l ME^iCiSTORIS IIS!:!,;. _— TTT. ... For Infants and Children yASlfflral The Kind You Have HHHHPI A,ways Bou § ht i similatmgfteFoodandßeguta- H _ M || ling the Stoiaadts andl3owels of 9 Bears the / . ? —_ ■ Siena+nrp r W* Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- ■ ° ° M ness and Rest.Contains neither H n M If K ,r Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. V 01 #IV A I f KOTNARCOTIC. H MIXI R* ■ \ AfT Semi" H ft If \ Alx.Sm/tm. * 1 Q| ft Jft » s-kuu&M- I Era M£A I AdmSmd* V fjM I f| I 9(V | JV» lit NfW. I 9 II 111 I JUL || iAperfecl Remedy forConstipa- fl f « A/' Uv U non, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea HI li/ Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- HI fty H M rt it ness and Loss OF SLEEP. M \J* rQf iiygr Fac Smile Signature of . |S Thirty Years r 1 CASTOR IA TW OMMYMMM HHWIMV. HMVOM cmr. —— * COOTRKHIS fit' Used in ever increasing Mt quantities, because the roofs Jm on years ago are as J/m good as new F, B. Ingold, Hickory, N C. I Are You Nervous? I | •• •• w What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your \ womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the 1 \ hard work you do. As a result, you break down, and ruin 5 | your entire nervous system. Don't keep this up! Take BCardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from purely J vegetable ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs, f y and helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain jg I and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the | m source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength. | CARDUI Woman* Tonic 1 Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va., took Cardui 9 @ This is what she sayt about ifc "1 was so weak and | | nervous, I could not bear So have anyone near me. I had | I fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose | 1 of Cardui helped me. Now, I am entirely cured of the I | fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I I j know it saved my life.'* It Is the best tonic for women. Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? I I Take Cardui. It will help you. Ask your druggist Wrttt to: Ladies' Advfeory Desi. Chsthneota MeOdae Co.. Chaltaaooaa. B I lor Sptdai InstrmeHom, aadSi-pace Seek, "UeaM Treatment lor Weao," sent free. J W B LEE'S | Headache and Neuralgia REMEDY S \FELY SURELY SPEEDILY ( nrcs Headichc and Neuralgia no matter what the cause. Numerous testi monials oil file in our office bear us out in this statement. R AD THE FOLLOWING, Dear Sirs:—l have been a constant sufferer from headache for 12 years and could not get any relief until it had run its course or take morphjpe. J tried 1 i-ee s Headache and Neuralgia Remedy and found permanent relief I - heartily endorse it as the best thing I have ever tried. Yours truly, H. A. GRANDY, HartesvMe, RC. J SOLD EVERYWHERE, Price 25c and 5Cc. I Manufactured by BURWELL & DUNN, Charlotte, N. C .- t , ~— J • fSmSSSSSt as * through Service iliwi M ill n CHATTANOOGA, BSSQI SHREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE .SOUTHWEST Rlectrically, lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping *s. Meals ala carte in the diner, uood Connections-f-Fine v Service. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS AND OTHER POINTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. ► = irect Service—Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. We will be pleased to give full details concerning tores schedules J. C rniuu rv. , • - Ol > application.Call on or write; "» > v3ie! Teoa! I ' -• -r . ate . . —» ■SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson IX.