Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Tartar I 100 Per Cent Digested 1 Bread made with phosphate powder: _ | 68*4 Per Cent. Digested 1 Bread made with alum powder; I" 67% Per Ceot Pigerted 1 These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of very many bodily ailments. +++++ +++++++++++++++ # ♦ + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + ♦ + ♦ + ++ + + ++ + + + Mrs. McKethan, of Fayette ville, is vis®ng her brother, Mr. K. C. Menzies. Mr. Luke P. Hahn has accept ed a position with the Burke Drug Co. at Morganton, Mr. C. T. Morrison, the Ford auto man, spent Friday in Char lotte on business. Mr. H. F. Dietz, and son Clyde left Saturday for Bartou, Fla., to work for the Elliott Bldg. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clinard, of Yadjrin Valley, are in the city this week at the bedside of their son, Mr. Will Clinard, who has typhoid fever. His condition is about the same. Dr. R. Wood Brown is the cor respondent of the Charlotte Ob ferver in this city, and will be glad to have items of news sent to him in care of the Hickory Democrat. Mr. R. M. Pierpont. traveling freight and passenger agent of the Santa Fe, and Mr. E. R. Jen nings, traveling passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific, were in the city last week. Mr. Jennings is a nephew of Mrs. M. E 1 born ton. Both are delightful gen tlemen, and are counting or their roads getting a big busi ness from this section for the San Francisco exposition. A CHECK ACCOUNT IS PROFITABLE 1 A Bank Check Account helps in many ways. It does not only make it easier to handle \t your financial affairs but creates a desire to a increase your balance from month to month. It strengthens your position in the business world, and fortifies you to meet the needs of I business. Be modern in your methods. Pay your business and personal bills by check f drawn on this bank. Large and Small Accounts Solicited Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Saving Accounts, Compounded Qnarterly. | MONEY TO LOAN AT ALL TIMES CAPITAL and SURPLUS $250,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. D. ELLIOTT, President K. C. MENZIES, Vice Pres. and Cashier J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier. This Applies to Hickory, Too. Charlotte Chronicle. Under the present form of government in Charlottee neither the voter, the taxpayer nor the citizen is getting a squaie deal: Tbe voter because he has little voice in the government an*; never knows what the man h* votes for is going to stand for; the taxpayer because one-third or more of the taxes he pays is wasted through lack of co-opera tion and the absence of efficiency in many departments of the city government; the citizen because if he has a complaint he has no responsible person to appeal to. All ot these things would bf remedied und#»r a comm ssion form of government. The voter would be powerful at. all times and inefficiency or ill conduct in office would be remedied by the removal of the offending official. The taxpayer would have the pleasure of receiving full value for his tax money in the form of street®, sidewalks, police and fire protection, proper sanitation, etc. Are You A Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money re funded if it fails to core you. Do not hesitate —take it at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada, Texas, writes, "Dr. King's New Dis covery cured my terrible cough and cold I gained 15 pounds," Buy it at C. M. Shuford, Moser and Lu z, or Grimes Drug Stores. Suhscribe for the DEMOCRAT Family Quarrel in Board of Agricul ture. Raleigh Dispatch. Tlje Joint Committee on Agriculture voted this afternoon to report favorably the Roberts bill for protection of forests through township and distiict wardens to be paid ®lO a year and 20 cents an hour when actually fighting fire, the bill carrying an appropriation of $20,000 and making it possible for this State to share the benefits of federal aid. The commtttee heard the family quarrel of the Department of Agriculture concerning the conflict between the Board of Commissioners as to the ap pointive power. A pending bill would heads off divisions appointed by the Commissioner with the advice and con sent of the Board and other appoint ment by the Commissioners. Messrs. W. J. Shuford, W. R. Scott and other mem bers of the Board urged that the entire appointive power be given to the Board with the Commissioner having merely voice with other members. There was spirited discussion and a subcommittee, consisting of Senators McLeod and Brown and Representative White and Williams of Martin, was named to inves tigate and recommend. The Home Merchants' Opportunity. Albermarle Enterprise. Our