fHE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Published Every Tliursdt y E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietoi TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ 1 •« Six Months, " " £ Three Months " Advertising Rates on Application EntereJ at the Post Office at Hirkorj S#ICOHJ clsss matter. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 SEGREGATION AND CLASSIFICA TIONOF PROPERTY FOR TAXATION. We note that by a majority re port, the committee on constitw tional amendments will recrn mend to the extra session of t> legislature the segregation a» classification of property for tf 1 purpose of taxation. Their re also contain the add recommendation that in cases r segregation the rate of tax* shall be uniform throughout th» districts in which the taxes at levied. This step marks a very fct ward and progressive advanr* in the right direction, and it is t« be hoped that the Legislator* will adopt this recommendatk» in substantially the form in whic» it will be presented. In theal sence of information on a bett> plan, it seems that the one whicl has been recommended" will offt the best solution of the inequali ties? which we have endured *■« long under the old system. Th» absurdities produced under on present system of assassing res property for purposes of taxatioi are so well known to everyon that there is no need for ar > argument why it should be di pensed with. We have all lean ed that there is such a lack o uniformity in assessing re property that the burdens supporting the state goven ment fall very unequally on the different counties of the stat' As a result of this valuations ( real property have fallen to th« lowest possible minimum, an we are unable.to raise them hip enough to make a showing t valuations that will meet th> necessary requirements of th» state and county government on our present rates of taxation. Nor can we much blame th* assessors of the different coun ties, for with real estate assess ed at 40 per cent of its actual value in Catawba County, ar.(. only 25 per cent in Mecklenburg county, it is easy to see that Ca tawba is paying 15 per cent mor« to the state treasurer on thi? class of property than is being paid by the people of Mecklen burg county on the same class. Under the plan of segregating property for the purpose of taxa tion, the Legislature will in al» piobability relieve the counties from taxes on real property foi state purposes, and leave this as one of the sources of revenue for the support of the various county governments. Another evil of the present system which we have grown ac customed to is the inability to get solvent credits and other forms of personal property on the books for the purposes of taxation. It is to be hoped that by the adop tion of a system of classifying property this evil will be very much remedied if not whollj eliminated. We know from the experience of states that havt tried this plan, it is a great dea easier to get this property listec when rates of taxation are re duced; with the result that thej have seen a very large increa* in the revenue from tnese pai ticular sources. The recommen dationsof the committee certain ly suggest a much needed chang and we hope that both the Legis lature and the people of the star* will endorse the recommendation as presented. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Hickory is proud of its Cham ber of Commerce for in it we fee that we have an organization tru ly representative of the town'fc life. Its many ways of stimula ting civic pride and making even citizen of the town feel that ht wants to have a part in the mak ing of Hickory the best town in the state are appealing to every one. It is this kindling of indi vidual interest that is contributing very largely to the success of the Chamber of Commerce and it is very largely due to the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce that Hickory deserves the title of be ing the "Town that does Things." With our introduction to its new quarters last Friday night we feel a keener interest and have a greater confidence than ever be fore in the officers to whom have intrusted the management and shaping of the policies of the or ganization. Their foresight in providing quarters that will be able to take care of its growing and expanding energies and use fulness, has not only supplied needs and given comfort, but has provided an elaborateness of equipment that eclipses the home of any commercial organization in the state. Its every arrange ment and feature is a cause for congratulation of its management. The large display