fecASTORIA _Jgjgj|§g[- For Infante and Children. Itaflfri Kind You Have Always Bought U; RJTI OJ:'.»I, 3 PER CENT. ] ** fe.i AVciifiJ^'ft? pardion&rAs- , n A/ , W4 if # m &G&TB the /. I £|j S.:utacfeJaielßawifll /y Wlf Signature /Am F v i '.-.ijßlfcsii-'UUiiliisnaaw Qj #l\M LT C tern iwrMl«l. fi 11. IT 8° VNRR AZOTIC. : ALLT | j &Z* wJMßisam j IAV J-l &£ ) \A ' B.i; £&.'( * jf\t In lei [ ; n 4A » 111 |o! fife. ) JUL t' .*• || |ifi£!sss®S f\jy % «se For Over P licSin.UL- Si&atuej* W IUI WLUI |j4#" Thirty Years I^HCHSTORIft E lf-- Copy *.■ Bwnw MM. Mrr; kM NM tirt tr rtg*K*Ksrzm* S - Be Happy! Happy the girl, or woman, who has never suffered from my of the diseases of womanhoodl Or, if she has been a sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful benefits of Cardui, the woman's tonicl Cardui is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women's ailments. It is a natural medicine —safe, harmless, purely vegetable. It has been in successful use for more than 50 years. It has cured thousands. It should do the same for you. CTAKE The URDU I WomatfsTomc Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Ter.n., says, "1 think there is no tonic on earth, as good as CarduL I used it with the very best results. 1 bad backache and nearly everything a woman could suffer with, until I took CarduL New, I feel better than I have for two years. 1 shall always recommend Cardui to other suffering women. I can't praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui is safe and reliable. Try it, today. Wrtft to; UUef Advisory DtgC. Ctatt»ooeaM«dldne C*. CbHaaoog. T—. tutoriallnztnxtiana. and64-pagebook. "Has*TrwtneoifarWean,"scntfrM. JM Now Going On—A Special Remnant Sale . f \\ e have a large number of remnants that have accumulated during the year and we want to clear them out at once, so we have done them up in 8-yard bundles and while they la& they go at 50c Bundle : Some of these goods sold as high as 50c a yard, and it is an unusual opportunity to buy high-class goods at low prices. Come in and get your share, to-day, if you wait they all may be gone. SETZER & RUSSEjLL OAK LUMBER [ WANTED. Fhe Hickory Chair Manufactur es Co. are now ready to buy y°ur Oak Lumber. Call or write an d get prices. Hickory Chair Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. G et US Print for YOU-We Print for Others. SUNDAY SCHOOL. •■"■■"■ awes* Lesson Xl.— Second Quarter, For June 15, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Le«»on. Gen. xlvii. 1-12. Memory Vertex 8-10—Golden Text. Rem. viii, 28 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. 1 bis Is the only lesson assigned In the remaining five chapters of Jenesls. and while giving some attention to" "Jacob before Pharaoh.* the Jessou title, we must consider as many a* possible of many most important things of all these chapters. It in worth while to notice when Jacob Is so called and when he Is callel Israel, the old name and the new, remembering the when and wherefore of the change Being convinced by the sight of the wagons that Joseph still lived, be start ed on his journey to Egypt sod at Reersheba ofTered sacrifices onto tlod Thus began, with the entrance into Egypt of these seventy souls, the fill Ailment of the word of th« Lord to Abram. "Thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs" rtien xv. 13. 44». The other end of the prom ise. "Afterward shall they come out with great substance," seems to have i>een so real to Jacob that, as Israel, he said to Joseph before he died. "Be hold. 1 die. but God shall be with you and bring you again unto the land of your fatbers"-jfxlvlii. 211. When Jo seph died, over flfty years later, he said to his brethren: "I die. and God will surely visit yon and bring joa out of this land. • • • And ye shall car ry up my bones from beflce" fl. 24. 231. When Jacob and all bis household drew near to Egypt he sent Jutfah to advise Joseph and to direct his way. And again we think of Film who came from Judah. who only can direct our way Joseph, being thus nd vised of his fa tber'a arrival «t Goshen. went In bis chariot to meet his "father and present ed himself unto him (zlvf. 29), and who can tell what is so briefly summed up in the words "He fell on bis neck and wept on his neck a good while?" What a meeting It must have been after twenty two years of separation, and Joseph all that time supposed by his father to be dead! Now be receives him back from the dead and finds hire ruler over all Egypt and a savior of in all lands as well as of himself and his household. What a day It will l»e when the nation of Is rael shnll look upon. Him whom they crucified and find In Him not only their own Messiah, but the one who will britig salvation to all nations! As lo«eph's brethren found blm mar ried. so Israel shall see their Messiah associated with Hl* bride the church, for "when f'hrist. our life. shall itfv near. then shall we also appear with Him In glory" (Col 111. 4i It seems to me that there are Jnat two prominent thinjrs In the lesson rentes ofi today— JMiaraoh bestowlnj the best of nil the land of Rsypt upon Joseph's father and brethren and Ja cob's reply to the o»»cstlon of l*h«raoh. "How old art thou?" (Wr*es «. 9. 11.1 Because of the death and resurrection of the f.«wd Jesus all who truly receive Him and thus become His brethreo are blessed with all things In Him. and beMevlnc this us strangers and pilirrlms here and fills us with a sense of onr own unwnrthlness (1 Pet. 11. 