Hn Social Circles The Thursday Study Club met Feb. 12th. with Miss Maycie Blsckwelder. Quotations on Trust Mrs. Joe Abernethy gave the topics *'Woman in the Awak ening Period" and "Woman in Philanthropy", Mrs. Bost, the reading from the "Women of Homer". In the absence of Mrs. Harte Mm. Blackburn act ed aa Secretary. Items of cur rent news formed an interesting part of the prosrram. In the din ing room an elaborate luncheon was served in three courses, the hostess being assisted bv Miss Bertie Foard. The place cards were daintv valentines, and the heart-shaped sandwiches and jellies, and the cakes decorated with red hearts were suggestive of the near approach of St. Val entine's Day. Horses Mans Moles WBed 1 Bffnrl 1 ■« I 1 We will have to arrive at our sta bles in Hickory on Wednesday, February 26th, 150 head of Horses, Mares and Mules, well acclimated and all well broken. Several large pairs of mules. : : : : HERE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY This is the largest and best selected lot of stock that we have ever brought to this section of the State, and you cannot afford to miss this chance. : : • : ; ; Hinkel-Craig Live Stock Company. I i I Si Prizes for Ladies Ladies Listen: For the best advertisement by a lady, of City Bakery Bread, I will award as Firft Prize a $6.00 Fruit Cake Second Prize a $5.00 Fruit Cake Ad must set forth the reasons why each loaf of City Bakery Bread should be wrapped in a sanitary wax ed wrapper, as I am now doing. Ad should not contain over 100 words, as it is to be set up in a 4-inch double column space. Sign your name on a separate slip of paper from the one the ad is written on, and enclose both to me in one envelope. No ad received after Feb. 22, 1913. C. W. ELLINGTON Prop. City Bakery Hickory, N. C. - ' "i"ll HOT BISCUIT, ik»# calms, made with ROYAL Baking Powder arc delicious, health ful and easily made* First Religious Book in America. The first religious book published or the American continent was printed In the City of Mexico by order of the Roman Catholic bishop there. This was the first work of any kind from movable type Issued In the new world and bears date 1646. In point of col laborators the moat pretentious work published on this continent la The Catholic Church In the United States," which has six thousand different co authors, all hot a doses #f whom srs actively Identified In aesse way with the American hierarchy Surprise Yow Friend* For four week* regularly ate Dr. King's New Life Pills. They stimu late the liver, improve digestion, re move blood imparities, pimples sad eruptions disappear from your face sad body and yor feel better. Begin at once. Bay at C. M. Shnford, Moser and Lots, or Grimes Drag Stores, F LOCAL AND PBBBONAL. + ♦ ♦ Mr. M. E. Rudisill, of Henry River, was in the city Monday. Mrs. Stone, to the a'arm of hi r many friends, is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Her mother is with her. * Mi 8. Ed Merizies id in Char lotte undergoing treatment from a specialist. A siege of grip CIOSMI up the eustachian tube in her ear. Mrs. H. D. Abernethy is ill, and has given up her kindergar ten for a week in order to recu perate. Her sister, Mrs. James Moore, of Salisbury, in with her. Hickory has been fortunate in its attractions this winter. Miss Ball man gave us Prof. Perry, who gave a working idea of what classical music is; Mr. Joe Murphv save us the University Glee Club, with Mr. Meeks. whose exquisite tenor might be an echo of McCormacks, Presi dent Fritz gave us Dr. Byron King, master of the human voice, and now Miss Ramsay is about to give us the fleet-fingered and loyely young Austrian pianist, MUS Marie Unschuld. Dr. Byron King, head of the King School of Oratory, in Pitts burg, delighted large audiences at Lenoir College last Friday and Saturday nights. He seems to be able to do anything, every thing, with - his voice. He can auit it to every conceiveble mood of human nature. He is roaBter of mimicry, and even ventriloquism is one of his side lines. The . self-satisfaction of the satisfied farmer in ''The Frost is on the Pumpkin"; the thin, far-away, dreary tone of a dying man in a tear compelling piece of pathos by Frances Hodgson Burnett; the wild despair of "The Raven"—he impersonated to per fection. Hia interpretation of "The Raven" is hia masterpiece. It