and assembly room will serve most excellently the idea of displaying Hickory made products," besides provia- most useful place lor tne er/tertainmer.t of visitors and an ideal assembly room for the meet ings of Hickory's different organ- Z learned to regard Mr Joy as a promoter of commercial and material interests but te seems to play equally well the part of social entertainer, for in hi? new role as host to "All of H'?k .OTJt!' he has made a success which will create now demands upon hi? aireadv indispensable usefulness. "All of Hickory" now has an in r.toduct'on to tne work rhe Cham ber of Commerce is doing; an in- into its plans and ideals and rhe things it hopes to accomplish that will mean the betterment of •very phase of civic life. It hfis • Iready been of incalculable jfooo to the town, and its past achieve nents have thoroughly demon era'ed its ability to make good, trough the proper cooperative oirit it can be of still reater sef ulness in the future. Much :reriit is due to the past efficiency >f its Board of Directors and Sec -etaiy tor the success they have nade of the organization. With the help of "All of Hickory," lowever, its future success can oe made bigger and greater. Notice of Service of Summons by Publication. Mrs. Ora J. Yount 1 vs. f Notice. C. J, Yount. J The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Catawba county to •jbtain an absolute divorce from the oonds of matrimony rxisting between the plaintiff and defendant; and the aid defendant wi.l further take notice that he is required to appear at the next tTm of the superior court of said county to be held on the Bth Monday oe.fore the first Monday in September, it being the 7th day of Jaly, 1913, at the court house of said county in New too, N. C. and answer or demur to the comp'aint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This June 4th, 1913. C. M. McCorkle, Clerk Superior Court. Councill & Yount, Attorneys, NOKTN CAKOLINA, ( In the Superior Catawba County \ Court. M rs. Lot tie Taylor vs. Howard Taylor. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. The defendant above named will take that an action entitled as above named has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Catawba County by the Plaintiff above named for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from itie bonds of matrimony existing be tween l he parties Plaintiff and Defend ant. The said defendant will further take notice iliat lie is required to ap pear at the fall term of the superior court of Catawba County to be held on i he eighth Monday after the first Mon day in September 1913, it being the twentieth day of October, 1913, at the court house of Catawba County in Newton, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in the action, or the Plaintiff wi l apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This tiie third day of July, 1913. C. M. McCorkle, Clerk Superior Court Catawba Co. D. L. Russell, Attorney. You'll Receive Many Offers To accept office employment if you art graduate of the Asheville Business College Enroll now and secure a cash-paying education that staris you far above th-. f >ot of the ladder where the untrainei are obliged to begin. We are offerin ; special Summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NO TE—We teach by mail. If you can not aitend the college, write us about our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S SHOCK LEY, 3rd floor No. 8, North Pack Souare. Asheville. N. C. (TRADE MARK RSOMRNRO) HPHE most remarkable remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress jrom any co use. Relieves Immediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re m ives instantaneously depression due to alco hohc and other excesses. Greats u Tonic end Bracer Known Absolutely no harmful inpredients. Guaranteed under Pure Food and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bott!o direct to The Digesioncioe Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. For Sale b» All Druggists. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA -Notice. NORTH CAROLINA, \ Mortgagees' Sale Catawba County. S of Land. Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage executed on the 22nd day of November, 1909. by M. A. Bolch and wife, Alice J. Bolch, mortgagors, to Pink Duncan, mortgagee. Said mort gage being given to secure the payment of the sum of four hundred dollars to the aforesaid mortgagee. Now where fore default having been made in the payment of the same under and accord ing to the terms contained in the said mortgage: By virtue of the power of sale contained therein I Pink Duncan, Mortgagee, will on Monday, the Twen ty-First day of July, 1913, at 1 o'clock P. M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in New ton, Catawba County, North Carolina, all that tract or parcel of land contain ed in said mortgage; which mortgage is duly recorded and found in Book No. 92 page 52 in the office of the register of deeds for Catawba County, and bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Hickory Town ship, Catawba County, N. C., described and defined to wit: Begin ing at a stake in a road, John Flowers southwest corner, and running N. 52 W. 12(5 2-5 poles to a stake, Mrs. Anna Rolch's corner, thence N. 61 E. 21 22- 25 poles to a stake; thence S. 52 E. 114 poles to a stake in John Flowers' line; thence with his iine S. 37 1-2 W. 19 22- 25 poles to the beginning, containing fifteen acres more or less. Immediately upon the sale of the said premises and the payment of the purchase money therefor the mortgagee will execute a good and law ful deed for the premises above described, under and by virtue of the powers contained in the sain mortgage. This the 19th day of June, 1913. Pink Duncan, Mortgagee. D. L. Russell, Attorney. Carolina & North-Western Ry. Schedule Effective June 29th, 1913. Daily Daily Mixed Northbound Pass. Pass. Ex. Sun Chester Lv. 1 30 p m 7 50am Yorkville 2 16 836 .... .. Gastonia .... 303 930 t Gastonia ... 310 930 Lincolnton ... 410 10 27 Newton 4 47 II 05 Hickory 535 11 45 7 00am Lenoir 635 1 10pm 8 18 Mortimer . ...7 46 235 .. .. Edgemont_,Ar. 7 53 2 45 Southbound No. 7 No. 9 No. 51 Edgemont ..Lv. 5 30am 12 10pm Mortimer j 37 12 17 Lenoir .... 645 130 3 00pm Hickory 7 43 2 35 4 22 Newton 8 13 3 05 Lincolnton 8 55 3 43 Gastonia... Ar. 10 00 Gastonia ..Lv. 10 05 440 Yorkville 10 54 5 36 Chester ... Ar. 11 40 625 * Leave t Arrive CONNECTIONS. Chester —Southern Rv., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville—Southern Railway. Gastonia—Southern Ry., Piedmont &. Northern Ry. Lincolnton—S. A. L. Newton and Hickory—Southern Rail way. E. F. REID, G. P. A., „ Chester, S. C. Freckled Girl? It is an absolute fact, that one 50 ce: jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREA: will either remove your freckles or c&u Ihem to fade and that two jars will ev in the most severe cases completely cu* Ihem. We arc willing to personal: guarantee thi3 and to return your nion without argument if your complexion not fully restored to it 3 natural beaut- WILSON'S FRECXLE CREAM is fin' fragrant and absolutely harmless. Wi not make hair grow but will positive remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECE LES. Come in today and try it. The jar are large and results absolutely certain Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c Mammoth jars SI.OO. WILSON'S FAlfc SKIN SOAP 25c, For sale by Moser and Lutz and not just for the mo ment, either! Pepsi-Cola is initseffect. Quenches thirst — stops it —doesn't make you thirsty, because it is made of thirst-quenching ingred ients and flavored with de licious snd rare citrus fruits. Just enough sugar to make everyone like it, and not a ; bit too sweet. PEPSI-Cola Pleases refreshes nourishes. Anybody can drink it and feel better. It's pure. Builds up body and mind. It's food— it's pleasure it's vacation for the tired man or woman. YOU ought to drink Pepsi-Cola, morning, noon and night. It will cool your blood—quicken your brain. No other flavor as good. Aren't you thirsty now i At m ■ >mm mm ■ Hickory Township Road Commission Statement For June 1913. v V $ 188 61 Pay roll.week ending June 4th 149.63 Pay roll week ending June 11th 163.85 Pay roll week ending June 18th ; 173.70 Pay roll week ending June 25th_ 11.70 Blacksmith week 4th . •""* 11.70 Blacksmith week ending June 11th ' " 10 72 Blacksmith week ending June 18th 1- ll7O Blacksmith week ending June 25th — 112.55 City Feed Co., for hay 7 8 70 Gus Teague for corn, "VV Vo~i " 4 05 Piedmont Wagon & Mfg. Company Axle & 1 ole. 'jj Bost & Newton bag of salt '95 Hickory Ice & Coal Company coal Aber net hjP]Hardware bin Mch"Aprij and May.... 100.92 Guy Huggins Payment on Rock Culvert, Horseford Creek ino'ftO W. S. Fallis salary June.. v - -s'^ Cloyd L. Miller salary June..- - - o',o J. L, Cilley bookkeeper - - - - . Total for June - 11'QH. Previously expended - " ' ' Total to date. - - 24,174.74 Housework Drudgery ! Housework U drudjery of thThousehold, her back acb i. „„ her under the stress of pain/possibly dis;T . - Dr. Pierce is perfect!