11l So Jnscpb nourished his father and his brethren and all their households rturlnc all the remalnlnc years of fam ine (verse 12». and -Infob lived In the land of Ecvpt seventeen years Jacob therefore had Joseph with hltn the first and last seventeen years, the flrirt seventeen of Joseph's life and the last seventeen of Jnrob's life (lIITII. 2: xlvti. 28i. It la worth while to conald er the seven weepings of Joseph, hut 1 think the last Is In some reapecta the most tonching. He had nourished hta brethren and their families for sereii teen years, having fully assured them of hla forgiveness at the hegtastaff of that period, bnt now. their father be ing dead, they say "he wffl certfttaly requite ns all the evil which we did nnto him " So they send a messenger asking him to forgive their trespass and their sin and the evil which they did nnto him (1. 15-17). Joseph wept when they iptkt «®to him. Was there ever anything so mesa and contemptible as such conduct? Tel M* bis most Cbrlstllke words ta k It -21. He reassured tbem end comfort ed tbem and spake kindly roio tbem. What shall we say of thoee who. bav in* come to Cbrlst and received Him as their Saviour, will. not take His word for It that He has freely and fnlly forgiven all their sins snd will remember tbem no more, but seem to be ever In donbt concerning their ac ceptance? In .lacob's farewell predic tions to his sons concerning the last days note the pre-eminence of Jndab concerning the Messiah (xHx. 10) and the wondrous typical snggestlveness In the portion concerning Joseph (xllx. 22- 26), "The stone of Israel" carries ns on to Isa. xxviii. 16: Ps. cxvlll. 22: Matt. xxi. 42: Epb. 11. 20: I Pet H 6-8: Dan. H. 3fi. 45. "Separate from his brethren" Is repented In the farewell blessings of Moses (Dent, xxxfil. I6t and wondrously links Joseph with Christ. "A fruitful bough by a well whose branches run over the wall" makes us think of Jesus and the Sa maritan woman at .farob's well and all that It suggests. The last words In Genesis, "a coffin in Egypt." and the story of that coffin (Ex. xill. 19: Josh xxiv. 32: Heb xl. 22) teach the vic tory of faith. Diarrhoea When fou wmnt a.quick any loss of time, and one that to Ip' mo bad reeulte, nte Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy II MW fcfli and to •• «■* It u MoanT ▼* lu * bi * "* n I mnp wm | larfe pact * mrnmtmrnm ■ i irtfrnrr^ Dr. B E. Washburn Enters Health Work. Dr. B. E. Wftshburn of Boetfc, N. C., in Rutherford county has given up a lucrative practice to become a district director in the State campaign against Hook wot m disease. He is splendidly fitted for the work, being an A. B, and A. M. graduate of the University of North Carolina, a graduate in Medicine from the University of Virginia, and hav ng had a year's hospital service in the City Hospital of Wilming ton, N. C. There pre now seven physicians devoting their entire rime to this work in the state. In addition to Dr. J. A. Eerrell, the State Director, the following physicians are engaged in con ducting the dispensary cam paigns for the free examinatioi ana free treatment of the disease and in tmr roving sanitary con ditions: Dr. C. L. Pridgen, Dr. P. W. Covington, Dr. G. F. Leonard, Dr. W. P. Jacobs, Dr. fl. L. Sioan and Dr. fi. E. Wash bum. Mr. H. O. Self of Jack son county is also, connected with the work as a special agent making the preliminary arrange ments in the counties for open ing the work. Eight microscop ists are engaged in making the examinations. Every tentß per son in the state has been exam ined and every twentieth one treated up to date. *. The Medical Society of the State of North Carolina will hold its annual session at Morehead City, June 17th. AGE NO BAR Everybody io x Hickory is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering. Middle age couiageouslv fighting, Youth protesting impatiently;; Children, unable to explain; '« All in misery from their kidneys. Perhaps a little backache first. Urinary disorder?, dropsy may quickly follow, Doan's Kidney .Pills are for sick kidneys. Are endorsed by thousands. Here's Hickory testimony: • Mrs. L. S. SherrilL, 1346 Twelfth Ave., Hickory, N. C., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills permanently cured my boy of kidney complaint. The chile could not control the passages of th kidney secretion? and this caused great annoyance Although we tried almost everything, nothing did anj good until we procured Doan'sKidnev Pills at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store Thev greatly strengthened his kid neys.^ For sale by all dealers. Prie« 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Bud 10, Nev York, sole agents lor the United States the name —Doar.'s— and take no other. *dv New Double Daily Service VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Company. tv. HICKORY Ar. t.47 a.m. 11.46 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 6.35 p.m Ar. OASTONIA Lv. 10.00 a.m. 9JO a. m. 4.40 p. m. 3.10 p.m. Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Apr. 27, »9*3- Lv. Gastoai* Ar. Gaatonla No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7-56 a. m. " 4 6.16 M 44 3 9.1 5 " •• 6 9.30 " " o 10.15 ** 8 10.20 u "7 11.60 tr «• 1011.56 " - ** 9 12.46 p.m. ** i 2 I2i>o p.m. "11 1.55 " •• 16 2.00 " "15 2.55 " "18 3.00 •• "11 4.30 " « 20 S-OO " "19 5.35 " "aa 6.45 " -21 7.45 " •* 24 845 " "23 9.45 " •« 26 10.55 M "a 5 11.5S " TU abrc iilufcli. B«wm md cowcri— y6- llit 11 ■■!] ii iafwrtim «■ irr r— c. V. PALMER, Gen. Pas. Agent Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent. Gastoma, N. C. . ICAT'SPAW RUBBER 1 WWHEELS WM tICHT WEIGHT ' . wm M tusTic J 1 The Gaf» fn MaSsxifm. Insist oh Cut* hw Huu H>' TNC MAMC IS CASV TO *E- ttllllilrHJfflli MEMBER. ALU OCALEftS *■( SO CENTS ATTACHED FoslerJßubbe»^gJo^F»4jr«^StJß«sJonJl»s^J • These are the kind of Rubber Heels you get when we put them on, and we put 'em on to stay, too. We have them in black and tan rubber. All work called for and delivered. I * ' F. M. Thompson Phone 106 1 fast Give Up Split Skirt or Wear Undergarment. Indianapolis, Ind,, June 5. Women in Indianapolis who wear tne new style split skirt al so mU3t wear undergarments, and the traffic squad of the po lice force has been asked to en force the order, which was given out by Superintendent of Police Martin J, Hyland today. The order was issued after Superintendent Hyland had re ceived a letter signed "The Ladies" and which read as fol lows: "We as the ladies, ask that you prohibit the wearing of *plit skirts without undergar ments. We hope that you will rake this seriously." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that *'rapid eat ing is slow suicide," If you have formed the habit of eating too raoid ly you are most4ikely suffering from in igestion or constipation, which will result eventually in serious illness un less corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth.Food should be thorough ly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of the stoniach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many severe cases of stom ach trouble and constipation have been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agree able m effect. Sold by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drur Co. adv. Ph Weakness and Lota of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builda up the system. A true tonic and sure Avr«t>ter. For aduhs and children. 60c. The Thrice-A-Week Edition Of The New York World PRACTICALLY A DAILY AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY No other Newspaper in the World Gives so much at so low a price This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats, for the lirst time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both braches of Congress. The political news is sure to be of the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the ex tinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe, just as a few .years ago you read how Spain lost her last fooi of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for Impartiality, aud anybodj can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every otlu r day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in otliur strong features, serial stories, iiuraor**markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a ttr>t class daily. TiIETHRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $l.OO per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper tnd • The Hickory Democrat together for one'year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND A tflxl Aityw DrmtfUt for /\ /i( ASb t'kt-rhaa «er ■ UUMMid Hrud/A\ MUSA J'lIU U Bed »nd told r,cu!i,c\V/ V bone. tailed with Blue Ribl>on. \/ m Tab* •tfcer. Bar rf rear " (7 ~ ft VraqU. AskforCiri.CllkB.TEßß I C Jf DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for M yy B jaus k&owaaa Best. Sttet, Alwtyi Reliable SOI# W DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE * ___ ggjggl Always Ready For Use You don't have to coax the fire when \J** y° u £ et home late or when Off you get up early if you U out overheating your kitchen. f J&L) J ' baltimore sssi-c "Suffered day god night the tor ment of itching piles. Nothing help ed me until I used Doan'e Ointment. The result was lasting."— Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard. Ala. adv Freckled Girls It is an absolute fact, that one 60 cent fax of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove your freckles or caurc them to fade and that two jars wiil even in the moct severe cases completely cur a them. Wo are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion h not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. WiL not make hair grow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES. Comein today and try it. The jars are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 60e. Mammoth jars $l.OO. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c, f>r sale by Moser and Lutz Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA L. L,. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job all first class work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L. r 4 Beverage p' A welcome addition to any party— ■ ■ !jylli Sparkling with life and wholesomeneu. U jjjpSßj' Thirst-Qiienehiiig THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. Whcncrer you tee in Arrow tblok of Cocs-Col*. You'll Receive Many I" Offers To accept office employment if you are graduate of the Asheville Business College Enroll now and secnre-a. caih-paying education-that starts'you far above the f K>t of the ladder where the untrained are obliged to We are offering ■pecial summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE—We teach by mail. If you can not attend the college, write us about our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S SHOCKLEY, 3rd floor No. 8, North Pack Sauare. Asheville N. C. Can't Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Tablets is daily becoming more wide ly known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles has ever been known. For sale by & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv.