fHE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Published Every Thursd* y E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ I -°° Six Months, *' fhree Months " 7 > Advertising Kates on Application Entered at the Post Office at Hickorj second class matter. ftICKORY, N. C:, MAY 8.19 1S TheSouth's position in rela tion to the whole country-past present and future— was probabl.x never so strikingly and interest ingly shown as in a 28 pa2 pamphlet entitled "Uncle Sam view of the South." Uncle San begins by admitting his sins omission and commission again* our Southland. He says at fm he could not tell whether it wa a bad liver, or a real conscience that was stirring bim up, as it i* sometimes difficult to distinguifcl between the two, He then teli.- of how the soldiers of the Sout" between 1861 and 1865 whilt living on a crumb of bred could march all day and fight a) night, or march all night an fight all day, disproved the o!c theory that had existed in tl e North as v to the indolence of tl e people of the South. He saj s that in those days, when trvin* to persuade the South not to se up an independent governmem for itself, he learned to hop that if the soldiers of the Soutl were lazy that Providence migbi keep him from meeting an> hustling ones. Reviewing the progress of th» South of recent years, this in teresting storv shows that thoug its population at present is 17, 000,000 smaller than that of th« United States in 1880, the Soutt has $700,000,000 more money in vested in manufacturing thai the United States then had; hat nearly $200,000,000 more individ ual deposits in its national banb than all the individual deposits ii the national banks of the Unite( States in 1880, and is now spend rag $90,000,000 a year on public school education as against $78,- 000,000 for the entire country ii 1880. After telling of the dis advantages under which the South labored after the war. and its progress since, Uncle Sam says: "That section has come up out of desperate poverty. 44 1t had more problems to solve than any other people or earth ever met. 4, 1t faced dangers of every kind at home and away from home. "It lost hundreds of thousand: of its best men in battle, an several million by emigration, "With its vitality thus weak ened, it had to meet and over come difficulties which ordinarily would have taxed the virility oJ the strongest people in th world. To look for rapid im provement was like expecting * tvphoid patient just beginning to get out of the fever to run a race or enter a prize ring. "But weak as it was, the South ran the race and out distanced its competitors. Ii entered the prize ring and, though it got a lot of hard blowt and was occasionally knocker up against the ropes, it was al ways atle to come back. And it grew stronger every minute instead of getting weaker. "It can easily support 100,000,- 000 people, provide ample em ployment for them, furnish food stuffs. to nourish the body and the wool and the cot tor to clothe them, and still not hall tax its resources/' These are a few of the strik ing points made in this pamphlet which tells the story of the South so strikingly that every one ought to read it. A million copies ought to be distributed throughout the land, for no man can possibly read it without realizing as never before the limitless potentialities of the South and its amazing achieve ments against overwhelming odds. In issuing this pamphlet the MANUFACTURERS RECORD says that it believes that its wide distribution will be ol measureless value to this section, The price is 15 cents a copy, with reduction for larger order* from those who wish to send it out to friendl or whom they are seeking to interest in South. WHAT IS BEING DONE IN THE WAY OF TOWNSHIP ROADS. Maybe some of the people think that they are not getting much for th& issue of bonds, but the Democrat wants to tell them better. For instafice just- think of the fine vehicles, automobile tires, shoe-leather and first-class religion that We used to consume everv time we went to Brookr ford. Besides the saving along other lines, it is our firm belief that a number of citizens who now traverse that road would have landed in a region not usual y mentioned in polite society, except in the pulpit, had it re named as it was, whereas we tow feel encouraged to have a reasonable hope that St. Peter viM give them a passport thro' ie golden gates. Joking aside, ood friends, that's a fine road tnd honest work and well-spent money show in every foot of it.; The Newton road is now virtu ally finished, the grading done tudthetop soil being put on. rhe many business men who nust drive over this soad fre q iently, to say nothing of the farmers living along it know what their sufferings have been in the past from hub-deep ruts, mjd holes that never dried, un less it was in the *'dry year", breaks that threatened to break every vertebra in their bodies, to say nothing of ruining fresh vegetables, breaking the house vife's eggs, mashing her pats >f butter, piling loads out on the oadside and generally playing vjld with farm stuff. The sav ing in time, energy and - money >n this one road .a'one would ilmost pay us for the extra tax. But this isn't the only such road, bv a good deal. In the early summer, if nothing un foreseen occurs, the sand-clay road to and beyond Longview wiH be completed. Did any of Hickory township Road commission Itemized Statement for April, 1913. Pay Roji Week Ending April 2nd \.. $140.90 44 44 44 44 44 9th 150.71 44 44 44 . 