fHE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thnrsdj y E. V- MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ 1.00 Six Months, " " 5 rhree Months " Advertising Rates on Application BntereJ at the Post Office at Hickorj second class matter. HICKORY. N. C., MAY 22, 19JS It is with pleasure we publisi the articles of Mr. W. J. Shufor in this issue of The Democrat Catawba county should aid Mr. Sbuford in his undertaking t build up the rural school dis tricts of the county in the way ol education, and the building o better school houses for the child ren, A school room should be a> attractive place, pleasant an homelike, so the children will b« encouraged to go to school. Th teachers of the school should firs- j get the love and respect of th« child and when they have don> this they have accomplished more than some do in a life time. O course you can force a child t behave in your sight at the tinu you have your eye on him, >bu: you turn your head or let him get out of your sight and see what effect your force has had on thf boy. First get the confidence ol the children, then the love anr , affection and you have the child It will be only a short time beforf the little boys and girls who an now in school will ha veto should er the responsibilities that thei» fathers and mothers have had. Let's do our part to prepare thes« boys and girls for this position i; life. Some one will say it is th duty of the teacher to do that. It is, and, it is our duty to aid the teacher so far as possible. Let'; not put it all on the other fellow, but each of us do his part ii bringing educational advantage* to the children of Catawba coun ty. ' An interesting meeting was held in Raleigh last week by the Just Freight Rate Association, ir which there were more than 35( delegates, representing 40 count ies. At this meeting, a perma nent organization was effected and officers elected as follows: President, Mr. Fred N. Tate ol High Point; Ist. vice president. Mr. W. R. Foreman of Charlotte; 2nd vice president, Mr. P Gibson of Statesville, represent ing Farmers' Union;3rd vice pres ident, Gen. Julian S, Carr of Dur ham; 4th vice president, Mr. Noal Barefoot of Elizabeth City. Cap tain Alf. A. Thompson of Raleigl was made treasurer. A resolution wasintroduced ask ing that a special session of th Legislature be called to meet ir Raleigh as soon as it is wise to d so, for the purpose of receving i reportfrom the special committee. Gov. Craig made a very eloqueni and forceful address advocating strong and determined action b} the State for the maintenance o sovereignty of the people. Mr. Charles Daniels of Wilsoi introduced a resolution urging th« Governor, Attorney General an Freight Rate Association to ex amine into the facts of the case, with the view to annulling th. charters of every railroad in th State that exacted tribute of th State by means of excessive o discriminatory freight charges, but this resolution was ordered b. the Rebolutions Committee to b« filed with the secretary of the as sociation for future consideration We want to see the farmers in terested in this movement. Tht adjustment of freight rates much to the farmers' interest a: it is to the manufacturer or mer chant, as he pays freight on farm ing implements and in shipping his produce to market This excess freight is quite an item, as thit amount must be deducted from the total received for his goods So let us all work together, farm er and merchant, to secure a just freight rate. The people of N. C. are asking no favors in this mat ter. They have for years been seeking an adjustment of freight rates which would relieve them from the unjust and discrimina tory freight rates from which they have suffered and which have greatly retarded the growth and prosperity of the State. They have now made up their minds that this discrimination must cease. The time is now at hand when it shall be determined whether the railroads shall con trol the people of North Carolina, or whether the people of North Carolina shall secure the rights and privileges to which they are entitled. North Carolinians are a patient and longsuffering peo ple. They were the last to leave the Union when other states were seceding and forming the Con federacy, but they did their full share of fighting when they got into action. Our people have suffered irreparable loss in growth development and business, be sides the millions of dollars taken from our pockets. Patience has ceased to be a virtue. The rail roads may as well understand that the limit has been reached, :he unjust discrimination against *Jorth Carolina must end. Asheville Wfll Pay Her Share. Asheville, May 15. That Vsheville will donate her share r ihe fund which is necessary >r the completion of the Ashe i lie-Charlotte Highway is prac caily assured. Dr. M. H. Flet her of this city is greatly inter sted in the improvement of the nimproved link of the road, the lickory Nut Gap road,- and hrough a canvass of the business na professional men of the city as secured the sum of S9OO and he use of an engine and a drill 1 the work of completing the lighway. The Good Roads Assocation of Vsheville and Buncombe County, nrough its secretary, has writ en to Governor Craig, asking hat a portion of the $40,000 re cently contributed by the Federal lovernment for good roads in his State, be used on the Char otte Asheville road and the Cen tral Highway of North Carolina. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A HOW BLOOD IS MADE. The liquid* and the digested food* in the alimentary canal pass through the wall of the canal into the blood. This process is called absorption and takes place chiefly from the small intestine. After absorption the blood carries the food through the body, and each cell takes from the blood the food it needs. A pure glyceric extract made from blood root, mandrake, stone, queen's root and golden seal root, and sold by druggists for the past forty years under the name of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, gives uniformly excellent result* as a tonic to help in the assimilation of the food and in the absorption by the blood of the food it requires. Eradicate the § poisons from the blood with this alterative extract which does »*tshrink the white blood corpuscles, because contain ing no aloohol or other injurious ingredients. Thus the body eaa be built up—strong to resist disease. This is a tonic taken from Nature's garden that builds up those weak ened by disease. Sold by druggists everywhere. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Ma. Cjua. Finns. JR.. of 832 Woodlawn Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa., wrttee; 4 was troubled with my stomach for almost three years. Tried several doctors and most everything anybody recommended to me, but kept rettin* worse and honestly did not care to live as I was 5*Jf €r yy* though, at times, I had no pain. My symptoms were as follows: Always tired, my whole body in a throb, belching of gas, parn aaa soreness in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, could not what to eat or what would agree with mo, and was melancholy. But - taking Dr. Pierce'» Golden Medical Discovery with the 'Pleasant JHAB. Fintn, •*. Pallets it aaa made me a well QUO which is something to live for." I Relieves Neuralgia Sloan's Liniment instant relief from neuralgia or sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part soothes the nerves and stops the pain. Don't rub—it penetrates. MRS. RUDOLPH NISCKE, Oconto,Wis., writes:— " I have used Sloan's liniment for toothache and aeuralgia in the head where nothing else would help me and I would not be without the Liniment in the house." ■ SLOAN'S LINIMENT is also good for rheumatism, sore throat, chest pains and sprains. Pains All Gone MRS. C. M. DOWKER, of Johannesburg, writes:—"l wish to say your Liniment is the best medicine in the world. It has cured me of neuralgia; those pains have all gone and I A can truly say your Liniment did cure mew" > pdn 00116 1 MR. J. R. SWINGER, of 547 So. 12th St., I • Louisville, Ky., writes:— " I suffered with quite a severe neuralgic headache for four ■ f months without any relief. I used your W liniment for two or three nights and I ' Pr haven't suffered with my head since. I have V IF € V found many quick-reliefs from pain by the J use of Sloan's liniment and believe it to be I / the best liniment on the market to-day. I ■ Y B can recommend it for what it did for me." I \ Price 25c., 50c., and SI.OO at All Dealers. I Bead for Sloan's Free Book on Horses. Address V PR. EARL S. SLOAN, M Boston, Mass. Increased Facilities for handling Job Printing. Recently we have added quite a large quantity of new type, and other material to our job department, and . we have also employed expert workmen. We will keep at all times in the future a large supply of papers, en velopes, ruled headings, .and in fact everything that goes to make up a first-class job printing outfic. So you need have no fear of not getting what" you want when you send us your job. Try us with your next order. Delivery the quickest. The Hickory Democrat, Job Department Lake Junaluska on Southern Railway (Special to Hickory Democrat.) Waynesville, N. C., May 19, — Lake Juoaluska is the name by which the Southern Railway sta tion, three miles east of Waynes ville, formerly called Tuscola, the station for the Southern Assem bly grounds, will hereafter be known and at this point a com modious passenger station is be ing erected by the Southern Rail way. It will be completed by June Ist. The Southern Assembly, a churchwide movement of the Mtthodist Episcopal Church, South, and sffiliated organiza tion?, has purchased a tract of 1,200 acres and has constructed a lake which will have an area of 252 acres, an auditorium with a seating capacity of 4,500, a hotel with 125 looms and nine miles of graded driveways. It is expect ed that many private residences will also be built on the property. The purpose of the development is to provide a meeting place for Methodist conventions and kin dred bodies, and a la-ge number of people will doubtless visit this point each season. The new passenger station which the Southern Railway is erecting will provide ample facil ities and will have all modern con veniences, an arrangement hav ing been made to secure water from the Assembly's plant. A paved driveway, a track for stor ing equipment used in excursions, and a small freight depot are also included in the improvement. Contract for the construction of the passenger station has been let to Melton Contsruction Co., of Greensboro, N C. The other work will be done by Southern Railway forces. . - Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. adv. Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and per manent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to tak,, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy meets all these re quirements. It acts on nature's plsn, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use, and can always be depended upon. Sold by all dealers. *dv. You'll Receive Many Offers To accept oftice employment if you are graduate of the Asheville Business College Enrol) now and secure a cash-paying educatioh that starts you far above the f >ot of the ladder where the untrained are obliged to begin. We are offering special Summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE —We teach by mail. If you can not attend the college, write us about our Mail Courses. Address, IIENRY S SHOCKLEY, 3rd floor No. 8, North Pack Square, Asheville N. C. Wood's Seeds. Cow Peas, the great forage and soil improving crop. Soja Beans, the most nutritious and best of summer feed crops. Velvet Beans make enormous growth; are splendid for summer graz ing and as a soil renovator. Write for "WOODS CROP SPECIAL", giving full informa tion about these and other Seasonable Farm Seeds. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Our stocks of Cow Peu and Soja Bean* are choice redeaned stocks of supe rior quality and germination. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The-Kind Yon Han Always Bought Bears the y/rtTS* (Signature of C Juz/yX /CcZcJU*( To Core a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. CLROVE'S signature on each box. Sc. All Healing Springs Hotel Now Open.' II ' T k All Healing Springs is situated In Alexander County, six miles west " of Taylorsville, N. C., 1,300 feet above the sea level In the foothills of the Brushy Mountains. The climate is invigorating and delightful. The scenery is unsurpassed. The hotel is a comfortable 50-room building, erected with spe cial reference to health and convenience. Easily accessible bed rooms, hot and cold mineral baths, besides attractive parlors and dining room. The verandas are wide and shady. The hotel was filled to overflowing last season. The water from All Healing Springs is famous for its delicious taste and healing virtues. The water retains its purity and me* dicinal properties long after .it is removed from the spring. Five gal. D, J. water or cases 12 half gals. $2.25 by express. Allowance for Mts. returned 11.50. Rates $6.00 to SB.OO a week. Carriage fare from TaylorsvUU 60c. Bell 'phone. For further information address # All Healing Springs Co., Taylorsville, N. C. fc Your Eyes _/ Don't Neglect Them More nervous troubles and headaches come from eye strains than any other defect. Eye troubles not corrected, not only ruins the,eyes but impairs the whole system. Come at once, and have your eyes ex amined. GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler & Optometrist —— Watch Inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. v ' A „ Freckled Girls will either remove your freckles or cause them to fade and that two jars will even or, the most aevere cases completely core them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if vour complexion ia not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will f.rcs Come in today and try it. Thejan are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth iars SI.OO. WILSON'S PAIR SKIN SOAP 25c, For fate by Moser aod Listz Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Building Materials. Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidinga, Ceiling:, Frames, Mantels, Framing, Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles, Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in Stock. Hickory Mfg. Co. I HICKORY, N. C. I tYour House Is Larger at certain times than at others. Von • don't notice it, bnt it is. Tl,o«nria(? ' of your house contracts with the coM s:-, and expands with the heat. If tl.e |7p . paint on your house docs not con- I K tract and expand with the surface it jJ. ! will crack. One should therefore fcg careful about the paint used Lewis White Lead a > (Dutch Boy Trade-Mark) and Pure Linseed Oil e ideal paint. White lead is made from j,|lic lead, one of the most pliable of metal;, It will contract and expand with the surface painted. Be sure the white lead if pure. We sell Collier White Lead and Dutch Bny Linseed Oil. The Dutch Boy trade-mark is a guaranty of lute purity and highest quality. Wc *L-o sell ~ varnishes and other paint supplies, A?k toj our "Painting lielpi" D Shuford Hardware The four designs of Cortright Metal Shingles as shown above are made in any of the following ways: 1. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Red. 2. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Green. 3. Stamped from Tin-plate and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. 4. Stamped from special tight-coated Galvanized Sheets. Each and every genuine Cortright Metal Shingle is embossed with this Trade-mark, ** Cortright Reg. U. S, Pat. Off." $ For Sale by F. B. In gold, Hickory, N. C. - Fsst Through Service | illillMlll CHATTANOOGA, i iajgßßHiflßl SHREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS ' EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping Cars. Meals ala carte in the diner. Good Connections Fine Service. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS! AND OTHER POINTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Direct Services-Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules —Perfect Equipment. ■ We will be pleased to give Coll details concerning fares and schedules ■ on application Call oivor write: J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent. 103 NVesl Ninth Street. Ctisttuioota. Ten#. H O. H. CHANDLER, Traveling Passenger Agent. 400 Bank ft Trwi Bid* Kuw* rifle, Teim. | CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED ( 7 Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also ckrry a full line of seed oats, clever and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 What Then (?) If the rainy day of your life comes and finds you without the means to provide the neces saries of life? If the docftor bills, the grocery bills, the rent come due and no money to pay them with, what then? It means suffering. Save Money Now! Be ready for the rainy day of your life! Lay aside"a small amount each pay day, and be prepared to meet every obligation promptly. We pay 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly. - Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Better Than Spanking • - • 4 % Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed because it > 5 not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 2861, Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy f° r this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a c package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate an inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. it an Old Reliable Howe. Write to them to day the free mdicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tc your neighbors and friends about this remedy.