/willin* to let "ery one know wta« \ h ; s « Favorite Prescription " contains, a complete list ol m gredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do . . u f• / \ persuade you that his unknown composition is just (U b ooa / ||£ \ in order that he may make a profit. Ife W \ Mrs. Brazil Bkk :oa, of K9 N * ia U 1 r»v.writM- "lTavr>" taken your tavoiite 1 rescropwyu, YZ / ?,r'"i T2T.W. o[ iuith.al W XJ '• )y which have done ir»e a world of good. . Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets regulate liver end bowele. Picnic^^^b —to insure complete success take along a case of M MM The satisfying beverage—in field B or f° rest > at home or in town. jB As pure and wholesome as it is K ' temptingly good. g Delicious —Refreshing M Thirst-Quenching Demand the Genuine— Sohi Refuse substitutes. Fountains Send foe Prec Booklet. °, r . Carbon ated in Bottles. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Eas since 1894 given "Thorough instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 33, a boarding patronage of 363, its student body of 413, and its plant worth 5150,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $l5O pays all charges for the year, including table beard, room, lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, REV. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal BLACKSTONE, VA. ■B—MHBB—Bi 11— We Will Renew burned out lamps free of charge for our consumers. This is more than your dealer will do for your oil lamps—so get wise. Use electric lights Thornton Light & Power Co. fob Printing' That's Different—PHone 37 CORTWGHT METAL SHINGLES^^ last as long as tH6 building and never need repairs. Just the thing for town or country buildings, because they every condition of beauty and security.^^^ F. B. In gold, Hickory, N. C. —E— —mhmmm^bbb CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hutls and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 Better Than Spanking Spanking: will not cure children of wetting the bed because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 2861, Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. 11. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House. Write to them to-day for the free mdicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. Your Eyes Don't Neglect Them More nervous troubles and headaches come from eye strains than any other defect. Eye troubles not corrected, not only ruins the eyes but impairs the whole system. Come at once, and have your eyes ex amined. GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler & Optometrist Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. L. L,. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job all tirst class work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L. ■ ftJTtlil m il It il lii il WJM Ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Collegiate courses. Art, ■il UWi-M A Expression, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Business, etc. Conservatory c* HI MM Mufde. High standard maintained by large staff of experienced, collego trained Instruotora. Takes only 100 boarders and teaches the Individual. Unsurpassed health record. Brick buildings. Steam heat Excel"; cct tablo. WMJK Good gymnasium. Parlc-Uke campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, baciet ball, write lor our catalog beforeaeleetlr ig the college lor your GEORGE J. RAMSEY. M. A. L. L. D. President. Raleish. N. C. Claremont College Hickory, North Carolina. Opens September 2, 1913. Offers Full Literary Course; Superior Advantages in Vocal and Instrumental Music; Thorough Training in the Art Department, Special Advantages in Expression; Will maintain an Intermediate Department. Course of study arranged to supplement the courses in our High Schools. Call for Cata logue. JOSEPH L>« MURPHY, President:. * VSSSESf Through Ssrvite I II lUIII Tf3?f"ftl BETWEEN & ■MM il i iilir 11 CHATTANOOGA, I SHSBBI shrevepory AND f. =SSSSSSSi ORLEANS 6 EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM S TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST y , Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping I Cars. Meals ala carte in the diner. Good Connections —Fine Service. P® j CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDiANAPOLSF AND OTHER POIHTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. A Direct Service—Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. p We will be pleased to give full details concerning feres and schedv.?e3 MT rAiuw rn i • n on spplieatiou. Call on or «»ri'.e- '* ti H cluiim ro°t ,w v *™ Stwe», ~BC ' O. H. CHANDLER, Traveling Peucttcer Agent. 400 Rank Tru« Kw»-. % ' .»- Let US Print lor YOU—We Print for Others,