• C -..A.:; "•••-. V- • • A f • v • ... »: :v' V. * : •?..• •: You want yo" r car to reflect in its name the judgment you fV -rcis- in posing it. You want to mention the name with pride, It apology You ask no odds oi anybody, or of any car—no matter n its price—:? yours is an Overland. To matvJtctur.: an automobile that will gfve fairly good service with expert ~-vision is m>t a very difficult matter. But to produce a first-rate automobile, a "that fi' ves " I,!;,r:r| and unfailm S satisfaction in the hands of the average user, was ( ,i The Wiilys-Overland Company. " The Ovcrlard has been, and is, a splendid proof of its makers' conviction that n flintorea' *• stcr;;n « aiities can be sold to the public at a price lower than thi , i vidcJ fc> o, ' Hr nianu ' acl u r ers of similar cars. Automobile values tnust be looked at from sever. 'J tt if different angles. You mu« consider not only the price, bi u'l® f *1 A M S that price buys you. You must take into «n*ider& ♦ij > A tk)n the power, the strength, the beaut), the coiutructioc i \ j size, the appearance and the equipment of the car. C jll BBf You must judge a car by the in u. ihc workman i-/\A j 'sk ship on it, the methods employed to produce it. and lus? but jj , j 0 ■>" 'east, the facilities behind the production methods. ir Take the equipment item alone. The car has a War - j ner speedometer-the best made; a fine mohair too and to • / covering: a clear-vision windshield; a self-sturter aad Prest / I'" tank—every practical accessory made for an ajtomobi' •. / F.C-.8. TOLEDO. And all lor the one price. There are. no "extras." Only enormous capital and gigantic preparation can accomplis > Overland lias both, in this regard is in a clas. ' Come in and let us give you a trial ride. No obligation. The Overland Car Co., Hickory, N. C. Keep Cool! Keep Cool! You need a Refrigerator and a Ice Cream Freezer to keep you cool this summer. .o* .o* Come in and see the New Automatic, Re frigerator with the 5-gallon bottle water cooler. It is the very one you need in your home. .o* \o. .o* Also look at our fine line of Freezers. They are the best that can be had. .o* •. .o* .o* Shuford Hardware Company, SSfß.*. J rs3S»aTOMMjft.'jamij « Spring Oxfords We have the nobbiest line of Spring Oxfords we have ever shown. All of the very latest styles in shapes, lasts, etc. We can fit any foot that wears a I shoe. Our line consists of - . ICrossetts for Men The Selby for Ladies Barefoot Sandals, too Call in and inspect our line, we'll be glad to see you. -o- -o- Setzer & Russell | 7 try our new ''Flavo" Cakes Orange, Chocolate and Maple and the best ICE CREAM in town. Our bread is made clean, kept clean and sold clean. Our Motto: "QUALITY." CITY BAKERV Phone 235 "3it Social (TircUs A social event of much interest was the one given last night by Miss Mattie Abernethy at her home on 13th Street. A large numbe> of friends were invited and a rare treat was in 1 the store for them. Mr. R. H. West | brook, of Charlotte rendered a nura- I ber of vocal and whistling seltctions; his interpretations being of unsual "in terest. ,A number of other vocal solos were rendered 1 , and not often are the young people given the op- Dortunity to attend such a musical event Refreshments were served. Miss Mary Abernethy presided ovtr the punch bowl. The handsome home of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Abernethy was the scene of a brilliant reception last Thursday afternoon from three to Fix o'clock, when Mrs. Aber nethy entertained in. honor of their niece, Mrs- B~n Gaddy, nee Mis? Pauline Phillips of Newton. In marked contrast to the in clement weather without, wasthe | warmth and gayety within, The ; house which lends itself admir | ably to an entertainment of this kind, was a dream of beauty. In the parlor choice pink roses formed thechiefdecoration. Here the receiving line stood compos ed of the following ladies: Mes dames W. L. Abernethy, Ben Gaddy, Phillips of Newton, Ray mond Abernethy and H.H. Ham i bleton. ! The reception room fthere the punch bowl was presided over by Misses Margaret McComb an 1 Mattie Abernethy, was beautiful ! iu decorations of red roses and j magnolias, the large columns be | ing twined with crimson ram j bier. Here the guests were wel comed by