,«, e Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for orcr 30 years, has borne the denature of A and has been made under his per. Sp. soDftl supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. ul Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but tfjeperi iieuts t£*»t trifle with and endanger the health of and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrops* It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allays Feveriahness. It cures Diarrhoes* and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, «-ures Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the gtomaeli and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Hare Always Bought fa Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCNTftUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY ■TRCIT. WVW YORK ®TY. F ~ $ CORTRtcHT METAL^SHINGLES^^^^^^^g| every condition cf comfort, and security.• For Sale .by F. B. In gold. Hickory, N C. J I Pains All Over! 1 "You are welcome," says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken t I Arrow, Okla., "to use my letter in any way you want to, I \ if it will induce some suffering woman to try Cardui. 1 had |i \ pains all over, and suffered with an abscess. Three phy- I j sicians failed to relieve me. Since taking Cardui, 1 am in B | better health than ever before, and that means much to me, I I because I suffered many years with womanly troubles, of I i different kinds. What other treatments 1 tried, helped me 1 j for a few days only." ICARDU r Woman*Tonie f Don't wait, until you ace taken down sick, before tak- H ing care of yourselt The small aches and pains, and other g symptoms of womanly weakness and disease, always meart I worse to follow, unless given quick treatment You would always keep Cardui handy, if you knew I j what quick and permanent relief it gives, where weakness 1 i and disease of the womanly system makes life seem hard I Uto bear. Cardui has helped over a million women. Tfy tt. H L Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga, MedWot Co.. Chattanooga. ■ |3 for SptcirJ Instruction*, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," teat (fit JSI | BUSINESS WOMEN j Often ignore their weakness and work under forced strain thus preventing certain organs from k erformng th?ir regular functions. Burduco Liver Powder is a purely v g teble preparation and relieves Constipation, torpid Liver, Sour Stomach, In digestion, etc., and assists nature in restoring normal conditions. Price 25c in screw top cans. Manufactured by BURWELL & DUNN, Charlotte, N. C. Fast Through Service IPLPPLJ CHATTANOOGA, • SHREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping ars - Meals ala carte in the diner. Good Connections Fine Service. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS AND OTHER POINTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Irect Service—Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. will be pleased to give full details concerning fares and schedules J.'r CO vim nij. „ on application. Call on or write: _ 0. HCH Awmc'fJ 0 ! p "* n «er Agent 105 Wert Ninth Street, Chattanooaa, Tann. ' CHA M>LER, Traveling Passenger Agent, 400 Bank ft Trust BWg., Knoxvifle, Tenn. SUNDAY SCHOdL. -csson X.—First Quarter, For March 9, 1913.- THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Taxt of tha Lesson, Gen. xix, 12-17, 23- 23— Memory Versos, 15, 16—Golden Text, II Cor. vi, 17—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M- Stearno. It do»n seem too bad to hurry over lessons alter the fashion of the uitrgestioii of those who have assigned them, but the faithful teacher will take up the intervening portious and indeavor to oniit Dot hi tiff. Every part if the record of the visit of the Lord tud the angels to Abraham in chapter ivlli is most fascinating and most In structive and practical. See the Lord of glory in batnao form, as doubtless Be also appeared to Adam and Eve in Edeu. See Him and His companions, the two ahg«is. also in the form of men. accepting Abraham's hospitality and actually eating tbe food prepared by Abraham and Sarah. Consider that Be al«o ate in Hlr immortal resurrection body. Think of tbe breakfast He prepared for the disciples on the shore of Gall lee and also of eating and drinking with Him at His table in His klog dwui. Do not omit to notice the water for tlieir feet. Consider His reference to the omission of this by Simon iLuke vii. 4-{i aud see Him attending to it Himself iu J«bn xiii. Contrast Sarah's three measures of meal unleavened (xviii. tit with tbe woman's three measures of meal leavened of Matt. viii. 3.