Do Not Hesitate To bring us small repair Jobs because you may think that we would not care to be bothaed with them. Wiiy we've done hundreds of five cent jobs - and glad to get them to do. too. Glad to have the opportun ity to be useful to our custo mers. We fix a broken brooch as willingly as restoring the in ternal ecorrorny of an expen sive wrecked watch. We are here to serve the public, and we ask the public to bother us all they like J. 0. Rhodes *+++++++++++ + + + + + + *■! * ** J LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ♦ . + +++ ++ + + + ++ + + Mr. Shuford L. Whitener wa in Newton Monday. Col. M. E. Thornton spent Monday in Charlotte. Our lawyers are busy this week attending court in Newton. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer last Monday a fine boy. Mr. J. Tellis Miller is driving a handsome new Buick automo bile. Many of our citizens are at tending court in Newton thi* week. Mr, D. M. Brawley made a business trip to Statesville tlii> week. Mr. J. D, Elliott was a busi ness visitor to Marion on last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Powell of Lenoir visited relatives her' last week. We feel grateful for the nice rain last night as it was verv much needed. Miss Lela Lazenby, of States ville, is visiting Mrs. J. W. Cla> on Bth Street. Miss Clara Bowles has return ed home after a visit to relative* in Statesville. Mrs. Dr. K. A.. Price has re turned home from a visit to her parents in Virginia, Rev. D. A. Goodman oi Connelly Springs gave us a pleasant call Mondav. The dry spell is hard on gar dens and fields. Our farmers are very much discouraged. Mr. J. F. Doster of Monror is visiting at the home of hi? father Mr, J. P. Doster. Mr. 0. B, Cline, one of Ca tawba's prominent farmers was in the city last Saturday. Rev. J. J, Eads pastor of th« Methodist church of Statesvill* was here one day last week. Mr. E. J. Mingus, of Connelly Springs, has accepted a positioi with the Clay Printing Company Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Henkel at tended the funeral services 0' Rev. John Smith atConoverSun day. Mr. J. 0. Bumgarner and fam ily, of High Point, have recently moved here. We welcome them to our city. Airs. Westmoreland and Mrs. tonk, of Thomasville, are visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Arthur Hunter on Bth Avenue. Mr. S. D. Campbell, our hust ling real estate man, has pur chased the Sledge property on Ninth Avenue and moved into it. Judge and Mrs. E. B. Cline went to Ijtocky Mount Sunday on their way to Nash county, where the Judge is holding court thit week. , Hie Polk Miller Minstrel will w here for the benefit of the nickory Military Co. Every one should come out and aid this sood cause. Next Sunday will be observed as Mothers Day" in many ol «}e Sunday Schools of- the city, ihe token of esteem is to wear a white flower. B. Stallings, a native of pis county, who has been mak ing his home in Pekin, Illinois, wr the past six years, is here settling up his father's estate. °, n our new « r aded school ml it been delayed for a lopf -f# 01 * week ?„ on account ol 'ack of stone sills. These have £? j an d the wor *f is going forward rapidly. Buchannan, purchas * the to on 10th Avenue, sold execution against the Monday' C »"® tructlo n Co., last »e did noUearn, 6 P " Ce eUnm2°i!?; e M " nr . oe has return a su.Jll ? i having completed school at n t -^ rm o the £ rade d frLnH« f£ Col J, ege - The Kladiv i 18s Coline will city: we^ 20me her return to our Mr. R G. Mace preached in Morganton Sunday. Mr. Ed Hawn went on a busi ness trip to Newton Monday. Prof, Daughtry, and Capt. Lovings of Boone, are in the city today. Mr. Arthur Ingold of Morgan ton spent Sunday here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Claude White nee, of Lincoln County are visit ing relatives here this week. Messrs S. E. Kiilian and J. M. Edwards attended court in New ton Monday. Dr. Murphy has been selected as one of the judges in the intersociety debate of Rutherford college on May 14. • Mr.H.H.Abee went to Durham Saturday to fulfill a contract 10 cu and deliver 6,000,000 feet of imoer. Mr. Henry Rhyne and his sis ter Miss Mary, oi Jacob's Fork v.sited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shell Sunday. Ten car loads of chickens pass ed through Hickory