i'HE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Published Every Thursdf y E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance % i-J° Six Months, " " 5 C three Months " " Advertising Rates on Application fintereo at the Post Office at Hickor; second class matter. THURSDAY, JULY 17,1913 HICKORY'S STREET FAIR. It is both selfish and impossi ble that one town should be y center for all celebrations anc festivities, and when otr neigh boring towns extend us an'in vitation to join them in a day o genuine enjoyment and meri i ment, we are always glad to sew them a large and representativ. patroanare. Such seems to hav» been true on the fourth fort. Morganton, Lenoir and othe towns Hickory sent a thousarv ■ or more representatives, and it better still that they were ai glad that they went. However, in giving our neigh bors the right of way on th fourth, and accepting the rea entertainment which they giv« J us, we are placing ourselves-1 under obligations for an ex- j change of civic courtesies. For j several years it has been the I custom of Hickory to hold an an- i nual street fair and thisthe eveni j upon which we try to concentrate i our efforts in the making of ai j occasion of merriment for both I our neighboring towns and our- . selves. In the past the towns t \ which we lend ous patronage 01 \ the fourth, have contributed largely towards making ou? 1 street fairs the big success whicl j has attended our efforts of thv past. Because thev contribute j so generously to the event whicl j we decided several years ago t inaugurate, we are glad to con tribute all that we can to mak their fourth of July celebration? as big a success as possible. Wt feel and know that they an equally glad to lend both en couragement and patronage, ir order that we make of our fair the same success which they make of their fourth of July cel ebrations. We do not ask fo their co-operation however, be cause we join with them in ou» attempts to help them make •? success of their occasions o! celebration, but because of tht fact that they entertain us so royally when they invite us, we want to also set apart an occasion for celebration and invite them to be merry with us, because they made us happy when we were with them. PROGRESSIVE FARMER ON FREIGHT RATE PROGRESS. In line with the idea which we expressed in last week's issue of the Democrat, we are glad to see such able editorial writers as Mr. Clarence Poe of The Progressive Farmer taking the same position which we then attempted to givf expression to. Speaking then in reference to the position which our contemporary thelState Jour nal has assumed regarding the advisability of the Journal's at tempt to expose the Fire Insur ance Trust just at this time, we spoke of the danger of overshad ing the main issue by drawing too much attention to those of minor importance. Mr. Poe take? the same view regarding Mr. Maxwell's proposal to establish a million dollar steamboat line as an only cure for our present freight, rate abuses. A great many people in their attempts to accomplish a world of good at one stroke are unconsciously hurting the cause by forcing the public to concentrate its atten tion on too many subjects at the same time, Under the heading *'A Dan gerous Sidetrack," Mr. Poe has the following to say: "We art not enthu iastic over the plan to have North Carolina spend a mil lion dollars for a steamboat lint in order to force lower freight rates from the railroads. If some humble citizen perpetrates injus tice, the state simply and unce remoniously uses the 4 hig stick' of its sovereignty to atop him in stanter, and we do not see why the giant railway companies should have special consideration just because their unjust rates have been permitted so long al ready. "About the time we should spend a million dollars for steam boats, freight rates would be re duced just enough to make it un profitable to operate the ship and the railroads would simply have the fun of seeing the state spend a million dollars to effect a result we would be abundantly able t9 effect without either in direction or extravagance. In this freight rate matter, North Carolina is right now thundering along at sixty miles an hour on the main line, and this shipbuild ing proposition looks to us like a sidetrack we had better let aione." For Weakness and Loss of Appetite Standard general strengthening tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, driv«°ut «" a b " ilds U P the system. A true tonio I and «ure Avwtrier, For adults and children. 60c, MULHALL'S CHARGES. Is there no honesty in public officials, or is it that their names *nd characters are being exploit rfd for the sake of a cheap brand of notoriety which reflects credit on no one? The latest sensation which has been given to the pub iic along these lines is the fam >us disclosure by Col. Mulhali an excommunicated employee of the National Association of Manu facturers. The bit ot' history hat surrounds . this sensation seems to brand it with suspicion, or if we feel that the -author i.