rhe Kind You Have Always Bought, mod which has been iu use for *> ver 30 years, has borne the denature of /9 ' and has been made under his per kll Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but jSxperi aients tl »t trifle with and endanger the health of tyrant;, and Children—Experience against Experiment* What Is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substttote for Castor Oil, Pare, forie. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allays Feveriahness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, mres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Tie Kind TOD Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. twe o—rw eiewaw, yr ew«« mm. mii Mem. CORTIUGHTSk are as good as new, and hare EMSgSjjsS never needed repairs—never need attention of any kind, a« ff cept an occaaional coat of p*™*. I Storm^^of - ' Fire-proof Don't buy that roof for the new building, or re-roof 4ie old, 5 until you have exammed the Cortright Metal Shingles. F. B. Infold, Hickory, N. C. * _____ ; ' _ - r. I Gave Up Hope 1 f| "1 suffered five years, with twful pains, due to woman- I I ly troubles," writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Ch£i-p I II bourn, N. C. . "They grew worse, till I would often iaint I U I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting ki my IS * I side; also a headache and a backache. | I gave up and thought I would , die, but my husband I || urged me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the first bottle £ H helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, I could ■ |] do all my work. All the people around here said I would E g die, but Cardui relieved me.* ICARDUI WomanSTonfc I | For more than 50 years, Cardui has been relieving B || woman's sufferings, and making weak women strong and ■ H well. During this time, thousands of women have written, m m like Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results ■ IS they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic I || remedy for women. «*, Cardui strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pre- ■ fg WEiS unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles. 11 m If you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, today. LEE'S Headache and Neuralgia REMEDY S \FELY £ URELY, SPEEDILY Cures Headache aadN«urai£ta no matter what the cause. Numerous testi monials on file in our office bear us out in this statement. R~ AD THE FOLLOWING, Dear Sirs: —I have been a consU nt sufferer from headache for 12 years and could not get any relief until it had run its course or take morphine. I tried Lee's. Headache and Neuralgia Remedy and found permanent relief 1 heartily endorse it as the bett thing 1 have ever tried. Yours truly, H. A. GRANDY, Hartesville, N. C. SOLD EVERYWHERE, Price 25c and s€c. Manufactured by BIRWELL & DUNN, Charlotte, N. C. ISSESSSI Fast Through Service BETWEEN CHATTANOOGA, hSSBH shreveport and NEW ORLEANS EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping rs - Meals ala carte in the diner. Good Connections Fine Service. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS AND OTHER POINTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. direct Service—Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. We will b« pleased to fhre full details concerning fare* and schedules J'C CAVM rv I-- •> on *PPlicmtioo. Call on or write: O. H «!AKIM R'S 0 * f!? n,^L Age,rt ,M We * Nin,h StrwK. Chattanooga. Tenn. SUNDAY JCHOOL. Lesson Vlll.—First Quarter, FoI Feb. 23, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Gen. xiii, 1-12. Memory Verse, B—Golden Text, Prov. *» 22—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Abram's going down to Egypt was certainly a mistake ou bis part. Tor there was DO altar to tbe Lord there nor any new revelation from the Ijord. and Abruw dishonored the Lord by fear aßd deceit and brought upon him self the rebuke of a man of tbe world, a heathen king. By all our conduct we are either honoriug or dishonoring the Lord, magnifying Him or magnify ing ourselves, and we would do well to test everything by this tent He Is able -care of His own people and His own work under ail circum stances, and all He asks of us Is a whole heart for Him. such an abiding In and separation nnto Him that He shall not be hindered in working out His good pleasure. When