original Ij in. Hfb» intage and to be restored by fedemption by the great sacrifice of the Creator becoming onr substitute, the one. who - was and la. sad Js.to be' becoming our righteous; aessT 'onr onr shepherd, our beaHhf • - la last lesson we saw man, male and female, made In the Image Of-God and jh*o dominion over aii Other crea tures. In this, lesson jte see these r things more XoUy stated".'and we are tofd *bow map'was made*and' where; placed. *' ttf'verse t T we read 'plainly that **tbe Lord God formed man of the duat of the ground and 'breathed into hie nostrils the'breath of life, and man became a -living soot." And to all the bsbes: the -tittle children, who are ae! : ther wise nor iyudent in the estimation of the world's scholarships wbo receive the worOJ-Vlth meekness, this forever .settles the question of how mau was made. Just as chapter I. 1, is an end of all controversy as to creation. . As to.aan made in the Image of God (chapter L-26. 27), we know that the Son 6f God appeared as a man to Abra ham. to Joshua, to Manoah and Others, and if you can receive what seme be lieve that He took human form be fore .He made Adam matters are much simplified. "Wesson verses 21'. 22, tell bow woman 'was made, and to a be liever all is satisfactory.' The margin •f verse 22 says that tbe Lord God 'wUlded a woman, and we shall see tbe ivason of this. Tbe words of Adam trbeh Eve was brought- to him sre ited by Paul in reference to Christ and •he-churcb in Eph. v. 30-32. sind this is iudeed a great mystery which might ie understood, but few receive It Tbe first Adam and Elye felL and >rougbt ruin upon the race and the virth. The last Adam Is from*" ii>aren. and In this age of* His rejec- the i>ower of His "death and -csurrection. is by His spirit build- Mig a woman* the church' "His Eve. the edeemed frs>m all nafldns. and she A-Jhen completed shall be. brought to rim; 4here shall be a marriage accord ug to Ps. xlv: Matt. *>y..;Bev. xix. md He shall rejgn and sl|e with Him 111 all His enemies shall be subdued I Cor. Jtr. 22-28). Lesson versed £ t). i>ll. of a pirden where everything must 4.iye been absolutely i>erfictiind tieau .lfpLbeyund anything we C'ia imagine, vith'ali trees pleasant to'tbe sitftrf and » rood for food, and a river tilth •d and became four riven, 'in Jtbm nldst of the fftrden were two apecjai rees. the tree of life and the tree of :l»e knowledge of good and evil. .Of. he former they might eat. freely oce they sinned, but of the Tatter they welfe-forbidden lo eat upon pain- of leatK iv.f.'fi these first two chapters of the Bi ble. with Its Eden and garden and rtv-: er aad man In tbe Image of God and (tod (no doubt In human form) coming to walk and talk with him (UL-8) and '■either adversary nor evil occurrent we have a most fascinating pictuc*. tbe like of which Is not seen again till "we come to Bff- xxL xxll, when all is repeated on V grander So the Bible Is a great circle of truth, carry ing us from the perfect eartif that was to tbe perfect earth that will be when the kingdom comes. The former we aad no part In. but the latter we ihall ..fijoy withj|lmj[f we are redeemed by His precious blood. -Concerning verse 25, "And tbey were imth naked, tbe man and his wife, and were not ashamed," we koow that all cretttares were clothed, birds with feathers, sheep with .wool,- etc.. and It seeiis impossible that the highest ot God's creatures made la. His own image should be absolutely njtked. 