f^CASTORIA B§; For Infantoand Children. H The Kind You Have If S&Ja Always Bought j rILCOiIUL 3 PEtt CEiVT. i C'c *! I *n ,1 M Is| I s-'mr:. :::igl!icFbr lsearStJlB \ br.|! j M pjUpUn Signature Promotes DigestionJCheetW- n M Jf ft jF - .. B6"' n'ssandltest-Contalnsnrittw 01 /l\fl LT 0 : Opmm.Morphirte nor Mineral. £V\ .1/^ xqt Narcotic. ILu y Ejt jfoUtDcSSMJUnifSER \Ap/ K® Jhfsama ®lf By* ' jftvfc/frfcj?- /. . Im • ■ Bra , JbiseSml* 1 a f I m k (i ft jp* in l f Y# use 1 L i Worms.CoHvulskms.Feverisfc' 1 Ik/ _ 1 1) Va For Over P' 5T "PL 1 x 11 Thirty Years MP CASTOR Exact Copy of Wrapper. m« CtNTUIR COX"«NT, NEW YORK cmr. I Stubborn Case B gp I "I was under tht treatment of two doctors," writes I I Mrs. R. L. Phillips, of Indian Valley, ,Va., "and they pro- I I nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak- I I ness. 1 was not able to sit up, when I commenced to I I lake Cardui. | I used it about one week, before I saw much change. || I Now, the severe pain, that had Jbeen in my side for yc.;rs f ! I has gone, and I don't suffer at all lam feeling better than I I in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of Cardul" TAKE Th® 9 BLARDUI Woman^sTonic 1 J if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any ro m of the troubles so common to women. B Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed I 1 ot purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the I ■ womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up I ■ the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system. H I Cardui has been in successful use for more than.-50 years. I I Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they I I received from it Try it for your troubles. Begin today. lIP 0 H Writt to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. ChitlanaoCT.Medfcin® Co.. Chattaoooru TeatL. I J ktSndallnttmctUMs. and M-page booc. Horn* fifirtment for Wanen," sent fret. JM I Rheumatic PaiiK j are quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment You don'J need to rub—B H Proof ■ Miss ELSIE MANTHKY, 4229 Talman Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: —" About two years ago my mother broke down with |l good. My mother was persuaded to try three weeks HB £ bottle of Sloan's Liniment, and although she is over 83 years of age, she has obtained great relief from her rheumatism." Rheumatism Entirely _ Miss EVELETTA MYEK, of ISIS Wyoming St., "Daytoti" Ohio, writes:— "My mother was troubled with rheumatism and her friends advised her.to get Sloan's Liniment and her rheumatism is entirely gone. At the same time the family was troubled with ring-worms—there were five ring-worms between my •inters aad I and Sloan's Liniment cured every one of us in a week's time." SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, chest • pains, asthma, hay fever, croup, sore throat and spriins. At all dealers." Price, 25c., 50c., and $l.OO. Book on Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry sertt free. Address Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. fa-ttllZßrfißp E r s;u/r:mzED tau a „?' Compost six weeks. Alloviniy the esual timo fo* pafheriiig i* "Pet. tk.,i Tx D3 ., t "- lt ,our P«a«.Tcr year may bo pror.uced*— more 15. you wort I -.r,, P l '? 1 - Compost is Nataro's own formula. Is good for .any soil !H the ground the elements that your c-op takes out. a fr» r ! :3 . LYE is especially prepared for Compost rotting. It S "?* EooStlet that tells all about Compose making, write B w Dev il Pi'irn'.? °- w *»thig its arrival, aek your dealer to socure the ganiiino B p that'«f A 9 80 " Ukt Y° U immediately begin operations, it is BO ■ l eo " cannot bo considered. Biff cans, 10c. per can. ■ c • - tor y,, ~ v ?' 