home merchants who are alert and awake to their oppor tunities will become active com petitors of the distant mail order nouse. In the near future, mer chandising through the mail is to become a feature of trade and since the home man has advan tage of all other houses outside the zone of operation in the mat ter of rates, the active merchant *ill be able to hold his trade, rle should go after the mail or der business himself, and en tourage his customers to send their orders to him by mail. The local newspaper is the best me dium for bringing dealer and buyer together and the man who fails to realize this right in the beginning will wake up a few months hence to find that the other man is working while he was asleep. Rest assured that the mail order houses will establish convenient agencies everywhere and the best way to forestall this is for our local stores to get ready to handle trade within their zones. . IN HICKORY. The Evidence Is Supplied by Local Testimony. If the reader wants stronger proo than the following statement and ex-1 perience of a resident of Hickory,! what can it be? Mrs. L. S. Sherrill, 1346 Twelfth Ave., Hickory, N. C., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills permanently cured my boy of kidney complaint. lam glad to recommend them. The child could not control the passages of the kidney secretions and this caused great annoyance. Although we tried everything, nothing did aLy Food un til we procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store. They greatly strengthened his kidneys.'* Mrs. Sherrill is only one of many Hickory people who have gratefully endorsed Doan' Kidney Pills. If your back aches—if your kidney* both- r you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Sherrill had- the remedy backed by home testimony. 50c all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 14 When Your Back is Lame —Remember the Name," State News. Robert W. Sherrill, of the southeastern end of Catawba ounty died recently, aged 47, leaving a wife and the fol lowing family: John, Wedding ton and Legal Snerrill and Mrs. Pink Gabriel, Mrs. Sidney Har well and Miss Onie Sherrill. Mr : R. E. Patton, 69 years, died in Burke recently. Dr. W. A. Leslie is the new president of the Burke county Poultry Association. Miss Geneva Tripletc died in Lenoir last week. AN ABLE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT May cure the Nation's ills, but if you want to scatter a cold, rub on GOVVANS,Kingof Ex ternals, the preperation con sidered by those who have used it a household remedy. Por Croupe, Pneumonia, Colds, GOWANS re duces inflammation in a short while. Keep a bottle in the home—be prepared. This verifies our statement: Having recommended Gowans for sore throat, colds, croup, and all cases where there is congestion of inflamma tion and have never heard of a dissatis fied customer. Washington and Early, Druggists, Manchester, Va. All Druggists and Guaranteed. Three sizes, SI.OO, 50 and 25 jcnts. GOWAN MEDICAL COMPANY, Concord, N. C. WOMAN SICK FOURTEEN YEARS Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Elkhart, Ind."l suffered for four teen years from organic inflammation, female weakness, | pain and irregulari ':;i! ties. The pains in mkuSr my sides were in ;;MTWn s|P creased by walking a } MpiHli or standing on my 111 Jig feet and I had such ' awful bearing down feelings, was de pressed In spirits /■■l : and became thin and •y//- -W/ ' pale with dull, heavy ——^—■' eyes. I had six doc tors from whom I received only tempo rary relief. I decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial and also the Sanative Wash. I have now used the remedies for four months and cannot express my thanks for what they have done for me. "If these lines will be of any benefit you have my permission to publish them." —Mrs. SADIE WILLIAMS, 455 James Elkhart, Indiana. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drags, and to-day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ilia we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia £. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you,write to Lydia E.Pinkham MeaicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass., for ad vice. Y our letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict •eafldence. Explanation by Dr. R. Wood Brown, To the Editor of the Democrat Every who aspears publically either in person or in print, in vites criticism; consequently the criticisms on my article on the C. &N. W. R. R, are in order but they should be directed against the proper persons. 