Sunday, and 10 more Monday. Forty car loads in two weeks! Chickens seem to be plentiful. Miss Maud Eckard has accepted a position with Knox 5 and 10c store. Miss Maud Eckard is well known throughout the county and will be glad to have her frienas call upon her. Mrs. John M. Stephens and little daughter. Peggy, who have been visiting friends in Charlotte came here yesterday to jain Mr. Stephens. We gladly welcome this family to our city. At St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheraa Church, East Hickory, there will be service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. No ser vice at Mt, Olive, Sunday after noon owing to the ' Dedicatorial Services at St. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. McGill, who are boarding with Mrs. T. E. Fields, went to Chester, S. C. Monday and had their furniture shipped to Hickory with the intention of going to housekeeping, but have not yet been able to procure > a house. Mr. Ollie Brewer of Burling ton; has accepted the position of miller with the Hicifor? Milling CJ. They were fortunate in procuring kig services'; as he is an experienced miller. He is stopping with Mrs. Clement on 10th ave. Mothers' Day will be observed at the First Baptist Church nexf: Sunday. Every one attending the church on that day is expect ed io wear a white rose, or white lower. Young ladies at the door will furnish flowers to tnose who have none. A serious accident was nan ow y averted yesterday on 15th st. v. hen Dr, Nicholson's automobile struck the bicycle of James Boyd son of Mr. B. W. Boyd. As Dr. Nicholson was going very slow ly James was not injured though his wheel was torn up. Mr. Roy Stapp, who has been ticket agent at the local depot nere leaves this week for Ashe ville, where he will have a like position in the ticket office of the Southern Railway, Mr. C. W. May berry, of Rock Hill, S. C. will succeed Mr, Stapp here. . Mayor C, H. Geitner and alder man C. C. Bost J. L. Cilley Joe Abernethy and Jones W. Shuford look the oath of office last Mon day morning at cen o'clock, We hope every citizen in the city will aid the mayor and alderman in their efforts to make Hickory the best town in North Carolina The Palace Barber Shop, always ready to take care of its customers, has just installed a new water tank to be used in heating water for baths, etc, this tank has a capacity of 144 gallons against the old tank 40 gallons. Manager Cline has also put in a check system in order to keep customers from getting mixed as to who is "next." The following members of the Hickory Military Co. went to the target practice at Gastonia last Monday. Capt G. Li Lverly, Sdrgents F. L. Cline, W. S. Newton, H. R. Triplett, L. M. ttolich and J. M Ramsour, Cor pjrals W. L. Church S. R, Davis, Privates, O. C, Seaboch snd W. A. Elrod. The Baraca and Philathea classes of the First Baptist church are contemplating the building of a large and com modious room under the present Sunday School room of the church to accomodate these two classes. The matter has not yet been definitely settled but it is expected that the work will be gin at an early date. We welcome Dr. J. T, Under wood of Wilmington to our city. He has purchased the dental office and business of Dr. J. C. Biddix. Dr. Underwood is a cousin of Congressman Under wood, and comes here highly recommended. Dr. Biddix will remain here with Dr. Undei wood for a month or two, and will then go to Baltimore to live. We regret very much to see Dr. B;ddix leave our city, and his genial presence will be greatly • missed on the streets. I Band Concert. Hickory people will have anoth er opportunity to attend a con cert given by the Southern Sym phony Band Thursday evening" May 15th. It will be given at the Hub Theater, and a rare treat is in store for those who attend. The band has been practicing hard for some time, and, in spite of the fact that the majority of members are new, Prt>f. Barb promises to give us something unusually pleasing. In selecting the music, he has been very care ful to obtain something that will please all. and. at the same time, is using music that is adapted t' a Comparatively small and young band, As usual, the band will be as sisted by local talent, which, in fact, causes the band to be a sec ondary adjunct of the concert. Mrs, J. H. Shuford