1 Prepaid to any railroad station, H£G. Your dealer ean M L VVra cwon't, do not nesitata to, order a caso til onoe, from us. ■ ■T" — 0 RCFQ. CO., Department GO £*• t~ouio, Wo. . • .■ • - ■« SUNDAY SCHOOL. # Lesson Vl.—Second Quarter, For May 11,1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson,- Gen. xli, 25-40. Memory Verses, 39, 40—Golden Text. I Pet. v, s— Commentary Prepare*?! by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Pharaoh's third day birthday party of last lesson (j£l. 2U-2;{» suggests other third day incidents, and there are many, all pointing-anointed eyes.to the greatest of all third day events. . Hisr resurrection,from the dead with all its benefits to believers to be-fully enjoyed at our resurrection from the dead. ~ Now we have a third-year story of sudden .and marvelous-exaltation from a dungeon to a throne, from ft place ot darkness and sulT'ertug* to the most prominent place in the power of Ptia raoh to grant; t'6v we read, "It" caine to pass at the end of two full years' (xli, l». Two years of forgetfulness on the part of the butler, two. years ot continued, humiliation for Joseph.-and then "it was enough." tJod's time ot deliverance for His faithful servant had come. Pharaoh's dreams, \vliieh all the wise men of Egypt'could jyt iuterpret. led the hutler to remember his faults aiid to speak to Pharaoh of the prisoner, the young who was servant to the captain "of the guard and who could and did correctly interpret dreams (xli.. Then was Joseph made to run out of the.diwigeon. having shaved him self and changed his raiment probably with more haste than he had ever done in his life before (verse 14 margini If the messenger told Joseph why he was wanted we inay imagine that pos sibly Joseph hart visions,of deliverance near at hand. As he stood before Pha raoh the kinjjr said that he had dream : ed a dreuuf which no one could inter pret. but, he had heard that Joseph could understand and interpret dreamy "In his reply Joseph acknowledged *od. su.vinn.: "It is not in me. iod shall" aoh an answer of peace" (verses 15. lib. I'haraoh then told Joseph his two dreams and added. "1 told thin unto the magicians, but ; there was none that could declare it unto me" (verse We. may easily imagine Joseph lifting up' fi'is heart to (Jod as he .listened to the king's recital of his dreams. ' What a picture—a man who had beeu shut a 4 wa.v from the world and all the wisdom"'bf- the world for years in the presence of a great king. but more com sciohslv in the presence of the King of kings and in communion with Him and therefore knowing what all the wis doin of this world could :»:»t teach him! We see the same great lesson in the case of Daniel and liis friends, for when' all'the wisdom of Babylon could neither tell the king bis dream nor in terpret the dream when ho told it nor read even four words written by (Jod Daniel by the Spirit of >od could do all. The modern shokirship. so called, or the wisdom of this world is just as helpless today to understand the things of God. for they can only be known by the Spirit of Jod (1 Cor. ii. Hi. Jo seph being a man in whom the Spirit of God was. he could by the Spirit in terpret the dream to tlit? king and saw as he told the kirig that God was show ing Pharaoh what He was about to do. He also told Pharaoh that inasmuch as the dream was doubled it was be cause the thing was established by God and that He would shortly bring it to pass (verse 32i. The king was so im pressed by the supernatural power in this man that he at once promoted him to the highest place of power, saying. "Only in the throne will I be greater than thou" (verses oil. 40i. Could auy tlifug be more thrilling than such words as those of