44 44 16th 53.97 44 44 . 44 44 " 23rd 163.94 44 44 44 44 44 30th .164 29 Blacksmith Week Ending April 2nd. ... 11.50 44 9th 11.70 4 4 16 th. . 7.80 23rd 11.31 4 ' 30th,. 11.31 Paid R. L. White for Wagon 20,00 Team for Engineer Fallis ! 8 00 John W. Robinson for Corn .100.00 City Feed Co. Car Hay 225 66 Whitener & Abee on 9th. Ave Extension Contract 290.00 R. N. Aderholt Salary: 100.00 W. S. Fallis 44 100.00 J. L. Oilley Bookkeeper 8 33 $1,579.42 Previously Expended $19,012 74 Total To Date $20,592 16 The Price is Right and the Quality is there. With some people the price of printing is of the great est importance, and on the other hand some are most particular about the quality of the work. We are pre pared to meet boch of these kinds of customers on the right grounds. Our facilities are such that we can afford to make low prices. And our paper, ink, type, etc., are the best that money can buy. Our workmen, top, are the most skilled in their line of occupation. Let us make voo arprice on your job. The Hickory Democrat, Job Department . Nature's Way Is The Best* Buried deep in our American forest we find blood root, queen's root, man drake *nd atone root, golden seal, Oregon grape root and cherrybark. Of these Dr. "• V. Pieree made a pure glyceric extract which has been favorably known for over forty years. He called it " Golden Medica- Discovery.',' This Discovery" purifies the blood and tones up the stomach and the entire system in Nature' own way. It's just the tissue builder and tonio you require when recovering from a hard oold, grip, or pneumonia. No'matter how strong the constitution the stomach is apt td be " out of kilter "at times; in consequence the blood is disordered, for the stomach is the laboratory for the constant manu faeture of blood. Dr. Pieree's Golden Medieal Discovery strengthens the stomach— tputs it in shape to make pure, rich blood—helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body. The weak, nerv ous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people experience at this time of the year is usually the effect of poisons in the blood; it is often indicated by pimples or boils appearing on the skin, the face becomes thin—you feel " blue." "More than a week ago I was suffering with an awful cold In my head, throat, breast, and body," writes MB. JAMES G. Km of 710 L. Street, S. E., Washington, D. (X~ Some cal ed it La Grippe, some pneumonia. I was advised by a frieud to try a bottle of your * Golden Medical Discov ery. I tried a bottle nnd it did me so much good that I feel safe in saying it Is the greatest and best medicine that I ever took. My health is much better than it was before using your inediciuu. It does ail you claim far it ana a 4. u. kknt. Bsq. satisfactory." T ■ ——— ——^—__ Job Printing' That's Different—Phone 37 our readers ever walk or drive put that road just after a week's bad weather? If not, don't pride yourselves on command of lan guage and habitual moderation. There are times in the affairs of men (and particularly women) when these things are a hollow mockery. When vou think about it, on three sides of our town, we are to have roads that will not shfeme us and that will add toour comfort, money, to our own value to the community, in add ed strength ability for service. Besides, there is the new route to Lenoir. For years uncounted, this has been a crying need. The two tofrns, as was mentioned in the recent medical meeting, are complements of each other. To reach the world outside, Lenoir people must spend considerable time with us, if they come by rail; what benefits her benefits us too, and, in the new route, passage over which we expect to be a pleasure instead of the long-drawn-out misery it has been heretofore, there will be another inducement for our friends from Caldwell to sojourn with us. We congratulate tbiem, as well aa ourselves upon .the prospect. None can be more welcome, to none is a heartier invitation extended tocomeoftei. and stay long. lo additiod to these line?, there is the route to HorsefordV Ford. Improvements here, like the other routes, ha re long been needed, now they are to be real ly made. A thickly settled and thriving neighborhood will have an outlet that will tell in the de velopment of the county. These are some of the ways in which our tax money is being laid out. The statement here with will show that none of it is being wastefully used, No criticism, it seems to us, can be [made. Wonderful Skin Salve, r Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, snd also for bums, bruises and boils. Reduces inflammation and is soothing and heal ing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C., writes that one box helped his serious , skin ail ment after other remedies failed Only 25c. Recommended by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lute and Grimes Drug Store. su^v * You'll "Receive Many Offers _ To accept office employment if jtou are ' graduate of the Asheville Business College Enroll now and secure a cash-paying education that starts you far above the f »ot Gf the )adder where the untrained are obliged to begin. w ® are offering special summer Courses in « Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE—We teach by maiL If you can not attend the college, write us about our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S