ABSOLUTELY PURB The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable The Half-Inch Hookworm. The plain or garden variety of hookworm is a second cousin of the bug which causes the sleep ing sickness and nephew to the microbe that produces the tired feeling. When the hookwo; m hooks on to the bowels of a poor man the effect is laziness. But if by accident it attacks the en trails of a Piute, the • result is called "fatigue," Thefemale half-inch hookworm lays eggs, but does not cackle. As soon as a setting is accumu lated it is deposited on the ground and hatched out by anybody who happens along. When the young half inch hookworm is big enough to stai t in business on his own hook, he" throws his hook into the bare heel of a cotton picker and starts to work his way up in life. If he gets as far as the stomach his fortune is made. He is now safe to marry and assume the respon sibility of raising a large family. Occupying a strategic position, so to say, everything has to com* his way. Whatever the cotton picker puts in his mouth, masti cates, swallows and digests, is examined by the half-inch hook worm, After sorting out the tidbits, he absorbs them greedi ly. On account of the fact that hookworms make a living with out any useful labor, they belong to the better class.—The Nat. Rip-saw. The hookworm is a little cuss less than half an inch long and about as thick as No. 40 sewing cotton. He was brought here from Africa, along with the dar kies. The darkies have associa ted with the hookworms so many thousands of years that they— the darkies, are immune against the misery that the hookworms cause among the whites. The hookworm thrives where the barn lot takes the place of sewers. White people, especial ly white children, catch the hook worm by running around bare foot. The hookworm bores it self up through the soles of the feet", and then on into the intes tines. Doan's Regnlets are recommended by many who say they operate easily, without griping and without bad after effects. 25c at all drag stores. Adv To-Night Mum Ministrels Biggest Show of the season 30—Performers—3 0 All White People i Manager Stone wishes to see if Hickory cares for leally first-class Up-to-date Shows HUB THEATRE Prices 50c to $1 Chllcron cry FOR FLETCHER'S QASTORIA Juvenile Gambling A friend has sent us a newspaper clipping calling attention to the pre valence of gambling among school boys. According to this article it be gins with playing marbles for "keeps," which afterwards changes into play ing "craps" for nickles, which in time matures into full-fledged gamb ling. In our boyhood this form of gambling with marbles was also pre valent, but it was always done in secret, and then only by those who were not blessed with godly training. Of coarse there were boys then who also gambled for money, but they were social outcasts. In our day not only is the marble habit more prevalent and shooting of craps listed among the respectable sports, but there is no attempt made at concealment. Th«re is no vice more insidious, or more deadening to tHe moral sense in its effects. It is followed by a series of other sins, such as lying and cheat ing, and oftentimes murder. When we look closely into the life of a gambler, and see the utter de pravity and hopelessness of such a life, it ought to be the prayer of every parent that their sons be pieserved from such a fate, Yot* should not forget that the gambler probably began as your boy is now beginning, that a word of caution and rebuke might have saved him, but it was neglected, either be cause he had no one enough concern ed in his welfare to make an effort to save him, or else it seemed such a trifling sin that no one imagined that anything serious could grow out of it. Unfortunately it is not a sin con fined to the boys, but it is found in every walk of life, even among the mothers and sisters of these boys. It is all a symptom of a disease which is called covetousness, and which the inspired Word tells us is idolatry. There should be a revival of a sense of parental responsibility, a closer ac quaintance with the habits of your sons, and the setting of an example along this line that will be a help to them. Of course a bridge-playing mother may feel some embarrassment in dealing with this evil, and may feel that it is Satan rebuking sin. With the changed conditions of society it may be impossible for us to go back to the old family life of ou youth, when mothers lived only for their children, yet a closer approach to the past might be the means of saving your boy, and making an honest man of him PresbyteriaE Standard. * Wood's Seeds. Cow Peas, the great forage and soil improving crop. Soja Beans, } the most nutritious and best of summer feed crops. Velvet Beans r- make enormous growth; are splendid for summer graz ing and as a soil renovator. Write for "WOODS CROP SPECIAL , giving full informa tion about these and other Seasonable Farm Seeds. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond* Va. Our stocks of Cpw Pea* and Soja Beans are choice recleaned stocks of supe rior quality and germination. Cough Medicine for Children Too much care cannot be used in selecting a cough 'medicine for chil dren. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be effectual, Chamberla in's Cough Remedy meets there requirements and is a favorite with the mothers of young children everywhere, For sale by all dealers. Adv !«rei Old Strat, Mnr imiHi Wii't Eire • .:e v.-orst cases, no natter of how long standing, .re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve* Pam and Heals at the same time, 25c, 60c, SI.OO, Freight Rate Question. The effect on Charlo'te of freight rate discriminations was thor oughly gone into yesterday by local merchants and shippers in conference with Governor Craig and the legislative commission composed of N. B. Broughton of Raleigh, E. J, Justice of Greensboro and Senator W. B. Council!. Last night a banquet was tendered the visitors, at which Governor Craig delivered the address. The conference held yesterday afternoon at. 2:30 was given over irquiry as to the amount lost bv the city through oeing discriminated against. This was estimated by W. S. Creighton, manager of the Charlotte Shippers and Manu facturers' association, to be be tween $300,000 .and $400,000 annually. Specific instances of discriminations were given in shoes, . cotton products and groceries by prominent, shippers of these lines. Governor Locke Craig and the members of the commission arrived in the city at 11.15 in the morning. A joint committee of the Charlotte Shippers' and Manu facturers' rsSociation and the Greater Charlotte Club met Governor Craig at the -station and escorted him to the Selwyn hotel. Accompan>ing the gov ernoi was E. J. Justice of Greensboro, another member of the commission. Judge W. B. Council!, of Hickoiy, the third member of the commission, arrived in the city from States ville at 12:30 o'clock, was met by a committee at the station and escorted to the Selwyn. WOMAN'S ILLS DISAPPEARED Like Magicafter taking Lydia £. Finkham't Vegetable Compound. North Bangor, N. Y. "As I have j| —5 used Lydia E. Pink -1 Compound with great benefit I feel S ** my uty to &nd tell you about it. gjaWl ,v I was ailing from fe iiiA |pi male weakness and L''ll- r \/ headache and .. backache nearly all the time. I was later / every month than I - : 'should have been and so sick that I had to go to bed. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has made me well and these trou bles have disappeared like magic. I have recommended the Compound to many women who have used it success fully."—Mrs. JAMES J. STACY, R.F.D. No. 3, North Bangor, N. Y. Another Made Well. Ann Arbor, Mich.—" Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done wonders for me. For years I suffered terribly with hemorrhages and had pains so intense that.sometimes 1 would faint away. I had female weakness so bad that I had to doctor all the time and never found relief until I took your remedies to please my husband. I recommend your wonderful medicine to all sufferers as I think it is a blessing for all women."—Mrs. L. E. WYCKOFF, 112 S. Ashley St, Ann Arbor, Mich. There need be no doubt about the ability of this grand old remedy, made from the roots and herbs of our fields, to remedy woman's diseases. We possess •volumes of proof of this fact, enough to convince the most skeptical. Why don't you try it? True Enough. Halt the world don't know how thej Uve themselves. —Life. k mm To Feeble Old People. As on® grows old the waste of the system becomes more rapid than re pair, the organs act more slowly and less effectually than In youth, the cir culation is poor, the blood thin and digestion weak, Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil, is the ideal strengthener and body-builder for old folks, for it contains the very ments needed to rebuild wasting tis sues and replace weakness with strength. Vinol also fortifies the sys tem against colds and thus prevents pneumonia. A grandneice of Alexander Hamil ton, over eighty years of age, once remarked: "Vinol is a godsend to old people. Thanks to Vinol, I have a hearty appetite, sleep soundly, feel active and well. It is the finest tonic and strength-creator I have ever used." If Vinol fails to build up the f'-sble old people, and create rcng'lii we will return your money, Moser & Lutz druggist, Hickory.N.C 'Freckled Girls i«S&SoScBSS will either remove your freckles or cause them to fade and that two jars will even in the most severe cases completely cure them. Y/e are willing to personally this and to return your money ar S u nr»ent if your complexion is SSTT cS»?SSSi, to,tB natural beauty. Soi£°? S /? E 9 KLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair prow but will positively removeTAN, PIMPLES and LES. Come in today and try it. The jars are large and # results absolutely certain. Sent