verses 41 to 45 addressed by Such a king to a man just out of prison? Read carefully and try and grasp the situation—yesterday in the dungeoji. where be had been for years; today next to the king, ruler over all Egypt, clothed with royal apparel, rid ing in the secoud chariot, every knee bowing to him. and no one able to do anything without his permission! Con sider his new name .signifying "The man to whom secrets are revealed.' .ind see him married to a princess .verse 45. margin). . Is it any wonder that he called his first son, Mauasseh hath made me"forget all my toil.'*"- : apd?his second Ephraim, saying. "God bath caused .me to ; be fruitful in the land of >ny affliction-?!! (Verses 51.- 52.»TA!pUtlJ?- was'ari Israelite! • Oh. how! tMX u SS2S--. .{ions cn>?rd 'in to whom Njlth'ftniel said. "Rabbi,- thob art the Son ;i>f-God. Thou art frhft Kiflg of Israei" fjfebn I. 49).: : Then how-; Won, derful that Joseph vvas jiifft:; ttjlrty years old!- (Verse 4*5..-Compare.Luke iii. 23.) He . wiis/ieventeen when bis brethren jSoJd- "ftl&r.;(xxxvii. so he had thirteen-,years-of suffering. But be lived'to be tlo (I. "2b, sojtie had eighty years long enough to for get a lot of hard things. What wittan eternity of glory.jnean compared with our brief time of "trial here? Some of Miss Hahershon's typical suggestions on this clmpter are his be ing raised up "from the prison, his be-> ing filled with the Spirit, his depend ence upon God. his wisdom, his author ity. every knee bowing to him: his glory. Ifls fruitfulness (Eccl. iv. 14: John v. 19. 20; xv. 5: xii. 24; Acts ii. 24: x. 3S; Col. ii. 3; Phil. ii. 10: Isa. ix. 6, 7: liii. 11: Heb. iii. (5). Joseph alone bad control of tlie corn. All had to go to him: and all countries came (John vi, 18; it. 5: Amos viii, 11; Isa. xltx, 6). Diarrhoea - When you want a quick cure without any loea of time, and one that is followed bf ®° bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy l t otver Wis and ft pleasant to takr ft la equally raluable for lt (amsus for Its aursp o*** " Hitting the Liquor Business Hard. ..The inteinal revenue reports or the nFcal year ending June IT). 1912, are j-jst out, and show decrease, in the consumption r liquor over the year preceding •» mounting to almost one gallon or every man, woman and child in America. . Before these reports were ompleted, one of the revenue jommissioners, who has always s ught to help the liquor cause i i every way in his power, sent oat th o gh the press from t- e t • time auring the last yeai tending to show that t 'ere was an increase in the consumption of liquor last, year. Tnis he would do by taking the returns from- some one district containing some of the largest Vnd wettest cities and making t appear as representing the whole country: But the final report shows a remarkable de cease, and that in the face of a j reat increase, and that in-the acfe of a great increase in our oopulation by immigration. President Farley, of the Mational Liquor Dealers' Associ- U'on, in his.annual report made recently to his association, sta' - >d "that thirty-one breweries ilosed last yeai* and that the out put of beer alone decreased 1,- 406,446 barrels, No wonder the iquor dealers are desperate and themselves admit that they are now with total anni hilation,—Am rican Issue of .League. Best Medicine for Colds. When" a druggist recommends a .emedy for colds, • throat and lung !tr*Qubles, you can feel sure that he inows what he is •' talking about. C: .Lower, Druggist* of Marion. Ohio, writes of Dr."King's New Discovery: I know Dp.