1 made a special trip to Chester to write up the C. &N. W. R. R. and when I entered the head quarters of that road I did know any more about the origin of the C. & N. W. than a feathered biped knows about paleontology. Mr. W. M. Vandever, the elder ly lccomotive engineer probably knows what he writes for it is fair to presume than a man who has pulled so many trains can tell whether he is running over, a broad, a narrow gauge or a mono-rai l . Webster gives "the broad gauge as six feet in United States and seven feet in England, the standard gauge at four feet eight and one half i inches, and any gauge less than standard is called narrow gauge and it may vary from two feet to three feet six inches," All the data for my article was obtained from the officials of the C. &N. W. at Chester; ex cept that about the employees in Hickory. And all errors are not of my making, Mr. Vandever says he would like to "learn" me old railroading, I should be pleased to meet him as ancient h story is always interesting. it does not make any difference whethe - th» C. &N. W. started as a bread or narrow gauge. It is a rattling good road and runs through a fertile country and for its length it carries as many people and as much freight as as any railroad in the United States and its officers are urban ity personified, as I learned while in Chester. Speaking of Chester, S. C. I was told how the first Court House was located. "To satisfy the citizens, three gentlemen were appointed to located the site. They could not agree, but decided they'd take a jug of whis key down to the present loca tion of the union depot, and and after emptying the jug the chap who could waik the further est up the hill should locate the Court House. chap manag ed to walk to the top before he dropped and there was located Chester's first Court House, it has been torn down and upon its site has been erected a beautiful monument to the Confederate Dead." Dr, R. Wood Brown. MRS. WM. ARCHER Tells Mothers What To Do For Delicate Children. "My fourteen-year-old daughter waa very thin and delicate. She had a bad cough so that I became very much alarmed about her health. She was nervous and did not sleep well, had very little appetite and doctors did not help her. Having heard so much about Vinol, I decided to give It a trial, it has helped her wonderfully. She can sleep all night now without coughing once; in fact, her cough Is gone. Her appetite is greatly Im proved and she has gained in weight Yinol is a wonderful medicine, and I will always keep it in the house. I vish every mother knew what Vinol will do for delicate children." Mrs. Wm. Archer, 223 Broadway, Long Branch, N, J. This declicious cod liver and Iron preparation without oil is a wonderful body-builder and strength-creator for both young and old. We promise to give back your money in every such case where Vinol doss not bemflt. This shows our faith in Vinol Moser & Lutz,Jdruggist Hickory N.C. i * ' I v - 1 'i 'f * - -* ■' Ford Automobiles > . ... • * .''■' A DISTINCTIVE feature of the car —and a marked advantage to the buy er, is the fad that it is built of Vana dium &eel—a &eel that is recognized the world over as not alone the toughest, £ronge£, be£, but the mo£ expensive £eel known to the world of steel making. We have no hesitancy in stating that Ford Model T, constructed as it is of Vanadium steel, is the strongest and most durable car in the world. Model T Touring Car, $647.00; Model T Runabout, $572.00; F. O. B. Hickory fully equipped. These Cars go at Once! I have on hand the following cars that must go ai once. Three new 1913 model T Touring cars, price F. O. B. Hickory, $647.00 each. One model T Touring, 1912 model, $500.00. One Maxwell Runabout, $250.00. One model T Ford, 4 passenger, $255.00. C. T. MORRISON HICKORY, : : : : NORTH CAROLINA Don't You Believe It Some say that chronic constipation cannot be cured. Don't you believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured others —why not you? Give tb-m a trial. They cost only a quarter. For sale by all dealers. There Are Others. To the Editor of the Democrat: We see where "Charitv and Children" nick-named you" s)ab j sided." Now the eminent divine ' and manager of the State Baptist Orphanage ought not to indnlflft in that kind of folly. A bad ex ample to set before his little folks Hesides, it is not tnie, Mr. Banks. I for one will stann up and defend you. Your cor porosity takes the form of too much fulness in front. There are others of Hiokory's most prominent citizens built like you- Of all the stunts of scornful cranks, To call our Mr. Howard Banks "Shorty" or "Old Slab-Side!" It's neither dropsy, mush, or gout, It's just a bay window punches out, And that's a thing that you can't hide. The truth it hurts, because it's true; There's others here that's built like you- Taylor, Dasher, and Squire