i I'lie Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has b«An in use for over 30 years, has borne the Ipimtnre of SI? s/m —-—* * nd J"* been made under his per aonaj supervision since ttefnfency. v * no one to deceive yon fa tfifa. jW Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments tt'it trifle with and endanger the health «f irmuts and CMWren-Kxperience agwnst Ex^rimenU What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms cad allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, «mres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and nutural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Tie Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. **■ CKNTAU* MMMNV, TT MUaRAV BTaßrr. rev ««w am. Designed and Patented Jito in 1667 The Standard • Ever Since Roofs put od twenty-six years ago are as good as new to-day, and have never needed repairs. What is the result? Why practically every other shmgle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived —look for the words "Coctright Reg. U. S. Pat Of." embossed on the corrugation. It is put there for your protection. Accept no substitute. For Sale by F. B. In go Id, Hickory, N C I My Doctor Said I S "Try Cardui,* writes Mrs. Z. V. Spell, of Hayne, N. C J B " I was in a very low state of health, and was not able te B pj be up and tend to my duftss. I did try Cardui, and soon I y began to feel better. I got able to be up and help do my I ij housework. I continued to take the medicine, acd now 1 I ffi am able to do my housework and to cars for my children, I | and 1 feel as though I could never praise Cardui enough I I for the benefits I have received" I#* TAKB Hi# I ILARDUI WomaiftTomcl Cardui is succestfidL beoauee It Is made especially for I II women, and acts specifically on the womanly constitution. I? W Cardui does one mint and does It well That explains m Kg the great success which It has haC during tie past 00 years, I I in helping thousands d weak 4m siting women back to ■ - M health and happiness If you are a wo man, feel tired, dull, and are nwvotts, ■ m cross and irritable, it's bttause you peed a tpnic Why not I m try Cardui ? Cardui builds, strengthens, restores, and act I jj in every way as a special, tonic remedy for women. Test I II it for yourself. Your druggist sella Cardui. Ask him. . Wood's Seeds are the best for tihis climate. We handle them. It is now time to * begin planting. 0 Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries. I Setzer & Russell The Democrat is only SI.OO year. SBMBATT SCHOOL. Lejjon I.—Second Quarter, For April 6, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Gen. xxvii, 22-34. Memory Verses, 33, 34—Golden Text, lea. xxx, IS Commentary Prepared by Rev. 6. M. Stearns. Seven other sons. Including IshmaeL, are recorded as having been -born to Abraham by his secondary wives, but to Isaac he gave all his possession!! (xxv. 1, 2.-5) and sent the others away unto the east country. Abraham lived 175 years, and when he died Isaac and ishmael laid his body beside that of Sarah In the cave of Machpelah (xxv, 7-10). While be lived he looked for the city which hatli foundations whose builder and maker is Gcd (Ueb, si. 10, 16), and he is still waiting for It and for the complete fulfillment of the ! promises made to him as heir of the world (Rom. iv, 13). Time Is long to us, but not to Him to whom a thousand years are but as yesterday when it is past (Ps. xc, 4) and as a watch in the night. It Is restful to see Isaac dwelling by the well Lahal-rol, the well of Him that liveth and seeth me (xxv, 11; xvi, 14. margin). He was forty years old when he married Rebekah. and be was sixty when the twins Jacob and Esau were boru. It forebodes trouble to read that Isaac loved Esau, but Rebekab ioved Jacob (xxv, 20, 20-28), and the reason given for Isaac's love for Esau does so ami very earthly. Future* were not any more real to Esau than they are to * multitudes to day. A mess of pottage was more to hiin Ms a hungry inan than his birth right (xxv, 29-34). and for this be is poken of as, a profane person, or, ac ••ordiag to Weymouth, "ungodly" (Heb. xli. 16i. Think of the profanity abound ing everywhere because the god of this world is blinding so many eyes to the realities of the future kingdom and glory. In chapter xxvi we read of Isaac's failure on the same line on which bis father had failed twice, in calling his wife his sister to save his own life (Gen. xli and xx). In xxvi, 4, we have the star promise confirmed to Isaac, and In verses 12-16 we see how greatly the Lord blessed him and how very deb the blessing of tbe Lord makes one. A beautiful incident is related in verses 17 to 33 as to bow yielding in stead of atrife makes manifest the life of Christ in us. The Philistines had filled up some of Abraham's wells. Isaac reopened one, and then they claimed it as theirs, and he let them bave it He reopened another, and tbey claimed that one. too, and he let them have it When be reopened a third for some reason tbey did not strive for that Later they came to him to make a covenant with him and gave as their reason for desiring it •'We saw certainly that tbe Lord was with thee" (verse 28). Had he contend ed with them and insisted on keeping the wells, which would have been quite right iu the eyes of the world, they would have seen Isaac and not the Lord, but be had learned the lesson of rather taking wrong and suffering him self to be defrauded (1 Cor. vi, 7>. It Is most interesting to note that the same day bis servants in digging a well found water (xxvi. 32). It is indeed sad to have to turn from such a beautiful incident to the lesson for today, which is a record of awful deceit and lying and. worst of all, a mother puttiug her son up to It and calling down tbe consequences upon her own head (xxvli, 13). Her aim was to brlug the father's blessing upon the son whom she loved, but if she had only believed God and left tbe matter In His hands He would not have failed to keep His word, for He had told her before the boys were born that the elder should serve the younger (chapter xxv. 23). There is everywhere a tendeucy to help the Lord to do what He baa no thought of doing, and that is to win the world to nimself in this age. with the devil still doing bis devil ish work There is also auch a lack of confl deuce In God and His plan for His kingdom that many religious people try to work out their own plan, thinking thus to help God. The devil hates the love of God. the patience of God. tbe purpose of God. and Is as busy with many of tbe people of God as be was with Rebekah that day, but they are blinded and conceited n Cor. iv, 3, 4; Rom. xi. 25). This record of Rebekab makes na think of another mother who was her son's counselor to do wickedly (11 Chron. xxii. 3), but one would hate to associate Rebekah with ancb as Athaliah, though it is true of all that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked and tbe carnal mind is enmity against God (Jer. xvii, 9; Rom. rill, 7). If gome of us have not developed the same degree of iniquity as others it is only the grace of God that has kept us. Note the lie upon lie of this story: "1 am Esau, thy firstborn," "The Lord thy God brought It to me," "I am thy very son Esau" (verses 19, 20, 24). But he w«s found out even as it is written, "Be sure your sin will find yon out" (Num. xxxli, 23), though those words were used In a wholly different sense when uttered or written. We do well to remember that "God shall bring every work into Judgment, with eVery secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil" (Eccl. xll, 14). This may have been the first but cer tainly not the last story of kid glove deceit on record. Diarrhoea When yoa want a quick cote without any loea of time, and one that la followed mo bad resolta, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1* arm Is pleasant to take. |« la equally valuable fc* slrildrea. It Is I LT ~-Ja« jta ey IW • bug* P«« i ™ PROFESSIONAL CARPS DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY - - - IN G. WILL G. KIkKMAN" Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Sliuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avepue 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. —• . j Palace Barber Shop. R. W. WOLF'S I VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in ill the courts of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES THONE 23 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Mrs. D M. Atkins Trained Nurse Will be g'ad to serve Physicians in adjacen owns and country as well as in Hickory I HONE M HICKORY, N. C. pi k) \o\ Js] New Double Daily \vi. VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Companv. Lv. HICKORY Ar. 8.27 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 2.30 p.m. ' 7.40p.m Ar. GASTONIA Lv. i 0.25 a.m. 7.30 a. m. 4.40 p. m. 5-40 p.m. Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 1913, Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7 53 a. m. " 4 8.15 " " 3 9-15 " " 6 9.30 «' " 5 i 0.15 •' " 8 10.50 " " 7 11-40 " " 10 11.45 " " 9 12.40 p.m. "i 2 12.50 p.m. "11 2.C0 " "16 230 " "15 3.30 " "18 3.30 " "17 4.30 " "20 SOO " "19 5.35 " "22 6.30 " *' 21 7.30 " "24 8.4s " '• 23 9.45 " •« 26 10.55 " "25 11.55 " The above schedule, fipures and connection pub lished only as information and are not guaranteed. C. V. PALMER, Gen. Pas. Agent Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent. Gastonia, Is. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK DIAMOND BRAND. * I'tlla in Red and Uoid Taa —boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. W fl wl Tike other. B«y or roar " | / ~ fg Unaht. Ask for CIH.CIIEB.TES'B It Jf »IAHONr» BRAND PILLS, for tS V~ ff *«*» known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOU) BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Keep to Old Cuetom. At the 600-year-old Audlem church, In Cheshire, England, the curfew la regularly rung, after which the date of the month is tolled, a survival of tho (Urso wfcsa ag almanacs exljj^. . "Xcrosf ie. - Wilson, now is* in tbe presidential chair. Overhauling all the governmental affair Onward working in this laborious 1 ask-with care, Democratic rulings are always right and fair; Repuhlieaus had 16 years—'.heir full share; Overwhelmed now with grief, ard de v While the Democrats will good laws prepare. in the presidential fight Invested with power to do what he thinks is right, Long- under Republican rule, the people were tied, Surrounded with trusts and monoply on every side Outwitted we are by the Democrats, they cry; "" Now the Democrats say for- us there is no more pie. COLONEL. The Hers Id of Spring. Newton Enterprise. The frist martiD was observed here last Thurday, March 13. The coming of the martin is regarbed by many as evidence of Spring We are told that March 23 is about the earliest date they have ever been-seen here. Building Materials. *** A Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, - Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. HICKORY, N. C. Get The Value Out Of Yourself Skill gains wealth where sloih sees want. A man is worth only two dol lars a day from his chin down. With proper training he is worth . SIOO,OOO a year from his chin up. Eighty five per cent of the men of America are earning fifteen dollars »veek. Fifteen pe: cent make SIBOO t 13,000 a yeaT.*- Which Class Are You In? There is in e ,f ery young person a con tinent of undiscovered possibilities. Let us help discover that continent help yon to get that valne out of your self. Nothing will do this quicker than a course in Scientific Salesmanship This course is extremely practical and interesting from start to finish. Let us tell you all about this c jurse. We guarantee splendid situations on it. Write Henry S. Shockley, Principal, 1 Asheville Business College. Ashe7ille,. N. C. There is Always a place to get the best goods and a place to get the best work done, so if it is anything in the way of Shoe Repairing you will find that Thompson's is the place to get it. Work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson Phone 106 -»• r rjOTyJlj' _ ' XvOVw Lanterns camping, Hard Strong-and Durable - Condition». Give steady, bright light. Easy to Light. Easy to clean and re wick. r Don't Smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't Leak. m™ STANDARD OIL COMPANY siiaiwuu Oaw«»e«l^ieH#wJwwr) . Now^N.J., OAK LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. i HICKORY, N. C. Carolina, Clinckfield Ql Ohio RtJhmj ' AND Carolina, Cltnehftetd