will appear on the program, and- promises something unusually good. Prob ably she will sing "The Song of the Soul," which is so well known, especially by those who have read "The Qimax," orhave seen it played. You simply can not afford to miss hearing Mrs. Shuford. Miss Shultz, of Pennsy'vania, voice and expression teacher at Lenoir College, will be on the program to read. Here again is a treat in store for the people. Then, too, -a quartette, com posed of Messrs. Garth, Warlick, Sigmon and Gamble, will be in eluded. It is n>t known just what they will sing, but Mr. Garth will, in all probability, take a prominent part. Com plete program will be printed later. The concert as a w hole promi sea to be one of the best ever given by the Hickory Band, and. in view of the fact that they are in debt considerably, it is hoped that the people will all be there. The Child Sleeps. On last Friday morning, at 2.20, a. m., Gilbert Rigby, youngest son of L. R. Boyd, pass ed to join his mother in the better country. Not quite four months had he spent in a world too hard for the tender frame. But six weeks of them had passed when the mother went up higher. From the beginning the little fellow had fought a j bard fight for his life, and when | the dreaded whooping cough seized him, a few hours ended it. The father was far away, having left home the very day the child was taken worse, but all that medical skill, careful nursing and the tender compassion of friends could effect, was done All in vain. The Good Shepherd and his mother needed "Reeby", and the flowers in his little hands the day we left him in Oakwood are not half so fair as those with which he play 3in the heavenly gardens. A baotised chi d of the Presbyterian church, loving words of hope were spoken by its pastor and warmest sympathy is felt here for the lather, broth ers, sister and the faithful friend who cares for the lonely family. * Court at Newton this Week. The May civil term of court opened at Newton Monday morning with Judge Daniels, of Gcldsboro, presiding. Several important civil cases will be tried this week, of which a more de tailed account will appear in next week's Democrat. Valuable Property For Sale. An acre lot, with an 8-room dwelling and store house on it A fresh ciean new stock of goods. All for sale at a bargain. Loca ted in front of Lenoir College j campus. Will s£il sto:k of goods and rent the place to a desirable tenant. Apply to J. A. Cline, 305 10th ave. Hickory, N. C. (adv.) 5-1.4t. Election at Brookford. The following ticket was elected at Brookford Tuesday: James A. John son, for mayor; S. A. Lovelace, J. A. Church and B. L. Warren, for alder men, These gentlemen received 83 per cent, of the registered votes. We congratulate the people of Brookford in the selection of these men. Now Paint. Strike when the iron is hot. and paint when the property needs it. , They paint ships a diren times a year; yes, some of them, every voyage. What for, do you think? To look nice and get business. A livery keeps its carriages painted aal varnished and washed, to look nice and get business. A mail; with a house for sale or to let, "does it up," and Devoe is the paint. There's more in paint ihan to keep out water. Paint for looks and yon needn't think about water. A fresh coat of paint once a year is about as good for his creuit as paying his debts. But the man whose buildings and fences look new, very likely, has no debts. DEVOE F. B. Ingold sells it Mother's day will be observed at the Reformed church next Sunday morning. An appropriate sermon and suitable music will be rendered. After a hearty meal, take Doan's Regulets and assist your stomach, liver and bowels. Regulets are a mild laxative. 25c at all stores, (adv. PhillipsGaddy. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Phillips of Newton a pretty home wedding was solem nized When their oldest daughter, Miss Pauline, became the bride of Mr* Benjamin Gaddy, af this city. Many friends were present when Rev. W. M. Biles, pastor of the bride, pronounced them man and wife. The home was beautifully decorated. The bride was lovely in her blue travelling dress, and carrying a shower bouquet of sweet peas and carnations, The number of handsome presents received attest to the popularity of this young couple. Mrs. Gaddy is a beautiful and cultured young lady, and is very popular in this city. Mr. Gaddy is Superintendent of the Hickory Hosiery Mills, and has made many friends since coming here. The happy couple left immediate ly after the ceremony for a bridal trip to Northern cities. We extend our best wishes for a long happy life for Mr. and Mrs. {Jaddy. • South Fork Items. There is no important news in the vicinity at present, the farm ers are busy planting corn and cotton. The prospects are good for wheat and oats, with the ex ception we need rain. The farm ers bedded a great many potato es so as to able to supply the de mand lor plants. Mrs. Caroline Hawn, the late widow of Noah dawn of Hickory Township is spending a week with friends in Jacob's Fork Township. Mr. Blake Yoder of Texas is visiting relatives and friends at his old home. Mr. J. M. Yoder of Lancaster, S. C., attended the burial of his brother Mr. F, A. Yoder who recently died. Rev. J. H. Shuford spent sev eral days in this section getting old time history, we gave him ah the information we could to aid him in his work, J. M. Clampit has been very ill and his recovery is doubtful, with this exception the health condition-; are good. * Mrs. Henry Blackburn was taken to Lincoln'on a few days ago to under go an operation tor Cancer, they expect to bring her home in a few days' Mr. Ralph Yoder, son of Mr. F. A. Yoder will try his hand raising poultry and eggs. Mr. Sam Yoder who has been confined to home all the winter from the effect of Rheumatism has been taken to Newton for treatment, * Col. Meeting of County Commissioners. The county commissioners of Ca tawba met in regular session at New ton last Monday with all members present. Only the routine business was transacted at this session. Mr. C. M. Yoder was appointed by the clerk to fill out the unexpired term of his brother, France Yoder, deceased, and qualified at this meeting. Constipation Cured. Dr. King's New Life Pills will re lieve constipation promptlv and get your bowels in healthy condition again. John Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: ' They are the best pills I ever used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion and com plaint." • Will help you. Price 25c. Recommended by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutx and Grimes Drug Store. adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Webb & Yount 532 Eighth Avenue Hickory, North Carolina Leading Contractors for Painting, Kalso mining, Wall Papering and Mural Decorations Material and Work Guaranteed. Estimates furnished upon request. Cheap and medium grade WalJ Paper carried in stock, Work done on short no tice. Special prices on work out of town. Give us a trial. 4 Bowles Furniture Company Porch Rockers Bowles Furniture Company , Stoves and Ranges Bowles Furniture Company Have what you want when yo& titan house Let us show you; f - • "aV-V* : * - V. . Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Rev. J. H. Wannemacher; Pastor Sunday School 9.45 a. m. Confirmative and Communion 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8.00 p. ra. Preparatory Service, Saturday 2joo p.m. - A large class of young folks will be confirmed at the Sunday morning service. The charge to the newly confirmed will be de livered by the pastor. After the Confirmation Communion will be administered. Eversince the ingathering of the 3000 On the day of Pentecost nearly 2000 years ago, the Lutheran church has teen gathering souls into full Communion and fellowship with the Lord and his church and many thousands will be again confirmed on this day: The Ladies Guild of Holy Trin ity convened Tuesday with Mrs. A. Y. Sigmon. An interesting programme was given which was concluded with delicious re freshments. Twenty-Second Annual Commence ment of Lenoir College. PROGRAMME May 17, 8:30 p. m., Annual Dramatic Entertainment, "As You Like If" May 18,11:06 a. m., Baccalaureate Ser mon. The Rev. W. P. Cline, Ph. B-, Superintendent of the Lowman Home, White Rock, South Carolina. May 18, 8:00 p. m., Annual Address before the Students' Missionary Society. The Rev. C. E. Weltner, D. D., Col umbia, S. C. May 19, 10:00 a. m., Senoir Class Day Exercise. May 19, 2:00-5:00 p. m., Art Exhibit. May-19, 8:30 p. m., Junior Orators' Contest. May 20, 11:00 a. m., Annual Address before the Literary Societies. Pieiessor M. G. Fulton, Ph. D., Davidson College Davidson, N. C. ' May 20, 1:00 p. m., Annual Meeting of th Board of Trustees. May 20, 3:00 p. m., Annual Address before the Alumni Association. Hon. J. Y. Killian, Newton, N. C\ Essay, Mrs. O. E Leonard, Hickory, N. *C. May 20, 5:30-8:30 p m., Annual Alumni Banquet. May 20, 8:30 p. m., Contest in Expres sion. May 21, 10:30 a. m., Grauduatlon Ex ercises. May 21, 8:30 p. m., Annual Concert. Mrs. Phillip Clonninger, wife of our popular miller at C'onninger's mill, gave a pound party Sat urday night in honor of her sister and broilier who visited her. Twenty fourof her voung friends were present and each one reported a most delight ful-evening. The dinmg table was beautifully decorated in pink and white. It -was burdened with ten line cakes of ail kinds besides the good candies and bananas. Ice cream was served from another table. After supper the string band gave tine music. Later the phonograph and organ was the center of attraction. If the young men want their girls entertained just ask Mrs. Clonninger to give another party. A member of the party. Health a Factor in Success. The largest factor contributing to a man's success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sifk when his bowels rre regu lar —he is never well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing quite so good as Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the diges tion. They are sold by all dealers (adv. Itching, torturing skin eruptions disfigure, annoy, drive one wild Down's Ointment is praised for its good work. 50c at all drug stores. adv. , + •* Children Cry FOX FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 White Shoes for § |rx Am?) Vacation Days § | White shoes are al- { I /f '/ ways the proper foot- | i H__ Wear for hot vacation | I 4/ \ days. At the shore, | I amon g hills, or | I f&f 'VIA /\ even at home, white j /tm shoes give the coolest | ' and most comfortable j | ~look to a woman's | " ' appearance. = We have a complete line of surprising values in white shoes || H for women. White canvas pumps, or imitation buckskin, if 1 H you prefer, with either tailored ribbon bow or ornamental if 1 buckle. White oxfords, cither lace or button. White canvas H |f or buck boots. S All of these styles display the latest patterns made by UTZ & S DUNN Co., whose women's shoes we sell exclusively. SEE US FOR VACATION COMFORT | Thompson-West Company. j ROCK HILL-- the Built for Service Buggy * ... * * Almost every one knows what a Rock Hill Buggy is, but very few know of its merits—the - merits that have.sold hundreds of these Bug gies. One of the chief merits is the Anderson Long Distance Axle, one of the simplest yet made, but the Best; these axles have been known to run 2,035 miles with one oiling covering a period of a whole year. The end of the boxing is partly closed, thereby letting no oil leak or drop out. If you do not own a "Rock Hill" ask your neigh bor who does, how he likea his and what he thinks of it. We have handled three car loads of "Rock Hill's" since February 15th this year, which is proof enough that they give satisfaction. We have one of the prettiest assortments of Summer Lap Robes ever brought to Hickory. See our line before you buy. Come to see us when you are in town. D. M. BOYD & COMPANY Vehicle and Harness Dealers At Henkel-Craig Stable : : ' : Hickory, N. G. Spring Oxfords » * / We have the nobbiest line of Spring Oxfords we have; ever shown. All of the very latest styles in shapes, lasts, etc. We can fit any foot that wears a shoe. Our line consists of / .: . s- Crossetts for Men The Selby for Ladies Barefoot Sandals, too Call in and inspect our line, we'll be glad to see you. -o- -o- Setzer & Russell Summer Opening /\, * I Wednesday and Thursday, May 14th and 15th We will show one of the prettiest assortments of Mill inery we have yet shown. The line will consist of the very latest and most stylish creations in the Milli nery world of Summer shapes, trimmings, and Ready Trimmed Hats. :o: :o: :o: :0: * • Every lady is invited to come and see our line, you'll be welcome whether you buy or not. ✓ BECKLEY & BROWN Ov&r Thompson-West Co.'s Store Let US Print for YOU—We Print for Others.

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