:■ ft N OTfl It I ft f®S®jbASTORIA For Infants and Children ! iMiai The Kind y ° u Have fesISSISI Always Bought IsimflatingihcFocdondEegiila- M f tog the Stomachs antlDowcls or m # Promotes Dilation,CteerfiiF- I Signature X|jJ^ ness and Rest.Con tains neither M _ r / lfX Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. w 01 /(\ /\ ff JiOTHAHCOTIC. fg A \\ % flmtph* Scut" \ ■" wg \ Mx.Senrm * 1 :' Jl 1 A » bxMUSJM- I Jtf J#l § Aw I *?* * \ *w jt % I n j ir\ iA* in J 1/4 r * I. AperfeclßemedyforConstipa- V A/* UOu lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea II ! Worms .Convulsions, Feveris- ■» I ■■ A fness and Loss of Sleep. If \J* pHP (j VD t Facsimile Signature of .. I thirty Years iCfISTDRiA CORTRIGHT Storm-proof, too, because t'nry interlock and overlap in «ucb a way that the I | finest driving snow or rainjcannct sift under them. Best roof for country buildings, because they're safe from all the elements. 17 They'll last as long as the building, and never need repairs. F. B. Insrold. Hickory,' H.'C. I Be Happy 1 1 lip: .f jf Happy the girl, or woman, who has never suffered from H H any of the diseases of womanhood! Or, if she has been a H (J sufferer, liappy is she if she has learned of the wonderful I If benefits of Cardui, the woman's tonic! M Cardui is a gentle, tonic remedy, for.women's ailments. I fig It is a natural medicine —safe, harmless, purely vegetable. I Ej It has been in successful use for more than 50 years. It If | has cured thousands. It'should do the same for you. | CARDUI Woman* Tonic I Wk E| Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, r Ter.n., tays» "1 think I || there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. I used it I ||| with the very best results. I had backache and nearly I I everything a woman could suffer with, until I took CarduL B ft Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall S || always recommend Cardui to other- suffering women. 1 1 can't praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired, I I worn-out women, Cardui is safe and reliable. Try It, today. H «§ Write to: Ladles* Advisory Dept. Chattaaoofa MeHctoa Co. OiHuwp. Ten; J mtkx Special Instructioni, and 64-pa*e book, "Hame Treatment tor Wotnea," aaat tree. J6i | The Home Protestor and Children's Friend CHESTOL (CHEST OINTMENT) A Household Remedy which works from the Outside and RELIEVES QUICKLY CROUP, COUGHS, GOLDS, PNEUMONIA AND ALL AFFECTIONS OF CHEST AND THROAT PRICE 25c EVERYWHERE Manufactured by BURWELL & DUNN, Charlotte, N. C. .. ' IfiBBKSSISSiBBBI *' MM, Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston, Houston, I and all Texas points. Alexandria, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, and all Louisiana points. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, Vickibvrf, and all Mississippi points. AL». POINTS North, East, South and West «Uched BY THE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THfe QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE FOR RATES AND FULL INFORMATION, CALL ON OR WRITE C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent* Rod Haw», CHATTANOOQA. TENN« SUNfiiY SCHOOL, i mmfmw I x-\ - . J Lesson Hl.