Cut Glass Indicates Refinement st as ow " " d e We have a "ending array of Ihe* goods. Every deign Is new, and we can offer our customers some exceptional values. e „nnnspd Minv neonle hesitate at buying Cut Glass, on account of its ppo costliness—but dollar for dollar it reveals a richness that is possessed b> f °Come o [ let°uVshow you our display if the least bit interested. J. O. RHODES, Hickory, N. C. 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * * * + + + + .I. + + + - * + + + + + + + + + + * Dr. J. L. Murphy spent Friday in Lexington. Mr. J. D. Elliott spent Thurs day in Greensboro. Mr. Arthur Jones has accepted a position in Charlotte. Mr. D. M. McComb is in Char lotte on business this week. Miss Pansy Bowles has return ed home from a visit to relative? in Taylorsville. Mr. Connely Gamble spent sev eral days in Asheville this week on his vacation. Mr. Lafayette Herman and family spent Sunday with rela tives in the country. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lentz and daughter, Fiancis, will spend Sun day at Blowing Rock. Mrs. Dr. Farrow, accompanied by Miss Rouggly, of De Soto, are visiting Mrs. Dr. Blackburn. Mr. A. M West went to Char lotte Tuesday on business and re turned Tuesday night on No. 35 Misses Essie Winston and An nie Anderson of Ordmore, Okla., are expected in the city today to spend some time with their aunt. Mrs. E. V. Morton. Money Made Money Saved Frightened at big store rents and many other necessary expenses, J. S. Jones broke loose from all such, and plunged around on the corner of Main Street, next door to the City Eakery. The little Furniture Store, where he did premeditate ly and wilfully murder high prices and now you get a dollars worth for a dollar every time. See Jones. He wants the do!lar worse than any body. J. S. JONES "On the Corner." Manufacturers and Importers Mid-Summer Embroidery and Lace Sale We have just received a large shipment of EMBROIDERY and LACE direct from Manufacturers and Importers at Mid- Summer Clearance sale prices. The prices are unusually low. One lot EMBROIDERY EDGING and INSERTIONS choice 7 1-2 cents yard, worth up to 15 cents. One lot choice 10 cents yard value up to 20 cents. One lot choice 15 cents yard value up to 30 cents. * One lot LACE 2 yards for 5 cents. One lot Bands 10 cents value up to 20 cents. These are unusual offerings and the best will go first. TELL YOUR FRIENDS Knox 5 and 10c Store Company SEE WINDOW FOR DISPLAY Mr. Setzer Brings Bride. Mr. Auburn Setzer has return ed to the city from Pilot Point, Texas, where he was married on last Wednesday to Miss Virginia Ravrland. a daughter of Dr. Rag land, of Pilot Point. They will leave next Wednes day for Louba, in Congo Free State, South Africa, where Mr. Setzer will have charge of the publishing house of the Method ist and Presbyterian churches. There will be held in Catawba Coun ty five Farmers' Institutes as follows: Terrell, Saturday, August 2nd. St. James Schoolhouse, Monday, August 4th. Conover, Tuesday, August Sth. Wesley's Chapel Camp Ground, Tuesday, Agust 19th. T. P. Cloninger's Farm, Wednes day, August 20th. At these Institutes, the veiy best men and women that the state can get wiil be sent to discuss questions of Farm Operations, Live Stock and Maiketing. For the women. House hold. Economics, Home Conveniences, Health, Education of Our Children and other Topics of interest to mothers and home makers. Tne Stock holders of the Farm ers Union Warehouse will meet in Newton on Saturday July 26th at 11:80 a. m. All stockholders are requested to be present. THAT ROAD FUND QUESTION We are publishing in another column a communication from Sheriff Hewitt, in which he en deavors to explain his position in retaining possession of Hickory Township Road Funds for some time after they had been collect ed; aiid after repeated request? on the part of the Road Com missioners that the money be turned over to them for immediate use in the work for which the special tax had been levied. The greater part of his letter »f explanation deals with the re lation of a depositor to the cash ier of a bank, in which smiles and good fellowship seems, in his judgment, to be an important factor; that he uses a certain bank as his depository because that bank is on his bond; that he will deposit the county money ii whatever bank will pay the great est amount of interest on tht average monthly deposits and so on and so forth. Toe little Sher iff makes many explanations that are not pertinent to the auestior that was at issue between the lit tle Sheriff and this paper. As to the supremacy of the Sheriff over