*{. See tbe great saying of xviii, 14, "la anything too burd for tbe Lord?" Aud compare Jer. xxxll, 17-27. In xviii. 22. see tbe Lord and Abra ham alone together, while the two an gels go on their way to Sodom to res cue Lot. Hear Abraham pleading tor Sodom and tbe Lord's assurance tbat if there were but teu rigbteoua men In the city He would not destroy It. Con trast the greater sin of Israel when the presence of such men as Noah. l>aniei and .lob could not prevent tbe judgment from falling upon ber and the intercession of Moses or Samuel would not avail (Ezek. xlv. 14-20; Jer. xv. 21— more tolerable for Sodom than for Cai»ernaum iu the day of judgment (Matt. Xi. 23, 24>. We have seen pitching his tent toward Sodom aud later dwelling la Sodom (xiii, 12; xiv. 12». but oow we see him a ruler In Sodom, sitting io the gate of Sodom (xix, 1). Thai means getting on in the world, but it means such a fellowship with tbe world as angels cannot approve, for they preferred to abide in the street rather than enter Lot's b^Mse. When they communicated to Lot their business, that they hail been sent to destroy tbe city because of its In iquity. which cried greatly to God, they told to tell his family and relatives to flee from the city because of tbe judgment that was about to come. They paid no heed to Lot's message, however, and he seemed to them as one tbat mocked. So much for the value of a testimo ny against the world by one who is conformed to tbe world. The life and conduct of Lot is such a problem that if tbe spirit by Peter had not told us that he was a righteous man (11 Pet. ti. 7. 8) we might uever have supposed that he was such a one. Such a testi mony concerning such a man should prevent u« from passing judgment on any one as to whether they are the Lord's or not. See Rom. xiv. IS; 1 Cor. 4, 5. In the morning tbe two angels took -Lot and bis wife and their two daugh ters by tbe hand and brought them forth wltbont the city, urging them to escape for their tires and look not be hind them lest they should be consum ed in the destruction of the city. The perveweness and Hubetief of IjOtilrreseen in bis refusal to escape to the mountain and in bis fear that He who bad delivered him from Sodom weald let some evil befall htm in the mountain. See the mar veto no grace of God in sparing Zoar at hla request. How wenderfnl beyond all compre hension the sin of man and the tffaee of God! There is. however, a limit to His forbearance If sin Is persisted in. for. though He it long suffering and not willing that any should perish, the day of tbe Lord will come (II Pet. ill, 0. 10*. Prom chapter xix, 15-23. It looks as if the day on which Sodom and Go morrah were destroyed began with a clear sky, a morning of sunahine after a night of the usual sins to which the cities were given over. If the sons in-law of Lot happened to mention-to any of their frienda the visit of thetr father and hla strange message con cerning the approaching doom it prob ably caused only laughter. But the clouds gathered, the storm broke, the fire and brimstone fell, and that waa the last morning on earth for the in habitants of those cities. Tbe Lord Jesus Christ, who sent the deluge in the days of Noah and the Are that destroyed those cities, has said, "As it was In tbe daya of Noah. * * • as it was in the daya of Lot. • • • even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man Is revealed" (Luke xvii. 26; xxviil, 30; 11 Tbeaa i, 7-0). He also said. "Remember Lot'j wife" (Luke xvll. 32). And when to day these Old Testament records are ridiculed, as they so often are. It is the Lord Jesus who is thus held up to scorn and contempt and through Him God the Father, for all of His words and works were the Father'a through Him (John xit 4l>; xlv, 10). Diarrhoea When TOB want a quick cur* wftfeonl ONJ IOM of time, and on* that to Mlewed kr no bad rwalta, at Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It mim ids and k vtouant in t** H b aqnally *al«aW» fat •hJMwv HJ PROFESSIONAL CARPS DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. E. E. ANDERSON Factory Representative ADAM SCHAFF PIANOS and Piano Tuner. PHONE NO. 284-L- HICKORY, N. C R. p. oakTN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY ... IN C. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Orjjan Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. OR* J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs is Club Bld'g., next door to Stanford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calk answered aight and day. Oflce at residence, 1430 lit)* Avenue 'PHONE No. 94, Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewmg Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting land Shaving. Palace Barber Shop. R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL ' Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. - Will practice ia all tfc» courts of this Slate. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Stare. Hickory. N. C. Mrs. D M. Atkins Trained Nurse Will W clad to ten* Phyiidaai la adjacra low m and c*uatry at wdl as ia Hickerj PHONE M HICKORY. N. C. New-Double DaOy Servi VIA Piedmont & Northern lines AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Companv. Lv. HICKORY M 8.27 a,m. 11.45 * «• 2.30 p.m. 7.40 p.m Ar. GASTONIA Lv. 10.25 a.m. 7-30 a. m. 4.40 p.m. 5.40 p.m. Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 19x3, Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gaatonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7 53 a. m. " 4 8 .15 " "3 9.15 " M 6 9.30 " "5 i 0.15 •* " 8 10.50 " " 7 11 40 " " 10 11.46 " " 9 12.40 p.m. "i 212 50 p.m. "11 a.OO " •' 16 230 " "15 3.30 " "r8 3.30 " "17 4.30 " "20 sOO " "19 5-35 " "22 6.30 " "21 730 " •' 24 84s " '* 23 9.45 " •' 26 10.55 " "25 11.55 " Tkt above aehcdale. fifiires aad eoaocctioa pab- Baked oalr u iafanaatioti asd are a«t cuaraataed. C. V. PALMER. Gen. Pas. Agent Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent. Gastonia, M. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS W-v TBK atAaOMS BKAIa A • MM «Mb Jtoia *IM«. W AW m (ai>tanaMlal,aa»*ha>«Ml«lil« 1 SllilYoßUftbrSf\(BVVNCfl( Are You Insured? Suppose You Have A Fire To-Night? Today is the time to get a Policy on your dwelling, barn, store, saw mill and other property. A few dollars invested today may save you SI,OOO to-night "Right If we Write it" Hickory Insurance & Realty o. GENTS . . Hickory, N.C Building Materials. Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, . Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. HICKORY, N. C. Get The Value Out Of Yourself Skill gains wealth where sloth sees want. A man is worth only two dol lars a day from his- chin down. With proper training he is worth 1100,000 a year from his chin up./* Eighty five per cent of the men of America are earning fifteen dollars week. Fifteen pe cent mak? 11800 t 11,000 a year. Which Class Are You In? There is in eery young person a con tinent of undiscovered possibilities. Let us help discover that continent help yon to get that value out of your self. Nothing will do this quicker than a course ia Scientific Salesmanship This course is extremely practical and interesting from start to finish. Let us tell you all about this c ttirse. We guarantee splendid situations on it. Write Henry S. Sbockley, Principal, Aaheville Business College. Ashe7ille, N.C. There is Always a place to get the best goods and a place to get the best work done, so if it is anything in the way of Shoe Repairing TOU will find that Thompson's is the place to get it. Work called for and delivered. - F. M. Thompson Phone 106 Woman's First Work In Faetory. It was in the manufacture of tex* tllsa that woman first appeared la in dustry outside of the home. tZt %i : w' 3D * - For fuhing, IZayQ Lanterns c-g*. _ C/«r Under All Strong and Durable I Give steady, bright tight Easy to Light. Easy to clean and re wick. Don't Smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't Leak. STANDARD OIL COMPANY BVEIYWHSRK > a . Nawaak. H.J. Si Mia aw. ME OAK LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. , HICKORY, N. C. Carolina, Clinckfield 2t Ok to RtJwiy AND Carolina, CllncMleM aad ORis lull OafMMR |t TKC NEW BHORT UNI Vt.g f BBTWEIN Dante, St. Paul and Ipssfs Ferry, Vs., Mhmoa City, T«w, MBpaMn IM» and Marion, N. C., and Spartanburg, a. C. "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE JANUARY IS, IMC *■ Southbound. Kastsrn Standard Time. MeffftfcMßd BAT. No. 6 No. 5 toft.at.ma 4 Mix'd Pass. M'la. Fmb. Faaa. J lyiy. Ply. STATIONS a. IST. Ply. g». P. M. A. M. I W- *■!