—«First Quarter, For Jan. 19, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ! ! Text of the Lesson, Gen. iii—- Memory Verses, 17-19—Golden Text, John viii, 34 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. ID chapters I and ii we have seen the only absolutely perfect man auo woman that ever walked this earth, iu a perfect paradise without siu. (iutl Himself their companiou and frieud und they having dominion over all things. There is uo such glorious re ality mentioned as existing on earth again till we come to the recofrd of the uew earth io Rev. xxi. but a yreat and unceaslug conflict between God and His aud our great adversary, the devil, to whom we are introduced in today's lesson. It Ir interesting to uote that we have the l>egiunlug of his record in Gen. iii and the end 'hereof In Rev. xx. the third chap tor from the end of the Bible. In this lesson we have the first mention of the devil, of unbelief, of sin. of suf fering, and also of a deliverer, a re demption and a great restoration. An understanding of this chapter helps greatly to understand the whole Bible. This great adversary Is described In Rev. xii. 9; xx. 2. as the great dragon, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, who decelveth the whole world: He Is also called the god of this world, the prince of the power of the air. the spirit that now worketh in the. children of disobedi ence (II Cor. ly, 4; Eph. 11, 2r. The whole world Is said to be under,his control (I John v. 19). The Lord Jesus said of him. "The prince of this world cometh and hath me"* (John xlv, Bm. In this hi* &at Appearance after Adam was given the dominion over the earth he used the serpent, which was then evidently -the wisest and probably most beautifal of all creatures "beueath man. afterward condemned because of this partner ship to go prone on the earth (verse 14). Notice. In verses 1-5 that In the devil's first recorded utterance. "Yea. hath God said?" he qnestlons the word ">f God. and in the fc'ords following !• questions the love of God. In verse Uo makes God a liar (compare 2-I7i and in verse 5 sets before Eve an am bition to be as God. Those who In any way talk or act thus show at once iu whose, employ they are. To all .such, however they may pose as serv ants of Christ, unless they truly re pent. our Lord tells us that Ha will say to them. "I never knew yon: de part from Me" (Matt. vii. 22. 23). Verse Q reminds us of I John. 2-16, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes. . the pride of life, all of which are of • the world and not of God. With all | that they needed, all fullness from the hand of God. Adam and Eve fell. "But Tlth hunger and loneliness, under the temptations, the last Adam re sisted the devil and overcame him. . By the same sword of the Spirit we | may overcome (Eph. vi. IG. 17). Pee ! some of the results of sin—fear, try [ ing to hide from God. the man blam j ins God for the gift of the woman, j fig leaf aprons a substitute for gar ments of litrht and Rlory. Inasmuch AS the minding of the flesh is death (Rom. vili. 0. margin), they died that day, as God had said they would. This Is the first "afraid" in the Bible uud the first attempt to hide from God. Contrast all the "fear nots" and the life hid with Christ in God. Note 'be first question of God. "Where art -hou?"" (verse 9) and see the Good •liepherd seeking His lost sheep. When all is confessed then God be rins to speak and act on their behalf ind to reveal His eternal purpose, •'here Is a curse upon the serpent and ipon the ground and sorrow predicted '•»r the woman and the man (14-10). :'he Old Testament ns we have it ends vith the word "curse." but in the last hapter of the New Testament we end. "There shall be no more curse" I'ev. xxll. 3), and the reason why * given in Gal. ill. 13 —Christ u«de a curse for us. The thorn* •f verse 18 take ns also to Gol rot ha. or. rather, to Jesus before Pi ate. and tben to Rom. vili. 20-23. rhere we see Him who wore thf •rown of thorns redeeming the earth, f-esson verse lft shows the great De Mverer as the seed of the woman, born •if a virgin, suffering