—First Quarter, For !i March 2, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Gen. xv, #-18. Memory Vereee, 5, 6— Golden Text. Heb. x f 23—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We cannot think of omitting tbe first verse of this chapter, with its fir*t 'fear not" and "word of tbe Lord" and 'shield" and "reward," truly a most wonderful verse. This is another vis t of the Lord to A brum, for in verse 2 we see Abram talking to Him. After the great victory over the fonr no doubt the devil suggested to Abram that they would regather their .orces and make trouble for him; Uente tbe Lord's "Fear not; I an thy shield." The 'devil would not be slow to tell him how foolish be had been in turn ing his back upon the goods or Sodom, therefore the Lord's "1 am. thy exceed ng great reward." It is our privilege :o find our all in God and to remem ber Ps. lxxxiv, 11, Abram eeema to .vaver concerning the promised seed md to think that Eliezer might be bis jeir, but the Lord reassured him that lis own child would be bis heir and. lirecting him to look up at tbe stars, aid, "So shall thy seed be'' (verse si. Then we have for the first time two •ther words, "believed" and "right : HHiauess" (verse tf>. and this verse is epeated three times in the New Ten ement (Rom. iv, 3; Gal. iii, 6; Jas. iL J3). The righteousness necessary to enable us to stand before God bag teen provided by Him in Christ, and tothing short of that perfect rigfctaous iess will answer. It become* ours «vhen we say amen to God and- hearti ly accept that which He has provided. Uut many prefer their own way. as Cain did. like those described in Rom. i. 3, 4. j This verse 6in our lesson is liters I -1 :y, "Abram ameued Jehovah," and [ his should be our attitude to God al vays— perfect accord with Him. See lie comment in Rom. iv. 1-12. and 1 iote carefully that the only way Is by ' «iith without any works of ours. The works come afterward aa an I vidence of our faith, but both in aal | ation and in service tbe Lord does 11. for "it is God who worketh," and - lie principle holds at all times and in ill things. "Except tbe Lord build the touse. they labor in vain that build t'*"(Ps. cxxvii. 1). In answer to Abram's question, f Lord God. whereby shall I know?" j'(verse 8). which sounds like anything but faith after he had been so plainly ' told, be is directed to a representation of all sacrifice (verse 9). All true sac i rifice from Gen. iii, 21, onward points ' to the great sacrifice of the Son of God on Golgotha, and it is because of that God does all things for us. Sin must be dealt with, and God dealt with sin on the cross, and. not having spared His own Son, He now gives us In Him all things freely (Rom. viii, 321. From tbe statement in verse 11 con cerning Abram keeping tbe birds a way from, the sacrifiee we are led to think of Matt xiii 4-19. where tbe fowls represent the. wicked one. He hates the sacrifice of Christ and will do hi* utmost to keep us from trusting in it or benefiting by it We roust persist ently resist him that he may flee from us (Jas. iv, 7). How can we know our sins forgiven or that we shall in herit the kingdom and the glory? Let your heart reply because "the Son of God loved me and gave Himself for me" (Gal. ii, 20), and I put all my trust in His great sacrifice for my sins and heartily receive Him as my Bae iour. Abram was told that his descendants would be afflicted In a strange land fo:- 400 years and then delivered (verse* 13, 14). See the literal fulfillment of this In Ex. xii. 40, 41. and compare au ! other literal fulfillment of a prediction in Kings xiii, 2; 11 Kings xxtii. 16-17. Abram's posterity had to wait till the Iniquity of the Amoritea became full (verse 10). and the reason why j the Lord Jesus does not return to set tip His kingdom of peace and rlght •ousness on this earth Is because the i world is not yet bad enough. Iniquity must come to a head In the person of the antichrist The smoking furnace and the burning lamp of verse 17 sug gest the presence of the Lord with them In their afflictions. "1* all their affliction He was afflicted, and the | angel of His presence saved tbeas.'* Chapter xvl tells of Sarai'a soggee tion, which was not of God, but to which Abram listened, and conse quently had no new revelation from - God for thirteen years. Compare xvt IG, and xvli, 1. Yet here we hare the rtrst angel story In the Bible, the name of the first man who was mentioned by name before he was born, the beau tiful and comforting words, "Thon God seest me." aud the name giren to fhe well, "the well of Him that Hvetb md seeth me." The sin of man always seems to iiake more manifest the grace ®f God. 'u chapter svii. I, we find God re vealing Himself to Abram as El-shad- Ini. the Almighty God. the Mighty Gort. who is all sufficient, and the ex i hortatlon to walk before God and be sincere. In xvii, 5, Abracn's name ia hanged to Abraham, Jehovah putting 1 the principal letter of His own name in Abram's name. Saral's name is :!so changed to Sarah, and Isaac la mentioned by name before his birth svii. 13-Wi. Circumcision is given w a seal of the faith which Abram had ->t lielng unclrcumcised. Diarrhoea When you warn a quick cor* whh—l any loes of time, and one that is toUewed bf so bad results, use Chamberlain's Golic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fella and h oUaaant «e take, i» i« equally valaahie m ehfidiea. It to fcmeua for its enreo TW S UtW part e* PROFESSIONAL CARD. E. E. ANDERSON Factory Representative ADAM SCHAFF PIANOS and Piano Tuner. PHONE NO. 284-L* HICKORY, N. ( R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 'ine Residence and Difficult j». modeling a Specialty. HICKORY - , r . iv. C. WILL G. KJRKMAN 'iano and Pipe Organ Tunc. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. \ DR. J. J. HICKS DENIIST Will be in my office Fridays arc Saturdays Up Stairs iu Club Bld'g., next door tf Sliuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A.. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. >ffice at residence, 1-430 11th Avenue 'PHONE No. 94. Or. J # C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C Dietz's Barber Shop THE (Hi) RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting land Shaving. Palace Barber Shop. R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9tfc St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heaesi service premised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. WiH practice in all caurfs of this Sate. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office orer Moser & Lutz Drug Store Hickory. N. C. I Mrs. D. IW. Atkins j v Tralnad Nurse WUI k (hid lo aerve Pliytidau in adiacra towi( n4 couatry at well as In Hickory PHONE M HICKORY. N. C. j DR. W. B. RAMSAY, I Dentist. Office Over Postoffke. New Double Daily Servi j VIA ! Piedmont & Northern Lines AND ; Carolina & North-West em Railway Companv. X.v. HICKORY Af. 8.37 a.m. 11.45 aJL 3.30 p.m. 7.40 p.lft Ar. GASTONIA Lv. i 0.25 a.m. 7*30 a. m. 4.40 p. m. 5-40 p.m. Between Qastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 1913, Lv. Qastonia Ar, Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7-53 a. m. " 4 8.15 " " 3 9-15 " " 6 9.30 " " 5 iOl5 •« «• 8 10.50 " " 7 11-40 " "1011.45" "9 12.40 p.m. "i 2 12.50 p.m. "11 2.00 " ** 16 2.30 " "15 3.30 " "18 3.30 " "17 4.30 " "20 5.00 " "19 5.35 " "32 6.30 " "21 7.30 " u 24 8.4s " 4 * 23 9.45 " "26 10.55 " "25 11.65 " The abavc scfcaMe, figure* tad conaeetioa pub lished eatr aa information and are aot piaraaHd. C. V. PALMER, Gen. Pas. Agent Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent Gastonia, ft. C. CHICHES^RS^ILLS VVW isi jSS ml£\y fl VkM T»U rttar. Bar ifrnr V R y Ra^ A 'n"as?#aiKi«- Aw V kwn M BMt. Saint, Alwajn kaitefct* r sauirwwßisTstvainww I Are You Insured? m Suppose You Have A Fire To-Night? Today is the time to get a Policy on your dwelling, barn, store, saw mill and other p -opertv. A few dollars invested today, may save yo* SI,OOO to-night. u ßight if we Write it" Hickory Insurance & Realty o! G 'NTS . . Hickory, N.C Building Materials. Snail, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, I Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shindies. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. HICKORY, N. C. . I Get The Value Out Of Yourself Skill gains wealth where sloth Beet want. A man is worth only two do] lars a day from his chin down. Witl> proper training he is worth SIOO,OOO a year from his chin up. Eighty fire per cent of the men of America are earning fifteen dollars week. Fifteen pe- cent make SIBOO t 13,000 a year. Which Class Are You In? Thece is in young person a con tinent of undiscovered possibilities. Let us help discover that continent help yon to get that value out of your self. Nothing will do this quieker than a course in Scientific Salesmanship This course is extremely practical and interesting from start to finish. Let us tell you all about this course. We guarantee splendid situations on it Write Henry S. Sbockley, Principal, Asheville Business College, Asheville, N. C. There is Always a place to get the best goods and a place to get the best work done, so if it is anything in the way of Shoe Repairing vou will find that Thompson's is the place to get it. Work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson Phone 106 Woman's First Work in Factory. It was in the manufacture of tex tiles that woman first appeared la in dustry outside of the home. I *' 'ft^i' f £* f t"i 1/ «$ ", Vy is the most compact and efficient • lighting device for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with ! thumb screws, so that it is eas&y attached or detached. Throws a clear light 260 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes a good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for years. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY „ , „ . (U»rp««t««l m N«w JwMr) Newark, N. J. TIMMIII MA , , *— V. , ... _ * k I OAK LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Go. t HICKORY, N. C. Carolina, Clinchfield Q Ohio R*dwny AND Carolina, CKeehßeld aad Okie lUlhay af l«nO» aw— > intfrj THE NEW SHORT LIME ;s*" BBTWEMV Dante, St. Paul and Spoor's Ferry, Va., Johwaea CKy, Teaa* MSfIU Beetle ana Marten, N. C M ana Spa»6aahatgb •• 6» "Clinchfield Route" 1 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 16, *6tA Southbound. Eastern Standard Time. Verthhaaad £)er. 4 No. 5 No. 3 ' in ft. Ne. 8 Ne 4 Mii'd Pass. U'le. air. Pass. Psae. D'ly. Ply. STATIONS a. lor. Ply. IFly. - P. M A M. ' P. K.(P. M, 1.10; 8.00 •.»' Lt. Dante, Va. Ar. Itm UL46j • J9» 1.35 8.2® 7.5 LT. St. Paul, Va. Ar. 1486 11.1* At# 2.211 8.51 21.9 Lr. Dungaanoa, VA Ar. 1666 IL4K 1J» 2.45 9.07, 26.6 Lv. Ft. Blackmore, Va. Ar. 127* 11 Jij lA6 • 3.0 i * 9.211 36.0 Lr. • Hill, Va. Ar. 1280*ll.Slf» fJt 3.27| 9.41 45.11 Lr. Speer's Ferry, Va. Ar. IST® 16.41. 