"3n Social (Circles Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. B. F. Seagle entertained a number of her friends at a sewing party. About five o'clock the euests were invited into the dining room, made more beautiful for the occasion by a profusion ol choice j spring flowers artistically arranged. A salad course accompanied by hot spic ed grape juice was served. This was followed by a deS*ert course. Each guest was given a small boquet of pan sies and liliss of the valley. A very pleasant time was enjoyed. Miss Frances Lentz took the 11th grade on a picnic to Flat Rock Mon day, April 28th. Misses Litaker and Cobb and Mrs. Keever were chaper ones. The afternoon was greatly en joyed. and with many wild flowers the party turned on'a homeward joirney. The senior class of the Hickory high school was entertained by Miss Fran ces Lentz at the Busy Bee Cafe Tues ,.day evening, April 29th. The delic ious four-course dinner was greatly en joyed beyond mention, after which the | class was taken to the picture show. , Moser & Lutz drug store entertain ed the senior class of Hickory high school by treating them to ice cream and cake Friday afternoon. May 2nd The tables were adorned with flower* and the cream was delicious and de serves to be patronized. Before leav ing the class assured Messrs. Moser & Ltrzwhatan enjoyable afternoon that had been. Miss Katharine Stevenson gave a straw ride Friday evening. May 2nd to a number of girls and boys Miss Beatrice Cobb was chaperone. Fruit and candy was enjoyed. Items From Granite Falls. (Special to Hickory Democrat.) Granite Falls, May 5 —Newton came up and played our bo>s two bail games Friday and Saturday which re sulted in a victory for Granite, and an other with Taylorsvillc which also was in favor of Granite. , M. M Helton has gone to Charlotte for a touring car which he purchased last week. f Dr. Corpening has purchased a nice little auto. F. R. Tilley has a position as travel ing salesman with the new Overall Company at Hickor/. Stanford Tilley had his finger broken in a ball game here Saturday. Beware of the man who wants to send you a suit of clothes for $l.OO ex press charges as an advertisement. He is a fakir and worked a number of peo ple north-of town a few days ago Town election today. Everything is quiet. Highland News. (Special to Hickory Democrat.) Highland, May 7. —The town elec tion held on the sth passed off very quietly. W. S. Robinson was elected mayor. The school trustees are O. E. Leonard and J W. Mauser. Alder men, J. E. Huffman. J. D. Miller, Wm. Stanley and T. Percy Mau c e;. There was only one ticket out. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bolch, which has been very ill, is somewhat improved. Rev. Mr. Erwin preached to the newly organized congregation in the town hall Sunday morning and night Mr. Carrol Miller has been consi l ering several offers w.iich, if accepted, will take him away from home. His friends would like to have him remain here this season. He plaved with Le noir College this spring doing soa e star pitching. Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. adv. Presbyterian Church Notes. Rev. Byron Clark, D. D., of Salis bury. will preach at the Presbyterun church on next Sunday morninf. There will be no service at night as Dr. Clark will preach the Commence ment sermon for Claremont College at the Reformed church. • Rev. J. G. Garth will supply Dr Clark's Dulpit at Salisburv next Sun day. Obituary. Elenora Null born April sth 182§, and departed this life' April 2sth 1913. She was baptized in infancy by Rev. John L. Markert and after mature years and being instructed in the doc trines of the Evangelical Lutheran church was confirmed to the same in which relation she remained faith ful until death. She was twice mar ried. she first married Peter Little in which relation they were blessed with five child ei 3 sons and 2 daughters. Two sons and one daughter preceded her to eternity. She leaver one son. Judge P. C. Little,-of Glope, Arizona one daughter, Mrs. C. S. Little of Oxford's Ford, I 4 errand children, and i 5 great grand children, and many relatives and friends to mourn her' departure. Age 84 years and 20 days* She was the youngest of the family,' of Rev. David Henkel. Mother Null is the closing chapter of this honored family. One of her brothers, the Rev. P. C, flenwel I). D. was a champion of the doctrines of our Evangelical faith. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at St. Peter's thsre to await the Redeemer's voice when he shall come to judge the quick and dead. We shall miss mother Null in our congregation. She was so faithful in attending the house of God when able to do sj. A iarge audience gathered to hay a last respect to this aged mother in Israel. Peace to her ashes . The funeral services were conducted by the writer, Rev. J. A. Yopnt. > Everybody's friend —Dr, Thomas' Eclectic Oil, the great household remedy for toothache, earache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at ftU drug sto-es. 25c and 50c. (»dv. A New Industry For Hickory, For several days there ha? neen on exhibition at Whitener & Mai tin's a machine for _auto matically seflihg ' Codo-cola and Soda water.. From twenty-four assorted bottles any desired fla vor may be selected by placing i ten cents in the slot. When the empty bottle is replaced five cents in change is returned. Tnere is space lor ice and a de vice for drawing off the water w hen it becomes too warm. The ease is finished in golden oak and with the nickle-plated trimmings presents a very handsome ap pearance. A modification of the same ma chine has sixteen larger spaces in which apples, oranges, bana nas, peanuts, cigars, candy, or in fact, almost anything may be placed. This machine works with five cents and of course gives back' no change. This device is the joint inven tion of Messrs G. F. Ivey and J. W, Clay and is being manufac tured by The Ivey-Clay Co. We predict for it a laige measure of succes , for while there are many slot machines on the market, we nave never seen one witn so many valuable features. The New Board Meets. The mayor and board of Alder men for the city or Hickory helu a meeting Tuesday night and made the folio wingappointments, B. B. Black welder Municipal Judge, C. M. Sherrill City mgr. W. S. Newton Chief of Police* E. W. Lentz Night police, C. M. Staley School Superintendent, ihe present building cpmmittee was retained to complete the new building that is being built. The mayor and aldermen are to be congratulated on their selections Farmer's Institute. \ T.,e Catawba County Farmers Institute Committee met in New ton on Tuesday and decided to noid Institutes in the county at the tollowing places: St, James School House, Killian School House, T, P. Clonninger'B Farm, Weley Chapel, Claremont, Con ner, Maiden and Sherrill's Ford. These Institutes will be held dar mg the latter part of July and August Dates will be announ ced later. H. K Foster Memorial Exercises Tomorrow. We were in error last week a* to thedate of the Memorial Exer cises. They wii) take place at the Hub Theatre at 5 o'clock Friday May 9. We fcwpe *ll who csr wi 1 come and bring flo»voi\» i o deco rate the old soldiers graves. Ivey Dots. May s—The ivey Mi)) Co. shipped 120 bales of cloth one day last week that being the largest number of bales that has ever been shipped from the Ivey mill it is also crowded with hands and still more coming every day want ing work. And the work is moving on tine under the good management of the superintendent and the over seers of the different departments. It seems the mill is getting in a pros perous condition since the country i> made Democratic rule. Mrs. L Hoover from Plateau was here several days last week visiting her sons3lr. Asa and Perry Hoover. Max Burns and family was here one day last week visiting the family of, T. J. Leonard. Some of the citizens of the town held a second primary at P. Berry's store Monday night'awl nominated P. F. Buff for mayor and they also nominated L. B. Fry for alderman in place of G. A. Miller. They en dorsed the rest of th£ ticket that had been nominated by)the tirst pri mary consequently the; only contest at the town election to be held next Tuesday will be between G. T. Barger and P. F. Buff for mayor and G. .A. ■tiller and L. R. Fry for alderman. J. E. Waters and family, from Brookford moved here one day last week. Mrs. H. A. Heavner has been down with measles for several days but we are glad to say she is now better. The iirm of Marlowe and Norris seems to be doing a fine business sell ing goods in the A. J. Drum build ing. They have recently employed Miss Alma Flowers to help in the store. : Mr. Hayes and family from Granite inored into their bouse in Long View a few days ago, they bought the house a few weeks ago from Ift £. A bee. Mrs. E. B. Brown and family from Danville, Va. are here at present visiting Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs Mary Arney. Mrs. Lewis Gross and wife from Los Angeles, California are here at present visiting his mother. L. E. Church and family was at Rhodhiss Saturdav and Sunday visit ing Mr. Church's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Church. lOTA. Most Prompt and Effectual , Cure for Bad Golds. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and per* manent cure, a remedy that is pleasant Jo a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these re quirements. It act* on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale ami use., I and can always be depended upon. Soli by all dealers., «dv. ' Wanted: 50 Men and Women. Moser & "Lutz, the tnierprising dTugglsts, are advertising to-day fo" fifty men and women to take advan tage of the special half-price Offer they are making on Dr. Howard's cel ebrated remedy for constipation dyspepsia, and get a fifty-cent package at half price, 25 cents. So positive are they of the remark able power of this remedy tocurethese diseases, as well as sick headachesand liver troubles, thatthey agree to refund the money to any customer whom the medicine does not quickly relieve and cure. • ' ' With Dr. Howard's remedy at hand you can eat what you want and have no fear of inconsequences. It strength ens the stomach, gives perfect diges tion, regulates the bowles, creates an appetite and makes life worth the liv ing. If you cannot call at Moser fc Lutz Store to-day, send them 25 cents by mail and they will send you a package promptly, charges paid. &iOser& Luiz have been able to se cure only a limited supply of ths rem edy, so great is the demand, and you should noi delay taking advantage of this liberal offer they are making this week. (adv.) For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GKOVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, dtiw— o«t Malaria and builds up the system, A tru« tonio and sure A».».et?