Published Every ThurwliT j SOW ARD A. BANKS, - Editor tad Ow«* TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ **°° Six Months, " " SO ( rhree Months " " 35 \ AdTertisir g Rates on Application — 1 Bntfteu at the Post Office at Hickory 8« > >*oud class matter. _ ! HICKORY. N. C. MAR. 6, 1913 WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOK THE CHARTER: V. When Brutus and Cassius quar reled, Shakespeare puts thes words into the mouth of the ioi - men "There is no terror, Cassius, ia your threats, For 1 am armed so strong in hones'.y That they pass by me as the idle wind Which 1 respect not" Toe new charter is armed so strong in honesty, that its op ponents are driven to pickayun > to get arguments against iuThey are led, it seems to us, tt try to create smpiewn abo t it Tbey are trying to paste a skul and cross bones on the bottlt, when its contents are as whole some as grape juice. They are saying; "That is-« grass plot with a snake in it. when it is rather a field of flowers. They aay: "It's dangerous. Oi, yes, 200 or 300 cities have trie it and none of tbem would change back, but this charter is danger • ous." They say it is dangerous in its taxing power. Yet it reduces tht maximum poll tax from $7.60 to $6.10, and the maximu n rat-j on the hundrei dollars worth ot property from $2.25 to $l7O And in providing for future pos sible license taxes, it provider for no taxes that cannot be lak under the old charter. They ssj it puts dangerous power into the hands of the City Manager, making him a boss. Yet the chat ter says "all the powers enumer ated .... subject to the super vision or control of the city coun cil," and 4 'the term of the Cit> Manager shall be at the pleasure of the City Council." The real genius of the new charter is to eliminate danger ol lax and loose adninistrat.on through failure to give city af fairs the proper attention. The UNIVERSAL testimony is that commission form of government ALWAYS does this. So the cry of danger is simply Prejudice picking flaws. This is a risky life. There is danger that you might die a-born in". Is that any reason >ou shouldn't be born? There is danger that tbe baby may break iia little nut falling off the back steps. Is that any reason tr* baby shouldn't be taught how tt walk? You encounter dangei every time you ride in a train oi BO auto. Do you know the most dangerous thing on earth? A bed. Nine-tenths of the peo ple of tbe world die in bed. Yes. Pauline, next to the new charter, going to bed is the peril of all perils. AN INCOME TAX LAW IN SIGHT. Three fourths of the 45 state* of the Union, or 35 in all, have voted in favor o( an income tax clause in the Constitution of the United States. It is estimated that the income tax law. whei. it shall have been placed on tht statute books, will raise an an nual revenue of $100,000,000. The greatest kings of earth in all time never had such fortunes as many millionaires in America enjoy today. And yet these big "It's a Well Arranged Job" Was the remark a very particular cus tomer of ours made the other day when we showed him a proof of his job. We &udy the "arrangement" of our compo sition, that's why our printing satisfies. We want a chance • at your next job, how about it? Prices are right. The H Job Department fortunes have never paid theii J share of the taxes. The p m\ man his borne the brunt of the bb - den of taxation. Congressman j elect Clyde H. Tavenner, Wash ington correspondent of the Dem ocrat, in his letter this week , truly says: "This will mean that that "- mount of taxation is to be taken J J off of the things that the people j must haye in order to live and placed on wealth. Underthe sys tem of protection as played in this country, nearly every penny « of the money necessary to run the government, maintain tbe, army and navy, construct public ; buildings, etc., is raised by tax ing the things the people eat, wear and use. The only thing that protection does not tax is i wealth. A man with a fortune j, cf ten million dollars has r* 1 1; | been required to pay a sing e; penny of tax to the national g • - j; ernment. This seem»almost un believable, but it is true. '± • man working on the stc.ion i>-- one dollar and fifty cents per day with a tamily of five children, is at the present time actually con tributing more to run the natior al government tnan the million siri 1 achelor to proud to marry »nd raise a family." 