There are Many Ways to Save Money - BUT - The Best is the Building and Loan Way WHY? Because it pays you 6 per cent, compounded quarterly, FREE OF ALL TAXES at the end of each ser ies. Because you can take your small savings and make LARGE ones of them in a regular systematic way, TO IL LUSTRATE, 25c each week for 332 weeks in our AS SOCIATION will amount tosloJ.oo. Building and Loan Work is No Exper iment Nor Side-line With Us NOW IS THE TIME and YOU are invited to take STOCK in the NEW SER IES just opened know as the 1913-"C" SERIES. TO-DAY we have over ONE THOUSAND stockhol ders, who are carrying nearly SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SHARES which represents a matured velue of THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. Outstanding loans to stockholders over THREE HUN DRED AND TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Call at our office, phone or write and it will be a great pleasure to fully explain the workings of our Association to you. First Building and Loan Asso ciation of Hickory, N. C. G. H. Geitner, Pres., J. D. Elliott, V-Pres., G. R. Wootten, Sec.-Treas. Bagby & Blackwelder, Attorneys. Organized April, 1890. Authorized Capital $1,500,000. CATAWBA COLLEGE Reorganized, New President New Faculty, Co-Educational, Healthful Lo cation, Splendid Equipment, Strong Courses, Christian, but not Sectarian, Moderate in charges. Fall term opens September 2, 1913. For catalogue write REV. J. D. ANDREW, President, Newton, N. C. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Company ANNOUNCE THEIR ====== Semi-Annual Reductions in High-Grade Spring, and Summer Clothing Beginning July 1913 XXXXXXKXXXX>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OOOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OXX 1 Rare Bargains in High Grade Merchandise 1 From The Finest Workshops in America. KJII • f ■ One-third off on our entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing for men and boys, ex cept men's and boy's odd pants which will go for 25 per cent reduction. OUR GENEROUS STOCK OF BLUE SERGES, BLACKS AND GREYS WITH ALL THE NEWEST THINGS OF THE SEASON WILL BE INCLUDED $25.00 Suits will be ....$16,70 $16.50 Suits will be $ll.OO $22.50 Suits will be $15.00 $15.00 Suits will be. ~"""I3""$10.00 120 00 Snitj will hp i-2 e $13.50 Suits will be $ 9.00 SIB.OO Suits will be...... $12.00 SIO.OO Suits will 6 85 ammim ■ is iinamrmaamDßDßßiau These are genuine reductions on merchandise that was bought right and priced at the lowest cash prices at the beginning ot this season, and should appeal to anyone in need of a suit or pair of pants. Come early and get choice selections. Terms strictly Cash, alterations charged for. Sale Begins Saturday Morning, July 19th. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXVXXX MORETZ-WHITENER CLOTHING CO. "The Quality Shop" Couldn't Walk! I "I used to be troubled with • weakness to | women" writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, 111. nearly a year, I could not walk, without holding my sides. I I tried several different doctors, but I grew worse. Finally our druggist advised Cardui for my corapla nt I was so thin, my weight was 115. Now, I weigh 163, and I am never sick. I ride horseback as good as ever. lam in line health at 52 years." CARDUI WomaiftTonic J We have thousands of such letters, and more are arriving daily. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta ble, tonic medicine, for women. . Cardui relieves women s sufferings, and builds weak womelTup to health and strength. If you are a woman, give it a trial. It should help you, for it has helped ami - lion others. It is made from pure, harmless, herb ingredi ents, which act promptly and surely on the womanly organs. It is a good tonic. Try it! Your druggist sells it Writ, t»: Ladies' AdrUory Dept. Chattanooga Medicint Co.. Chattanooga. TMBL, far and 64 PM« booh. "Hon*Treata^rjfcon^ Now Going On—A Special Remnant Sale We have a large number of remnants that have accumulated during the year and we want to clear them out at once, so we have done them up in 8-yard bundles and while they la& they go at 50c Bundle Some of these goods sold as high as 50c a yard, and it is an unusual opportunity to buy high-class goods at low prices. Come in and get your share, to-day, if you wait they all may be gone. SETZER & RUSSELL The Unveiling of the Monument Erec ted to the Memory of Rev. Hugh McAden at Red House, Cas well County, N. C.. The memorial exercises in con nection with the erection and un veiline of a monument to the memory of Rev. Hugh McAden will take placeat Red Housechuren in Caswell County, on the first Sunday in August, August 3,1910. [t is expected to be an all day service. The people will gather at the church not later than 11 o'clock and provide for dinner on the grouns. The program of ex ercises will probably be as follows: 1. The introductory exercises will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. N. R Clator. 2. A historical sermon or ad dress touching the life and labors of Mr. McAden will be delivered by Rev. D. I Craig, D. D., of Reidsville, N. C, 3. The unveiling of the monu ment by Miss Sallie McAden Cothran, of Charlotte, N. C, a little girl in the fifth generation from Mr. McAden. 4. In the afternoon a sermon by Rev. John M. Rose, D. D., of Launnburg, N. C., who is also a descendant of the pioneer mission ai y. Any visitors throughout the Synod of North Carolina who may atceed will be most cordially welcomed.—Presbyterian Stan dard. A Severe Sickness L eaves The Kidneys Weak. After recovering from a severe spell of sickness some time ago, 1 uas all run do*n and suffering from poor blood. I would have pains in my back and hips and my kidneys bother ed me all the time. I started taking Swamp Root upon the recommenda tion of a friend and found it was just . what 1 needed. My bldod became *ll right and after taking a few bottles, I was surprised at the effect it had on my kidneys. They were entirely cured and 1 have much to be thankful for what your great remedy did for me. Yours very truly, YV. U. BLACK MOTS Phenix City, Ala. Sworn to and subscribed before me, This the 14th day of July, 1909. W.J. BIRS. Justice of the Peace. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. Wiien writing, be sure and mention the Hickory Democrat. Regular tifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drugstores, (adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ! OA3TO R I A SS dS 11) For Infants and Child)^)-, ilMlli Thß n ~ ca a¥o WmßtM Always Bought ■ilfm llfai- AVfcgefaWePreparatbnforAs- g .s*£ sirailaiing fhe Food anil BGcLPS tilG # r j V \> (lag Uii' Stomachs atuLßuwdsol' mVg ||| Signature /yi ; lilS9| Promotes Digestion£heerfii- n r g-. g% » Ji M( ness and Rest.Contains neither Ul #l\ \U Ophiiu.Morphinc nor Mineral. ffl \\ IH Not Narcotic. *jr il y ij| PtopkiaSitd- . lif 1 j, JbLSeana* 1 |J| ii JkdutttSuUi- I M»1 - I? 1 kj AiiseSttd * I $ | tsss 'is*. ) A i/\ * In I! ffiffifi..'.. j U 1/1 IP Aperfect Remedy foiCoitsitpa- |U II S 0 t ion. Sour Stomach.Diarrtoea I i y Worms .Coiivulslcrs. Fever isa I |W sc ft. li ; VA For Over E:CI.CT Copy of Wrapper. THE CC«T»'JB CON .NY. az+- venr. CITY. TO THE GREAT GOLDEN GRAIN BELT NORTH DAKOTA In 1912 the farmers along the Great Northern Railway line required 7.\ 000 outside men to harvest their crops. The crop of 1913, so far, promises greater yields. Going wages during the harvest run are between $2.50 and $4 per day. Leaving on Tuesday, July 29th., I will accompany a party through to the Wheat Belt, assisting in securing the best available positions. A party will go to Fargo and Grand Forks, North Dakota, where good positions are obtainable. This Is A Golden Opportunity For further information, write at once to W. E. FRENCH, Immigration Agent Great Northern Railway, 70 Magnolia Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Let US Print for YOU— We Print for Others.