Mesdarties Roy, Fred, ! and Albert Abernethy. In the dining room great bowls of sweet peas lent their fra grance and beauty to the scene, ! Ices and cakes served in this room by Misses 'Lucile Lit aker Pinkie Forney and Minta j Deal. About one hundred and fifty ladies called durinsr the afternoon to greet the lovely young bride. , The guest register was kept by Mrs. Joe Abernethy. Seldom has social Hickory enjoyed a more delightful occasion. Mrs. J. D. Elliott Charming Hostess. With dainty sewing bags and a few with their knitting a delightful coterie of old ladies were found in- Mrs Elliott's beautiful home on 15th st. this afternoon at a sewing party which she gave in honor of Mr. Elliott's mother, Mrs. Althia Elliott of Knox ville, Tenn. After chatting and sew ing for an hour, they were invited into the dining room, where a three course luncheon was served. The round table was beautiful with a profusion of lavender sweet peas. The favors were dainty little lavender caps, made by the hostess. A Card ot Thanks. On behalf of my motherless children and myself, I desire to return thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who tenderly nurs ed my baby son in his last hours and laid his little body to rest. R. L. Boyd. James Elrod. of Middle Fork, left for Hickory. Monday, to con sult an eye specialist. As a result of measles or some kindred dis ease his eyes were so effected that when he left home he was almost totally blind. Here's hoping Jim will find the relief he is seeking, and ere long be returned to his home and family entirely restor ed.—Watauga Democrat. Everybody's friend —Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, the great household remedy for toothache, earache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at all drug sto-es. 25c and 50c. (adv. Diarrhoea When you want a quick cor* whhwl any lou of time, and one that li W***' tof no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and pfarrhoea Remedy It never WU and k pleasant «s take. H to equally valuable fa* ataildren. It » Ibsmmis for Its enrec* ewe* a I m*u* next e> 4M STATEMENT RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PITTSBURG, PA. Condition December 31, 1912, a 6 shown by statement filed. Income—Miscellaneous * $ 19,714.79 Disbursements —To Policyholders, $4,201.25; Miscel., $12,516.67: Total. )6,717.92 ASSETS Premiums in course of collection 1,749.75 Total admitted assets. -i*. ..." —1,749.72 LIABILITIES Unpaid policy claims and expenses of settlement 900.00 Unearned premiums. 9,851.32 Commission, Brokerage and other charges due. 612.41 Totat liabilities - 11,363.73 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1912 Accident, Premiums received $51.56; Loses.paid $55.75. President, J. H. Reid; Secretary, H. G. Scott; Treasurer, J. W. Fleming; HomeOf tice, sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Attorney for service, Insurance Commissioner, Ral eigh N. C. ' Business manager for North Carolina home office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, March 13, 1913. I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstiact of the statement of the Reliance Life Insurance Com pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., filed withjthis Department, showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1912. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. J. R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. Best Medicine for Colds. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, yon can feel sure that he Knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion. Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best for throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other remedies fai'ed." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for every one in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c and SI.OO. Guaran teed by C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. adv., - and not just for the mo ment, either! Pepsi-Cola is /ax//»fin its effect. Quenches thirst — stops it —doesn't make you thirsty, because it is made of thijrst-quenching ingred ients and flavored with de licious ?.nd rare citrus fruits. Just enough sugar to make tveryont like it, and not a bit too sweet. PEPSI-Cola Pleases refreshes nourishes. Anybody can drink it and feel better. It's pure. Builds up body and mind. It's food— it's pleasure it's vacation for the tired man or woman. YOU ought to drink Pepsi-Cola, morning, noon and night. It will cool vour blood—quicken your brain. No other flavor as good. Aren't >dLjL you thirsty now ? In Bottles At /V 3' / r/J)Y Fount* New Parcels Post Will Require Thousands More Employes The United States Civil Service will lequire the appointment of approximate ly 35,000 employes during the coming year. The opportunities for positions in the Civil Service were never better. Civil Service positions are desirable because the hours for work are not too long, salaries are good and certain, and promotions are frequent. The greater number of appointments will be made in the Postoffice '""•vice, paying from S6OO to $1,700 and more per year; the R. F. D. Service, paying $l,lOO per year to standard routes; and the Rail way Mall Service, paying from S9OO to SI,BOO per year. If you are an American over 18 years old and can read and write you can make sure of appointment to one of these posi tions by study of an I. C. S. Civil Service Course. v Call to see the representative of the schools before Saturday night. He is holding a window display at the MORETZ - WHITENER CLOTHING COMPANY'S STORE He will tell you of hundreds of I. C. S. students who have successfully pass ed the Civil Service examinations, and who are now holding good positions as a result of their study with these schools. Don't forget the time or the place—Mor etz-Whitener Clothing Company until May 31st. (Advertisement.) After a hearty meal, take Doan's Regulets and assist your stomach, liver and bowels. Regulets are a mild laxative. 25c at all stores, (adv. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ § BUSINESS LOCALS 8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOO WANTED —Cattle beef and milch cows Will swap milch cows for dry cows. Phone 326J, R. B. Shell Hickory. N. C. IF you are looking for a lot, home, or land, see J. C. Martin. SHIP US YOUR PRODUCE We buy straight or handle on Com mission at highest market prices:— 1 Chickens, eggs, ducks, turkeys, but i rer, sweet potatoes, dried apples, peas —anything to eat. Blue Ridge Pro i duce Co., Charlotte, N. C. 320 lOtx IF you want quick sale of your property place with J. C. Mar tin, Real Estate Agent. For Sale— Scholarship in one of the best Busi ness Colleges in the State. Address this office. * FOR quick sale I have a fine lot, cheap, close in. J. C, Martin, FRESH meats, vegetables and strawberries. The best the market affords. Bost & Newton, | VEAL CALVES WANTED- Highest prices paid. Write L. O. Sigmon, Hickory, N. C. Phone 1705. BUY you a house and save rent. J, C. Martin. VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller. Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. * TRY Todd's Bread received fresh evervdav. Bost & Newton. FRESH BUTTERMILK for sale 5c per gallon. Buttermilk for hog and chicken feed 20c hun dred pounds, Catawba Creamery Co. - WANTED -A good man to act a?. assistant to the manager of the. Singer Sewing Machine Co., at Hickory. Will pay a salary oi SIO.OO a week and a selling com mission of 15 per. Singer Sew ing Machine Co., J. R. Boyd, Manager. Hickory, N. C. JUST opened a complete line of boys wash suits 65c to $1.50. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. . THE word Toric stands for all that is best in lenses. Large field and perfect vision. I furn ish all my perscription glasses now in Tories. See my big ad. ! E. E. Hight, Expert Watchmak er and Registered Optometrist, Office Singei Co., 1316 Union Square, Hickory, N. C.Phoneß3 HOUSEHOLD Goods for sale. I have left yet, a small quanti ty of household goods which I wish to sell by private sale bv the end of this week: One bedroom suit, several druggets, chairs, kitchen utensils, wheelbarrow, and a few garden implements, also a num ber of|fruit jars Will sell cheap. J. W. Clay, 7218 th St. . WE have a few more pianos to sell or exchange for organs. Our pianos are as fine as you can find, and at $ Price Bowles Furniture Co. DR. HESS Louse Killer Guaran teed to kill lice. • Wh.tener & Martin. SOMETHING new in Bed springs. | See them. Bowles Furi itureCo. j ORANGE Pekoe Tea