I Jplk §§ Sit % ji Picnic * v —to insure complete success take | along a case of M in |1 The satisfying beverage—in field M or forest; at home or in town! M fjß® As pure and wholesome as it is m temptingly good. U DeliCiC —Refreshing M ™ Thirst-Quenching M Dcnir.ii the Genuine— At Refuse substitutes. Soda Fountains Scjvi »ot Free Booklet. , or Carbon ated Bottles. 3 ~ A THE COCA COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA. E Don't Suffer! | d been troubled, a little, for nearly 7 years," writes I incher, in a letter from Peavy, Ala., " but I was I down, until March, when I went to bed and had I Ito have a doctor. He did all he could for me, but I got no I g better. I hurt all over, and I could not rest At last, I tried E Cardui, and soon I began to improve. Now lam in very p good health, and able to do all my housework." CTAKE TL a I AfCIJU I WomarfcTonic | I You may wonder why Cardui is so successful/ after Im I other remedies have failed. The answer Is that Cardui is I jLaiccessfiil, because ii is composed of scientific ingredients, I If that act curatively on the womanly system. It is a medicine t, fg for women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and | ; P restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. B| | If you suffer like Mrs. Fincher did, take Cardui. It fil | will surely co for you, what it clid for her. At all druggists. 1 I Write to: Ladies' Auviscv Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Chettnaof*. Testa.. 1 > P far Sptaal!rjtruci>.ons, and G4-pase book, "Home Treatment lor WOMea," *eat tree. J■> G9 "" r~. Now Going On—A Special I Remnant. Sale, We have a large number of remnants -• that have accumulated during the year and \vc want to clear them out at once, so we have done them up in 8-yard bundles and while they la& they go at 50c Bundle Some of these goods sold as high as 50c a yard, and it is an unusual opportunity to buy high-class goods at low prices. Come in and get your share, to-day, if you wait they all may be gone. SETZER & RUSSELL CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe- Clalt y. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover aIK j jy ra 3s seeds. Get our prices before baying. . _ PHON E NO. 271 I I 111 || ma I mmiiiiMWIMI—II" 11 3! b Printing' That's BaSTerent—Phone 37 SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson V.—Third Quarter, For Aug. 3, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. " * Text of the Lesson, Ps. cv, 23-38. Memory Verses, 26. 27—Golden Text, Malt, xxiii, 12—Commentary Prepar ed by Rev. D. M. Steams. If we would understand the word of God we must he agreed with God aud let His thoughts and piii|mses be come «ur» without any |iiestiouiug on our part. He has chosen Israel as [ii« peculiar people. a people near* unto Him. that by them He may bless all nations, and His memorial name to all generations is "Mie GoJ «»f Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Ja cob." When He divided the earth anions the nations He «irl it with ref erence to the children of Israel and set Jerusalem lu the midst of the na tions (Ps. cxxxil. 13, 14; cxivli. 14; isa. xxvil. it; .ler. lii. 17: Ex. lii. 15; Oeut. xxxii. 8; Ezek. v.> f>». The adop tion. the glory, the covenants, the promises, are all theirs, unci of them as concerning the flesh Christ came, who Is over all. God blessed forever. T he author of the most of the psalms was David, the sweet psalmist of Is rael. who sakl. "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me. and His word was In my tongue." The gospel of God is con cerning His Son. Jesus Christ our Lord, who was made of the seed of r>av»cl according to the flesh and de clared to be the Son of God .with |*>w er. according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead (Rom. ix. 4. r»: I. 1-4: II Sam. xxiii. 1. 2). The whole Bible story largely concerns Israel, past, present mid fu ture. but chiefly past and future, be cause for the present they are set aside iiecause of their rejection of' their Messiah. All that has been writ- i ten concerning Israel has !>een writ- I ten for our benefit, that we. through patience and comfort of the Scriptures. I may have hope (Rom. xv. 4). The first part of our lesson psalm : summarizes the lessons we have re- j cently had concerning Abraham. Isaac. .Tftcob. Joseph and the going down of Israel to Egypt. Our lesson begins with the Record of their great increase in Egypt and their oppression by the ■ Egyptians, just as the Lord told Abra ham that it would be (Gen. xv. 13). Our most recent lessons have shown us the birth of Moses. Cod's chosen deliverer of His people, his training at the court of Pharaoh, succeeded by hia forty years of shepherd life in Mldian, until the T.ord spoke to him from the burning bush. Ex. iii and Iv are summarized In the twenty-sixth verse of our lesson in those words; "ne sent Moses. Flisserv mt. and Aaron, whom Ho had chosen.*' j "Mir last lesson on Fx. v and vl told us now the request through .Moses and; Aaron to let Israel go only angered Pharaoh and caused him to lay heavier ! burdens upon Israel, lu today's lesson ! we have a summary of Ex. vii to xl. | telling how the Lord' sont plague after j nlasme lipon Pharaoh and his people I until they were glad to let Israel go and j gave them abundance of silver and j •rold and raiment (Ex. xii. 3T». 3(b. The ! ittitude of Pharaoh to Cod is seen In . his defiant words: "Who is the Lord? : • * • I know not the Lord" (Ex. v?2i. Before or by the time that Cod had dealt with him In these sore judg ments he learned who Jehovah was ind that those who walk in pride He- Is able to abase (Dan. Iv, 37). The character of Pharaoh is seen In three words In Ex. ix. 17. "Thou ex altest thyself.** and by these we are oolnted onward to the time of the anti christ. the last great oppressor of Is rael, who shall exalt himself and •;penk marvelous things against the God of gods and prosper for a time (Dan. xl. 30: II Tlicss. 11. 4). In his days shall these plagues be repeated, nccordlng to Rev. xvi. In connection with Israel's Inst deliverance, after which they shall be a blessing to all nations. In the Exodus chapters it is written •iirht times that Pharaoh hardened his heart (vii. 14. 22: viil. 15. 19. 32: ix. 7. 34. 3T» and seven times that the Lord hardened his heart (vii. 3. 13: ix. 12: x. 1. 20. 27: xi. 10). the latter expres sion signifying that the Lord gave him over to his own willfulness.. allowed him up to a certain point to have his •wn way. Illustrating Prov. xxix. 1. The plagues are not mentioned in our lesson In the same order as they occurred, the Exodus order being Mood, frogs, lice, flies, murrain, bolls, hail, locusts, darkness, death. The murrain and the boils seem to be omit ted In our lesson. The magicians of Egypt imitated the plagues of blood ind frogs, but when It came to lice they had to say. "This is the finger of God" (Ex. vili. 19). The Lord put a difference, a division, a redemption between His own people and the Egyptians (Ex. viil, 22. 23; Ix, 4. 2fi; x. 23: xi. 7). In one case at least some of the Egyptians gave heed to the Lord's warning and were saved from the olague (Ex. ix. 20. 21). Pharaoh's un willingness to let Israel go is very sug rcstive of the hold that the devil has •ipon people and his unwillingness to et go. Klrst they might go, but not far away: then they might go. but , »nl.v the men: then their families might pro. but not their flocks. Let u* *tand with Moses and say. "Not a hoof shall be left behind" (Ex. viil !T\ 28: Jt. It. 24. 201. We must always rive attention to the different name> of Jehovah and from each one learn 'o know Him better. Diarrhoea When you want • quick cure wfchw «ny lott of time, and one that is follow®' tgr no bad result*, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an Diarrhoea Remed M bhw Mia and k •Uaaant to uV fc h tonally valuable far abfldren. It WIU ft tore Why, .when the average acre of staple field crops in the south is worth as much as the average acre in the North dee*. »he a vera g Northern farm worker earn from three to five times as much as the average Southern farm j worker? Because the Northern farmer has larger fields, free of stumps and open ditches or gullies; uses little hand labo;, and more farm machinery, «nd rives from three to five times as rr.any horses, all of which enable him to cultivate aboui four times as much land. —The Progressiva Farmer. FAIR EX( MANGE A New Back fi,r an Oid One- How a Hickory Resident Made a back Strong. The back aches at times with a uull, indescribable feeling, making you weaty and restless; piercing pairs shoot across the region of the kidneys, and again the liens are so lame thattc stoop is Bgony. No use to rub OJ apply a plaster to the bank if the kia j neys ere weak. Ycu cannot reach j the cause. Follow the example oJ •j Lhis Hickory citizen, j- William Mosteller, 1214 Twelfth Ave , Hickory, N. C., says: "My back pained me almost constantly and, the secretions from n,y kidneys were far too frequent and piinful in passage. There were times when I con.d hardl) do my day's work. Two boxes of Ooan's Kidney Pills, procured at | vloser &Lutz s Drug Stoie, drove away j-ihe trouble and made me feel better J tftan I had in a long t;me. The strong btatemtnts I read in rraise of l oan's : Kidney Pills induced me to try them. 1 I shall a ways be thankful foi what • they did for me. " For sale by all dealt rs. Price 50c. ! Foster-Milburn Co., Buff, 10, New | York, sole agents for the United States, j Remember the name —Boat's— j and take no other. adv. 1 PI \o\ Jo}j THCJS>^ . . New Double Daily Service | VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-Western k_ lway Companv. Lv. HICKORY Ar. 7.47 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.35 p.m Ar. GASTONIA LV 10.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 4.40 p. in. * 3.10 p.m. Between Gastonia and Charlotte'. Effective Sunday June 1-t 1913. Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7 55 a. m. " 4 8.15 " " 3 9-15 " «• 69 3O " " 5 i 0 15 •' " 8 10.20 *' " 7 11 50 " 10 11.55 " " 9 12.45 p.m "i 2 12.50 p.m. "11 1.55 " "16 200 " "15 2.55 " i •« 18 3.00 " "17 4.30 " j "20 i> 00 " "19 5.35 " "22 600 " '-21 7.00 " "24 7-00 " '• 23 8.00 " •'26 B.CO " "25 9.00 " «' 28 9.30 " "27 10.30 " "30 10.55 " "29 11.55 " The above schedule, figures and conoection pub lished only as information and are not guaranteed. C. V. PALMER. Gen. Pits. Agent. Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent. Gastonia. ft. C. Building Materials. - Sash, Glass, Doors, Blinds, Sidings, Ceiling, Frames, Mantels, Framing, S Flooring, Mouldings, Pine Shingles. Sash Weights, Plastering Laths, Finished Lumber, j ' Cypress Shingles. Estimates made from I plans. Good supply of Manufacturing Material in i Stock. I 1 Hickory Mfg. Co. j HICKORY, N. C. v Hoyle Family Reunion. There will be held on August .20th. 1913 upon the grounds of the Bel wood Institute, in Cleve land County, N. C and near the Noah Hoyle old homestead, a "Hoyle Family Reunion." The Institute grounds were chosen because of the advanta ges of shade and shelter. This is intended t> be more than a mere p : cnic, although that feature wiil not be neglected There is promised us a speakei of National reoutation: also there wiil bp present a gentleman wh now ready for the press t; history of the Hoyle family And &tiJ another attractive fea ture of this occasion, there wil y exhibited "The Hoyle Family Tree," tracing the family with ut a missing link to the year 1560, and a partial history to tht year 1335. This data has beer procured by long, earnest and persistant research by a linea' lescendant. Every member of 'h;s large family composed of Noah Hoyle and his descendants, together with his brothers and sisters with their families, art earnestly requested to be present ind to not forget that "big bas •set to be well supplied wish nour shment for the inner man!" A MEMBER Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The farmer who raises the grain feed for his poultry saves in two wr.ys. First, che difference between the market v ;lue of his home raised grain and the market of "poultry feed" that h s failu:© to raise would oblige hs wfe to buy Second. the cost of transportation of both, to and from ma-feet. —R, in The Progressive Farm er. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIE DIAMOND BRAND. A Mm sgw I*l S *'• Bar ifjNf Jr I / ft HrMf 1 " 4 - Ask fornri.CirKS.TEß* I i a DIAH»Nr> BRAND PJLLB. fort* 1 If known M Best, Satot. Always Reliable —r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEKVWHERE j PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. RV P. da KIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY ... N C. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. «J. J. HICKS DENTIST Will ber in my office Fridays and Saturdays r Jp Stairs in Club Eld'g., next door to Sliuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. RIDDIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C THAT NEAT HAIR-CUT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR IS AT Diet's Barber Shop TRY US NONE BETTER R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honest service promised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Will practice in all the courts of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Aberaethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Palace Barber Shop Try us once and you will come again . D. F. CLINE, Proprietor Mrs. D. M. Atkins Trained Nurse Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacen towns and country as well as in Hickory PHONE M HICKORY, N. C. I The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per sawd supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but flxperi meats tt *t trifle with and endanger the health of tnnuifc. and Children— Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrupsc It is Pleasant. It 'contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverfahness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic* It relieves Teething Troubles, *uires Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. - CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years. THt eCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MUMIIAV (TRUT, A ti Ml. • *- Wrightsville Beach ...Via... «% Seaboard Air Line Railway Queen of South Atlantic Coast Resorts Elegant Hotels. Reasonable rates. Finest Surf Bathing on Atlantic Coast. Fine Fishing, -Dancing, Other Sports. Round trip rates via Seaboard from Charlotte. . • * Correspondingly low rates from other points. Season Wrightsville and return $8.70 10-day Wrightsville and return 7.50 on sale Thursdays and Saturdays only. Week-end Wilmington and return $5.00, on sale Friday after noons and all trains Saturday good to return following Tuesdays. For further information address H. S. LF.ARD, D. P. A., JAMES KER, Jr., T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Charloite, N C. • y Job Printing -ji r ■. n" hi.in.Krn in I Neatly and Quickly Done Ask for Prices 'Phone 37 The Democrat % i * Notice to Farmers! Take care of your Rye Straw, we will pay you 50c per 100 pounds for it, baled and delivered at our factory. HICKORY COLLAR CO.

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