Good, Better and Best For many reasons you wilt find OUR STORE THE BEST P, ACE to purchase anything you need in the JEWELRY NE, Quality of goods the best and prices lower than ywhere else. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. J. Q. RHODES, Hickory, N. C. j Are You Taking j Advantage fljS of the •Mill BIG " REDUCTIONS, Clothing 0 P the f I "Quality j .f: Shop?" Many shrewd buyers do, and are well pleased with their purchases. Come in and make your selection while you call save 1-3 on your purchase. - • Moretz - Whitener Clothing Company c cThe Quality Shop" - "Back Bone" - Many a man has a Wish bone where his Back bone ought to be, Don't sit and wish for fortune. Get out aiKl*sisgft;it. Remember thousands are out H»ti&ing for what you are wait ing for. ;" Start a Bank account. You will need it some day. * £ $r : 1 \ Foot Per Cent. Interest paid on Savings Ac counts, compounded quarterly. Money to Loan at all, times. r First National Bank HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $265,000 b. D. ELLIOTT, President K. C. MENZIES, Vice-Pres. and Cashier J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier ; r .' : ; ~ : *y : .cy An Opportunity To Do Good : — " ' • ■ A Class of Children From The Odd Fellows Orphan Home YtY-! K .ms! -Will Give- A CONCERT -At The- HUB THEATRE 7 August 4th, at 8 o'clock A Treat for Those Who Love Good Music! **+*♦*++♦++**♦♦***+# t LOCAL* AND PERSONAL. + f .J* + ++ + + ♦+♦+♦+ ++* + + Lot sale Tuesday, August stk &re you going? Monday, Aug. 4th, at 8 o'clock, at Hub Theatre. Miss Pansy IJowles spent Sun day at Connelly Springs. Come to the concert Monday night at the Hub Theatre, Miss Katie Baker of Winston is visiting relatives in this city Mrs. C. L. Whitener is visiting relatives in Statesville this week. Mr. J. F. Bost, of Sumpter, S C., is here on a visit to his family. Miss Hilda Fields is visiting Miss Margaret Taylor at Blowing Rock. v. . Don't fofrget the concert at the Hub Theatre Monday night, Aug us»t 4th. Mrs. J. D. Elliott and Miss', Kate Elliott went' to Charlotte"' Monday. Miss Maude Sigmon is in the city visiting her motner, Mrs. A. Y. Sigmon. Miss Mattie Dozier left Tues day for a visit to relatives in Rocky Mount Misses Margaret and Catherine Wannemacher are visiting friends at Blowing Rock. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw is aidinc the pastor of Alexis churcir in a revival meeting this week. Misses Lois and Katherine Pe terson are visiting their- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Peterson. Mrs. Peacock, of Jacksonville, Fla., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and Miss Alice Witherspoon went to Charlotte in an automobile Tues day. Mr. J. D. Riddle, of Danville, Va., has returned to his home af ter a visit to his brother, Mr. J. L. Riddle. Miss Marjorie Whitener enter tained Tuesday in honor of her cousin, Miss Gullick, of Green ville, S, C. Misses Barbara, Rudisili and Flora Adderholt of Henry River vibited Miss Mary Knox Hender son last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eckard have returned to their home in Beard to wu, 111., after an extended visit to friends here. Miss Adele Kirkpatrick has re turned home after attending a house party at Miss Lois Reed's of Saluda, N. C. Mr. Flint Keever of Norfolk, Va. arrived in the city to visit his mother, Mrs. Keever. His wife and baby have been here some time. The Ladies Aid Society of Bethel Reformed Church R. F.D. 1. will give an Ice Cream party on Saturday August 2nd. every >ne cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Brnesf. Herman has re turned home after an extended visit to herparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herndon, of Kinston. Miss Sallie Herndon returned with her. ' We are reliably informed that i Mrs. D. L. Martin has a black- \ berry vine in her garden from . which 25 qts. of blackberries have been picked this season. This vine is two years old The Knox 5 & 10 cent store i have made quite an addition to their store by placing an up t> j date line of goods on the second •' floor. They have also placed a nice piano up there to entertain ' those who like music. This is a : nice place for the country people to rest and spend their idle moments when in town. Be sure to go to see Mr. Knox and he will make it pleasant foi you while there. Miss Bstelle P. Sherrill, of Caldwell county, and Mr. Lacious B. Tuttle, of Alexander county, were happily married at the resi dence of Rev. Mr. Carver in.Gra.-1 ite Falls on Saturday night, July 26th. The happy couple spent Sunday night in this city en route to Asheville and Waynesville where they will spend some day* on their wedding tour. Miss Sher rill is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Sherrill and one of the county's most highly es teemed young ladies. Mr, Tut tle is a son of Mr. Robert F. Tut tle of Alexander, and is a well known and highly respected young man. Rid Your Children of Worms You can change fretful, ill-tempered children into healthy, happy young sters, by riddinr them of worms. Toss ing, rolling, grinding of teeth, cry ing out while asleep, accompanied with intense thirst, pains in the stom ach and bowels, feverishness and bad breath, are symptoms that indicate worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, expels the worms, regulates the bowels, restores your children to health and happiness. Mrs. J. A. Brisbiu, of Elgin, 111., says: 4, 1 have used Kickapoo Worm Killer for years, and entirely ri l my children of worms. I would not be without it.'' Guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapp Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. r The Hickory Auxiffiary Branch of the Southern National High way Association is the name of a new organization which was per fected Monday morning in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Secretary Joy nominated J. D. Elliott for president; K. C- Men zies, vice president; Geo. W. Hall, aeferetary. These were elected as the officers of the association. Governor Craig and members of the Central Highway Association were making a tour of the .Cen tral Highway from the Tenne? see Jine to tb* co*Bt and were ex pecting to spend Su diy he e out c»ii account of rams nea» Morganton were compelled to abandon the trip. However, at the meeting Mr. Del M. Potter, of CJitton, Ariz., president South ern National Highway Associa tion and.Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, of the North Carolina Geolpgical Survey, were present and aided iii the organization. Mr. Cran field, State organizer of. the Cen traf Highway was also present 'and stated that the Catawba county roads were the best the party had traveled over since the beginning of the tour. Dr. Pratt, in speaking of the highway, stated that the Cen tral Highway was all provided for except Burke and Davidson counties. Morganton in Burke, however, has voted qonds for a part of the highway through that county. He said that unless Davidson made some arrange ments to provide for the road that a ten mile detour would be made and thus leave them out of the highway altogether. Mr Potter is a wealthy man and is giving his time and money freely and gratituously in the in terest of the Southern National Highway and is working hard to get the road to go through this State. Mrs. O. M Royster and Miss Ada S?henck arrived July 19 at Delta, Col., on a visit to Mr. Herbert Chase, form erly of Hickory. As their many friends will be gLd to hear from them, we qaote from an interesting letter which Mrs. N. W. Clarke has recently receiv ed from Mrs. Royster: "We were four days and four nights on the way. One night we spent at Salida so as to nuke the trip over Mar shall Pass by daylight. We had a fine trip all the way out and met very pleas ant people from all parts of the globe. When we said we were from N. C. they looked at us as if they thought We were strange animals! Coming through Kan sas was like coming tbrpugh a fiery fur nace, the hottest wintf 1 ever felt. The mercnry was 105 in the coolest place in the car, everything was hot to the touch, and we felt parched. At Kan sas City the altitude was 700 ft . temp 100°; at Denver alt. 5000 ft.. 70°; Sa lida is 7000 ft., 60°; Marshall Pass, the highest point, 10.855 ft. mercury down to freezing, had snowed the day before and we could see patches of snow in several places on the mountains. Delta is a small place, about 3000, altitude 4000 ft. The sun is very hot, but the nights are cold, last night it dropped to 60°, mountains in sight. It is a peculiar looking country. The mesas or table-lands