at the hand* of the adversary, but finally conquering him. Here Is also the salvation of Eve. for enmity between the sinner md the devil is an evidence of.salva tion. It Is the work of God- "I will pot." The method of salvation Is fully set forth in verse 21, where we see the Lord God shedding blood, probably of Ijimbs. and by skins thus obtained pro riding redemption clothing for Adam ind Eve Instead of the leaf aprons of their own making. The guUty pair can do nothing but drop their own ef forts and accept God's provision. In which was simply and clearly set forth the shedding of the blood of the lamb of God on Golgotha in due time. When we receive His rlghteousnes* instead of our own then we may sing "He hath clothed me with the gar ments of salvation. He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness" (Isa. lxi. 10). The resurrection and future glory of the redeemed may be aeen In verse 24 aud are fuliy set forth In a booklet on "The Tree of Life and the Cherubim." which may be obtain ed At 5 cents each or 50 cents a dozen by addressing D. 11. S.. box 216. Har rlsbnrg. Pa. I have been praising God for over thirty years for the bleeslnp obtained through those articles. Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any losa of time, and one that is followed bj 60 bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy It never foils and Is pleasant to tak» i* equally valuable for abil**v fc •->=u« fir 'r? •ttrep ever • * '»wM Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "My daughter was afflicted with eplltptlc fits for threo yeare, the attacks coming every few weeks. We employed several doctors but they did her no , good. About a year ago w • heard of Dr. j, Miles' Nervine, raW(J and lt certainly Hi has proved a blessing to our s _ - Jpj§£» little girl. She is *if now apparently tl i I cured and la en -11 }\K, r joying the best IsJ IVv\|f J of health. It Is I J over a year since she has had a fit. We cannot speak too highly of Dr. ICSes' Nervine." MRS. FRANK ANDERSON. Comfrey, Minn. Thousands of children in the United States who are suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and sorrow to their parents, who would give anything to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles' Nervine is one of the best remedies known for this affliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest faith in it. It is not a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy for nervous diseases. You need not hesitate to give it a trial. ••Id by all Druggist*, if the first bsttt* falls to benefit your money Is returned. MILKS MSDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. • PROFESSIO^r~CARDS WILL G. KIRKMAN~ Pisnoand Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. *J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Btaira in Club Bld'g., next door to Shu ford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price, PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. Je C. BIDDIX IDENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaying. I Palace Barber Shop. R. W. WOLF S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Comer 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L, RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ImK aerrke promised all who employ Mai to attend to their legal rights. WH prMtMe k al the mum of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PfIORS » ins 13th STRRBT Dr. 1. A. Wood, DENTIST See over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory. N. C. Mrs. D. M. Atkins Trained Nur«© wai be glad to aerve Phyticttu in adjaeen towns u4 country as well a* in Hickory THONE