-King's New Discovery is the best.for ihroat and lung medicine I sell. It ctfred my wife of a severe bronchial cold'bfter all other remedies fa'i-ed " It'will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold, or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle op hand all the time for every one in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c and §l.OO. Guaran teed by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. . adv. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sf^uTof Picnic —to insure complete success take along a case of M §The satisfying beverage^—in field fl or forest; at home or in town. m As pure and wholesome as it is K good. K ■ Delicious —Refreshing a Thirst-Quenching M j\x Demand the Genuine — 0 d a Refuse substitutes. Fountains Send for Prec Booklet. or Carbon ated m Bottles. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. OAK LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. (trade mark registerec) HpHE most remark .ble A remedy ever lis covered for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all fo-ms - of Stomach Distress from any cause. Relieves Immediately Creates appttite, re stores vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due to a' co hol?c and other excescss. fire&tnl Tonic and Bracer Krown Absolutely no harmful inpredi :nts. Guaranteed under.Pure Foot and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cent*, or send 10 cents for trial bott'o direct to The Digestoneine Companv 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. for Sale by • All Druggists. irTr\ \o\ V, / th '• - New Double Daily Service VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Companv. Lv. HICKORY Ar. 8.27 a.m. " 11.45 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.40 p.m Ar.. GASTONIA LV. 10.25 a.m. ,7.30 a.m. 4.40 p. m.. 5.40 p.m. Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Jan. 12, 1913, Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7 53 a. m. 4 8.15 14 "3 9-15 " '• 6 9.30 " 44 6 10.15 " " 8 10.50 " " 7 11.40 44 " 10 11.45 44 " 9 1U.40 p.m. Vi 2 12.50 p.m. "11 2.00 " "16 230 " "15 3.30 *' "18 3.30 44 "17 4.30 44 "20 500 44 44 19 0.35 44 44 22 6.30 44 A '2l 7.30 41 "24 845 41 '• 23 9.45 44 "26 10.55 44 , 44 25 11.55 " I The above schedule, figures and connection pub lished only as information and are not guaranteed. C. V. PALMER, Gen. Pits. Agent Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent. Gastonia, Is. C. A Pleasflpt Drive Is made pleasant if that splendid horse ia fited with a| set of those SUPERB HARNESS made by The Hickory Harness Co. A snappy Appearance adds greatly to the pleasure of any drive. We offer the most nifty appearance to be had. And, this is not all, Durability is the second great feature to be found in all our goods. We strive to make every piece of goods the best that can be bought for the price anvwhere. Frequent buying of harness is "an evidence of poor quality somewhere. This is not the case with harness bought of us. _ " Low Price is the third appealing feature offered by us. We allow our selves only a very small margin of profit, endeavoring always to keep our prices lower than our competitors, quality considered Hickory Harness Co. Carolina, Clinchfield Bl Ohio RtJlw^y AND Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Railway •* , '..j' S THE MEW 6HORT LINE ..BETWEEN Jante, St. Paul and SpesKs Ferry, Va., Johnson City, TMHL, fiffipiTi. ItaMg and Marion, N. C., and I. C. "Clinchfield Route" EFFECTIVE JANUARY It, tltl Southbound. Eastern Standard Tint, dir. " •' Mo. 5 No. 3 V : la ft Mo. I Mo. 4 Mix'd Pass. M'ls.' ~r ( afev Pua PMO. P'fr- D'>y- STATIONS a IT. tr&. Ply. p. M.A. M. T~ " ' jr. HJT. K. 1.10 8.00) 0.0 LT. . Dante. To. Ar. KTM UM MI 1.35 8.20 7.5 Lr. , St Paul. Va AR. 14*4 11.11 AM 2.21 8.51 21.9 LT. Dunganncn, Vs.. Ar. IMC 11.41 UV 2.45 . 