look like old forti fications one behind another. Very few tiees, and they depend on irrigation entirely. This makes the mosquitoes bad, the piazzas are all screened. Mr, Chase told us it was very dry and dusty here and rarely ever rained, but Friday they had a real cloud burst and rain for two days, and when we got here there was a regular flood. Our train was de layed by a washout, we came to a dead stop, the creek was rushing over the track. There was too much water to go through the culvert, and the track was covered with rocks and mud. The section bands struck and we were de layed* few hours. I've never seen Such angry looking water, it was like liquid mud and carried everything be fore it. The nud here is like putty. "Mrs. Chase and Edwin, their ten year-old son, met us at the station. In their beautiful and convenient home, they have a Jap boy for servant and he is a treasure. He does everything, is a fine cook, serves the meals beautiful ly, hi* kitchen is spotless, he cleans the house, does the laundry and keeps up the lawns. 'We are having the most delicious raspberries and vegetables of all kinds. * 4 I wish I could write you a descrip tion of the Royal Gorge and the canon; it was grand. We followed the Arkan sas River almost to its source between mountains, one and two thousand feet. These mountains are mostly rock, but the coloring is wonderful; there are few trees on them i»nd they are very scrubby ones. On this side of Mar shall Pass we come down the Gunnison River and the scenery is giand and such a variety of flowers, just like a large flower garden, it was beautiful. .When I came this way before every thing was white with snow. "It tires me to write and I don't know when I can write to anyone else, so please you tell my friends." A Good Investment W, D. Magli, a well known mer chant of Whitemound, Wis. bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to supply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth mor- to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines. For sale by Moser & Lutz and Grimes ! Drug Co. adv. [ Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S I CASTORIA Key Dots. July 28. Well there have beer some changes made at the Ivey Mill recently. Capt. * W. H. Warner from Charlotte is now superintendent of the mill tak ing the place of Mr. G. F. Ivey, and Mr. J. O. Williams the over seer of spinning resigned his wdrk here and moved to Shelby a few davs ago -to take charge of a spinning room there, and Burt Abernethy has taken hit place as overseer of spinning at the ivey Mill and everything seems to be moving on fine un derthe new management, J. P. Huffman one of the loom fixer? here has resigned and is goinp to Brook ford to fix looms there. Mrs. M. O. Proctor from Cliff side was here several days last week visiting her brother-in-law and family, Mr. Gray Freeman. C. E. Smith went to Shelby last week t& spend some time wi*h relatives who live there. Miss Minnie Berry who has been at Chapel Hill for several weeks - visiting her sisto, Mrs Abee returned home one day last week. She reports a nice time. tMrs. C. Mas3ey has been quite sick for several weeks and Sorry to «ay she is no better at present. Mr. Oscar and Connelly Houser have been in our town for sever al days they are the guest of H. A. Heavner. There was a children's day service here Sunday e /ening by the children of the Methodist church and Sunday School under the tent near the Methodist church. The program consisted of songs, recitations and dia logues etc. All the children de livered their recitations and songs well showing that they had been well trained by their instructors. Rev. Mr. Fink the pastor of the church also an nounced that there would be preaching every night during the week at the tent Mr. Fink is a fine preacher and these meet ings are sure to have a large at tendance. Jones Lowman and wife who had been working at Altsvista, Va. for some time are here at present visiting bis mother. Mrs. M. J. Lowman. Miss Bell Biggs from Raleigh has been here several days visit ing the family of Mr. H, H. Burch. IOTA Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble. When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipation, don't imagine that your case is beyond help just because your doctor fails to give you relief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plain field, N J., writes, "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Chamberlain r s ad vertising booklets came to me. After reading a few of the letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's j Tablets, I decided to try them. I have taken nearly three fourths of a package of ihem and can now eat al most everything that I want.'