the County Commis sioners and the County Treasur er, that we leave to the gentle men most concerned. Our con tention from the beginning was that the money collected from the Hickory Township property own ers through tne 20 cent special tax for road making should be available at once for the use in tended, and not compel our road Commissioners to pay interest on borrowed money to meet current expenses when our own money was supposed to be in the hands of the Couuty Treasurer. That we have good reason for our contention is evidenced by the following quotation from "An act to provide lor the improve ment of the public roads of Cat awba County, to revise the road law for said county, and to vali date certain bonds:'' '•Section 28. That whenever a town ship road commission for any town ship shall elect a treasurer, then it shall he llie duty of the county treas urer to pay over to such township treasurer all road funds in his belong ing to such township, whether from sale of bonds or from taxes, and all such road funds as shall hereafter come into his hands." From the above law it would seem to us to be incumbent upon the Sheriff and County Treasurer to keep the road funds of such townships that have a special road tax separate and distinct from all other moneys, not to be drawn upon for any other purpose than that for which ii had been levied. We congratulate our little sheriff on his praiseworthy interest in our public schools, but are forced to remind him that his position as sheriff is purely ministerial; that in our judgement he has no right whatever to pay out one cent of special road tax for State, School, or any other purpose. Presbyterian Church Notes. Last Sunday afternoon the pa tor began a series of sermons on Child Training under the subject "The Saintship of Laddie." The first sermon was on the "Natural Principles that Underlie Parental Responsibility." Next Sunday morning continuing the same gen eral theme the subject is,"Other Principles that Underlie Parental Responsibility." - The pa;, cor has been asked t( publish these discourses and the publisher of the Democrat hat kindly agreed to give the space in this valuable paper, and so tht lectures will appear from time t time, the first cne likely next week. We will have our regular ser v vice next Sunday night, and tht pastor will preach at West Hicko ry at 3:45 o'clock in the alternoon. It is gratifying to see the in crease in the Sabbath School, am quite a novelty for the vacation and hot weather season. It is good that the increase is as mucl among the adults as among the children, if not greater. The Sabbath School offers a wonder ful stimulation to christian living It is a kind of spiritual gymnasi um for grown folks, as well as i nursery for children. Rid Your Cbildrea of Worms You can change fretful, ill-tempered children into healthy, happy young sters, by riddinp them of worms. Toss ing, rolling, grinding of teeth, cry ing out while asieep, accompanied with intense thirst, pains in the stom ach and bowels, feverishness and bad breath, are symptoms that indicate worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, expels the worms, regulates the bowels, restores your children to health and happinebs Mrs. J. A. Bri&biu, of Elgin, 111., says: ' I have used Kickapoo Worm Killer for years, and entirely ri i my children of worms. I would not be without it " Guaranteed. All druggists, rr by mail, Price 25c. Kickapp ludian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and Si Louis. To Prevent Blood Poisoning once the won£ ierful old reliable DR. PORIER S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OlL.asur gical dressing that relieves pain and heals at the tame time. Not a liniment. 25c. 50c. SI.OO. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA LOCAL AN9 PERSONAL j I • "j* r t . Mrs. Smith of Charlotte is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. Keever. Miss Willie B .van left Monday to visit relatives in Chester, S, O. B. L. Prevette left Tuesday night for Baltimore to buy his fall stock of clothing. Mrs. Hannah of Charlotte ie visiting her sister, Mrs. J- L. Springs, Mrs. L. H. Phillips of Newton came up to be present at the marriage of Miss Shell. Mr A. D. Holler, of Rock Hill, S. C., is visiting his daughter, Mis. Geo. Killian. Qjjie a number of Hickory people have attended court at Newton this week. Miss C jline Munroe has return ed home from an extensive vaca tion to northern points. Mrs. Speigle and family, and Miss Speigle are visiting Mrs. Henry Reichard on 9th ave. Miss Annie Kilfian and Geo. Killian Jr., are spending several