> A NOTE TO YOU I HICKORY, N. C., July 23,1913. I The time honored phrase "Drug Sundries" embraces a thou sand and one thiriara for the h visehold which, when needed, be- Vi M come of great moment, and must be procured sometimes in WrsM We try to arrange things so that you and we will not be out PVJB .of the sime thing at the same time; and that makes it pretty J rr» pafe for you to come here first when in a huriy, or any other J*\rf\ MOSER &LUTZ jj/tmlm* "° n the Corr,er " Two Phories: 17 &dl 7 Always Ready For Use You don't have to coax the fire when V nJ you get home late or when you get up early if you I J*? J ust strike a match, \ touch it to the wick, and n A you have the right heat JJ J* for cooking anything, with- -imnr, // U out overheating your kitchen. \ I .No coal or wood. J[ I , No dirt or ashes. r — t \ The New Perfection is jf .jk made with 1, 2, 3 and 4 l|jl| J» burners. Indicator shows I \\ 2jl§||j^ |||Jr how much oil is in the jj ■ STANDARD OIL COMPANY M jHE T..W #.€. OU* Jam?) OxUtti, 1L C. __T» * i -- ~ = :? SPECIAL AUCTION SALE 50 High Class Residence Lots and One House and Lot Hickory, Tuesday, August sth, 10:30 A. M. The best property in that growing suburb, WEST HICKORY, and it is going to be sold to the highest bidder on very easy terms. Come, see and hear the double auctioneers sell the same lot at the same time at the rate of one a minute. Music by a Concert Band that's worth hearing. Just a few hours outing for everybody. Free carriages to the sale. Ladies especially invited to attend. Remember the day, TUESDAY, AUGUST sth, 10:30 a, m. Don't miss it! Rain or shine. -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- * SOLD BY Thomas Bros. Realty & Auction Co., GREENSBORO, - - NORTH CAROLINA POWERFUL REVIVAL. Mebane's Union Meeting Shows Uu usuai Results. Mebane, July 25.-Among .the results ot the union meeting just closed here, in which Rev. W.W. Orr, D. D., of Charlotte did the preachinsr and Prof. Oliver Ar nold of Scran ton, