ABSOLUTELY PURtt The only Baking Powder made fiHB Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum . Makes home baking and profitable MR. STARNES' BIRTHDAY. Children and Grandchildren Take Old Folks by Surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Starnes, on Route 2, were given a delightful sur prise Saturday morning when thier chil dren and grandchildren fell upon them laden with baskets full of good things to eat. The occasion was the seventy-fifth birthday of Mr. Starnes. The editor of. the Democrat and photographer A. J. Brads haw were guests and the latter took a splendid picture of the table in the yard, decorated with the flowers and the dinner, with the family group be hind it. Before dinner Mrs. Theodore- Reinhardt dispensed delightful music on the organ. Those present were: Mrs. M. A. Par lier of Conover, R. F. D.; Mrs. S. A. Myck, and Mrs. W. H. Starnes, of Gran ite Falls, R. F. D.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Starnes, Misses Cadie and Ethel Starnes, Hickory; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Starnes, Geo. Starnes; Miss Carnie Wyck, Cecil Wyck; Hester and Leslie Parlier; Mr. Economize With A Bank Account The secret of life from a business point of view is to spend less than you earn and deposit the difference. A business or personal Check Ac count promotes economy prevents, account misunderstandings and is al ways available. It's the modern financial way. Keep your balance here. * MONEY TO LOAN AT ALL TIMES. C APITAL and SURPLUS $250,090,00 . FIRST NATIONAL BANK HICKORY, N. C. i * '"3 FORD AUTOMOBILES | i i arc recognized for Durability, Efficiency and Economy. j There will be 200,0*0 FORD cars built in 1913. The J Factory has now 10, W0 back orders. I Endorses of FORD cars: John Wanamakcr, New ;Yoikand Philadelphia, 63 delivery cars. Swift & Co., ' 100 Roadsters for salesmen. New York Fire Dep't. Roadsters for Captains. Bell Telephone Co., "New York, Roadsters for repair men. For demonstration see j M. V. Dunavant & Co. ; Agent Burke and Caldwell Co. .'i '' Main Office | HICKORY, N. C. Job Printing That's Different—Phone i ad Mrs. Theodore Reinhardt, C'onover R. F. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Clonin ger, Hickory, R. 2; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Starnes; Tom, Oscar, Claude, Beulah, Mamie and Fannie Fry; Mrs. Avery lr\ ind her brother, Mr. Sidney Ballinger, of Virginia, who is visiUng her; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fox; and Mr. Owen Pharr. The Starnes of Catawba and Daldwell are a sturdy race, and among our best citizens. They are among our oldest settlers. One of the pioneers used to say he was of Irish birth. The family is a branch of the Uniou, Mecklenburg and Bunccmb Starnes. Mr. J. W. Staines' giandfatber used to tell about a Metho dist circuit rider being entertained in hi home. He had worship after the chil dren had climbed the ladder to the loft and gone to bed, Ipit he prayed loud enongh to wake the dead. The chil dren waked and were peeping down ou of the trap door when one of them | fell out. The preacher put out his arm, saying: "Lord, bless the child", but the youngster flew up' the ladder like a scared squirrel. Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT Hjokworm Worlt of the Old Year. Djrinjr 1912 135.872 persons j are microscopically examined' o hookworm infection or about 50 persons for eac i week way i the year. F«>r is, en hry d yin January an average 525 persons w re examinee and of these an average of 110 persons were foun J infected and given free treatment. Ine i campaigns are conducted in six ! counties at the same time. The work is now in progress in Dare. Terrell, Camden, Pamlico, Moore, and Union counties. Five coun ties, Wilson, New Hanover. Wake, Craven and Beaurort have asked for a second round | of dispensary work for the bene i fit of those who were skeptical I when the first campaign was [conducted, but have now seen : the results of the cure« in those : who took the treatment and are ieshous to again have dispen isi res within their reach. Surprise Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr King's New Life Pills. They stimu late the liver, improve digestion, re- j move blood impurities, pimples and , eruptions disappear from your face and ! body and yor feel better. Begin at j once. Buy at C. M. Shuford, Moser and Lutz, or Grimes Drug Stores, Explained. Dick— "What part of the family tree am I. mui?" Mother— "l guest /ou IT6 on© of the limbs, Dick.' Dick "Do you suppose that's what dad meant that morning wheii he said thai I ought to be trimmed about every so tftea?