N HICKORY, N. C. OR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. £. E. ANDERSON Factory Representative ADAM SCHAFF PIANOS an i Piano Tuner. PHONE NO. 284-L* HICKORY, N. C Dr. George E. Flowers Mfice at the Campbell residence Long View. Calls answered night and day, rain or shine. Phone No. 506 A. CPipM I Wleat Aalc y««r DragcUt for £(\ 02x8 CM rfcaa tor a Dl»mM4Br»i/A\ aoUOR lUla la &e4 and tI«M metallic\V/ twM, Mated with Blu* R! K boa. \/ I L J DIAMOND BRAND PIIXS, Cm » Vf m yean kaowa as Best, Safost. Always JUHabia SOU n DRUGGISTS EVtmiHtßt Adgfflinfetrator's Notice. -• —— Hay in qualified as admh istratorof ' Mfet. A; Si ..^jf Catarba county, N. C. 'ihis is to no" tify ali persons having claiirs against the estate cf said deceased. io exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day cf December, 1913, or this notice will be plead in. barof their recovery. All persons indebted to said -•-state will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of December, 1912. JOSEPHUS H. BOLC H, 12-19-7t. Admir trator. i " ~ —— I Building Materials. Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Luimbei ( , Cypress Shingle? Estimates made rom plans. Good suppl of Manufacturing Mater ll in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co HICKORY, N. C. Low ||| Fares! On the Ist and 3rd Tuesdays 'SSiS eac h inont h the 'ares are i|P ixira low and allow stop overs free and 25 days time— VKsra via Cotton Belt Route to t Arkansas & Tex as C° tton R ° Vte * 8 t ' l ® direct line from Memphis to rjf Texas, through Ar! an6as— two splendid trains dt iy, with t through sleepers, chai cars and parlor-cafe cars. Tr ins from all parts of the South*- st make direct connection at Memphis ml with Cotton Belt R© te trains \gj£ to the Southwest. Writ« to me 'odsy I will tell you e act fare from your towr , sched •sk ule, and send yr i splen- did illustrated 1 aoks of W farm facts about Arkan sas and Texas. « H.H.sinroN, Dutrict fimii rAnat M. B. HOLT; FORD, Puanctr vent 109 W. 9th : treet sal* Daily to cer- Notice To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is herebv given thatjap >licatior will be made to the General J- ssembly of North Carolina, Session 1913 for the repeal of the extsting charter of he Citj of Hickory, with all amendment thereto, and for the enactment of a nev. charter in lieu thereof. Friends of the proposed legislation desire suggestions, criticisms, tnd co operation, on the part of the ci- izens of Hickory. Inquiries may be ma eat the office of the Chamber of Come erce, to which office, communications, lso', may be addressed. NEW CHARTER COMMITTEE December 18th, 1912. 12-19-5t Charity In Compromise. The beet methods of con promise are always the simplest, and the sim plest are founded on grounds of mutual charity. ■ eißtnrsh Hnlff Fmitiiand Gore ate fifth ting to abolish tneruTe of seniority by which Senators aafeytee getr£hg.ictm» mittee chairmanships after a change., of administratfor.' Mr, Wilsoh * says - he will keep his hands; off of this fight. The Greensboro News' Washington correspondent says this will not prevent Mr. Simmons from becoming chairman of the fi nance committee, as only two Senators are against him. Col- Roosevelt declares he is opposed,to Frank Munsey's pro pjea: t > n ge .the P. r # and okl parties. TRYSOLAGE AT 01R EXPENSE Mohey back for any cue of Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Headache that Solace Fails to Remove. SOLACE REMEDY* is a recent medical dis covery of three German Scientists that disolvc* Uric Acid Chrystals and-I'urifies the Blood. It is easy to take, and will not effect the weakest