1 find the key In Ps. dv, 2, where w'e Pead concerning God, "Who coverest thyself with lightas with A garment" Mad made in the image Of God must therefore have been clothed with light a glory or halo, part of himself. He bad- no? pdt- on dothlng.- - Electric -Bitters made * Mew Men Of H lrvte > Satfourbottleiof Electric Bitters me feel lika a new man." >RfCfi BOCTS. AT ALL DRUS STOttS. ® nil mvMv ■ - - " 'l' pE— - j » r *'" - _ T. I J ;; S One \ x. Fain Pill. then— TaKe V " \ E*ay. , To Head-Off I a Headache ' Nothing is Better than [ Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills They Give Relief Without i Bad After-EffccU. "It gives me great pleasure to ' : offer a v/ord of recommendation r I lor Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, I ■] : s there are thousands suffering ( t nnecessirily from headache. I , j 'vas affl cted intermittently for j : ears With headache and after I "ther remedies failed. I tried i Dr. Milts' Anti-Pain Pills. For the past ten years I have carried .them coistantly with me, getting instant relief by using one or iwo on the approach of headache. » .They are also effective for neu ... ralgia* giving immediate relief/' ( C. BROWN, Estherville, la. -- For 3at« by All Druggists. 21 DMM, 25 Cants. MIL «S VROICAL CO., cikhart, Ind. * • * • • [. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ! Dr. George E. Flowers Ofßse tt the Ganpfcell reiidmee Long View. Calk answered night and day, rata or shine. 't .Phone No. 506 A WILL G. KIRKMAN . i Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner ' V" CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regultr Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be ir my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Eld'g., next door to f .. Sbaford Hardware Co, ; Dr. K. A. Price. | PHYSICIAN. I Calls arswered night and day. ■ OSce at residence, 1430 11thAvenue. 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. BIDDIX [DENTJST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. | HICKORY. N. C. Dietz's Barber Shop ! THE OLD RELIABLE - For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. r ' —~ '. ' 1 Palace Barber Shop. R. W. WOLF S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corr.er 9th Ave., 9th St rp. L. RUSSELL • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW * tfenert aerriae urtuiKd al who enptoy Ma to tftead to their iogal rights. ' ina prat tin h al the mw« al tkfc Slate. .Kindergarten - Mrs. H. D. Abernethy [ON* AND TWO YEAR COURSES | } psom m rm ifth stum f * ; Dr. I. A. Wood, ; DENTIST 1 Office over Moser & Lute Drag Store. - Hickory, N. C. | Mrs. D. M. Atkins Trained Nurae I Wfl b« glad to Mrra Physicians is adjacm t toirM and ——try aa wall aa ia Hickory 7 PHONE » HICKORY, N. C. 1 ——————— ; DR. W. B. RAMSAY, i Dentist. ' ' Office Over Postoffice. E. E. ANDERSON Faetory Representative ADAM SCHAFF PIANOS and Piano Tuner. PHONE NO. 284-L* HICKORY, N. C CHICHESTER S PILLS * bo«e», »wi»f with »«. y/ lxj> \f m years kaowaee Bast. Saiwt, Always fcrtUUe 1 soui*wi)«HSTS£Y«ni«a ' j Adgministrator's Notk. . Havin qualified as admin, tratorof Max. A: Sigmon, deceased, late of Catarba county, N. C. Yhis is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased. tr exhibit them to the undersigned on tt before ihe 12th day of Dectmber, 913, ci this notice will be plead in b rof their recovery. All persons indebt-. ito said estate will please make immediate payment. Thb 12th day of December, 1912. JOSEPHUS H. BOLC *, 12-19-7t. Admin: orator. ■■HI JH Building Materials. Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, j Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, i Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingle Estimates made rom plans. Good suppl of Manufacturing Matei al in E Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co I | HICKORY, N. C I t smmmmmmmmmmmm wmmm A fanatic who escaped -:hrew a bomb at the viceroy oi India,; Baron Hardinge while ) e was making his ceremonial er ;ry into Delphi. The viceroy w s only slightly injured, though an at t tendant was killed. I i t . Notice rrth Cirollni. Catawbf County. ' In The Superior Court. Special Proceeding before the Clerk. j Lou. A. Fry,admr'x of the estate of 11. D. Fry, deceased. VS. Clyde Fry and Sadie Fry, he rs at law of H. D. Fry. By virtue of an order f-om the Clerk of the superior Court f Cataw- j ba County in the above entit id cause,' for the purpose of seeuri g assets, with which to pay dubts of t le estate, of H. D. Fry, deceased, I, I* u. A.Fry . commissioner will on the e: fhteenth I day of Jan. 1913, in front of he Post office in Hickory, N. C. at or- •- o 'clock sell to tfce highest bidder for cash the following described re. 1 estate: viz; : : First tract. Adjoining r ne lands of Labao Hal I man and G. W. Fox Beginning on • a stone in t e Bridge road Haßman's Corner and running s. 57 3-4 West 17 poles to a Post oak oorner: Thence 3outh, 51 East 19 1-2 poles to a stak in said ilalltnan's \ line; Thence ? orth, 55 East 14 poles to a' stake ir the road. Thence North 41 1-2 West") poles to h3 beginning, oontaining 1 .91 acres, same being the liome tract, but not including the widow's dow ;r. Second tract. Lying a? 1 being situated Jn Catawba Coun y, Hick-j o y Township, N. C. adjo: ling the' lands of J. A. Poovey,ciaproi ia Holler and others; beginning at a 3tone in the branch near-a bunch »£ poplar trees and running Soutii 74 West 20 poles to a pine; thence S. 57. West 12 poles to a Spanish oak; the ice Sout 42 West 29 % poles to a sto» 8, thence South 48 East 30 4-5 poles to a v stone in Mrs. Holler's line; tht ce will) Mrs. Holler's line N. 32 E. 17 poles to a stone; thence S. 63 % E 31 poles crossing a branch to a si. k« by a Persimmon pointer, thefice K. 11M W. 56 poles to a stake in tb branch; thence N. W. 1 2-5 pol* ;to the beginning, containing ab >ut 121-2 acres. Third tract* Being sit ated in the town of Longvlew, Catawba County, Hickory Townshi), North Carolina adjoining the land of O. J 1 Brewer and others: Begin ting at ft stake on the street and run S. K W. , 80 feet to a stake Brewer s corner. 1 thence N. 89 E. with Br wer's lint 200 feet to a stake; thence N. % E. 80 feet with said street tc a stake thence N. 89 %W. 200 feet to the beginning, and known as the B. G. Campbell lot. Lou. A. Fry, commissioner. . D. L. Russell, Atty. 12-12-4 c '• iwagaa : ■ ' 1 . ■ . .; - ~T" Saturday the Shortest Day. Statesville Landmark, 24th. ;' According to Blum's . almanac —a recognized authority m The Landmark office—Saturday, the 21st, was the shortest day of the y«ar. Beginning ookn k the 15tb the sun rose at 7,13 and set a«. 