Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum—and submitted separately td the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: I 100 Per Cent. Digested . I Bread made with phosphate powder: - | 68% Per Cent Digested! Bread made with alum powder: . | 67% Per Cent Digestedl These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of very many bodily ailments. The Merchant's Dream. Last evening I was talking With a merchant aged and gray, When he told me of a dream he had, I think 'twas Christmas Day. While snoozing in his office This vision came to view, For he saw an angel euter, Dressed in garments white and new Said the angel, "I'm from heaven: The Lord just sent me down To bring you up to glory And put on your golden crown. You've been a friend to every one, And worked hard, night and day; You've supported many thousands And from few received your pay. So we want you up in glory, For you have labored hard, And the good Lord is preparing Your eternal, just reward." Then the angel and the merchant Started up towards glory's gate, But when passing close to Hades The angel murmured "Walt— I've a place I wish to show you; It's the hottest place in Hell, Where the ones who never paid you In torment forever dwell." And behold the merchant saw there His old patrons by the score, And grabbing up a chair and fan, He wished for nothing more. He desired to sit and watch them As they'd sizzle, singe and burn: And his eyes would rest on debtor Whichever way they'd turn. Said the angel, "Come on merchant There are pearly gates to see." But the merchant only muttered, "This is heaven enough for me." Coming to Hickory Every Sunday Doctor Peterson will be in Hickory every Sunday at the PARKER HOUSE, where he can be consult ed by anyone who is sick. This gives working, people, especially, a chance to consult this cele brated specialist free of charge. His specials are: Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Consumption and Nervous breakdown. Do not fail to consult him. He can cure the worst cases or all money paid him wi 1 be refunded. Editor Sentenced to Prison. William 0. Saunders, editor of the ' IndeDendent, at Elizabeth City. N. C . has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment at h ird labor on a charge of having: criminally libeled E. F. Aydlett; a 1 iwyer, in connection with his can didacy for United States attorney. Saunders will take an appeal. He gave bond and was released. Best Medicine for Colds. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sore that he Knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion. Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best for ihroat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other remedies fai'ed." It will do the same for you !if you are suffering with a cold .or any bronchial, throat or lung cough Keep a bottle on hand all the time,for every one in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c and SI.OO. Guaran teed by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Stcre. adv. Cashier—But there is not a cent here to pay this check ot yours. Fair cust mer —I am glad that you have confessed. If youi bank is as hard up as that you can give me what money I havt here, and I will take my account ato safer institution.—Puck. % Notes From Gunpowder. This article was crowded out >f last week's issue. Gunpowder, May 13ih.—Sunday was a red-leiter day for St. Matthews church, it being the occasion of the dedication of the new church build ing. The dedicatory sermon was preached Sunday morning at li o,clock by the Rev. A. R. Becky of Dallas, N. C. Mr. Beck preached an excel lent sermon, which was very appropri ate and applicable, and which was enjoyed by all present. After this service, tnere was an intermission of nearly two hours, which was spent in devouring the bountiful dinner which had been pre pared, and the mingling of old friends and acquaintances; for there were many present on this occasion who had not been in this county for years. At a little past 2 o'clock, instai' lation sermon was preached by the Rev. J. D. Maunev, of the St. Andrews St. Stevens and Mt. Olive pastorate, Hickory,N. C. This sermon was a splendid effort, outlining the scope and mission of the pastor. Immediately following this, was the address to the congregation, by Rev. A. R. Beck, in which he made the duty and work of the member ship of the church very plain. At 3 o'clock, President R. L. Fritz, of Lenoir college, delivered an address on Christian Education. This was an address, full of thought and mean ing. He laid large emphasis on the proper and correct t raining of the child in the home. He also empha sized the importance of emptying only christian teachers in our public schools. It was a timely and very sane address, and we cannot begin to tell of its merits in this short article. Taken all in all, this was a most