bvmail ifdesjbred. ftice 50c. IfervPS&tel? 1 ' 00 ;, WILSON'S PAIR SKIN SOAP Ss* Fw eal« by , TRUTHFUL REPORTS. Hickory Reads Tbem With Uncommon Interest. A* Hickory citizen tells his experi ence in the following statement. No better evidence than this can be had- The truthful reports of friends and neighbors is the best proof in the world. Read and be convinced. Mrs. A. Wezen, 1443 Ninth Ave , Hickory, N. C., says: "Doan s Kidney Pills proved beneficial to me and Ido not hesitate to recommend them My kidneys were out of o.der and I suffered from backache. I finally used Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store and they made me stroig well. This remedy gives quick relief.'' The above statement must carry conviction to the mind of every reader Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy —ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Wezen had —the remedy backed by home testi mony. 50c all stores. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "When Your Back is Lame —Re- member the Name.'* Ady NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners for Catawba County will, oa the 28th day of April, 1913, take up and pass apon the question of whether or not they will elect adjudge to perform the duties provided for in an act passed "and ratified by the General Assembly of North Caiolina, on the Bth day of March, 1913, being entitled "An act to establish a special court for Ca tawba County, with civil and criminal jurisdiction, to be known as Catawba County Court", at which time, if a majority of the board of commissioners deem it advisable to elect a judge, the said board jf commissioners will pio ceed to elect a judge for said court. At the time above mentioned the said board will also determine whether or not he shall have civil jurisdiction as provided in the said act of the General Assembly. By order of the Board of Commis sioners tor Catawba County. This April 7th, 1913 E. S. LITTLE Chairman. E. D. GAMBLE Register of Deeds. NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Whereas, on the 16th day of April, 1909, K. A. Price and Jessie F. Price, his wife, executed to Geo. R. Wootten, Trustee, a Deed of Trust to secure a loan of Two Thousand (?2000 00) Dol lars made bt the First Building & Loan Association of Hickory to said parties, and on the 30th day of No vember, 1912, K. A. Price and Ressye Price, his wife, executed to G. R. Wootten, Trustee, a Deed of Trust to secure a loan of Nine Hundred ($900.- 00) Dollars made by the Jftrst Build ing & Loan Association of Hickory to said parties, for a more particular re cital of the terms and conditions of said two deeds of trust reference is hereby made to Book 77 of Deeds, page 486, and Book 96 of Deeds, page 575, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, North arolina, where said two deeds of t rust are duly recorded; And, whereas default has been made in the payment of the weekly interest on tne said loans for a period of more than thirty (30) days, and de fault has been made in other stipula tions contained in said trust deeas: "As I have Now, Therefore, by virture of the powers contained in the two above described Deeds of Trust, thr» under signed Trustee will sell at public auction for cash at the steps of the First National Bank in the City of Hickory, the fc>oint designated by said Trustee for said sale, being in Ca tawba County, North Carolina, on Saturday, TrfE 3*41) DAY OF MAY, 1913, at twelve o'clock, noon, the fol lowing described property, to-wit:- Beginningat a stake in the North ern margin of Eleventh Avenue, which was formerly called Atwood Street, in the City of Hickory, at the *outh-east corner of the old Clipard lot, which is bow the Baptist Parson age property,-and runs North with the old Clinard line 200 feet to a stake; i hence East 100 feet to the old Samuel Tate line, now the Dr. J. H. Moore property; thence with said line 200 feet to Eleventh Avenue; thence West witji the Northern Margin of said A*roH°° ' eet to the beginning. Being ft : commonly known as the Presbyterian Manse property. This the&nd day of April, 1913. :/* G. R. Wootten, Trustee Bagby & Brackwelder, Attorneys. 4-3-13-4t. A WAHHHC TO RAW Some Ineresting Facts Regarding Health Statistics. Few people realize to what extent their health depends upon the con dition of the kidneys. The physician in nearly all cases of serious illness, makes a chemical anal ysis of the patient's urine. He knows that unless the kidneys are doing t heir work properly, the other organs cannot be brought back to hfealth and strength. When the kidneys are neglected or abused in any way, serious results are sure to follow. According to health statistics; Bright's disease which is really an advanced form of kidnev trouble, caused nearly ten thousands deaths in 1910, in the state of New York alone. Therefore, it behooves us to pay more attention to the health of these most important or gans. An ideal herbal compound