stomach. ... It is guaranteed tinder the Pure Food and Drue Law to be absolutely free from opiates or harm ful drugs of any description. SOLACE is a pure specific in every way, and has been proven beyond question to be the surest and quickest remedy for Uric Acid Troubles known to medical science, no matter how long standing. It reaches and removes the root of •he trouble. Uric Acid, and purifies the blood. THE SOLACE CO of Battle Creek are the Sole U. S. Agents and have thousands of volun tary testimonial letters which- have been re ceived from greatful people SOLACE has restored to health. '1 estimonial letters, literature and HIEE BOX sent upon request. R. Lee Morris, President of the First National Bank of Chico, Texas,'wrote the Solace Compa ny as follows: "I wanv you to send a box of Solace to my father in Memphis, Tenn, for which I enclose sl. This remedy ha* been used by some friends of nine here and I must say its action was wonder ,ul - . "Signed, R. L. Morris." Put up in 25c, 50c and SI.OO boxes. ITS MIGHTY FINE TO BE WELL AND YOU CAN SOON BE BY TAKING SOLACE. No special treat ment schemes fr'fees." JUST SOLACE ALONE ' DOES THE WORK. Write today for the free box, etc, **-" SOLACE REMEDY CO., Battle Creek, Mich. March &, inc. Easy to Defy Evil Bplrlts. '• The Chinese believe that evil spir its are able to move only In straight lines and that they cannot penetrate through solid matter, therefore the problem of keeping them out of a dwelling or a garden seems to them a simple matter. CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD AND OHIO RAILWAY AND Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Raiway of South Carolina THE NEW SHORT LINE BETWEEN Dante, St. Paul and Speer's Ferry, Va., Johnson City, Twin., Altapass and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, S. G. "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE MAY 12, 1912. SOUTHBOUND K Eastern Standard Tim© I N'RTHBD •J- ® •| I (J ► O \ ll' 2 t ~ No. 51 No, 3 | 3*3 No. 2 N0.4 Mixdi Pass. | Miles STATIONS © g Pass. Pass. D'ly J Daily | _ «.goal Daily Daily " r fr• ■ | - P. M. |A. M.J ~|Lv Dante, Va. jAr. P.M. P. M 1.101 8.00 O.Q Lv...... ..St. Paul, Va Ar. 1760 12.45 10.IE «l.asj, 8.20»-~ 7»sLv.....X>ungannon, -Va.. ...Ar. 1484 12.17 9.46 , 2«Sl|- «.51 .21.9 Lv....Ft. Blackmore, Va....Ar. 1305 11.40 9.11 .2.45 9.08j 30.2 Lv HiU, Va Ar. 1772 11.20 8.5$ f3.01f 9.21 36.0 Lv... .Speer's Ferry, '3.27 9.41 46.4 Lv.. .Cameron, Va.-Tenn.. .Ar.f 1378 10.42J 8.15 3.44 9.56 51.6 Lv... ..Kinsport, Tenn Ar. 1306 10.24 7.55 3.59 10.09 58.9 Lv Pactolus, Tenn Ar. 1213 10.09 7.41 f4.18f10.20 62.8 Lv... .Ford town, Tenn.....Ar. 1295 9.65 f 7.30 4.40J 10.32 67.8 Lv.. . Gray, Tenn Ar. 1434 9.42 7.18 f4.s(j|f 10.43 72.6 Lv...Johnson City, Tenn...Ar. 1526 9.30f 7.67 5.34 11.15 85.1 Lv Unicoi, Tenn Ar. 1624 9.01 6.35 6.32 11.43 95.7 Ar Erwin, Tenn Lv. 1932 8.29 6.01 .6.47 11.55 101.1 Lv Erwin, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.17 5.48 6.54 12.02 101.1 Lv Chesota, Tenn Ar. 1662 8.10 5.41 f7.Q5 12.12 104.3jLv.. .Tnaka Sprgs, Tenn...Ar. 1703 8.00 f5.32 f7.08 112.15 105.1 Lv. Hntdale, N. C Ar.