9.07 29.6 LT. Ft Biackmore, Ya. Ar. Itn "** IM * 3.01 • 921 36.0 LT. . Hill, Ya. AR. 128* HIM •- fJi 3.27 9.41 45.1' Lr. Speer'a Ferry, Va. Ar. IS7S 11.43 .%M 3.44 9.56 51.6 Lv. Cameron, YA-Tena. Ar. ISM 1114 - IM 4.00 10.09 &8.?, , Lv. Kingsfkort, Tenn. Ar. 1211 MM Mi « ' 4.18 *10.20 62,8 LT. . Pactolus, Tenn. Ar. |M Mi »Ml - 4.40 10.32 67.8 Lr. Fordtown, Tena. Ar. 14M. Ml r :$M * 4X5 *lO 43 72. LT. Gray, Tenn. Ar. MM -EM k ME. 5.55 11.15 85.1 LT. Johnson City, Team. Ar. IM4 Ml r MB 6.50 11.43 95.7 Lr. * Unicoi, Tena. Ar. IMS Ml MI 7.10 11.55101.1 Ar. Erwin, Tenn. I*r. 16M Ml., Mi 7.22 12 02 101.1 LT. Erwin. Tenn. Ar. IMS All MB ' * 7.34 *12.12 104 3 LT. Cheatoa, Tenn. At. ITM ,Ml* 4J| * 7.41 *12.14)105.11 .Lv. Unaka Springs, Tena. Ar. 17MF.FJHLL.ML 8.32 12.47 i 17.9 Lir. :4 Huntsdale, N. C. £ Ar. t«.UJ ijd IM *8 56 1.05124.9 LT. Green Mountain, N. X Ar. Zl» T.Mj Ml 9.20 1.21131.3 Lv. Toecane, N. G. Ar. 12M Ml Ml * 9.51 ■ 1.51140.1 Lv. Boonford, N. C. - Ar. 2MI CM %» *lO.OB 2.05144.6 LV. Penland. N. C. Ar. MM CJM ML .10.20 2.17 147.9 LT. Spruce Pipe, N. «. Ar. Ml 4 %M ML 10.40 2.27 151.9 Ar. Alta Pass, N. a Lv. MM C.M Ml p M -. p - M -: • NoTl .. - ' *** M'xd . VMS. t'■ : t M.|P.:M.I . . r. mJCmI 615; 2.271151.9 LT Altspses, N. C. Ar. MM LM Ml ' 6.22 * 2.35 155.3 LT. Mi Mitchell, N. A Ar. MM* TM • Ml ' 6.52 2.58 167.EJ LT. UnTille Falls, N. C. Ar. IIM * IM* LM 7.25| 3.15174.9 LT. SeTier, N. C. Ar. I4M M 4 IM 7.49! 131183.2 LT. Marion, N. C. Ar. 111! CM LM * 8.30 * 4.01 197.8 LT. Thermal, N. a Ar. M4* Ml «ttJT 8.50 4:16 205.5 LT. Westmintser, N. C. Ar. Ml .Mi MM 9.00 * 4.25 209.6 LT. Bostlc Yard, N. C. Ar. Ml ML TGI * 9.10 4.30 211.0 LT. Bostic, N. C. k Ar. Ml MS M* * 9.17 4.34 213.0 LT. Forest City, N. C. Ar. SCI Ml MM * 9.34 4.46 219.5 LR. . Harris, N. C. Ar. IN UL UM 9.55 5.02F226.8 LT. Chesnee, S. C. Ar. MS C.M UM 10.09 5.12,231.6 LT. Mayo, S. C. Ar. IMS ALL UM 10.45 5.40 242.3 Ar. Spartanburg, S. C. LT. . T7S 4M ILM ■ (Union Passenger Stattoa) M.]P-. M. , _ |P. M, The Carolina, Clinchfield A Ohio Railway, and the Carolina, rfln-tjloMi :Ohio Railway of South Carolina, "Clinchfield Route" reserve tAe * ary from the time shown above without notice to the public. Patrons are requested to apply to nearest Agent fee definite MnMM >r to ~HAS. T. MANDEL, T Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt Johnson City, Tenn. « J. J. CAMPION, Vice-President and Traffic Manager, Johnson City, TMa - '—Flag Stop. | —Dally, Except Sunday. Carolina & North-Western Railway Co. Schedule Effective Nov. 24th, 1912. -'• • ~ Ex. Sun. Mixed . Mixed Mbcid Northbound. No. 8 Pass. No. 62 No. 60 Ex. Sun. , » No. 10 Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. No. 50 -• £hes.ter Lv 7 55am 1145 am. .. : Yorkvlllc 842 105 Gastonia 9 30 3 00 p m ...... Gastonia -5 40 pm " .. . Lincolnton 631 10 26 Newton 7 03 1105 .... Hickory 740 1145 ..... ... 7;06 a' m Lenoir 840 1 00pm200 pm 840 Mortimer 2 20 4 lu . Edgemont Ar. .... 230 * 430 , Southbound. V?"- «»• " Ex N 8«S W 7 Edgemont Lv. 1155 am 730 am Mortimer 12 03- 7 40 .i'.l Lenoir 730 am lis 1015 '2 45 t> m Hickory 8 27 2 30 420 Newton 8 50 3 05 Lincolnton 9 27 3 43 Gastonia Ar. 10 25 440 [[[ Gastonia Lv 4 55 - 7ioo Yorkville 539 836 r , Chester Ar ...... 625 10 2s *. CONNECTIONS CHESTER—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. YORKVILLE—Sonthern Railway, r GASTONlA—Southern Ry„ Piedmont & Northern Ry. LINCOLNTON—S. A. L. NEWTON and HlCKORY—Southern Railway. • E. F. REID, G. P. Agt., Chester SI C. PRIZE SEED CORN FOR SALE . Batt's Prolific Seed Corn from a yeild of 166 bu. per acre. Special select. This corn took second prize from North* Carolina at the great Columbia Corn Exposition. John W. Robinson, NEWTON, N. C. - - - R. F. D No. 4