- jniiuea to oe credited with sin jereity we must accept the other iirernative and regard his story the product of an ima inatiuu wreaked by disappointment anu maer. The spectacle exhibited s a pitable one when we fi id nen who will not >nly sell them .elves when the price ottered eems sufficient, but will sell tr.e reputations of men who have nei) to tne nation lives of long aid honorable service. vVe find tnat aftei Mr. Mulhaii ,dd been excluded irom tne ser ;ice of the National Association »f Manufacturers, he asked to be rinstated. Seeing that he could 1 >t hope to be restored to his old josition. he sold to a newspaper :or SIO,OOO about 20.000 letters md telegrams which he had preserved, and with them his ecol-ections of what had taken place. Such a story as this leserves to believed only when corroborated by unimpeachable documentary evidence or in some other way equally as strong. vVith such a scandal as this Drought to light before the gaze of the public, we feel that it is not only the duty of the Associa tion, to produce prompt and sat isfactory explantions of Mulhall's activities, but that both Houses ot Congress are procteding cor rectly when they demand a thorough examination into the charges that have been made, i'ne facts should be brought to ligat. If there has been corrup tion and blackmailing and con spiracy. tne country should have the benefit, and the guilty parties oe made to suffer or if blameless; exonerated from the charges that have been made. We do not believe that any such wholesale corruption exists among our public officials as M'll aali's startling story would seem to indicate. A thorough Con gressional investigation seems to oe the best means, however, by which these charges be re futed. We are glad that such an investigation is already under wav. NEWS OF THE HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN. 242,000 Persons Examined —132,000 Persons Treated—Promotions for Dr. J. A. Ferrell and Dr. C. L. Pndgen. , Tne report for the quarter end ing June 00, 1913 o£ tne eam ! paign against hookworm disease in Nortu Uirolina si.ows splen did p:ogress. Up to this time i.i.ty five (85, counties have provided for tne tree dispen canes lor tne examination anu creatinenc ol tne hookworm dis eases. tiighty-one counties have iad what is known a& sanuary surveys • made, wnich are baseu jn tne sauuaiy conditions founo at the homes of people in the rural districts. Seventy-two (72) counties h*ve had infection sur veys made, which ar.e intended to determine the degree to which nookworm infection exists. During the past three month? 24,906 persons have been micro scopically examined and 6,258 persons treated. This gives •« total by including the work pre viousiy reported of 242,000 per sons examined and 132,000 per sons treated. In other words ut to this time every ninth person of the state has been microscopi cally examined and every seven teenth person treated. The work is progressing in ilockingharn, Davie, Cabarrus, Caswell and Transylvania coun ties. The following counties aave made the appropriation l chis month to have hookworm campaign conducted: Durham, \iamance, Stanly, Rowan and Jackson counties. DRS. FERRELL AND PRIDGEN PROMOTED. Dr. Jno. A. Ferrell, who has been State Director of the hook worm campaign in North Caro ma since its beginning has been promoted so tnat he will take charge of the work in the South with headquarters at Washing ton, D. C. Dr. C. L. Pridgen, the senior member of the fielo staff of physicians, has succeed ed him as State Director foi North Carolina. Announcement of. Dr. Pridgen's successor wil. be made at an early date. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of Noith Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Eree tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State, l' ail Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue ai«d other information, ■ address Julius I. Foust, President, Greeraboro N, 3, Charlotte Men Get Refund From A. C. L. Charlotte. July 10.— The Atlan tic Coast Line Railway was order ed by the Interstate Commerce C .mmission to make reparation to R. E. and C. E. Mason, cotton dealers of Charlotte, for over charges on shipments of cotton in bales from Timmonsville, S. to Lenoir and Catawba. The al legation that unreasonable rates were published by the defendants was denied. Wrong rates were applied. Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble. When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipation, don t imagine that your case is beyond help just because your doctor fails to give you relief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plain field, N. J., writes, "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Chamberlain's ad vertising booklets came to me. After reading a few of the letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, I decided to try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a package of ihem and can now eat al most everything that I want. ' For sale by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. *dv Notice. Noam CAROLINA, I Mortgagees' Sale Catawba County. \ of Land. Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage executed on the 22nd day of November, 1909, by M. A. Bolch and wife, Alice J. Bolch, mortgagors, to Fink Duncan, mortgagee. Said mort gage being given to secure the payment of the sum of four hundred dollars to the a'oresaid mortgagee. Now where fore default haying been made In the payment of the same under and accord ing to the ieruis contained In the said mortgage: By virtue of the power of sale contained therein I Pink Duncan, Mortgagee, will on Monday, the Twen ty-First day of July, 1913, at 1 o'clock P. M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in New ton, Catawba County, North Carolina, all that tract or parcel of land contain ed in said mortgage; which mortgage is duly recorded and fouud In Book No. 92 page 52 in the office of the register of deeds for Catawba County, and bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Hickory Town ship, Catawba County, N. C., described and detinea to wit: Begi'n ing at intake in a road, John Flowers' southwest corner, and running N. 52 W. 12fi 2-5 poles to a stake, Mrs. Anna Bo'.cli's corner, thence N. 61 E. 21 22- 25 poles to a stake; thence S. 52 E. 114 poles to a stake in John Flowers' line; thence with his line S. 37 1-2 W. 19 22- 25 poles to the beginning, containing tifteen acres more or less. Immediately upon the sale of the said premises and the payment of the purchase money therefor the mortgagee w ill execute a good and lawful deed for the premises above described, under and by virtue of the powers contained in the said mortgage. This the 19th day of June, 1913. Pink Duncan, Mortgagee. D. L. Russell, Attorney. Freckled Girls It is an absolute fact, that one 50 cer • jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREA*. .?i!l either remove your frecklesjor cau: hem to fade and that two jars will eve. a the severe cases completely cur •.hem. Y/e are willing to personal!j guarantee this and to return your mone; without argument if your complexion iV lot fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, ragrant and absolutely harmless. Wil! lot make hair grow but will positively .emove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES. Come in today and try it. The jarr are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 60c. Mammoth jars SI.OO. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c, For Bale by Moser and Lutz (TRAM MARK REGISTERED) 'T'HE remarkable A remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, , Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress from any co.ise. Relieves Immediately Creates appttite, re veres vitality and re m ives instantaneously depression due to alco holic and other excesses. Brash U Tonic aaf Bracer laovo Absolutely no harmful inpreilient*. Guaranteed under Pure Foodjuid Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bott3e direct to The Digestoneine Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. For Sal• fry All Druggists. You'll Receive Many Offers To accept office employment if you are graduate of the Asheville Business College Enroll now and secure a cash-paying education that starts you far above the f >ot of the ladder where the untrained are obliged to begin. We are offering special Summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE—We teach by mail. If you can not attend the college, write ns about our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S SHOCKLEY, 3rd floor No. 8. North Pack Square. Asheville, N. C. borne* ve due to the illness of the , wfinkled f ace , hollow nervousness, the befogged mind peculiar to women Fof and circled eyes, result most often from natura U y have good health. the woman to be happy ® n "hot-flashes or constantly returning P a '?® "' , Dra4£ing-dovrn feelings, hysteria, vitality and strength. Dr. Pierces •ches —are too great a women to sound I " bkh * re i — J " r resp above distressing „»pton.>. t years was so bad that We was a told me I would hav.; to r»wR of XJtica, Ohio, Route 4. . v*»ttpr A year agt> this winter goto'a hospital bel»re I wcujd c h period I suffered like and spring 1 was worse children. I wa. « tod for SS MET&, I • pierce, telling him as n ®? r h y , f ]l wet } to the letter. I took two bottlca course of treatment which I foUowea, den Medical Discovery and a of ' Favorite aSi.S&'S.SS-.i"- N r . M .S s^'^sTrS Treat Them \fl to the treat of treats always Y welcomed, by all, everywhere— sparkling with life —delight- ■ //fWRfijSgW fully cooling—supremely V j||jij Delicious —Refreshing m *■ w Thirst-Quenching M Demand the Genuine— Refuse Substitutes. Soda Fountains J * A or Carbon ated in Bottles. Send lor Free Booklet. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Has rince 1894 drcn "Thorough instruction under positively Christian Influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It b to-day with its faculty of 33, ft boarding patronage of 363, Itß student body of 413, and its plant worth 1160,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $l5O pays all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition mall subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address REV* THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal BLACKSTONE, VA. We Will Renew burned out lamps free of charge for our consumers. This is more than your dealer will do for your oil lamps—so get wise. Use electric lights Thornton Light & Power Co. DAVENPORT COLLEGE LENOIR, N. C. Offers to young women the best school advantages at the lowest rates con sistent with efficient service. Fall term opens September 10th. Send for catalogue JAMES B. CRAVEN, President FOUNDED IN 1838 CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE An institution