' "•» \ The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of /f and has been made under his per. Sp •/-#-+, sonat supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thte. jlli Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good"are but Experiments tt »t trifle with and endanger the health of (juanth aud Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcolic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, it relieves Teething Troubles, *nires Constipation and Flatulency.; It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS He Kind Ton Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tMtwrwiMHMiiv, rr «»UH«iaT, (nnuMT. OAK. LUMBER WANTED. The Hickory Chair Manufactur ing Co. are now ready to buy your Oak Lumber. Call or write and get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. m Ok *vw r« r«. vati n hmni ian———a——r—— nr."«wwxmaT——fcaaan—wm—————M————————————Mibofc IN * • Our House-wiring Campaign which we launched I I Monday, May 26th I has proven highly satisfactory I i Have you taken advantage of this unusual offer? If not, get busy, have your contractor give bid on the cost of I lequiping your home for electricity. This offer is not made for an indefinite period. /._ „ • . • « THORNTON LIGHT & POWER CO. PHONE 148 I Catawba Items. * This was crowded out last week Mrs. Eva Little of N>v. 4 ; : th~ ffutvSt n#»p son, i>r C A Little. Miss Man S t'.> L' noir Morrdsy to vis-t her sister Mrs. Joe Pr!ce. Mrs. Graham and dautrhte." Miss Essie, nrd M>\ Moor> and siste \ Miss p •-,-t t I Island* wf»re irue-ts at the bom of Mr. ard Mrs. R. R. Br.ge* night. Mr and Mrs Girh.nd Hewit of Llaremnnt '•Dent S ind-.y wit» Dr. and Mrs C. A. Little. • Mr. R. T. Bailey of- Asheviil*> spent. Sunday with Mr. Arthur Smith. Mrs. Pink Ec!;ard of Terrell, sp nt the week erd here witl:> relatives. ' Little Misses Annie Laurie and Hazel Hudso-i of Sponger, are snendinuf a fow with their era- H parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pitts. Miss Zula Sherrill is recover ing from measles. Miss Ila Moore Underwent an for appendicitis at Dr. Long's sanatorium at Statesville Mrs. Moore and Mis« Vina Moore are in Statesvill with her. I Are You Nervous? 1 What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your pL II womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the Ey jpj hard work you do. As a result, you break down, and ruin 13 your entire nervous -system. Don't keep this upl Take W Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from purely ( j vegetable ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs, f • and heips them to do their proper work. It relieves pain J |n| and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the t'j [' s source of the trouble and building up the bod;iy strength. L ! fe TAKE tl I vARDU E Woman'sTonlc' j Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va M took Cardui. j £ This is what she says about it: "I was so weak and || nervous, I could *iot bear to have anyone near me. I had • j P fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose \ 6 of Cardui helped me. Now, I am entirely cured of the | ? ■ fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I f j know it saved my life." It is the best tonic for women. •| j Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? ! Take Cardui. ii will help you. Ask your druggist Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chittinooca Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., ?• i From Ccnover Route 2. This was crowded ou.hst wee Mr. II rb rt 1-1 y o Gran vi i ,"«j foia iv'S i'v our se* tion recenf y. ' „ Ivhs. 'J ivg • T-ol!i■>#«»• of C»t ••!*vba is visaing he? fatner, M ; . Ban Kb H i.t. s Mr. and Mr E. L V - i*. t'ie h -* ut' M • G 'o. V »;ut ••»?» Sir.'i u' Mr-: ;•» 'u • Vv' : • f Cor;c- V»«* \J • )>•. W .'sp. f C-i:t y Th» w"it' j r f>'y m'd- •• t) 'h? e-in't*! o;' An son c mrity Nowhere did he se- the fu t advanced thar in ol i C tiwha. I j i'a>.r p?jr»: •>' >hv ten ito*y traveled through, is. far behind our c unty in agri cultural Drcsoect: . In our s°ct'OTi mot p?ople re port b'.t few peaches, an 1 few aprv'es this year, so we'll have to make good use of the blackberry crop. Itching, torturing skin eruptions disfigure, annoy, drive one wild. ■Doiiii's Ointment is praised for its good work. 50c at all drug stores ~ adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Granite Falls News. This v as crow Jed out last week. Falls, M y Id.— Mr. R >bert Price returned tro ti school t day . He at ten led L-noir Col- the past'tern. Several of our townsmen went to Hickory to hesr folk Miller. Tne first Sundsy in June is the day to which tne Liuhe an Con- at Urarnta Falls, is looking with great intere t. The new church has been c. rnp'eted an. J the dsy iix } as the tone for a "h.);n.2 cor the who* rn iVcd. away, 'flat ! !>f y rn y n j .>»« -.with the congregation i ver has been d >,ie in the way of erectHg a new horse of worsh p. Rev. J. D. Mauney, of S . Andre -* • pastor ale, and Rev. Prf. M. L. Stir*- wait, of Lenoir will bn present. Mr. M uiney wi preach a■ 11 A M. The fIo»y C nrnun ion wiil be administered -.titer his sermon. At 2:30 P. M. R v. Stire walt will p reae a. subj ict, Christ ian Education. Not only m; m >ers of tne Luth eran Church. Out e;• body is eprdially in vile \t t s > services Tnere will le all day service, therefore dinner will be served or. the grounds. Everybody bring well filled baskets, that we may not only have a feast for our spir itual needs, but also food for o«ir bodily wants. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND » L»dlesl AbU you~ Drue !»t for a tNamond J ran4/A\ I'IIIa in R:d and Uold . :ctallic\V/ Trv —.ZTwQ boxes, sealed wills Blue Ilibboo. * I*n wi T«ko no oth?p. Buy » ' votip V I / ~ flr Wrwtat. A-k forClfl-f:: iKS-TER 8 I W XT I>IAMONr> kkaND I 1 I.LB, for 83 V~ Jv years known as Best, Safest.-.vayc Rellahlo r - SOLD BY DRUGGISTS £V RVWHERE KLY TO Ll2F ' (trade mask k:'J'j:ei?ed) f IAHEI A HE most reriiarkarile remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, Dj'spepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress /rom any co use. Relieves Immediately Creates app tiie, re s-ores vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due 10 a co- \ hol ; c and other excesses. Gres'tU Foaic a»i Sracsr Srr n AbsolutiVy no hamfu!: r.r s * *3. Guaranteed I:trior Pure and Drugs Act, Xo. 42 j-iO. All - . or send 10 cents for trial bctile direct to The Digesloceice Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. For Sale by All Druggists. 'JS-ma | Coming to 1M Doctor Petersoij will be in Hickory every Sunday at the PARKER HOUSE, where he can be consult ed by anyone who is sick. This gives working I I people, especially, a chance to consult this cele- j brated specialist free of charge. His specials are: Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, | Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Consumption and Nervous 1 breakdown. Do not fail to consult him. He can £ cure the worst cases or all money paid him will 1 be refunded. I L. L. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job all first class work and will save you money. See L, L. Moss before ybu close your bids. Rhone 173 L. ./ ' job Printing' That's Different™PHone 37

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