3R5 The United States is practical!) ie only great nation on earth at has neither the income nor ne inheritance tax. Why? Be ause the system of protection as prevented the passage of *uCh a law, because protection is knew that the more monev .e government collected from idng incomes, the less excuse ere would be for a tariff tax. (TOAD* MARK RK««TtHCo) The most remarkable remedy ever discovered for Indigestion, Dyspep sia, and all forms of Stomach Distress from any cause. Invaluable for relieving depression, lack of appetite, vitality, et». Greatest Tonic and Bracer known. Relieves immediately. Absolute t ly no harmful ingredi ents. Guaranteed under Pure Food & Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. AH druggists, 50 cents for 8 oz. oottle, or send direct to The Digestoneine Company, 103 wilt 428 Strut, New York, N. Y. 10 cents for Trial Bottle. Pure Bred Fowls. The P edmont Poultr> Yards at Henry. N. C., whose ad. is now running in the Democrat, is headquarters for S C. Rhode Island Reds, White Rooks, White [Wyandottes. S. C. White Leg horns. This is the largest poultry plant in Lincoln county. It is owned by three men who are live wires in the business. The phe nomenal growth of this yard is due to the courteous way and the dispatcn with which there men do their business. Their birds m ist be seen to be fuiy ai pred ated, They were special w nners on Reds and Rocks at the Hick ory Street Fair. They hi.d no L-?ifhorns at this show. Be sure snd rend their ad in tnis issue and don't fail to send y or their 1913 rMHn~ PIEDMONT POULTRY 5 YARDS HESRY, N. C. Breeders and Exhibitor* of Pure Bred Poultry S. C. R. I. Reds, Quality White Wyan *ndotte>, S. C. White Leghorns and White Rocks. This seUsoa's winniugj: Sweepstakes, 3 Silver Caps, 75 ribbons, 6 Specials, »1 Cash and other prizes. BIRDS: SI.OO to $5.00 each. KiCJfS, pen 1—13.00 for 15; $5.00 for 30 4 i " 2—2.25 for 15; 4.00 for 30. " 3—4.50 for 15; 3.50 for 30. Utility SI.OO for 15; $1.50 for 30 Write your wants. Get our 1913 Fre- Mating List. Book your orders NOW. 2-27 4t. Justice for the Mountain Railroads, i Cliiiilotle Observer. It would be s f h imeful act of r ir jpcHcf* for the to] w ihh Staie aid in the way of ( convicts in the of the railroads in the western seotjon of North Card In m. king an appeal that the mountain j counties be convicts. Ihei Hickory Democrat advance the strong point thai "'t were are only three counties left in the Stile which have not either raiiroad or steam- r transpoi tation. These counties are Alitghany, Ash and V/.-'a T.-ey are three »?' the richest in North Carolina ch in i ruber, ir >n ore, graz" in* lands', and ether resources." Tre D mocrat trays it*'l ■ t uSly that there is hardly a county in the State which has rot en joyed the use of convicts in ?.h ! building of its railroads. With the Democrat, we would like to see the abolition of the St te farms postponed a year or so, long enough for these three counties, in which rails'oad l»u:l*. - ing is now in the A 6 C state t get the same privil-ges as th* rest Oi tne counties. iDSBAND TIRED OF SEEING HER SUFFER Procured Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; which made His Wife a Well Woman. Middletown, Pa.-"I had headache, beckache and such awful bearing down pains that I could not be on my feet at times and I had organic inflammation so badly that I was not able to do my work, j { could not get a good meal for my hus- j band and one child. My neighbors said ' they thought my suffering was terrible. " My husband got tired of seeing mo suffer and one night went to the drug store and got me a bottle of Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and i told me I must take it. I can't tell yen 1 all I suffered and I can't tell you all that j your medicine has done for me. I was greatly benefited from the first and it has made me a well woman. I can do alt my housework and even helped soma of my friends as well. I think it is a wonderful help to all suffering women. I have got several to take it after see ing what it has done for me. "—Mrs. EMMA ESPEN'SHADE, 219 East Main St., Middletown, Pa. The Pinkham record is a proud and hon orable one. It is a record of constant victory over the obstinate ills of woman —ills that deal out despair. It is an es tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? If you want special advice write to fjydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Yonr letter will be opened, read aad answered by a woman and held iu strict