SHOCKLEY, 3rd floor No. 8, North Pack Square, Asheville N. C. Wood's Seeds. Cow Peas, the great forage and soil improving crop. Soja Beans, die most nutritious and best of summer Iced crops. Velvet Beans make enormous growth; are. splendid for summer graz ing and as a soil renovator. Write for "WOODS CROP •SPECIAL**, giving full mfonna* tion about these and other Seasonable Farm Seeds. t T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. SeodsßMO, - Richmond, Va. i i. Our stocks of Cow Peas and Soja BMM an choice redeaned stock* of sope rior quality and germination. CASTOR IA For lafiuitt and Children. Tba KM YN Han Always BMfkt difuanot To Cmr* a Cold in OM Day Take LAXATIVE BHOMO Qtriniac. I» stops tU Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cur*. £. W. GROVE'S signature on each bos. Mo, Printer's ink won't make the car go. There's only one reason why 200,000 Fords can't possibly satisfy this sea son's demand. The car itself is right with a Tightness that is unmatched anywhere at any reasonable price. Our great factory has produced nearly a quarter of a million Model T's. Prices: Runabout, $525; Touring Car, $600; Town Car, sBofc—f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. For full particulars - get "Ford Times"— sn interesting automobile magazine. It's free —from M. V. Dunavant & Co. . Burke tnd Caldwell County and Hickory and CHne Township office . HICKORY, N. C. Phone 210 Your Eyes Don't Neglect Them ' # • ■ # % More nervous troubles and headaches come from eye strains than any other defect. Eye troubles not corrected, not only ruins the eyes but impairs the whole system. - Come at once, and have your eyes ex aminkl. "* " wmmmmmmm mm MMBH m GEO. E. BISANAR 1 Jeweler & Optometrist Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. Freckled Girls isffisssnsssgra inthe most severe cases completely core them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will -not make hair grow but will positively remove TAN, FWFLES and LES. Comeintodayandtryit. Thenars SiFtrSmSSTtsett n soipyi- 00 roSa?by 81 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Building Materials. > Sash, Glass, . Doors, • Blinds, - Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, *. • : ' ujf ' ' Mantels, - Filming, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles. Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Gpod supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. HICKORY, N. C. -T v\ \ \ Pity the Unpainted House! ' \\ \\ \\ jro» goout in the pouring rain wearii,* \ A \ -\\ yOUT **** clothes if y° u had no protection \ \ such as an umbrella or raincoat? Not if - 01 l k \ y could help it, you say. \ Yet Some people expose expensive' materia! to - the elements without adequate protection The building material in your house is ex i \ pensive and should be protected. Otherwise it will be ruined as surely as the fine clothes \ \\ you wouldn't wish to wear out in the rair.. \ Dampness causes decay in wood-work. If \ * you keep out the dampness you keep away decay. Paint made with „ fr _V Lewis White Lead (DutcK Boy Trade-Mark) and Pure Linseed Oil will keep away dampness and prevent decay. *' We sell it. Come in and have a talk with us ttS99K about painting. , •****>.. ■k&H D Shuford Hardware Co. No Dirt, No Bather— In • very short lime any building can have its fire trap covering turned into a modern fire-proof, storm-proof. Itghtnlng-proof roof at a very moderate cost-—a roof that will last as long as the building and never need repairs. " 4 For Sale hi F. B. In gold,. _ Hickory, N. C. "3SSEg3HM F*st liirau£h 3er»i-. . .dljfflßffltMli'll CHATTANQC 3A, I SHREVEPORT AND ISSSSSI NEW ORLEANS ' EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping I Cars. Meals a. la carte in the diner. Good Connections Fine Service. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS AND OTHER POINTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. ; Direct: Service— Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. We will be pleased to give full details concerning fares and schedules on application. Call on or write: i. C. COVN, Division" Passenger Apnt., .... . 103 West Ninth Street. Chtliinooff, Tt- O. M. CHANDLER, Traveling Passenger Agent. 400 Bank & Trust Blc„ 1- tioxville 1 CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 What Then (?) = If the rainy day of your life comes and finds you without the means to provide the neces saries of life? If the dcxftor bills, the grocery bills, the rent come due and no money to pay them with, what then? It means suffering. Save Money Now! t Be ready for the rainy day of your life! Lay _ aside a small amount each pay day, and bo prepared to meet every obligation promptly. We pay 4 per -cent, interest compounded quarterly. 4 Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Better Than Spanking Spanking will hot cure children of wetting: the bed because it is not, a habit-but .a. dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 2861, Chicago-, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and tb make known its merits they will send a 30c package securely wrapped and r prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. *H. Rowan. Drug Co. is an. Old Reliable House. Write to them to-day for the free mdicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then teil your neighbors and friends about this remedy.