447—the day's length being 9 hours and 34 minutes—until Sat urday, when it rose at 7.14 and set at 4.46, making Saturday two minutes shorter than the other days. Sunday the day'* length was 9 hours and 34 min utes, the same as last week ex cept Saturday, and the same hours will be observeduntil next Saturday, when there will be a gain of two minutes and a steady jain from that time fill June. TRY SOLACE AT OUR EXPENSE Money back for any esae of Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Headache that Solace Fails to Remove. SOLACE REMEDY is a recent medical dis covery of German Scientists that disolvea L'ric Acid Chrystals and Purifies the Blood. It is eaay to take, and will not effect the weakest stomach. It is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Law to be absolutely tree from opiates or harm ful drugs of any description. SOLACE is a pure specific in sveiy way, aad has been proven beyond Question to be the surest and quickest remedy for Uric Acid Troubles known to medical science, no matter how lour the trouble. Uric Acid, and purifies the blood. THE SOLACE CO of Battle Creek are the Sole U. S. Agents and have thousands of volun tary testimonial lettera which have been re ceived (rom greatful people SOLACE has restored to health, 'testimonial letters, literature and - FREE BOX sent upon, request. R. Lee Morris, President of the First National Bank of Chico, Texas, wrote the Solace Compa ny as follows: "I want you to send a box of Solace to my father in Memphis, Tenn, for which 1 enclose 91. This remedy has been used by some friends of mine here and I must say its action was wonder ful. "Signed. R.L. Morris." Put up in 25c, 5Qc and 91.00 boxes. ITS MIGHTY FINE TO BE WELL AND YOU CAN SOON BE BY TAKING SOLACE. "No special treat ment schemes or fees." JUST SOLACE ALONE DOES THE WORK. Write today for the free box, etc, . . • SOLACE REMEDY CO.. Battle Creek. Mich. March 6, inc. 1 * : i i The, Wise Girly. The wise girl doesn't get married un J' til she ean afford it. —Atlanta Jour nal. _ - MI _ —-" —. -I" I. ■ "• ■ CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD AND OHIO RAILWAY AND ' 1 Carolina, Clinehfleld and Ohio Raiway of South Carolina TIIE NEW SHORT LINE BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va., Johnson Ciiy. Tws, and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg S. C. "Clinchfleld Route" > • EFFECTIVE MAY 12, 1912. | SOUTHBOUND I Eastern Standard Time i N'RTHB'D No. s|No. 3/ ' s°' 2 v°' 4 Mixd Pass. | Miles STATIONS |«g D'ly | Dally) BJI» W P. M.| A. M. / |L v Dante, Va jAr. P. M. #. M 1.10 8.001 0.0 Lv St. Paul, V*. Ar. IJJO 12 •« •]» 1.85 8.20 7.8 Lv Dungannon, Va Ar, 1484 12.V 9.40 2.31 8.51 21.9 Lr.... Ft. Blackmore, Va.... Ar. 1305 11.40 J. 11 а.a 9.08 80.2 Lv.. Hill, Va -A*. l«J J'g fS.Olf 9.21 38.0Lv... .Speer's Ferry, Va....Ar.f 1280 ill.M.t B.W 3.27 9.41 46.4 Lv.. .Cameron, Va.-Tenn.. .ATj 1371 10.42 8.15 3.44 9.56 51.6 Lv Kinsport, Tenn Ar. 1806 16.34 7.55 3.59 10.09 58.9 Lv Pactolus, Tenn_....Ar. 1213 10.08 7.41 f 4.18 f 10.20 62.8 Lv....Fordtown, Tenn.....Ar. 1205 J.Jef 7.30 • 4.40 10.82J 67.8Lv;....:.Gray, TenHL Ar. 1434 8.43 7.11 f4.56f10.43 72.6 Lv... Johnson City, Tenn...Ar. 1526 9.36f.7.67 5.34 11.15 85.1 Lv Unicoi, Tenn. Ar. 1624 9.01 6.88 6.32 11.48 95.7 Ar. Brwin, Tenn Lv. 1832 8.2® «.tl .6.47 11.55 101.1 Lv Bnria, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.17 5.48 б.64 12.03 101.1 Lv Chesota, Tenn Ar. 1668 8.16 5.41 f7.05 12.12 104.8 Lv...T7naka Sprgs, Tenn...Ar. 1700 8.60 ft.BB f7.08f12.15 105.1 Lv.....Hntdale, N. 0....Ar. 1706 f5.M 7.59 12.47 117.9 Lv....Green Mtn, N. C Ar. 7.28 4.60 8,24 1.05 124.9 Lv Toecane, N. C Ar. 3152 7.13 4.43 f 9.22 1.51 140.1 Lv Penland, N. C Ar. 2401 8.46 1.21 131.3 Lv Boonford, N. C Ar.J 2256 #.57 4.M f9.38 2.03 114.6 Lv...Spruce Pine, N. C...Ar. 346- P. M. P. M. 1 1 , No 1 * wO. I w?'