that has had remarkable success as a kidney remedy 1s Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kklney, Liver and Bladder Remedy. The mild and healing Influence of this preparatiun is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of cures. If you feel that your kidneys re quire atiention, and wish a sample bottle, write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and they will gladly forward it to you absolutely free, by mail. Swamp-Root is sold by every drug gist in bottles of two sizes—soc, and *I.OO. Adv The One Thing That Matters. When you come down to the very bedrock of affairs nothing matters to a nation excepting the health and number of Its babies. jhiiiren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA ■ '|ANOTETO"yOU| HICKORY, N. C., April 16,19 13 I f ! Every time you make a purchase here, whether large or small 1/ / \ you mßy rest assured of our appreciation. IPw- Hwl t0 that of the rin K an( * the little red bal! at the end of the rub rjlgflf . ber string-our goods, prices and treatment being the induce- Mfcy ment to return for additional purchases. INI KsMOSER &LUTZ » "On the Corner" Two Phones: 17 & 317 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. rTp. dakin CONTRACTOR and BUILDER ' Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY ... NC. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. HICK S DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Sbnford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTJST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE s For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. Palace Barber Shop. R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service' promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Mrs. D M . Atkins Trained Nurse Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacen towns and country as well as in Hickory PHONE M HICKORY, fc. C. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office orer Moser & Lutz Drug Store Hickory, N. C. . DR. H. P. FLOWE \ i Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable Phone 267. NOTICE All users of City Water are hereby notified that they can either mail check to G. R. Wootten, acting secretary-treasurer, or call at the office of the Building & Loan Ass'n on 14th St. and pay their ac count. CITY OF HICKORY Water Works Dept. Electric Bitters —M.Mi Made A New Man Of Him. "I suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. &,«and my Uyer andkldneys did not work right, trat four bottles of Electric Bitters made mo feel like a new man." MICE 60CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. In every community there are people who want the be& of everything. - More especially should this be practiced in the purchase of a piano. You positively take no chance if you buy a Sohmer Piano one of the great art creations of the piano world. C. H. WILMOTH FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE 200 S. McDowell St. Phone 467 Charlotte, IN. C. Over 25 years' experience in the piano business. "Knows a Piano" # Fine piano tuning and repairing U. L*. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuisfa building material for any kind of a job all first class work and will save you money. See L. L Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L. 1 aarfapsMiiß tnd * * mmmmu «rri j|| Cold Facts aboif Refrigerators Sanitation and purity is insuied for our refrigerators by the constant circula tion of pure, dry, cold air throughout the food chambers. Minimum melting of ice insured by the air-tight, many-walled construction. You will be surprised to see how much your ice bills will shrink with one of our refrigerators in the house. \ It is easy to keep this refrigerator spotlessly clean, for its inside parts may be eisily removed and you can get into the corners without any difficulty. It is a masterpiece of refrigerator building. And still the price is no more than you pay for inferior makes. ABERNETY HARDWARE CO. BBjj g *•§ § * SS-rSS 0 - SSSllfi 111 s i c. 3 " e II 3 J* EHS " 3 |e|| —J-Sofo SHBI ' r-Mm g- B I*l . j Kip —iwii 2 s |£« Wliy =»s io!- a *!pl| l i |J?§! uu a**** Js«; itihii Hf o iflteafiss h® .9 n® h^S— sa' d .-2®a la J Hb , aly >c.s >«d 1 ofl? teg-1 x * El "i*?4 H* 1 1 3§£2 8- ®o g & g 5 g.5 Esa3 tt.S'ggtS&d o Mid-Summer Opening Monday, 28th - j We will show the latest styles in Mid-Summer Hats Miss Mary Rosebrough 1 Do You Need Feather Beds or Pillows? We have opened a full line of these goods, and can furnish you on short notice anything in the feather line. The very best A. C. A. ticking is used to mnk c them. Guaranteed 25 lb. bed $7.50; 30 lb. bed $8.50; 36 lb. bed $10; 6 lb pillow® $1.50; 10 lb. pillows $2.50, delivered at your door. All guaranteed new feathers- Drop us a card and tell your wants, and representative will call too see you. Hickory Feather & Pillow Co. Eighth St, • . • Hickory, N. C.

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