of education intensely devoted to developing men Its uradu ates are everywhere successful and fill important positions in all lines of work 1 hey occupy places of honor and dignity in church and state, and ably and prom inently represent their state in the national government. A college supplied with i CS w UrCe S t0 provide the best education. More than a million dollars re cently to its endowment. A wide range of courses wllhi. S?.Hvr°i e i°' the S "" le ° , mod,!n " e - No increase in .ulUon charges For catalogue and illustrative booklef address R. L. FLOWERS tg the Corporation, Purhara, N, C. What could be better for town or country buildings than a roofing that won't burn—-won't leak —that is lightning proof —lasts as long as the building itself, and never needs repairs ? Cortright Metal Shingles meet every one of these requirements. Beware of imitations—None genuine without the words " Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." stamped on each shingle. For Sale by 2 F. B. Ingold, Hickory, N. C. I Better Than Spanking i Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed because it is 1 not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., | Deptt 2861, Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for t this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c i package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the 1 Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and 't inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. i IT. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House. Write to them to-day for the free mdicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. ———————l Your Eyes Don't Neglect Them | ======================= I More nervous troubles and headaches come from eye strains than any other defect. Eye troubles not corrected, not only ruins the eyes i but impairs the whole sy&em. Come at once, and have your eyes ex ; amined. j GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler & Optometrist 9 Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. | L,. L. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job all first ciass work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. j Phone 173 L. IIIHPSB Bi EB M K| a X Ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Collegiate courses. Art, HI Expression, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Business, etc. Conservatory of HI iml Music. High standard maintained by large staff ot experienced, college trained Instructors. Takes only 100 boarders and teaches the individual. Ik:MIW jL, Unsurpassed health record. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Excellent table. Good gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket- ball, write tor our catalog before selecting the college lor your daughtr.-, GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M. A. L. L. D. President. Raleinh. N. C. Claremont College Hickory, North Carolina. Opens September 2, 1913. Offers Full Literary Course; Superior Advantages in Vocal and Instrumental Music; Thorough Training in the Art Department, Special Advantages in Expression; Will maintain an Intermediate Department. Course of study arranged 10 supplement the courses in our High Schools. Call for Cata logue. JOSEPH L. MURPHY, President. p Fsai Tfiroag!) Service * iWBEaiMMi SHREVEPORT AND g IgjgjgggSgl NEW ORLEANS EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping Cars. Meals ala carte in the diner. Good Connections Fine Service. 1 CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS i AND OTHER POINTS NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Direct Service—Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. I We will be pleased to give full details concerning -faces-aad schedules ...... _. . . _ on application. Call on or write: J- C. CONNL Division Passenger Agent 103 V ess Nintli Street, Cfcattanoo*a. Tetin. Ej O. H. CHANDLER, Traveling Passenger Agent, 400 Bank & Trust Bktg., Knoxvilie, Tenn. g Parents, Young Men and Young Women, of Hickory and vicinity! It is your duty and privilege to inform yourselves concerning the many superior advantages offered by LENOIR COLLEGE and to make use of the same for your own improvement and the upbuilding of your College and com munity. The standard and efficiency of Lenoir College are established by the fact that Lenoir College graduates attain the A. M. degree in one year at the Universities of North and South Carolina. Five elegant substantial buildings with modern equipment and conveniences. New four-story Science building with facilities for general and advanced work in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. \\ hy go "way off" for a Business Course and spend "big money" for board and tuition when you can'get genuine courses in Bookkeeping and Shorthand at S3O each in the Hickory Business College? You will patronize Lenoir College if you investigate. Drop a card for a cata logue. Address R. L. FRITZ, President, Hickory, N. C. * BINGHAM SCHOOL'S central purgoae for 120 yoars has been to make « . ... Men •« Boys. Anhoville climate world iwowned. U~ Two details from U. S. Army allowed to N. C. The A. and M. Col lege has one, Bingham the other. Tsrut and Qallery practice, with latest U. 8. Arm* Ri(J«s -fii2X%!&ißs£2?g ft'" 00 " w