aad Ohio Railway cf KM Canlfa TME NEW 4HORT LINE !,{*! BBTWEBN Oante, St. Paul and Spoor's Forry, Va, Johnson City, Toan, ARapaao, B«MI« and Marlon, N. C, and Bpartai*»rg, $. C. "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 10, tOtt, Southbound. Eastern Standard Time. IbdMMNi Kl«v. No.S Ko. 3 -■ in ft. No. I No. 4 Mix'd Pass. Mia. _ abv. Pass. Poaa. Ply, lyiy. STATIONS ■.lev. Ply. Ply. PMAMIP M P M *l.lO 8.00 0.0 Lv. Dante. Va. Ar. 1100 12.4$ %M 1.35 8.20 7.5 Lv. St Paul, Ya. Ar.. 1484 12.1T I.M 2.21 8.51 21.0 Lr. Dungannon, Ya Ar. ltti 11.40 7JO 2.45 9.07 25*.6 Lv. Ft Blackmore, Ya. Ar. 1172 11.20 1M * 3.01 • 9.21 35.0 Lr. Hill, Ya Ar. 1280 * TM 3.27 0.41 46.1' Lr. - Speer's Forry, Ya. Ar. 137t 10.42 7Jt * 3.44 9.56 51. « Lv. Cameron, Ya-Tenn. Ar. 1300 10.24 O.OC 4.00 10.09 53.2 Lv. Klngsport, Tonn. Ar. 1212 10.00 Ul * 4.18 *10.20 62.8 Lv. Pactolus, Tenn. Ar. 120S 9M ♦OO » 4.40 10.32 67.8 Lv. Fordtown, Tona. Ar. 1424 $.42 s.sf * 4.65 *10.43 72. ®j Lr. Gray, Tonn. Ar. 1521 $.20 •$ J? 5.55 11.15 86.1 LT. Johnson City, Team. Ar. 1624 t.Ol !.$$ 6.50 11.43 95.7 LT. Ualeoi, Tenn. Ar. 1022 2.20 4JO 7.10 11.55101.1 Ar. Brwin, Tenn. Lr. 1002 8.17 4.a 7.22 12.02101.1 Lt. Errln, Tonn. Ar. I«s2 2.10 «J$ * 7.34 *12.12 104 3 LT. Chostoa, Tenn. Ar. 1702 2.N * 4JO * 7.41 *12.14(106.1 LT. Unaka Spring, Tona. Ar. 1702* Til* 4J» 8.32 12.47117.9 LT. Huatsdalo, N. C. Ar. 20J2] 1M $Jt . *8 56 1.05 124.9 LT. Qraoa Mountain, If. C. Ar. 21121 f-121 127 9.20 1.21 131.3 LT. Toecaae. N. C. Ar. $$M SJT $22 * 9.61 1.51140.1 LT. Boonford. M. a Ar. 2401 C.2S 2JO *IO.OB 2.05 144.6 LT. Penland, N. A Ar. $402 lit IM .10.20 2.17 147.9 LT. Spnico Pino, N. C. Ar. 1.14 2JT * 10.40 2.27151.9 Ar. Atta Paaa. N. a LT. 2029 €.05 2.2T P. M.|P. M.| \A. M4PI M. No. l Hal M'zd ha X t A M P M P. M P ML' —" 6.15 2.27 Lt. • Altapaas. N. C. Ar. 2020 8.06 *2J7* * 6.22 * 2.35 155.2 LT. Mt Mitchell. N. C. Ar. 2450 * 7.60 {• 2.11 * 6.52 2.58 107.$ LT. UnTillo FaUa, N. a Ar. 1728* 7.20* 1.4$ 7.26 3.16174.0 LT. SeTier, N. C. Ar. 1400 0.54 US 7.49 3.31183.2 Lt. ICarion. N- A Ar. 1210 0.3H LOS * 8.30 * 4.01 197.8 LT. Thermal. N. C. Ar. 084« O.OC *I2JS 8.60 416 245.5 LT. Woatatntaer, N. C. Ar. 801 5.50 12.10 9.00 * 4.25 200.0 LT. Bottle Yard. N. C. Ar. $25 6.2$ 12J0 *9.10 '4.30 211.0 LT. Bootic, M. a Ar. 045 6.22 12Jf * 9.17 4.34 212.0 Lt. Foraot City. M. CL Ar. 20T 1.30 12.00 * 9.24 4.40 219.5 LT. Harris. N. C. Ar. 80S s.ll 11.42 9.55 5.02 226.8 LT. Choaaoo, S. CL Ar. $22 5.02 1L22 10.09 6.12 221.0 LT. Mayo, 8. C. Ar. )222 4.47 11.22 10.46 5.40 242.2 Ar. fenrtaabars, 8. & Lr. 772 4.26 11.00 (Ualoa Paooeasor Btatftaa) A. V y. M4A. M. Th*e Carolina. Cttnebftald * Ohio RaDrray, aad fho Carolina, CBachteld tOhto Railway of Sooth Carolina. "ClinchMd loot•" rooorro tho right «a vary frtim tho thno ahawa ahovo without aottse to tho pobllc. Patrons aro roqneotod la apply to noaraat Aftat Cor doftalto !■ finish— or to CHAS. T. MANDEL, TMCOOORR DCHOM, Jit, Asst. Qenl. Pasa. Agt. *" D. F. AP.A,C.C. SO. By. of Eft i Johnson City, Tona. Spartanbars, S. CL j J. J. CAMPION, Vice-President and Traffic Manager, Jnhiann City, Toaa. I •—Fla* Stop. }— Daily, Baeopt San day. Carolina & North-Western Railway Co. Schedule Effective Nov. 24th, 1912. Ex. Sun. Baily Mixed Mixed Mixed Northbound. No. 8 Pass. No. 62 No. 60 Ex. Sun. No. 10 Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. No. 50 Chester Lv 7 55am 11 45 am TTTTTT Yorkville 8 42. 105 Gastonia .... 9SO 3 00pm. ..Gastonia 5 40pm " .... Lincoln ton 631 10J26 •. i Newrton .7 08 1105 Hickory ■ 740 1145 705 aui Lenoir 840 100 p m 200 p m 840 Mortimer 2 20 410 Edgemont Ar. ... 230 430 ~ Southbound. Vr No- 9 Ex N S®. & Sun' ' Edgemont Lv. 11 55 a m 730 am Mortimer 12 05 7 40 Lenoir 730 amljs 1015 '245 p m Hickory ' 827 - 230 420 Newton' 8 50 3 05 ! . Lincoln ton 9 27 3 43 ! Gastonia Ar. 10 25 j Gastonia Lv 4 40 | 7 00 .... Yorkville 5 39 8 35 I Chester Ar 625 jlO 25 i CONNECTIONS • CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. YORKVILLE—Sonthern Railway. GASTONlA—Southern Ry,, Piedmont ts Northern Ry. LINCOLNTON—S. A. L. x NEWTON and HlCKOßY—Southern Railway. , — n "** 1 • "IrP. RBIP, o. P« Agt, ehoitOr|3%oj . hJ " ■ *