weeks in Lincolnton with their grandparents. Miss Mary Roseboro and sister, Mrs. Baily will go to Black Moun tain Saturday to visit their sister. Miss Mabel Coffey who has been visiting her aunt. Mrs. K. A. Link, in Lenoir, retureed home Saturday. Mr. Jerome Thomason, of Kings Mountain, is in town this week, called here on account of his fath er's illness. Mrs. Robert Love has returned to her home in Chester, S. C., af ter a visit to her mother, Mrs. VV. R. Gwaltney. Mr. C. E. Nabors who is con nected with the C. & N. W. is now at work for the road at Le noir and Edgemont. The Reformed Church Sunday School had their annual picnic at Baker's Mountain on Tuesday. They had a fine time. Mrs. E. V, Morton and children returned home Tuesday night after an extended trip with relatives in the Northeastern part of the state. Miss Naomi Moore of Omaha, Neb., who has been visiting here has accepted a position as nurse in the hospital at Statesville. Miriam Whitener entertained a large number of her young friends Friday evening in honor of Miss •Catherine Caldwell of Newton. Judge E. B. Cline is holding court at Newton and is able to be at home ut night, running down to Newton each day in his car. Misses Agnes and Eva Martin have returned to their home in Greensboro after spending some time with Mrs. Wesley Martin. Dr. J. L. Murphy has been granted a vacation by his congre gation, the Reformed cnurch. Dr. Murphy will make visits at vari ous points. The farmers Union of Catawba county will meet in Newton on Saturday Juiy 26 at 10:30 a. m. Every Local is urged to send a full delegation. Misse» Mary Hendley and Mar garet McComb went to Greens boro last Saturday to attend the summer Normal school. Miss Hendley will visit her sister whil * there. Miss Sudie Burns entertained a number of her friends Friday night, July the eleventh, in honor of Miss Lola Henkle, of Rockhill, S. C. It proved a most enjoyable event. Edgar Bisanar, of Lenoir, is vi iting his relatives and friends this we k. Edgar is a bright r-oy and his friends will be glad ro Know that he is learning the jeweler's trade. Rev. J. H. Wnnemacher preach ed in the Lutheran church oi Gastonia, last Sunday. On Mon day met the Mission Board in Charlotte, returning to the city Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. B. Jones and Miss Louise have returned home after a visit to relatives in Virginia. Mr. Jones, who has been on a Northern trio, joined them there and returned home with them. Mr. J. Lee Stone is having marked success in the picture show at the Air Dome as large crrowds are present at each per formance. Hickory is fortunate in hsvire: such high grade shows for its young people. Rev. D. M. Litaker is attending District Conference this week at Davidson. He expects to return to fill his pulpit Sunday morning. Bishop McCoy will come from the District Conference and preach in the First Methodist church Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. W. A. Hall most delight fully entertained a number of her friends.last Thursday night at a six o'clock dinner in honor of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Riddie. The time was very pleasantly spent, and the dinner was enjoyed by all present. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite r Dr»?rr.J?£?2 ard « enera ' strengthening tonic, MOVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drivw out lalaria and builds up the system. A true tonic Ma ,ure Far adults and children. 50c. 3 BUSINESS LOCALS g Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo REMEMBER that you can al ways get a good trunk in rol ler or plain tray at J. A. Bowles. SECOND hand buggy for sale cheap. Sae J. C. Martin. FOR RENT—I want to rent the basemeut of the Opera House. It is a fine business place for various kinds of business. It can be divided into two compart ments if desired, being 50x90 feet. Entrance is at the rear of building on the alley. Apply to M. E. Thornton,-office uo stairs _____ _ ■ f TWO small farms close to town for sale. J. C. Martin. RENFREW suiting that positive ly will not fade at J. A. Bow les. GIRLS WAN'IED at once to work in the new knitting mill. Reg ular employment. Applv at once at office or The Best Knitting Mills, over Umstead's 5 and 10c store. LIST your propeity for sale v>ith J. C. Martin, Real Estate Ag't. PARASOLS at reduced prices at J. A. Bowles. WANT to exchange second-hand ed two horse wa*>on for a good milch cow. J. C. Martin. FOR SALE OR TRADE for Hick -01 y property. Property in Tul sa. Oklahoma, best oil city in the vVest, one block to car line, one block to school, three