confidence- Linney in Oklahoma. " avlorsville Scout From The H"»petoi, Ok I *.. News we get the following vhi. h will b j of in terest to the mar y friends of Dr R Z. Linney: ' Dr Liunev yesterday closed a deal with Mr W J. erf r his home i lace, a spknlic arm, whi?h joins Hop ion cn the ear.t ?.ice » 5 9 000 This is the second doc tor ha Srv:ght frjm Mr. Scha-'ttr re- : c ntly, rn king hi™ tonr splendid farms ' thin one haif mile of town. Cough, Cold SoreTferoat Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief for cough, cold, hoarseness, sore tliroat, croup, asthma, hay fever and bronchitis. HERE'S PROOF. MB. ALBERT W.PRicE.of Fredonia, Kan., writes : "We use Sloan'** JLinl ment in the family and find it an ex cellent relief for colds &iui hay fet er Attacks. It stops coughing cuid snoea iug almost instantly." SLOANS LINIMENT RELIEVED SORE THROAT. MRS. L. BREWKR, of Modello.Fla., writes: " I bought one bottle of your Liniment and itdidmeall the good in the world. My throat was very sore, and it cured me of my trouble. 4 ' GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. MR. W. H. STRANGE, 3721 Elm wood Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes: "A lit tle boy next door had croup. 1 g:;ve the mother_ Sloan's Liniment to try. one gave hi in three drops on before going to bed. and l-o got up 1 without the croup iu tlie luurjihtg/' A»fce, 25c., SOc., SO ! Treatise C". the sent free. Sloan j The Time is Ripe for Change (The State Journal, Jtaleifch) PNew times domaud new measures*nnd ! new men; | The world advai C3S and in time cut yrows The laws that in our fathers' day were be>t; j And, doubtless, after us some purer scheme Will be shaped out by wiser men than we, Made wiser by the steady growth o r l ruth. —Lowell. j Probably nine out of every ten ; towns in Fort h Carolina are groping I along with inefficient admuiistra , t'ons, due, not to the personal failure lof their officers nor to anything which may justlv be llamed for it. The truth is that that the town gov ! eminent needs a new suit, of cloilus. I Some of them know it and some do and ev»»n those who do know it ,! lon't kn.)v\ just what kind of new SIO,OOO Given Away This is your net profit in the proposition I offer you below: 300 acre farm, 100 acres in cultivation, balance in oak and pine timber; lying directly on the railroad where a side track can easily be put in, and within one-half mile of a shipping point; also in the Pied mont section of the State and in 21 miles of a city of 20,000 people. The timber has been carefully esti mated as follows: 450,000 ft. of White oak; 400,000 ft. of red and black oak; 40,000 ft. of poplar; 100,000 ft. of second growth pine; 50 cords of saw Hickory; 4000 cross ties. The land lies almost level. The soil is black loam with red clay subsoil. Absolutely no better soil in the State. r l here is 5,000 cords of hickory wood or the place; 53 cords of dogwood; one 2-story house and good barn, 2 tenant houses. The timber will more than pay for the farm, which is worth $lO,- 0)6 without a toothpick on it. Price $35.00 per acre, $7,500 cash and balance in 2 years, equal payments. R. V. BR AW LEY Ceale: in Real Estate Farm Lands in Piedmont Section of North Carolina a Specialty. Also Dealer in Stocks and Bonds. SI ATiLSViLLE, N. C. !i ] I | 3 'I J arc the best fjr this climate. We | hardle them. It i> now time to 3 teg in planting. I Everything in Diy GooJs and Groceries. I | Setzer & Russell ■ rifely ptooucts ax w. The, New Hired Man 'TVHIS kind of hired man comes crated and carefully packed, but as soon as you get him set up and ready for work i e doesn't care whal time he starts or what time he quits; dinner bells have no charms for him; he does not eat if he does not work. His n.irae is Oitls Engine; he'll do more hard work for you in a day than FjP.y man you ever h J -ard cf. \ou need this hired raan on your farm; let us tell you about him, §lf you can't fni time to come and see us, ask us to come and sec ycu or seud you a free catalog of Cids Engines. We We hyre fj se-"vs you; give us the chance. Afa ern et Hy IT dw. Co. ■ uit they need. More than two hun dred and i wen ty-five tows thiougn oui ihe United States have fourd; that the commission form is whi,t I ihey needed and that it suits them 10 j .t'i. The size of these towns ranj-e all th-.! way from Aransas Pass in Texas witti a population of 1,061 ro >few Orieans witli four hundred thousand, and ate situated in thirty one states. The modern town with its many public utilities, demand ing expert and careful managemer t, is a co-operative business enterprise, and the old aldermanic government, with its diffused responsibility, jar &- lin l * jealousies, and jack of cohesive >u "pose, is dead. Ii isthat«hich fitted ,s when we «ere half-grown boys VM h nothing more in administration thnn to keep the cows off the sidewalks, but we have outgrown it. The score ~he to i .