.i ' 1 Paaa. Mix d " I MTW. . p k *—T TTTSnWIF . 6.16 2.23 151.9 Lv.....Altapass, N. C m'S f6.22 f2.81 155.3 Lv...Mt. Mitchell, N. C...Ar. 2450 7.50 *3.19 f 6.52 f 2.68 16t.3)Lv.. .Linville Falls, N. C...Ar* 1738 f7.21 f2.48 726 3.15) 175.1iLv Sevier. N. 0 Ar, 1400 7.68 2.34 f8.38 f4.0l 197.S|LV Thermal. N. C.....AT. 934 fJ.lg *1.46 8.56 4.16 205. 5jLv...Westminster, N. 0...A*. 861 «.W I.«J 9.07 f4.25 209.6[Lv.... M05tic Yard, N. C....A*. 886 5.43 tl.g 9.11 4.30 2U.O(Lv Bottfc.N.C...A*. 845 5.33 l.» 9.17 4.34 213.0 L*.... Forest City, N. C...-Ar. 867 5.26 1.18 9.55 5.02 226.8 Lv Chesnee, S. C Ar. 882 s.oft 13.4S 10.09 5.12 231.6 Lv Mayo, S. C.......AT. 832 4.50 12.88 10.45 5.40 242.3 Ar...Spartanburg, S. C...Lv. 778 4.25 *2.10 A. M. P. M. (Union Pass. Statien) r. M. |F. &L. The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina. CMljrt* field & Ohio Railway,of South Carolina, Clmehfleld Route the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to ttw Pub : UC Patrona are requeated to apply to newest _. HnTI nr to CHAB. T. MANDHU * j T P- A., in eharge Pase. D*s*t. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson Johnson City. Tenn. f—Flag Stop. 'Daily, except ounA*r Carolina & North-Westera Railway Co. . Schedule Effective Nov. 24th, 1912. — ~, in Daily Mixed Mixed Mixed xi tHHrtumi ? Pass. No. 62 No. 60 Ex. Sun._ Northbound. , 8 jq g x g un g x g up No. 50 CEiSJf L^-—rrr-TMTIi ..... ... 1145 am. .. ...... Yorkville 930 .... 300pm Gastonia ■ • P Gastonia 540 pm ;;;; • ; Lincolnton 631 HFCTOS * IILS I AM Leno°7 840 UsHjlS P, ° , Mortimer • j5 20 i 4 10 .Edgemont Ar. I 2 - 50 i 4 Fv Sun « o No. 63 No 61 Mix Daily Southbound. N " 0 7 ' No. 9g x Sun> g Xt g un> No. 51 "Edeemont Lv. U55T5 730 am | ;; gar ■ "» m \i 1015 \ 2 t s pm » If § ? ; Lincolnton 9 27 3 43 Gastonia Ar. 10 K Gastonia Lv 835 Yorkville ? 0 2, i Chester - Ar. «25 «>ZS CONNECTIONS CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. YORKVILLE—Southern Railway. Ry,. Piedmont & Northern Ky. LINCOLNTON— S; A. L. NEWTON H.CK(«Y-^«4em Q p ct>Mt „ g . ft TTIT I - Wyf . New Double Daily Service VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Company. Effective Wednesday, Oct. 1912 8:30 A. M. 1:33 P. M. Lv. Leii Ar. 1:15 P. M 835 P. M. «"« 8:58 A. M. 2:01 P. M. Lv Granits Ar F l2?4B P.M. 8:10 P. M. ' 9:2s A. M. 230 P. M. Lv. Hickorj Ar. 12:00 Noon 7:40 P. M. 9-45 A. M. 3:05 P. M. Lv Newton Ar 11:05 A.M. 708 P.M. 1030 A. M. 3:43 P. M. Lv. Lincoln ton ' Ar. 1036 A. M. 6.31 P. M. il.-OS A. M. 4:27 P. M. Lv. Dallas Ar. 9:47 A. M. 5.52 P. ¥. „ 11 2% A. M. 4:40 P. M. Ar. Gastoma Lv 9:30 A.M. 5:40 P. M. 11.50 A. M. 4:40 P. M. Lv Gastonia Ar 9:15 A. M. 5:33 P. M. 1260 N00n5:30 P. M. Ar. Charlotte Lv. 8:15 4.25 P. M. don connections it Maut BoDr, H, C. «M) 'Sea board Air Lfoe, at CaMinfa. N. C. with Southern Railway and C. k N-W. Railway t® and Iran all "potatarNartk, South. East and ABU.^ The above ftfnres and coo. Mhihked only aa information and arc cnaranttedj E. THOMASON. C. V. PALMER, General Manager. Geaaral fmwyiAit Something New In Game Uwt A proposed new game law la Nsw York state will make the open season for deer-hunting later In the year, with the purpose. In part, ot prevent ing the accidental shooting; of human beings. It Is thought that when the trees are denuded of leaves the man affected with "buck fever** will he less likely to shoot his guide or companion.

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