| 1708 f7.58[ f6.28 7.59 12.47 117.9 Lv Green Mtn, N. C Ar. 2058 7.28] 4.59 8.24 1.05 124.9 Lv Toecane, N. C Ar. 2152 7.12 4.43 f9.22 1.51 140.1 Lv Penland, N. C Ar. 2401 6.36 4.04 8.46 .1.21 131.3 Lv Boonford, N. C Ar. 2256 6.57 4.28 f9.38 2.03 114.6 Lv.. .Spruce Pine, N. C...Ar. 2462 6.32 3.53 P. M. P.M. |.. \ A. M. P. M. NoTl 1 "j No. 6 Miz'd , I A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 6.15 2.23 151.9 Lv.... .Altapass, N. C Ar. 2629 8.05 3.84 f 6.22 f2.31 155.3 Lv...Mt. Mitchell, N. C...Ar. 2450 7.50 f8.19 f6.52 f2.58 161.3Lv...Linville Falls, N. C...Ar. 1738 f7.21 f2.48 7.26 3.161 175.1 Lv Sevier. N. O Ar. 1400 7.05 2.34 7.49 3.31 i 183.21 LV Mariou. N. (i Ar. 1316 6.45 2.15 f8.33 f4.01 197.8'1Lv Thermal, N. C Ar. 984 f6.15 f1.46 8.55 4.16 205.5jLv...Westminster, N. C...Ar. 861 9.07 f4;25 209.G|Lv.. ..Bostic Yard, N. C....Ar. 836 5.43 f1.23 9.11 4.30 211.0|Lv Bostic, N. C Ar. 845 5.33 1.00 9.17 4.34 213.OiLv....Forest City, N. C....Ar. 867 5.29 1.13 965 5.02 226.8Lv.....Chesnee, S. C Ar. 882 5.02 12.43 10.09 5.12 231.6 Lv Mayo, S. C Ar. 822 4.50 12.83 10.45 5.40 242.3 Ar.. .Spartanburg, S. C...Lv. 778 4.25 12.10 A. M. P. M. (Union Pass. Station) P. M. P. M. The Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway, and the Carolina, Clineh field & Ohio Railway, of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve the right to vary from the time shown above without notice to the pub lic. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent for definite infor mation or to CHAS. T. MANDKL, J. J. CAMPION, T P. A., in charge Pass. Dept. Vice-President & Traffic Manager, Johnson City, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. f—Flag Stop. •Detly, except Sunday Carolina & North-Western Railway Co. Schedule Effective Nov. 24th, 1912. Ex Sun Daily Mixed Mtxea Mixed Northbound. No 8 Pass. No. 62 NO. 60 Ex. Sun. No. 10 Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. No. 50 Uiiebter Lv 7 55am 11 45 ami Yorkville .... 842 105 j Gastonia 930 • 3 00pmj..; Gastonia 5 40pm " ; (....« Lincolnton 631 10 26 i Newton 7 08 11 05 Hickory 740 1145 70a ain Lenoir 840 1 00pm 200 pin 8.40 Mortimer 2 20 410 • Edgemont Ar I 2 30 430 j 0 AU J Ex Sun. Q No. 63 No 61 j Mix Daily Southbound. No 7 No. 9 Ex Sun Ex Sun j No 51 Ecigetnont Lv. 1155 am 730 am j Mortimer .... 12 0o 740 I Lenoir 730 am lis 1015 f2 4» p m Hickory 8 27 2 30 ; 420 Newton 8 50 3 05 { Lincolnton 9 27 3 43 Gastonia Ar. 10 25 Gastonia Lv 440 700 j Yorkville ... 539 835 1 Chester Ar 625 10 25 j CONNECTIONS CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. YORKVILLE—Sonthern Railway. GASTONlA—Souther* Ry„ Piedmont & Northern Ry. LINCOLNTON—S. A. L. NEWTON and HlCKOßY—Southern Railway. E. F. REID, G. P. Agt, Cheater S. C, (of jnjjk )£] VV yw New* Double Daily Service VIA I Piedmont & Northern Lines I AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Companv. Effective Wednesday, Oct. 1911 8:30 A. M. 1:33 P. M - Lv. LeiT* Ar. 1:15 P. M. 8:35 P. M.gg 8:58 A. M. 2:01 P. M. Lv iGranite Palls Ar. 12:48 P.M. 8:10 P. M. 9:25 A. M. 2:30 P. M. Lv. Hickory Ar. 12:00 Noon 7:40 P. M. 9:45 A. M. 3:05 P. M. Lv Newton Ar 11:06 A. M. 7.08 P. M. 10:20 A. M. 3:43 P. M. Lv. Lineoln ton Ar. 10:26 A. M. «.3l PJM. il:09 A. M. 4:27 P. M. Lv. Dallas Ar. 9:47 A. M. 5.52 P. M. 11.20 A. M. 4:40 P. M. Ar. Gastonia Lv 9:30 A. M. 5:40 P. M. 11.50 A. M. 4:40 P. M. Lv Gastonia Ar 9:15 A. M. 5:33 P. M. 12:50 Noon 5:30 P. M. Ar. Charlotte Lv. 8:15 4.25 P. M. Close connections at Mount Holly. N, C. with Sea board Air Line, at Gastoni*. N. C. with Southern Railway and C. * N-W. RaUwrnr t® and from, all point*. North, Sooth, East and West, I 0011 " The above iAediteTiU»rrmdcuTmMtohed only as informutioir and are not fvannteed. s • E. THOMASON. C. V. PALMER, General Manager. Central Passenger Agt. Something New In Qame Laws. A proposed new game law In New York state will make the open wwoii for deer-hunting later in the year, with the purpose, in part, of prevent ing the accidental shooting of human beings. It is thought that when the trees are denuded of leaves the man affected with "buck fever" will be leas likely to shoot his guide or companion.