blocks to Kendall College. What have you to trad,? Wnte J. S. Curtis, Tulsa, Okla. BUY a nouse anu lot from J. C. Martin and save rent. RATINE trimming at J. A. Bow ies. J F. SMYRE, dealer in groceries, tresn meat and fresh fish on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 601, 13 st. Phone 157-L. WHY not save money on ribbons by getting from J. A. Bowles. BEAUTIFUL parrot for sale. Good talker. Pleasant compa ny, a great pet. Call on Mrs. Brown at Beckley & Brown Milli nery Store, hickory, N. C. , FOR SALE —a farm of 36 acres 3 miles from Hickory, 4 reom cottage newly painted, good barn and other buildings, good orchard ! well watered, good productive 1 soil. If interested call on or write R. J. Long, Newton, N. C. : R. F. D. 4. CATAWBA Milling Company wnl buy all good wheat brought them ana pay highest cash price, i Also exchange flour for wheat. , COLORED &iik petticoats at J. A. Bowles. i WANTED three (3) copies of Weston's "Life ot Marshall Ney." Address: Green & Po teat, Durham, N. C. IF your vision can be inproved I i can do it, whether you are wearing glasses or not. My glass es are scientifically fitted and ao justed and if used according t» my directions will he sure to give good satisfaction. E. E. Hight. watchmaker and optometrist. Of fice Singer Co., 1316 Union Square, Hickory, N C. "RED C" Speedway Automobile Grease and Oils at City Feed Co. Phone 271. WANTED—CattIe beef and milch cows Will swap milch cows for dry cows. Phone 326J, P.. B. Shell Hie tory. N. C. WANTED —five or six bright girls not under fifteen, to work n knitting mill, good* pay and light work. Apply at Elliott Knitting Mill. 4t. VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. W E will be in the market for jaroori clean wheat and will pay the highest market prices. See us when you have anything to sell. We buy all kinds of produce. Hickory Seed Co. WANTED —a superintendentand three assistant teachers for the West Hickory Graded School. We reserve the ri ht to reject any or all aoplicat ns. S, F. Miller Secretary, hickory N, C. R. 4. Reduce the Cost of High Living Buy STANDARD OIL CO'S. GASOLINE from Hickory Motor Car Company —at— 20c. per gallon Rev. J. 11. Wannemacher leaves j Saturday for Liberty, N. 0., in the interest of the Lutheran church there. He expects to re turn the following Monday. On Tuesd lie and his family expect to go to Blowing Rock to spend some few weeks there. In the Superior Court this week Miis Oilie Hoyle secured a judgement against the City of Hickory in the sum of $375 for damage to her property while Reflect! Resolve ! Little Drops Of Water, Little Grains of Sand, Dollars Saved To Your Bank Account MAY PURCHASE ACRES OF LAND! We Pay 4 Per Cerif Interest On Time Deposits Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Hickory, : : : North Carolina PRICES KNOCKED INTO A COCK ED HAT AT ALLEN'S LISTEN! Mens finest Hats made, all the newest shapes and styles of this season, NOT AN OLD HAT in the lot. Just in from the factory. Bought at one-half price. No such bargains ever been offered in town. You never seen anything like it. NOW LISTEN! $3 00 to $5,00 Hats $1.50. $2.00 to $2.50 Hats 98c., $1.50 Hats 75c., SI.OO to $1,25 Hats 39 and 49c. Not one of my old stock in the lot. A brand new lot just in from the factory and the finest Hats in town. Great Knock Out Prices on Mens Oxford Ties Nothing but the best. Those elegant U. S, $4.00 Oxfords now $298. Lot King: Quality. Cygolf and Sjlz $3.50 Ox fords now $1.98. They are great bargains. Special bar gains in Mens Shirts of all sorts, and bar-rains in every thing now at J. F. ALLEN'S raffwlnMßlFf iill~nß3MMrniTwnTi3Br r >BB»X'^' TTTMIP ' U \inKSr DEAR MADAM: la r\ l\ 1 MHj Declare TODAY your in- i INDEPENDENCE j to use OUR bread and pas \ Our bread and pastry is equally as good as your own J ~,IIIWW1«>U|I»WIW «J considering the labor i m||i|| SSiiS,Jir | and you will never go back We have placed tables in our place and are in a position to serve Ice k Cream to ladies and gentlemen—the best in town. Our motto Quality- Agents for Nunnally's fresh fine candies by Express. CITY BAKERY, Phone 235 | Refrigerators If you need a good Refrigerator, see our line." Special prices while they last i -o- -o --* • ' ' V Abernethy Hard ware Company | the street iuiDrovement work was being done by her home. Tnts judgement was well deserve and she should be entitled to mneh more. ' Mr. Carrier Dead i ' Mr. C. A. Carrier, who form erly lived here, died at ElizaU-tV t-jn, Tenn., ana the body was orougnt here yesterday for bur ial.

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