Sides, Dan Whitener, and J. D. Elliott, too, Are full below the belt like you, Alright, exeept in horse back rides. Squire Wolfe. Beware of Ointments for (Ja tarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange I he whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces, such artides should never be used except on prescriptions from reliable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hill's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains! no Mercury, and Is taken internal!?, acting directly upon the blood *iid mucous surfaces of the system. In' buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be *ure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial* free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75e per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for consumption. Are You Insured? Suppose You Have A Fire To-Night? Today Is the time to get a Policy oa your 1 dwelling, barn, 9tore, saw mill and o'hcr property. A few dollars invested today may save you%sl,4M to-night. "RigtyUweWriteft" Hickory Insurance & Realty o. CENTS Hklcty, N. C I The Prescription is far too valuable to trust to inexperienced, careless hands—on it depends your health—so have it compounded HERE or impure drugs and where COMPOUND PERFECTLY MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists "ON THE CORNER." VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE AT AUCTION For division among the heirs of this part of the estate of B. S. A. Aderholt, deceased, we will tell at public auction on the premises, 1 1-4 miles south of C rouse Station in Gaston Co., the home tract, known as the John Aderdolt place, Saturday, March Ist at I o'clock p. m. The whole tract icontains 123 9-10 acres. It has been subdivided into 4 trats ranging from 23 3-4 acres to 39 acres which will be soid separately, and then as whole ahd the sale will be left open 20 days for final bids to be bettered, and if bettered as much as 10 pier cent on the whole, it will be readvertised and sold the highest bid then made will be final. This farm is weTl located 1 1-4 miles from S.A. L* Railroad and high school at Crouse Station. Churches convent at. Best watered farm in the country any wfttere, each tract as divided has fine.spring and branch, plenty of timber. Tract Nos. 1 and 4 are nearly all timbered with fine oak and hickory timber; tracts No*, li 2 and 3 are nearly level free from rbek, all the land is red subsoil and easily Improved. It Is considered the most ideal farm in this part of the country. If you an at all Interested in farm lands be sure to attend this sale. Now is the time to buy real estate. It is growing higher each year. Remember the date, March Ist at i o'clock rain or shine. We offer terms that are in reach of all as follow*: i-3 cash on day«l4lle, i-3 12 months, 1-3 two years with interest at k per cent, from date payable semi-annually deferred payments secured by approved security and deed with-held until pdfrfh fill Prospective perchasers will be shdwn over the land by Ed Reep who liyes on the farm, or by M. L. or J. D. Rudisill who live on adjoining farms, and above ! parties will show plates'of the Uftd. For further information address the under signed at Henry River, N. C. D. W. Aderholt) . pnU ! 2-4-3t ; M. R. Rudisill ; A * ento - Surprise Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They stimu late the liver, improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disappear from your face and body and yor feel better. Begin at oice. Buy at C. M. Shuford, Moser a id Lutz. or Grimes Drug Stores, Tl»e ftne Thing That Mattere. When you eome down to the very bedrock of affalra nothing mattere te a nation excepting the health and number of fta beblee. Bixby. N. C,—l know that Lee's Remedy is the best I ever tried. I think it a God-sent remedy in my home. I have been troubled with headache from a child, but Lee's Headache Remedy is the best of all. So will say to my headache sufferers, "Try this great remedy and be con vinced." MRS. T. C. ALLEN, W by ill »yihiarintas. L-- • - The Way It Happened. A lady's hat was set on lire one day last week la the city, apparently by a match thrown from the top of an omnibus, and completely destroyed. Some Idea of the vastness of the atruo ture may be gathered from a report to the effect that the fire raged for soma time la the north end of her headgear before the lady waa aware that any- Ifcing waa amies.—Punch. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Tki KM You Hin Always Bougtt In the Depths. "Tear* ago Dobson told me that &• wanted to lead a life of "Well, his dream has come true "How sot* "He la now the husband of a famous woman."—Birmingham Ag» Harald. r