7JS • 3.44; 9.66 51.i] LT. Gaaeron, VsL-Teau. Ar. 1906f 16.84 J fW 4.00j 10.0* 58.2 Lt. Kingsport, Teaa. Ar. 121* 16.** Ml • 4.18 *10.24 62.8 Lt. Pactolue, Tenn. Ar. ISM 9 JUi* Ada • 4.40 10.32, 67.8; LT. Fordtown, Tenn. Ar. 1484 8.481 6.8f • 4A& *10.43; 72.0 LT. Gray, Tenn. Ar. UN fMb 6J7 5.55 11.16] 86.1i.LT. Johnson Ctty, Teaa. A*. 1664 9.611 6.58 6.50 11.43 95.71 LT. tlnicoi, Teaa. Air. 1666 %»' AM 7.16 11.56101.1 Ar. Brwia, Teaa. l*t. 166* 6.171 A 43 7.22 12.02161.1 LT. Ervln, Tena. AIV 1662 8.1« A» • 7.34*12.12104 3 Lr. Cbestos, Tena. At. 1766 6.66f AW • 7.411*12.14 165.1 LT. Uaaka Springs, Tenn. Ar. 1766* TA6T AM 8.32 12.47 117.9, Lr. Huntsdnle, N. C. Ar. S6J4) 7JB B*6 • 8.56 1.05 124.9 LT. Green Mountain, N. G. Ar. tlitl 7.l*j *33 9.20. 1.21131.3 LT. Toeenne, N. C. Ar. 66*6 UK I.M • 9.51 1.51140.1 Lv. Boonford, N. C. Ar. 2401 6J6| 2J* *IO.OB 2.05144.6 Lr. Pen land, N. C. Ar. H«* EB*j 2.4J .10.20 2.17 147.9 LT. Spruce Pine, N. C. Ar. 8614 EM Ml 10.40 2.27 151.9 Ar. Alta Pass, M. C. LT. Nli 6.66 2.27 P. M.P. M. A. Ifcft U. No. l ' Itokf M-*d "->* ' r*m. t X A. M. P. M. P. M.IP. M., B.KJ 2.27 161.6 LT. . Altapasc, N. C. Ar. 26ft 8.68 187 • 6J2 * 2.25(155.3 Lt. Ift Mitchell, N. a Ar. 8666 • 7-66* 2.11 • 6.52 2.66167.6 LT. liariHe Falls, N. C. Ar. 1786* 7.66* L 46 7.25 3.16 174.6 LT. BeTier, N. C. ~ Ar. 11466 166 IJI 7.46 3.31 183.2 LT. Marion, N. C. Ar. }181« 1664 LM • 8.80 * 4.01|197.8 LT. Thenaal, N. C. Ar. 666 • E6C ttM 8.60 4.16 266,5 LT. WeeUaintser. N. GL Ar. 661 A 66 12.1t 9.66 • 4.251206.6 LT. Boette Yard, N. 0. Ar. 886 5A6 120# • 6.10 4.86211.0 LT. Boette, M. C. Ar. 846 6.86 ISJT • 6.17 4.34 218.6 LT. Vtoreet Ctty. *. C. Ar. 667 6JI 2MS • 8.84 4.46UT19A LT. Hank, N. O. Ar. 866 6.1( IL4S 9.56! 6.08 226.8 LT. Cheenee, S C. Ar. 668 5.6t UJC 16.66 6.12 £81.6 LT. May«, 8. C. Ar. (868* 4.47 U2* , 10.46 6.40 842.2 Ar. —srta sborg, 8. 6L LT. J 776 4.81 12.66 (Valea Passenger laMsa) A. M.|P. M. I {P. 164 A. M. The Caroliaa, CHachield A Ohla Bailvay. and the CareMaa, Cllß(Mett A Ohio Baltvay ot 8oa«h Baafte" reaerre the rigMta rary frost the Una shewn aheee tfweut neNes 6a the puhtte. Patroas are raqaeatad ta appiy Is aeareet Agast far deiarts hhiMHw or to CHAS. T. MANOEL, THEODORE DEMON, JR., Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. D. F. A P. A, C. C. A O. By. ef S. C. Johason City, Teaa. S. G. J. J. CAMPtON, Vice-President and Traffic Manager, Johasea Gtty, Teaa. . j *—Flag Stop. t —Dally, Kaeept Son day. r • ihii. ■■■ ,i ■ ■■ Caroliaa & North-Western Railway Co. Schedule Effective Nov. 24th,19i2. Ex. Sun. Daily Mixed I Mixed Mixed Northbound. 8 Pass. No. 62 No. 60 Ex. Sun. No. 10 Ex. Sun Ex. Sua. No. 60 Chester Ev 756 a m 11 46 ami Vorkville 8 42 106 Osstonia 9 30 3 60p ra Gaston ia 5 40 p m " ; LineolntonS 631 10126 ; Newton 7 08 1106 Hickory 740 1145 705 an Lenoir 840 1 00pm200 pn 840 Mortimer 2 20 410 Edgemont 'Ar 230 430 Ex. Sun. vt _ q No. 63 INo. 61' Mix Dafiyf Southbound. No 7 No. 9 Sun £x guu . ; No Edgemont LTT 11 56 ara 730 am ' Mortimer 12 03 7 40 Lenoir 730 amli& 1016 '245 pm Hickory 8 27 2 30 420 Newton 8 50 3 05 ~ ' Lincolnton 9 27 3 43 ! Gastonia Ar. 10 25 , Gastonia Lr 4 40 ..7 06 YorkTille 5 39 8 3§ Chester Ar. 625 j CONNECTIONS CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. sad L. St C. YORKVILLE—Son them RsUway. GASTONlA—Southern Ry„ Piedmont A Northern Ry. LINCOLNTON—S. A. L. NEWTON and HICKORY-Southern Railway. 1 a. ■* . ■-* ■ - - - ** -

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