*• 1.10 8.90 0.0 LT. Dante, Va. Ar. WW 12-4« I.M 1.35 8.20 7.5 LT. St. Paul, Va. AT. 14M 11.11 IS* 2.21 8.51 21. t L w. Dungaanon, Va. Ar. IMH ILM T.M 2.45 9.07 29.6 LT. Ft Blackmore, Va. Ar. lira ILM t.M • 3.01* 9.21 36.0 LT. V~ Hill, Va. Ar. 1280*11.S1* JM 3.27 9.41 45.1 LT. Speer'a Ferry, Va. Ar. ljt« 16.42 7.M • 3.44 9.56 51.« Lt. Cameron, Va.-Tenn. Ar. I3o€j 16.24 111 4.00; 10.09 58.2 Lt. Kingsport, Tana. Ar. 1111 lEM EM • 4.18 j* 10.20 62.8 LT. Pactohis, Tean. Ar. 11M 9J6* US • 4.40 10.32) 67.8 LT. Fcrdtown, Team. Ar. 1414 9.41 EM • 4.55 *10.43 72.6| LT. Gray, Tean. Ar. 15M SJI • IJf 5.55 11.15 85.1 LT. Johnson City, Teaa. Ar. HM I.M 1.0 1.50 11.43 95.7 LT. Unieot, Teaa. Ar. 1»M Ml AM 7.10 11.55101.1 Ar. Brwla, Teaa. L*. IMS'.EIf; 6.« 7.22 12.02101.1 LT. Erwtn, Tena. Ar. IMI HI AM * • 7.34 *12.12 104.3 LT. Chestoa. Teaa. Ar. IMS S.M •AM - • 7.41 *12.14 105.1 LT. Uaaka Springs, Teaa. A*. 1708 • MS • All 8.32 12.47117.9 LT. Huatadale, N. C. Ar. M.M| fit Ut • 1.56 1.05 124.9 LT. Qreea Mountain, N. C. A*. *ls* MM J-W 9.20 1.21131.1 LT. Teeeaae, N. C. Ar. HM tW EM • 9.51 1.51140.1 LT. Boonford, K. C. Ar. MOl EM EM *19.0% 2.05144.6 LT. Pealand, N. C. Ar. 2MI CM EM .10.20 2.17 147.1 LT. Rpraee Pine, M. C. A». Sll4 IM Elf 10.40 2.27 151.9 Ar. AIU Paee, M. C. LT. MM EM IJf P. M.jP. M.| VL MJTj m. No. 1 Jf*- 4 " M'xd * - t • _ __j nripnij —~*7*qrE 6.ISJ 2.27151.9 LT. - Attapaaa, N. C. Ar. MM I.M IJf • 6.22 * 2.35 155.3 LT. Mt MltcheU, H. C. Ar. Mso* 7AO • I.IFT • 6.52 2.58 167.0 LT. UnTille FaH«, N. C. Ar. 1718 •1M • 1-M 7.25 3.15 174.9 LT. BeTier, N. C. Ar. H4ML IM 1M 7.4* 3.31183.2 LT. Mariwx, N. C. Ar. 1116 AM? I.M • 1.30* 4.01197.8 LT. Thermal, N. C. Ar. 984* AOtni-M 1.50 4.16 205.9 LT. Weetmlataer, M. A Ar. Ml I.M ll.» 9.00 • 4.25 206.6 LT. 808 tic Yard, M. 0. Ar. MS 5M LILT • 9.10 4.10211.0 LT. Boatlc, N. C. Ar. 845 5-Mi 11 Jf • 917 4.34 213.0 LT. Fernet City, N. G. Ar. 167 EM 11.M • 9.14 4.46 219.5 LT. Harris. K. C. Ar. IM 5.163 11.41 9.55 5.02 226.8 LT. Cheaaee, 8. C. Ar. 881 5M 11M 10.09 5.12 231.6 LT. Mayo, S. C. .Ar. |KI lit U.M 10.45 5.40 242.1 Ar. Spartaaburg, 8. CL Lw. 779 4.M lI.M (Union Passenger Station) 1 A. M. P. M. 1 r- The CaroHaa. CttaehSeM A Ohio Railway, and the CareUaa, CRaeMeM AOhio Railway of South Cnroliaa. "Clin eh Sold Reuto" reaerre the light ta rary from the tine shown nhere without aolftee ta thn pah He. Patrons are raqaeatad la aatfr M aaaraat A|«t far daSatte ialmrtlM ar to CHAS. T. MAN DEL, TMEORORE . J Asst. Oenl. Pass. Agt. . D. F, 4F.A,C,C. 40. Rf. e£ S- E Johnson City, Teaa. Spnrtaahaaß S. C, > J. 4. CAMPION, . Vice-President and TraSk Manager, Jehaaoa CUy, tmm, f f •—Flag Stop. I—Daily, Kseept Sunday. Carolina & North-Western Railway Co. Schedule Effective Nov. 24th*. 1912. Ex. Sun. Didiy Mixed Mixed | Mixed Northbound. n d 8 * Pass. No. 62 No. 80 Ex. Sun. ' No. 10 Ex. Sua Ex. Sun. 1 No. 50 Chester LT 1 7 55 a m 11 45 am Yorkville 8 42 106 Gastonia 9 30 3 OOp m Gastonia 5 40 p m " Lincolnton 631 10|26 Newton * 708 1106 , Hickory 740 11 46 705 am Lenoir 840 lOOpmaOO pn 8.40 Mortimer 2 20 410 Edgemont 'Ar ~...2 30 430 C/\«iKkAnmt Ex. Sun. xi- q No. 63 No. 81 Mix Daily] Southbound. No 7 No. 9 Ex. Sun. Ex. San. No. 51^1 Edgemont LT 1155 am 730 .am Mortimer 12OS 7 40 .. Lenoir 790 ami 16 1015 '2 45 pn Hickory 8 27 2 30 ; 420 Newton 8 50 3 05 ! Lincolnton 9 27 3 43 ' Gastonia Ar. 10 25 ' } Gastonia LT 440 700 j v Yorkville 5 39 135 Chester Ar ....6 25 10 25 {... CONNECTIONS " CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. kC. YORKVILLE— Soathara Railway. GASTONlA—Southern Ry„ Piedmont A Northern Rj. UNCOLNTON—S. A. L. NEWTON abd HlCKOßY—Southern Railway. & F. RBH>, A Pi A«T, FCHEATARW