* —Judce. Are You A Cold Sufferer? Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Long medicine made. Money re funded if it fails to cure you. Do not hesitate— take it at our risk. First do«e helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada, Teias. mites, "Dr. King's New Dis covery cured my terrible cough and cold I gained 15 pounds." Buy it at C. M. Shuford, Moser and Lutx, or Grimes Drug Stores. First R«IU»U>"« Book in Amsrfcs. The first religious book published on ♦he American continent was printed In the City of Mexico by order of the Roman Catholic bishop there. Thla was the firert. work of any kind from movable type issued In the new world and bears date 1646. In point of col laborator the most pretentions work published on thla continent la "Tha Catholic Church In the United Statea," which haa six thousand different eo authors, all but a dozen of whom are actively Identified In some way wit* the American hierarchy. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. Kings New Discovery and give tto the little ones when ailing and ufferine cold*, coughs, throat or lung -oubles, tastes nice, harmless, once ried, always used. Mrs. Bruce Craw •rd, Niagra, Mo., writes; "Dr King's • *w Dfscovery changed our boy from a p .le weak s ; ck boy to the picture of fccilth." A'.vays helps, buy it at C. M Shu'ord, Moser and Lutz, or Grim ei Drug Stores. Two Interesting Patenta. Among recent patents which attract attention by reason of their noveßy are one for making sausages without casings (a searing process) and one for an Illuminated fiat iron. The lat ter contrivance la described aa con taining lncandeaeent light bulbs which serve at the aame time to heat the Iron and to Illuminate the work which la being ironed. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tb. sj? iigaature of CfutjtTX Zc&ccJU&C Fruit and Vegetable Juices. i«*rult and vegetables Juices, on ate unt or tl* lr organic salts, are of reat value cleansers and In the sliminatlon of waste water from the system. It is always best to remove pulp of fruit before eating, as the cel lular walls are Indigestible and fill the system with waste matter. It is aU ways the cellular walls that cause In digestion and not the fruit juice. Wood's Seeds For The farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog iias I long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS : .SEXDSMLN, RICHMONT-, V 4 REORGANIZATION OF HICKORY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Subscribing Members of Hickory Chamber of Commerce Will Meet at Hotel Huffry on Monday, March 10, at 8:30 P. M.—Mine ;Ho>t Huffman Pauses us a Good Dinner The annual banquet of the Hickory Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Hotel Huffry on Monday, March 10, at 8:30 p. m. All subscribing members for the cominsr year will receive tickets gratuitously from the Secretary. If there be any that hßve been missed by the Solicit ing Com mittthey will please : call fit the Chamber of Com ; merce rooms and the secretary swill add your name as a membei land furnish you with a ticket. TRY SOLACE AT OUR EXPENSE Money btck lor any C*R of Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Headache that Solace Fails to Remove. ; SOLACE REMEDY it a recent medical di* cove, yof three German Scientists that dtsolves Uric Acid Chrystals and Purifies the Blood. It u easy to take, and will not effect the weakest It is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Law to be absolutely free from opiates w harm ful drugs of any description. ' SOLACE is a pure specific in every way. and has been proven beyond question to be the surest and quickest remedy for Uric Ac id Troubles known to medical science, no matter how long standing. It reaches and removes the root of the trouble, Uric Acid, and purifies the blood. THE SOLACE CO of Battle Creek are the Sole U. S. Agents and have thousands of volun tary testimonial Which have been re ceived from greatful people SOLACE has restored to health. Testimonial letters, literature and ' FREE BOX sent upon request, t R. Lee Morris. President of the First National Bank of Chico. Tex is, wrote the Solace Compa . Ny as follows: I "I want you to sead a box of Solace to my father in Memphis, Tenn, for which 1 enclose sl. ; This remedy has been used by some friends of mine here and I must say ib action was v* under i fuL •"Signed, R. L. Morris.** Put UD in 23c, Sic and 91-00 boxes, i ITS MIGHTY FINE TO BE WELL AND YOU CAN SOON BE BY TAKING SOLACE. "No special treat ment schemes or fees." IUST SOLACE ALONE DOES THE WORK, Write today for the fret be*, etc. SOLACE REMEDY CO.. Battfa Creek, Mkh. Marclsi, inc. Oldest City In the World. Doctor Harkov, a Russian savant, once affirmed that Bamara, on the right hank of the Tigrus, near Bag dad, la the oldest city extant. Relics tow discovered show that Samara flourished before the arrival of the Semites In Chaldea or Mesopotamia, 1.000 B. C. SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTKNI Yield to Vinol. The medical profession do not be lieve that consumptiou is Inherited, but a person may Inherit a weakness or tendency to that disease. A prominent citizen of EvansrlUa, lad., writes: "I was 111 for five months with pulmonary trouble, and bad the best of doctors; I had hemorr hages and was In a very bad way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vinol, and I feel that It saved my life. It Is all you recommend It to be. I believe it Is the greatest medl* cine on earth. I have advised othera to try Vinol, and they have had the same results." (Name furnished on request) Vinol soothes and heals the Inflamed surfaces and allays the cough. Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient strength to throw off incipient pulmo nary diseases. Try a bottle of Viael with the un derstanding that your money will be returned If It does not helu ynu Moser & HiCkoryC..N A- An Exception. A adontlat inform* us that the irage man la 76 p«r cent. water. Won ler If bo moons the overage Mllwau coo man? — Milwaukee Sentinel. Sale of City Property. Under and by virtue of the order ot the Superior Court of Catawba County. N. C., made in the Special Proceed ing therein pendingr, wherein J. Fran Oupton, and others are the petition era, and Sarah A. Sludge, and other are the defendants, the undersigned commissioners will s-1' at public auc tlon to the hlgest bidd» r for cs*h, i* front of the First National Hank Ir tlie city of Hickory, Catawba County, N. (\, on Friday Febuary 28th IWI3 at. 12 o'clock noon, the following lot* of land, lying and biing in the city of Hickory, N. C. and adjoining the lamb or W. F. Jones, W. T. Sledge, and others, and bounded as Mlowa, viz: First Lot, BEGINNING at W. F Jones' north-webt corner which is 60 ft. South ot the main ltne of the Southern Railway Co., and runs with Morganton Street wtat 100 feet and inches, or thereabouts to W. T. ( -»l»-dge's corner; thence wtth his lint ■»outh *2OO feet, more or lees to a stone, said Sledge's corner; thence nearh east, 100 feet and six inches, or there abouts to W. F. Jones' south east cor ner: thence with said Jones' line, north 200 feet, more or less to the beginning, being lot No. 4 in deed from Richard S. Adderton to Tliomos J. Wlggs, and known as the "Thomas ,J. Home Place". Second Lot. Beginning at a atsk* on the north east corner of M s S.»-r«t |E. Sledge's lot, and runs >«.uih .'> i W. 228 ffet lo a stnke: tl?«*?>c" 87 1 1 . 6(5 ieet to a htnV.e'i'l r> f ~' : ' 73-4- E. 231 fuel/-wit i» the.-cii: ii t- a stake; ihence N. 87 W. to the begin ning. This the 25th day of January, 1913. M. H. Vou nt, ~ , . W. C. Feimater, Commissioners. 2-20-4t No tice. By order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Hickory, notice is hereby given; that an election will be held 011 Monday, March 17th, 1913, at the City HaU in said City, for the purpose of voting upon the adoption or re jection of the proposed Charter, for the City of Hickory, as authorized by the General Assembly of North Carolina, at its 1913 Session. Notice is further given that J. H. Hatcher, W. J. Shuford and N. S. Dasher, have been appointed as in spectors or judges of said election. All electors wishing to vote for the adoption of said charter will use a print ed or written ballot, upon which the following words shall appear, "For Adoption of New Charter For City of Hickory," and all electors wishing to vote against the said proposed charter be coming law, shall vote a printed or written Ballot, upon which shall appear the words, "Against Adop tion of New Charter, For City of Hickory." It was further ordered that the registrar, shall keep open the registration books for at least fourteen (14) days prior to said date of March 17th, 1913, the regis tration to be had as law di rects. J. A. LENTZ, Mayor of the City of Hickory, G. R. WOOTTEN, Acting Secretary and TreasuJer. A. A. WHITENER, City Attorney. TAXES LAST ROUND By order of the Board of County Com missioners I will advertise, April the Ist, all property on which the tax for the year 1912 is not paid. Please do not ask me not to advertise your property, for I can't be honest and advertise the "other fellows" and not advertise "yours." I will beat the following places to col leci your taxes. Please meet me and getjyour receipt. MARCH, 1913. Jake Hefner's Store, half day, 9a. m. to twelve 14 12 Plateau, half day, Ito4p. m. " 12 Foard Whisnant's Store, half day, 9 a. m. to 12 m, " 13 Young & Mull's Store, half day, Ito4p. m. " 13 Hickory, one day, Whitener & Martin's Store *' 15 Noah Deal's Store, half day, 9 a. m. to 12 " 17 Q. M. Smith's Store, half day, Ip.m. to 4 " if John Holler's Store, half day, 9 a. m. to 12 m " 18 Claremont, half day, 1 p. m- to 4 at Hewitt's Store " 18 Catawba, half day, 1 p. m. to 4 J. U. Long & Co's '* IV Long Island, half day, 9a. m. to 12 " 20 Monbo, half day, 1 p m. to 4 " 20 Shertill's Ford, one day " 21 Terrell, one day, 9a,m.to 2p. m " 22 Maiden, half day, Ito4 p. m " 24 Oliver's, one day, 10 a. m. to 4p. m " 25 Lock Littles Store, half day, 9a. m. to twelve " 26 Walt Alley's Store, half day, 2to 4:30 p. m " 26 Murray's Mill, half day, 9a.m.to 12 " 27 Rachford's Store, half day, 1 to 4p. m " 27 Conover, half day, Ito4p. m. " 28 Hickory, one day, Whitener & Martin's, 9a. mto 5 " 29 RESPECTFULLY R. LEE HEWITT Sheriff. s .•«. - . .' I -.-1 "iii. * ■ - »r.-. f. . V . - . ... .• -,.r - - . J A NOTE TO YOU | HICKORY, N. C., Mar. 5,1913. This space is hardly in keeping with the size af our Drug Store or the volume of our trade, but we would not encroach en the space of other, who wish to communicate with you, nor curtail interesting- news, which we know you always peruse after reading our notes. We had intended touching on the object of these notes this week, but the store is filling up with customers and we must postpone it. Youis truly, MOSER & LUTZ "ON THE CORNER." What Then (?) If the rainy day of your life comes and finds you without the means to provide the neces saries of life? If the dodtor bills, the grocery bills, the rent come due and no money to pay them with, what then? It means suffering. Save Money Now! Be ready for the rainy day of your life! Lay aside a small amount each pay day, and be prepared to meet every obligation promptly. We pay 4 per cent, interest compounded quarterly. Hickory Banking & Trust Co. I Can Save You Money On Fresh Meats and Groceries I will appreciate your trade during this new year, and will make it to your interest to give it to me. Respectfully, J. F. NORRIS Near Hickory Manufacturing Company "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically Welded Fences are far superior to any other fence made. 1. Won't sag in summer heat or break in winter cold. 2. Made of best material—basic open hearth wire. 3. Have stays that will not slip. 4. Conform to most uneven ground—hill or valley as well as level. 5. Have no slack wires. 6. Made with stay wires as large as the line wires. 7. Low in price, and anybody can erect them. Poultry and Garden Fences are made with large and heavy wires very close together in the lower part. No chick can get through. A god send to the modern farmer. Shuford Hardware Company. We Take Ple&?.ure in Announcing Our (Spring Millinery Opening —ON— Tuesday and Wednesday March 11 and 12 \ I MISS MARY ROSEBOROUGH