* For sale by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store. -adv. Cures Old Ssrts, Othw Rimdlii tfaa't Curs The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, •re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's AntUeptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, sl-00. Seaboard Air Line Rail- Way TRAINS LEAVE CHARLOTTE, EF FECTIVE APRIL 27, 1913. EAST AND NORTH BOUND. No. I4 —5300 A. M.—Through train fur Wilmington, with parlor car at* tached. Connecting at Hamlet with train for Portsmouth, Nor folk, Raleigh and all points north. Dining car service, ves tibule coaches and sleeping ears to Washington and New York, connecting at Max ton for A. C. L. points north. No. 34—10:10 A. M.—For Raleigh and all local points. Parlor car Char lotte to Raleigh. •No*. 20—4=50 P. M.—For Wilmington, sleeping car passengers can stay in all night at Wihnington. This train connects at Hamlei for Savannah, Jackson vine and all points south and north and connecting at Maxton with A. C. L. for points north No. 16—8:00 P. M.—Handles local sleep er Portsmouth-Norfolk, connect ing at Monroe for Atlanta and all points west and southwest; al so connects at Monroe with fast train for Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York, through vestibule coaches, Pull man electric lighted sleeping cars to New York, dining cars Rich mond to New York. WEST BOUND. No. 15 9:10 A. M.—Local for Ruther fordton, connecting at Bostic with C. C. & O. for all points on that line to Johnson City, Tenn. Connects at Lincolnton with C a N. W. for all points. No. 31—3:00 P. M.—Local for Ruther fordton, from Raleigh, connect ing at Bostic with C. C. & O. for Marion, Mt Mitchell and Alta Pass; connecting at Lincolnton with C. & N. W. for points on that line. Connects at Lincoln ton with CJ: A N. W. for Newton, Hickory and Lenoir. TRAINS ARRi VEIN CHARLOTTE. No. 15—9:10 A. M.—From East. No. 34—10:05 A. M.—From West. No. 19—12:10 P.M.—From Wilmifigton. No. 31—2:40 P. M.—From Raleigh and all local points. No. 16 —7:50 P. M.—From West. No. 13—11 KM) P. M.—From Wilming ington and all local -points North and East. James Ker, Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. H. T. Orr, Ticket Agent, - Charlotte, N. C. H. S. Leard, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. C. B. Ryan, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. 4th BROOM SALE Saturday and Monday August 2nd and 4th ■ _. „ x ' On account of not having brooms enough to supply de mands in last sale and*having calls for better brooms, we will put 20-dozen brooms on for the above dates. The 4-strand 25c broom at 18c. 10-dozen real heavy 5-strand broom, regular 40c value, at 25c. Every house needs at least one of these brooms. Only 1 to a Customer Lot of new things all through the stock. New Department Opened We have filled up on the gallery and on this floor can show you the most attractive department in Hickory. "*■ ' • Music Piano Concerts every Saturday and Saturday night. All of you enjoy music. Meet your friends here. Knox 5 & 10c Store. * • - r ... JUST ARRIVED Another Car Load of the Famous "BABCBCK" Buggies and Surreys 8 If you do not own a "BABCOCK" ask your neighbor who does own one how he likes his what he thinks of it. Come to see us when you are in town D. M. Boyd &Company, j Vehicle and Harness Dealers, At Henkle-Craig Stables, Hickory, N. C. BIG LAND SALE ' ' '■ T ■«** • Look out for big Land Sale near St. Stephen's church on Springs road next Thursday, Aug. 7tli. Several lots and some nice small farms. Sale begins at 1:30 p. m. See cir cular. S. D. CAMPBELL, Z. B. Buchannan, Auctioneer Busy Bee c « Is the only place in town to get something good to eat. Quick service and food of the best quality. The cleanest and coolest place in town. WE SERVE CREAMERY BUTTER JAMES VILLAS, PROPRIETOR

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