\ns v\ake up to the k'Ct better. Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT :LiA.W!S. Nature's lews a.r* perioc» if oniy r obey ihern, but disease follows disobedi ence. Go straight to N»;rur- ir.r il.u iu.'k, j the forest; there are mysteries there, some of which we fathom for you. T uzs the bark of the Wild-cherry tret, with tnandrcke root. Oregon grape root, stone root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal root, make a scientific, £:yccric extract of them, with just the rigl.t proportions, and you have DOCTOR PIERCE'S GOLDEN DISCOVERY. It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists and pharma cists, many months cf hard work experimenting to perfect this vegetable alterative and tonic extract of the greatest igr elncicncy. ft* HR. C. W. Pawlet. of Millville, Calif., writes : " 1 wis!i t« tell you that I have used your 'Golden Medical Discovery' j \ | ia my family for twenty years. We have had a doctor eall j. ia but once during: that time. I have a family of ten chil dren, all well and hearty, for which, to a great extent, we owe thanks to you and your ' Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pellets,'which we use when sick." Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate '1 • ** vef bowels. Sugar-ooated, tiny granules. ' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. w. Esq. World's Dispense?? Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. the purest, wholesomest, and least expensive of the high grade baking powders;—a whole pound for only 20 cents, —X pound, 10 cents,—% pound, 5 cents. Insist on having it. All good Grocers sell it, or will get it for yon* jWATCHES! You want a watch that you can depend on. We keep thai kind in great variety and will I give you the benefit of oiir advice and consul tation fiee. j We have one of the largest slock of watches in North Carolina, which.affords you a great ; variety to select from. >' We sell them at the veiy lowest prices, and not only give you the best but save you money, j | Coine and let us show you. It will be a I »jj pleasure to all. q % 3 1 i " ; ' f J t I GEO. E. BISANAR vs Jeweler & Optometrist Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. Do You Need Feather Beds or Pillows? - | We have opened a full line of these good*, and can furnish you on short notice, , anything in the feather line. The very best A. C. A. ticking is used to nj;rtie | them. Guaranteed 25 lb. bed $7.50; 30 lb. bed $8.50; 36 lb. bed $10; 6 lb pillows 51.50; 10 lb. pillows $2.50, delivered at your door. All guaranteed new feathers. Drop us a card and tell your wants, and representative will call too see you. Hickory Feather & Pillow Co. Eighth St. - * - - Hickory, N. C. \ CITY FEED COMPANY j 1 FOR GOOD FEE Cotton seed meal, huHs and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also carry a full line of seed ioats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 Value Your You will equip your I reading table with a /\ QV\Jp l^ctlTip Authorities agree that a good kerosene oil lamp is the best for reading. The Rayo is the best oil lamp made, the result of years of scientific study. It gives a steady white light, clear, mellow. Made of solid brass, nickel plated. Can be lighted without re moving chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. At Dealer* Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY (bcaf»mt*d in Nwr Jtrxr) ... Newark, N. JL MJ. Better Than Spanking Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed b cause it is v>t a hab't but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., D?pf. 2361, Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of ihe Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and f inability 4o control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. j H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House. Write to them to-day for * P the free mdicine. . Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell J your noighbors and friends about this remedy. (3