gives one a new understand ing, a new light on Poe's mysti cism. — Catarrh. Which usually commences with cold in head, Hay Fever, rapidly in fects the mucous membrane of the throat, and leads to grsrer compli cations, unless promptly attended to. We recommend King's Sarsaparilla internally to purify the blood, and direct treatment with Dr. King's Catarrh Remedy (a douche comes with each bottle). It gains a foot hold from which it is hard to dislodge. With treatment of these two medicines any ordinary case will yield quickly— the very wprst cases will be greatly relieved. The price, $1.00; three for $2.50, and guaranteed. Sold by all medicine dealers. Ofdsst City In the World. Doctor Harkov, a Russian savant, one* affirmed that Samara, on the rlfht bank of tho Tlgrus, sur Bag* iad, Is tho oldest city extant. Relics aow discovered show that Samara flourished before the arrival of the Semites in Chaldea or Meeopotasaia, 1.000 B. C. No Need to Stop Work When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say. You know you are weak, run down, and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as yoo can stand. What you need is Electric Bit ten to give tone, strength, vigor to your system, to prevent breakiown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly, or ailing when Electric Bitters will ben efit you from the first dose. Thous ands bless them for their wonderful health and strength. Try them. Every bottle guaranteed to satisfy. On ly 50c. at C. M, Shuford, Moser and Lutx, or Grimes Drug Stores. Fleh Puzalee tclentlete. A quantity of extraordinary and fvilto unknown fish baa boas landed by a trawlor at Qrantoa, England. Tba Cab woro caught while tbe re«#el waa engaged ia trawling la tba North aaa. Flsh-curws and azparta atata tbat tbay h*v# never seen this species bo /oro. It baa.appearance of a herring, but thi bead ia pointed and the tall forked, whlie tLe eye corera the whole side Of the bead. BUMBIi PEOPLE Hade Strong by VinoL Run-down conditions are canned by overwork, worry, too eleee eon* finement, a chronic cough or cold which it is difficult to cure. We want to aay to every person la thlg condition—you need Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonlo without oil, the great strength cre ator. It will supply Iron to the blood In the most easily assimilated form, create a good, healthy strengthen your digestive organs and make you eat better sleep better and feel better. A case baa Just come to our attea* tion from West Scsanton, Pa., Mr*. Chaa. Proper says: "For three years I waa all rua down, weak and had no appetite, and after all that time I am glad to say Vinol has brought back my health and strength, which is just what 1 was told It would do." We are confident tbat Vinol is the beet body-builder and strength-creator we have ever sold. Try a bottle on our guarantee to refund your money if It fails to you. HickorjN.C thaw Yewreeif. Lfttle Msrjorls wu showing hot 1 new birthday toys to grandpa, when her aotiiw told the girl to l«t grandpa ■hoar than to himself. Marjorie *ai unwilling to do thla becauae aha wished to do tha exhibiting. Then an Idea struck her. "Here, grandpa," aha aaid, handing hint a toy at a time as ■ho apoke, "ahow yourself my dolly, ■how yourself my blocks." And thus she went through the collection. — Judge. Beware of Ointments for Ca tarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tha whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces, such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reliable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can poasibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by 1)'. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no Mercury, aud is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hall'a Family Pills for consumption. : ~ > . Contrasts in Demeetle Service. Americans who can keep only one servant, and who often cannot keep that one very long, sometimes sigh for the supposedly domestic tranquillity of the old world—and yet here la a para graph la the "London Times saying lhat a certain marquis was summoned to a London poUe« court for "keepin| tow male servants without hsvlag 11* isnesr" and laed forty shillings with coats Life Is not without its trou bles even fer marquises with several servants. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Schedule Effective Jaa. 1, 1912 Leave Lincolnton, N. C. East Bound Train No. 46, 852 a. ra., daily " " 152, 5:53 p. m., «• Weat Bound Train No. 138, 1120 a. m., dally " " 47, 5:55 p. m., " For further information apply JAS KER, Jr., H. S. LEA&D, T. P A. .DP. A. Charlotte. NC. Raleigh Do You Need Feather Beds or Pillows? We have opened a full line of these goods, and can furnish you on short notice, anything in the feather line. The very best A. C. A. ticking is used to n:\ke them. Guaranteed 25 lb. tv* t7.50; 30 lb. bed $8.50; 34 lb. bed $l9; 4 lb pillows $1.50; 10 lb. pillows $2.56 del vered at your door. All guaranteed new, feathers. Drop us a card and tell y or and representative will call too see you. Hick ry Feather & Pillow Co. Eigh th St. - . . Hickory, N. C. It's Like Old Times to find one of Field's old salesmen doing busi ness in Field's old stand. Hitch in the alley and come in the back door like you used to. We will buy your Country Produce. Ferry's Garden Seeds Special cut prices for 30 days on Men's and Boys' Hats; Men's Trousers, $1.15 to S2JW. Red Ribbon Coffee 40 cents a pound. L. S. Sherrill & Co. "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically Welded Fences are far superior to any other fence made. 1. Won't sag in summer heat or break in winter cold. 2. Made of best material—basic open hearth wire. 3. Have stays that will not slip. 4. Conform to most uneven ground—hill or valley as well as level. 5. Have no slack wires. 6. Made with stay wires as large as the line wires. 7. Low in price, and anybody can erect them. Poultry and Garden Fences are made with large and heavy wires very close together in the lower part. No chick can get through. A god send to the modern farmer. Shuford Hardware Company. 1 ' - S*T^ ——| mmmmmmmamsm Job Printing That's Different—Phone 37 % 4 ♦ - • » % • -T,. .0 • Ford Automobiles i » - A DISTINCTIVE feature of the Ford car —and a marked advantage to the buy er, is the fad; that it is built of Vana dium &eel —a that is recognized the world over as not alone the toughest, be&, but the expensive &eel known to the world of steel making. We have no hesitancy in stating that Model T, constructed as it is of Vanadium steel, is the strongest and most durable car in the world. Model T Touring Car, $647.00; Model T Runabout, $572.00; F. 0. B. Hickory fully equipped. These Cars go at Once! I have on h and the following cars that must go at once. Three new 1913 model T Touring cars, price F. O. B. Hickory, $647.00 each. One model T Touring, 1912 model, $500.00. One Maxwell Runabout, $250.00. One model T Ford, 4 passenger, $265.00. c. T. MORRISON HICKORY, : s ' : : NORTH CAROLINA The Prescription is far too valuable to trust to inexperienced, careless hands—on it depends your health—so have it compounded HERE POSSIBILITY of substitu tion or of the use of stale \ \w/ or impure drugs and where exacting eare is taken to W nLj^^lanP COMPOUND PERFECTLY After your physician, trust to us—and you'll be safe. MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists "ON THE CORNER." I What TheiU?) If the rainy day of your life comes and finds you without the means to provide the neces saries of life? If the doctor bills, the grocery bills, the rent come due and no money to pay them with, what then? It means suffering. Save Money Now! Be ready for the rainy day of your life! Lay aside a srnall amount each pay day, and be prepared to meet every obligation promptly. We pay 4 per cent, interest compounded quarterly. \ Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Better Than Spanking Spanking will aot cure children of wetting the bed because it is I not a habit but a dangerous' disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., I Dept. 2861, Chicago, HI., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for I this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c I package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of (he I I Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and j inability to control urine during the right or day in old or young. The C. g H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House. Write to them to-day for I the free mdlcine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell y your neighbors and friends about this remedy. The Democrat is only $l.OO year