«r. For adults and children. 60a. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, WANTED—CattIe beef and milch cows Will swap milch cows for dry cows Phone 326J, R. B.Shell Hickory. N.C. STANDARD I. R. Duck Eggs. Cheap. 852 9tn Ave. Hickory, N. C. 5-8-2 L FOR SALE: 50 bags Second Crop Bliss Triumph Potatoes, as one as they last at the low price of $1.50 per bag, Very fine for seed. Hickory Seed Co., Hicko ry. N C. 5-8-2t. STONE and concrete work of all kind call or write Cothran Scoit 13st. or 7th ave. • (« o w.) SPECIAL PRICES on a fe* of those all Steele rubber tired noiseless sanitary suikys . for boys and girls. Umstead's. WANT toexcahnge lurniture for 20 bushels of potatoes. J C Martin. Highest prices paid for all kinds of furs at Zerden's Under selling Store. 1-2-tf. SEE the mud guards and roomy platforms tor the feet on our noiseless sulkvs Umptead's SHIP US YOUR P RODUCE We buy straight or handle on com* mission at highest market prices:— Chickens, eggs, ducks, turkeys, but rer, sweet potatoes, dried apples, peas —anything to eat. Blue Ridge Pro duce Co., Charlotte, N. C. 320 lOtx GET the Guaranteed patent lea ther oxfords from J. A. ifow les. A new pair if they break. FOR RENT—S room house and large lot, Apply at this »ffice, tf. TUB Silks for waists and dresses at J. A. Bowles. OUR noisless, sulkys is smooth -iding for the child and is the easiest pulling. Umstead's. For Sale-*- Scholarship in one of the best Busi ness Colleges in the State. Address this office. • '* WHEN you vant a good trunk you can always get it at J* A. Bowles. WAIT for our Summer open ing, announcement next week. Beckley & Brown. TRY the Nemo Corsets. It has a national reputation. For Sale in Hickory by J. A. Bowles. VEAL CALVES WANTED- Highest prices paid. Write L. 0. Sigmon, Hickory, N. C. Phone 1705. A new lot of ladies swell para sols just in at J. A. Bowles. WE have a treat of pretty decorated english table ware for vou, See our special bargain window May Ist 2nd and 3rd all we ask of you is to see the ware and prices. It is the best ware we ever saw at the price. Umstead's, VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. CHICHESTER S PILLS . TnE DIAMOND nUA.NO. Ladloat Ah jom~ Drantat (or /\ An IMH (KI-theKw• 1111 a ID Rek and WoU Vv s>o*e*. sealed with Blue Rlbboa. W fl *j£f T»ko to Other. BIT af rW V A~ n jreais known as Best, Safest, Always Reliabla SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Pile. Cared in 6 to 14 Day. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fail* to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in »to H days. Tht 6r*t application fives £«m and Rett. CQc. | Rheumatism Quickly Cured. I '"My sister's husband had an attack jof rheumatism in his arm," writes a | well known resident of "Newton, lowa. "I gave him a bottle of Chamberlain s Liniment which he applied to his arm ' and on the next morning the rheu matism was gone." chronic muscular rheumatism you will .find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Sold by all dealers. adv- PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomasoit's Livery Stable Phone 267. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY IV C. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and ... Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Shuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. BIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in il! th» courts of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abemethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Palace Barber Shop Try U9 once and you will come again D. F. CLINE, Proprietor Mrs. D. M. Atkins Trained Nurse Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacen towns tad country as well as in Hickory PHONE 80 HICKORY, N. C. 4 CATS PAW B a NON-SUP J RUBBER ■Py HEELS • mt tICHT WEIGHT ¥1 J 2?™^ Be Ctfs Pi* Plug . Prevents Slipping ■ggggzM INSIST ON CATS PAW HEELS THE NAME IS EASY TO RE- IftffffWSlffrTElWl MEMBER. ALL DEALERS MFJASSBSSMUL SO CENTS ATTACHED JFocteir^jbbet^^JOS^edfra^tJßoslon^f^ss^ These are the kind of Rubber Heels you get when we put them on, and we put 'em on to stay, too. We have them in black and tan rubber. All work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson ' Phone 106 Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. &, "and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. Gasoline Machine Eor Sale. A splendid gas machine for making gas from gasoline to light and cook or for power purposes capable of lighting a large resi dence or hotel in the mountains, or anywhere; made by The Com bination Gas Machine Co., De troit, Mich!, Design 87;—' was used only a short period in my residence before I bought the electric light plant in Hickory; will be sold at a big bargain. Tank will hold 2 barrels of gaso line. Apply to or address me at Hickory, N. 0. This Gas ma chine would be a splendid prop osition to some farmer for light ing his residence, barn, and operating his machinery for grinding or shellinu corn, pump ing water, running the cream separator, silage plant, sawing wood and other machinery on the farm. A labor saver. Can be seen at my residence, (adv.) M. E. Thornton. Seaboard Air Line Rail- Way TRAINS LEAVE CHARLOTTE. EF FECTIVE APRIL 27, 1913. EA ST AN D NORT H BO IJ ND. No. 14— 5:00 A. M.