at any time we wander away from the Lord the only thing to do la to return as quickly as possible, for He is ever calling the wanderer to return, as in Isa. Iv, 7; Jer. IU, 14, 22: Hos. xiv. 1, 2. and the word of eucoursge ineiit awaits both the unsaved and tbe saved. "Him that cometh to Me 1 will iii nowise east out" (John vl. 37). It la go4»d to see Abram back at tbe place of tbe altar between Betbel and Hal and to bear bin) calling on tbe name or tbe Lord (verses 3, 4) aud to kuow that tbe Lord has abundantly pardoned him according to His word. It may seem strange to some to see Abram very rich in cattle, tn silver and in gold (verse 2) notwithstanding bis wanderings from tbe Lord, but let such consider tbelr own mercies and say if tbey have not been dealt with lu loving kindness beyond all their de serts. Sometimes tbe Lord woald draw us back to or closer to Himself by His great mercies, and we bave all and al ways reason to say, "It is of tbe Lord'* mercies that we are sot consumed, be cause His compassions fall not" (Lam. ill, 22>. Lot also was rich In flocks and herds, aud bis berdmen and those of Abram could not agree. So to prevent strife Abram told Lot to take hia choice of territory and that he would take that which Lot did not desire. Thus mag nanimous could this great man afford to be because he was the friend of God and the Lord was his portion. Being a witness for God before the Canaan ltes and Perixzitea who dwelt in the land, he could not tolerate atrife, for "the servant of the Lord must not strive" (II Tim. ii, 24). Meekness, lowliness and submission are always becoming tn a child of God, but never strife, not even to maintain our so called rights. We are exhorted to take wrong and suffer ourselves to be defrauded ratber than strive before uubelievers (I Cor. vi. ft 7). Without regard to the character of the people who lived ou the plain, who are described as "wicked and sinners before the Lord, exceedingly." Lot chose the plain of Jordan, because he saw that It would admirably suit his numerous (locks and herds (verses 10-13). It is said that "be lifted up bis eyes," but it was only to behold the low and fruitful valley of the Jordan. He did not behold the Lord nor con slder His will ID the matter. It was a case of self only. It was good for Lot to be with Abram, but not so good for A. bra in to have Lot with him. Separation from Lot was really to Abram's advan tage and evidently pleasing to thr Lord, for the Lord had another me* sage for Abram as soon as Lot wa* separated from him (14-17). There was a renewed assurance that the Lord would give him the whole land and th* promise that his seed would be as the dust of the earth (verse 16.) In verse 18 see thin friend of God dwelling with Him at Hebron, which signifies fellowship, above the' sinners of Sodom and in communion with God with his altar unto the Lord. This prepares us for the record in chapter xlv of the capture and captiv ity of Lot and his goods by the four kings, while Abram, living above and away from all the turmoil, is able to go with his 318 trained servants and rescue Lot and his people and all bin goods. While mixed up with the world we cannot expect to have victory over It, and it is only as we dwell at He !>ron in fellowship with God that we can hope to rescue others from the god of this world. First we see Lot pitch ing his tent toward Sodom, and then we see him dwelling in Sodom (xtli, 12; xlv, 12). : Later we shall find him a ruler In Sodom, sitting in the gate setting on in the world. In the end of chapter xlv we have a wonderful record of a most remarkable man. a king and a priest. t/pe of the Lord Jesus Christ when He iball be a priest upon His throne, a priest forever after the order of Meleblzedek (Zech. vl, 13; Ps. ex. 4). Here we have for the first time the title "the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth," and been use Abram was blessed by Him he was able to turn his back upon *he tempting ofTer of the king of So ilom concerning tlie goods. If the church today knew the Most High God and His blessing sbe would never be guilty of seeking the goods of Sodom to help iter carry on her work. There is noth ing so crnnd ns to know Ood and find our nil In Iltm. Diarrhoea When YEN want a quick esn,«KBM any lees E# tine, and one that ie WawW by BO bad resalts, use Chamberlain's Oollc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fells and fa eleaeant to takr (t fa equally valuable far ehfldiea. It to fain■ in for fa ewer evet I fax vest •» tMfasd 1 " 1 1 1 n i r'k'Ut-L.SSIONAL CARDS R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY - ~ - IS. G. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. ,J. MICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays v'p Mairs ill Club Eld'g., next door to Shuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Mfice at residence, 1430 11th Avenue •PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. Palace Barber Shop. . R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest Mi-vice premised all wh« employ him to attend to their legal rights. WW practice n iH the courti W (kit Suic. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES riIONK 28 1215 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory. N. C. Mrs. D. JVL. Atkins Trained Nurse { 1 ! WIH be clad to serve Physicians in adjacen town* and cvtimlry as well as ia Hickory PHONE M HICKORY. N. C. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffke. E. E. ANDERSON Factory Representative ADAM SCHAFF PIANOS and Piano Tuner. PHONE NO. 284-1/ HICKORY, N. C New Double Daily Service VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-Western , Railway Companv. Lv. HICKORY Ar. 8.a7 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.40 p.Mi Ar. GASTONIA Lv. 10.25 a.m. 7.30 a. m. 4.40 p. m. 5-40 p.m. Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 1913, Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7.53 a. m. 44 4 8.15 14 "3 9-15 " " 6 9.30 '* " 5 i 0.15 44 8 10.50 44 44 7 11.40 " . «« 10 11.45 " " 9 12.40 p.m. 44 )2 12.50 p.m. "11 2.00 " 44 16 2.30 44 "15 3.30 44 * 4 18 3.30 44 44 17 4.30 14 44 20 500 44 44 19 5.35 44 44 22 6.30 44 '• 21 730 44 44 24 845 44 '• 23 9.45 44 • 4 26 10.55 44 44 a 5 11.55 44 The above schedule, figures and eonnectioa pub tbbed only as iafor nation and are not cuaraateed. C. V. PALMER. Gen. Pas. Agent. Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent Gastonia, N. C. ipss fM T*k* •• lUir. Bar of rmmm V [h Jr pill£" •" VW» m yoaaakaovnaaßwt.SaSMt.AlwqrsßiMaMa Are You Insured? Suppose You Have A Fire To-Night? Today is the time to g%t a Policy on your dwelling, barn, store, saw mill and other property. A. few dollars invested today inay save yon $1,966 to-night. "Right If we Write It" Hickory Insurance & Realty o. GENTS . . Hickory, N. C Building Materials. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Saab, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, • [i Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. | HICKORY, N. C. * Get The Value Out Of Yourself Skill gains wealth where sloth sees want. A man is worth only two dol 'ars a day from his chin down. With jroper training he is worth $lOO,OOO a ear from his chin up. Eighty five per cent of the men of Vmerica are earning fifteen dollars week. Fifteen pe. cent make $lBOO t $3,000 a year. Which Glass Are You In? There is in e*'ery young person a con tinent of undiscovered possibilities. Let us help discover that continent help yon to get that value out of your self. Nothing will do this quicker than a course in Scientific Salesmanship This course Is extremely practical and interesting from start to finish. Let us tell you all aboot this c >urse. We guarantee splendid situations on it. Write Henry S. Shockley, Principal, Asheyille Business College. Asherille, N, C. There is Always a place to get the best goods and a place to get tbe best work done, so if it is anything in the way of Shoe Repairing vou will find that Thompson's - is the place to get it Work .. called for and delivered. •m F. M. Thompson Phone 106 Everyman's Wife. There's only one bright woman la the world; she haa married every* Zfeyb Hie Reliable Household Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home—in the yard, in Jhe cellar, in the attic— wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It fives a clear, bright light—like sunlight on Up. It is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to lighted rewick. Will last for years. Ask for the RAYO. ja At Dmalmra Ewryvthm. \ STANDARD OIL COMPANY 1 (huriiiittJ ia N«« Jw»y) Ntvuk, N. JL ItkhMN, tM. OAK LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Go. i HICKORY, N. G Carolina, ClinckfieM tt Ohio Rakflwuy AND Caretiaa, CHecMleid aad Ohte RaMw»y af ••mil QlWllM * t A THE NEW BHORT LIKE •4*- BETWEEN Dante, Ot. Paul and Fairy, Va., Jebnoen C»ty, Tenn, Atoapaaa, lit| m 4 Marten, N. C., and Iparttakuri, S. G. "Clinchfield Rout#" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 10, tOWI Southbound. Eastera Standard Tiaao. Kertkhaamd _____ No. 5 No. 3 iu ft. No. 2 No. 4 Mlx'd Pass. M'ls. abr. Paaa. Paaa. Ply. D'ly. STATIONS a. lev. D'ly. Ply. P M• A M f K p i| 1.10 B.o* 0.0 LT. Daatc, Va. Ar. 1700 12.46 *9.00 1.35, 8.20 7.5 I*. St. Paul, Va. Ar. 1484 12.1? 3.M 2.21!' 8.51 21.9 LT. Dungannea, Va. Ar. 1206 11.40 7JO 2.451 9.07J 29.6 Lv. Tt. Blaekinore, Va. Ar. 12721 11.20} 7.01 • S.OLJ* 9.21] 34.0 LT. HIU, Va. Ar. 1280*11.01* 7JB 3.27 9.41 45 .V LT. Speer'a Ferry, Va. Ar. }1270J 10.42} 7JO • 3.44 9.54 51.4 Lt. • Cameron, Va-Tena. - Ar. 12061 10.24! 4.00 4.001 10.00 52.2 LY. Kingsport, Tana. Ar. 1210 10.00 4JO • 4.18 *10.20J 42.8 LT. Pactoiua, Tenn. Ar. IJO6 OJ6J* # • 4.40; 10.32J 67.8 LR. Fordtown, Tenn. Ar. 1424 9.421 Mf • 4J6*10'.42 72.9{ LT. Gray, Toon. Ar. 1000 o.oo|* SJI 5.55 11.14 85.1 LR. Johnson City, Teaa. Ar. 1424 9.01 5J§ 6.50 11.42' 05.7 LT. Unieoi, Tena. Ar. 1021 8.29 4.58 7.10 11.54101.1 Ar. Erwin, Tena. LT. 1402 8.17 4.4 ft 7.22 12.02101.1 LT. Erwin, Tenn. Ar. 1062 B.ttf 4JF • 7.34*12.12104.2 LT. Chestoa, Tenn. Ar. 1700 B.ool* 4J4 • 7.41 *12:14 106.1 LT. Unaka Springs, Teaa. Ar. 1002 * TJtf* Alt 8.324 12.47117.9 LT. Huntadala, N. C. Ar. 26J0j 7.28 3.00 •8 54 1.06124.9 LT. Sreen Mountain, N. C. Ar. 216* 7.12j BJT 9.241 1.21121.2 LT. Toeeane, N. C. Ar. 22*0 6Jf *M • 9.51 1.51140.1 LT. Boocford, N. C. Ar. 2401 6J61 2JO •10.08 2.06144.6 LT. Penland, N. C. Ar. 2468 6M IM .14.20) 2.17147.9 LT. Spruce Pine, N. C. Ar. Mil C.MJ 2JFL 10.4© ~ 2.27f151.9 Ar. Alta Paaa, N. C. Lr. 2020 6.06 2J» P." M.,P. M.| 1 9b No. 1 jlei6 Mxd ftm. * ' 1,-' A M P M IP. MJP. I, 8.15 2.27151.9 Lr. .... . Altapaas, N. C. Ar. 2620 8.06 2J7 • 4.22 * 2.86 166J Lt. Mt. Mitchell, N. G. Ar. 2460 * 7.60 * 2.12 • 6.52 2.58 147.0 LT. Unvilie Paßa, N. C. Ar. 1720 * 7.20 * 1.40 7.25 8.16174.9 LT. * SeTier, N. C. Ar. l4OO 6.6#( IJS 7.491 3.21182.2 LT. Marlon, N. C. Ar. 1214 4.36j LOS • 8.20* 4.01197.8 LT. Thermal. N. C. ; Ar. 084* CO6*L2JFT 8.60 4.16 206.54 Lt. Weatmintaer, N. C. Ar. 661 BJO 2US 9.00 * 4.26 209.6} LT. Boatic Yard. N. C. Ar. 2261 6JO I&2# • 9.10 4.201211.0 Lt. Beetle. M. C. Ar. 846 5J2 ISE9 • 9.17 4.24 212.0 LT. Forest City. N. C. Ar. 847 KJ6 12JS • 9.24 4.44219.6 LT. Harris, N. C. Ar. 806 6.14 lLtt 9.66 8.02 226.8 LT. Cbeanee, S. C. Ar. 882 K. 02 ILSS 10.09 5.12 221.6 LT. Mayo, S. C. Ar. (821 4.4F 11.21 10.45 5.40)242.0 Ar. Spartanburg, S. C. LT. 778 4.26] 11.00 (Union Paaaenger Station) A. M.|P. M.| W- M.jA. M. The Carolina, CHaehfteld * Ohio Railway. and tho Carolina, Cttaefctott AOhio Hallway of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reaerve the right m vary from the time ahova above without notice to tho pufclic. Patrons are requested to apply to nonraat Afeat for definite tatormattoa or to CHAB. T. MAN DEL, TMEOBORE OEHON, JR., Aast. Genl. Paaa. Agt D. F. 4 P. A., C. C. * O. *y. of S. & Johnson City. Tena. Spartaatavg* 8. C, J. J. CAMPION, Vice-President and Trnffie Manager. Johnaoa City, Tena. jtfjf • —Flag Stop. % —Daily, Except Sunday. Carolina & North-Western Railway Go. Schedule Effective Nov. 24th'. 1912. Ex. Sun. Ifcdty Mixed Mixea Mixed Northbound. No. 8 Pass. No. 62 No. 60 Ex. Sun. No. 101 Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. No. 50 Chester Lv 755 am' 1145 am Yorkville 842 105 Gaatonia 930 300p m Gaatonia 5 40pm u ; LincolntonJ, 631 1026 Newton 7 08 1106 Hickory 740 11 45 705 am Lenoir 840 1 00pm 200 pto 840 Mortimer 2 20 410 Edgemont (Ar 230 430 ~ Southbound. Ex.Su.. No . « No. Edgemont LT. 11 55 a m 730 am Mortimer 12 06 7 40 Lenoir 730 km I>s 1015 '245 pm Hickory 8 27 2 30 420 Newton 850 305 Lincolnton 9 27 3 43 Gaatonia Ar. 10 26 Gaston ia Lv 440 70i Yorkville 5 39 8 35 Chester Ar. ~6 25 10 25 CONNECTIONS CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. * C. YORKVILLE—Southern Railway. GASTONlA—Southern Ry„ Piedmont te Northern Ry. LINCOLNTON—S. A. L. NEWTON and HlCKORY—Southern Railway. I &F.&giobO.P.ftfL,V»oat*rifß4ft

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