best- for Icif Tea. Whitener & Martin. STOVES and Ranges at the righ:. price. Bowles Furniture Co. I FANCY Caked for Sunday din ner. See them. Whitener & Martin. JUST a few more Porch Rockers at the special price. Bowles Furniture Co. ! WHY PAY MORE for sugar anct lard when you can buy it for less at Knox 5 & 10c store. Lard sale on Saturday and Monday. ASK us to show you the best silk hose ever sold for 25c Moretz- Whitener Clothing Co, SECOND window screen sale at Knox 5 & 10c store Saturday and Monday. Regular 50c value 25c each. Not over 4to a cus tomer. BUY your boys suit from Mor etz-Whitener Clothing Co. KEEP COOL, 50 pieces sheer printed lawn fast colors, the regular 6c grade, 6 yards for 25c; 10 yards for 39c. Not over 20 yards to a customer, Knox 5 & 10c store Saturday and Monday May 31 and June 2. IF you haven't seen Moretz-Whit ener Clothing Co's. dollar shirts you don't know how much shirt value you can get for a dollar. FOR SALE—Southern Queen, Nancy Hall, Big Stem Jersey and Early Red sweet potato plants, $1.50 per thousand; ten thousand or more, $1.25 per thousand. Prompt shipment. Hickory Seed Co., Hickory, N.C. 2t. A big assortment of men's work pants, shirts and overalls all prices. Moretz-Whitener Cloth ing Co. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORI A: Wilraa. the little daughter of Mr. R. G. Mace, was seriously hurt Sunday afternoon when Bh* attempted to climb in the buggy with her father. The horse started backing, and she fell and the wheel ran over her, and the horse tramped on her head, making an ugly wound the size of the calk on the shoe, and her legs were badly bruised. She is able to be out now. "Juft Exi&ing" Some men are satisfied ju& as long as a place to eat and sleep is provided. : But, the man who takes advantage of every opportunity to make an hone& dollar and banks half of it4s the fellow to enjoy real happiness in the cloudy days ahead. The National Bank affords the be& protection for your funds, as well as the easiest method of saving money. Four per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts, compounded quarterly. Money to loan at all timeSo • - • FIRST NATIONAL BANK HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $250,000.00 J. D. ELLIOTT, President K. C. MENZIES, Vlcr-Pres. and Cashier J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier . ■. ■ ■ ■ . ■ For The Merchant Who Doesn't Advertise .. In these days of higher efficiency in the management of affairs, where do you stand, Mr. Merchant? We invite you to become an advertiser in this newspa per; to Join, if you have not already done so, the progres sive merchants »f this vicinity who have something of merit to sell and something of interest to say about it. Many a tale is yet untold about your store or your bus iness which if placed before our readers would rejuvenate your whole establishment. i The game is out in the open today. The livest merchants and manufacturers tell the public of the merit and superiority of their wares. ■ •' The most successful enterprises in this city are so con stantly before the public in the columns of THE DEMO CRAT and other first-class newspapers that when one ' thinks of aLy of the many articles of dally trade his mind turns instantly to one of the stores or one of the particu ■ lar makes whose advertisements are set forth in these : ' pages. I A merchant told us last week that in the month of J.V. March he advertised a great deal; in April he did no ad vertising. He said he tried it again in May and hl9 busl ness was double in March and May what it was for April. ' :;" y How about that Mr. Merchant. .ty : ' i i ■■ , . _ . _ . '\ - , Metal Shingles We have just received a car of Ed wards Colonial Galvanized and Painted Metal Shingles, also a com plete stock of Galvanized V Crimp ed Roofing. • -o- -o- -o* Abernethy Hard ware Company Robert Duncan, was captured at the home of his parents in West Hickory by the chief of police, and was taken to Atlanta. Ga. Sunday by Deputy Slidnft Burns. He was said to have de serted from the army, and when the authorities heard he was there they wired the chief of police to arrest him, which was promptly done. A reward of SSO was offered for bis capture.

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