—'Through train for Wilmington, with parlor car at tached. Connecting at Hamlet with tram for Portsmouth, Nor folk. Raleigh and ?ll points north. Dining car service, ves tibule coaches and sleeping .cars to Washington and New York, connectjng at Maxtor) lor A. C. L. points north. No. 34—10:10 A. M. For R ileigh and all local points. Parlor car Char lotte to Raleigh. No. 20—4:50 P. M.—For Wilmington, sleeping car passengprs can stay, in all night, at Wilmington This train connects at Hamlet for Savannah, .Jacksonville and all points south and north ana connecting at Maxton .vith A.C. L. for point? north. No. 10—8:00 P. M.—Handles local sleep er Portsmouth'Norfoll*. connect ing at Monroe for At'anta and all points west andsou'hwest; al so connects at Monroe w iih fast ' train for Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York, through vestibule coaches, Pull man electric lighi ed si'oping- cars to New York, dining cars Rich mond to New York. WEST BOUND. No. 15—9:10 A. M.—Local for Ruther ford! on, connecting at B>siic with C C. & O. for all points on that line to Johnson ( irv. Tenn. Connects at Lincolutc n with C & N. W. for all points. No. 31—3:00 P. M. —Loc il f« r Ruther ford) on. I'rom Raleigh, connecl 'ng at Bos', ic with C. 0. a O. for Marion, Mt. Mitchell and Alta Pass; connecting at Lineolnton with C. & N. W. for points on that line. Connects at Lincoln lon with C a N. W. for Newton, Hickorv and Lenoir. TR AI NS ARRi V EIN CHARLOTTE. No. 1 5—9.10 A. M-—From East. No. 34—10:05 A. M. —From West. No.19—12:10 P.M.—From Wilmington. No. 31— 2:40 P. M.—From Raleigh and all local points. No. 16—7:50 P. M.—From West. No. 13—11:00 P. M —From Wilming ington and all local points North and East. James Ker. Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte. N. C. H. T. Orr. Ticket, Agent, Charlotte, N. C. H. S. Leard. D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. C. B. Ryan, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. | A NOTE TO YOU | HICKORY, N. C., May 7, 1913. / ff\. We know pretty well in advance your wants in the Drug line, as well J /A pof TUN\ as ® n way 0f eme( i> es - I JX VSE? /jfl i=== - | There are times when everybody wants something in these lines— I /Km wants awful bad— can't get along without it, must have it in a hurry and 1 3 to know in advance where it may be found of the light quality / and at the right price. Yours truly, f6^3| C yl MOSER & LUTZ 281 ■ "On the Corner" Two Phones: 17 & 317 • ' •'' ' I ' :R '' R | J ••.--i. v.WWv ■■—Ml-" "• % • - . Eyesight is priceless and delay is sometimes dangerous If you lose your teeth you can get more but if you lose your eyes it will be a slow go. Therefore come in and have your eyes tested in the most up-to-date style. I correct errors of refraction both simple and complicated, such as Presbyopia, Hypermetropia, Myopia, Astigma tism, etc., and by the use of Covelles Ophthalmic Cabinet with electric lights I can fit the same by day or night. Yes, life is too short not to have the best eyesight possible. My ability is second to none so if your vision can be improved I can do it. No charge for test. -o- -o- -o -p p UTfiHT Expert Watchmaker and Registered Optometrist. V * * . Office: Singer Co., 1316 Union Square, Hickory, N. C_ Not a Matter of Co^t We see men every day on the streets who if they spent the money wisely on their clothes that they do spend in dress they could be well-dressed all the time. . . . Right dressing depends on a right selec tion of materials, the right make, the right patterns, the right furnishings to corres pond, we give you our knowledge of these matters gladly, consult us in the selection of your spring outfit . . Our clothes are "corredt" in material, &yle, quality and price Call in today and look them over. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. "The Quality Shop" r «" 't Specify Good Hardware One of the most important details in the planning of your new house *s» thr selection of the hardware. Hardware furnishings must be durable, safe, artistic — must harmonize with the architecture of the house and interior furnishings. The safest way is to get your hardware here. Our hardware adds not only to the beauty of your house, but to its selling value. Youi choice of design is very liberal—we offer many iifferent patterns '° select from. Before specifying your hardware, be sure to see us. We can save you money and give you a more beautiful home. ABERNETY HARDWARE CO.

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