en joyable and profitable occasion. It was a spiritual as well as a temporal feast. It really impressed one as beiug a great union meeting; there was such a spirit of friendliness and fellow felling. A large crowd was present Tlie Sunday School at Rocky Mount was delighted to have Prof. N. M. Cordell, of Hickory will them on the first Sunday, to assist in the singing program. Prof. Cordell is a good er and musician, and always pleases where he goes. Miss Katie Smith, accompanied by the family physician, Dr. B. G. blowers, went to Dr. Long's hospital Statesville, Tuesday for an operation, She has been in poor health for several months and it is not positive ly know what the trouble is. We hope the operation will be successful, and that she may soon return home. The farmers are about, done plant ing corn and cotton. We have had some very cold nights; in fact, there was frost Sunday morning, but not enough to hurt. The wheat crop is looking very promising, but the oaLcrop outlook i s bad. Cole Biease Advertising Himself Again. # « Gov. Cole L. Biease of South Carolina has refused to honor the requisition of 'Governor Craij? for IV!. B. Smith of Cheraw, who is wanted in Wadesboro on three in dictments in connection with in surance deals. Biease at first an nounced his intention to honor the requisition, since Smi th is not one of his friends, but the Cheraw man employed George R. Rem bert of Columbia, Gov. Blease's floor leader in the lower branch of the South Carolina legislature and this caused the governor to change his mind. Official Route to Confederate Reun ion, at Chattanooga. Term. May 27'29i h 191.J, VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE BY. The Mecklenburg ('amp Confederate Veterans of Charlotte, N. C. have sel ected the Seaboard as 1 he Official route to the reunion at Cbat+anooga, Tenn. for Nortli Carolina, and they will leave Charlotte on May 26! h Monday night it 8 P. M. in two Pullman cars, arriv ing at Chattanooga, Tenn. Tuesday 27th .loon, in plenty of t ime for the opening jf the reunion, the rate for the round trip from Charlotte is only $7.95 and iorrespondingly low rates from all oth er points, the tickets are fcojd until midnight June sth, wit hout any ext en don, but you can have same extended by depositing at Chattanooga, and pay ing 50cts, made good until June 25th 1013, inc, these tickets are good to stop over at any point by notice to the con ductor, the Pullman berths will be not over $1.75 per berth, and perhaps less, two can occupy a berth if desired at the same cost, berths should be engag ed as early as possible by writing to the undersigned. The Seaboard route goes via Atlanta and from there over the famous W. & A.. Ry. called iheiiat; letie!d Koute,fuil of historic interest to all A list of hotels aiid boarding l ouses can be seen at the '-amp roonrin the City Hall wber* you can get them and write for accomodations Chattanooga is going to take splendid care of the eterans and none need ieei that they will not be taken the very best care of. Make your reservations' from Mr. James Ker Jr. now, write him at Char lotte, N..C. Any information you may wish will be cheerfully given. James Ker Jr. T. P. A, will accompany the train through and see that tlie Veterans and their friends are given the very oest care and attention, all are urged and invited to take this route and join the party, a good time is promised, fc'or further information call on or ad dress, James Ker, Jr. Traveling Passenger Agent, Seadoard Air Line Railway. Charlotte, N. C. After a hearty meal, take Doan's Regulets and assist your stomach liver and towels. Regule.s are a mild laxative; 25c at all stores, (adv For Weakness and Loss of Appetite OUI Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Materia and butlda up the system. A true tonio and t«r« Ay* titer, For adult* and children, 50c, For the Weak and Nervous. Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic, full of life and always have a good . appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health—take Electric Bitters Nothing better for the s'omach, liver or kidneys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. 0. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center. N Y., says: I re gard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest ol gifts, I can nev"r forget what it has done for me.'' Get a bottle yourself and see what a dif ference it will make in your health. Only SOc and SI.OO. Recommended by C. M. Shuford, Mos:r & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. adv PROFESSIONAL CARPS DR. H. P. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable Phone 267. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty, HICKORY ... N C. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory- DR. J. J. MICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Sbuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. G. 13HDD IX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Dietz's Barber Shop THE OLD RELIABLE For First Class Haircutting and Shaving. R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL AT rORN'EY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Aberaethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST )ffice over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Palace Barber Shop Try us once and you will come again D. F. CLINE, Proprietor Mrs. D. M. Atkins Trained Nurse Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacrn towns and country as well as in Hickory PHONE 80 HICKORY, N. C. Notice! Hickory Township I will be in Hickory on the follow ing days to receive the tax list of the citizens of Hickory Township. May 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31. Please meet me there and give me yoi r lists. After these days you will have t) come to my residence. Respectfully, L. C. HUFFMAN, List Taker. An Egg Within an Egg. Mr. E. P. Smith has a hen that steps ahead of anything in tbe fowl line in this section. She pre sented him with an egg within an egg the other day. There was a perfectly formed egg within the outer egg, both being incased with separate shells. —Morganton Mes Mistaken Diagnosis—Doctors Gue c s Wrong Agam.^ About five years ago I wrote to you that I had been a terrible sufferer from kidney and bladder troubles, and that my physician informed me that my left kidney was in such- con dition that there was no hope for my recovery. I was advised to try your Swamp-Root as a last resort, and after taking four fifty-cent size bottles, I passed a gravel stone which weighed ten grains. I afterwards forwarded you this gravel stone. Ilave had no return of any trouble since that time and cannot say too much in favor of your wonderful preparation, Swamp- Root, which cures, after physicians fail. Very truly yours, F. H. HORNE, Route 3, Box 30. Roseboro, N. C. Personally appeared before me, this 31st day of July, 1909, F. H. Home, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. JAKES M. HALL, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer * Co.. Blngha—ton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Hickory Democrat. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar *ize bottles for sale at all drugstores, (adv. Caret DM Una, Itfear ItiKlii Win'! Cin The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable l>r. Porter's Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, |LOO. %% 1 I IM K m >\^ Eyesight is priceless and delay is sometime* dangerous If you lose your teeth you can get more but if you lose your eyes it will be a slow go. Therefore come in and have your eyes tested in the most up-to-date style. | correct errors of refractioa both simple :nd complicated, such as Presbyopia, Hypermetropia, Myopia, Astigma tism, etc., ano by the use of Covelles Ophthalmic Cabinet with electric lights I can fit the same by day or night. Yes, life is too short n&t to have the best eyesight possible. My ability is second to none so ft your viswn can be improved I can do it. . No charge for test. -o- '% -o- -o- El? T TT/^ 1 IJ r P Expert Watchmaker and Registered Optometrist. • *1 AVJXJ. 1 . office: Singer Co., 131 ft Union Square, Hickory, N. C. BiSBBBSHBEBEaSEaKS=BBSEMa3BSSSSBBSBBaaESBHBXEaaBBaKKHVBBMVBBBaBSBBBBBSBBBBDaDB3BBBBEM' I I |i The Steady Even Heat j of the | New PbiySction j "i'i'cook - St 1 JvT preserves the rich natural flavor of the meat. ? It means better cooking, a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and less work. No fire to kindle, no drudgery of coal or ashes, * - no smoke or soot. The new 4-burner SSBHSn Perfection Stove j; [,}'■ a;,* cooks awhole meal at once, with least expense and pPfsffPPPylßp trouble. jff y ISfflajy Smaller stoves with 1, 2 or 3 burners. See y 1« them-at your dealer'«, I I V or wr * te or descriptive I * circular to I STANDARD OIL COMPANY |J Washington, D. C (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C Richmond, Va. " BALTIMORE Charleston, W. Va. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. j "Jusft Existing" Some men are satisfied ju& as long as a place to eat and sleep is provided. " . ~ V-* But, the man who takes advantage of every opportunity to make an honest dollarand banks half of it,is the fellow to enjoy real happiness in the cloudy days ahead. • „ . - ■ \j • : v- j ; * ,-v Tiie Fir& National Bank affords the be£ - protection for your funds, as well as the V easier method of saving money. V fs ' Four per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts, compounded quarterly. Money to loan at all times. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HICKORY, N. C. - Capital and Surplus, 1 ' $250,000.00 V I. D. ELLIOTT, President K. C. MENZIES, Vke-Pres. and Casbk* J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier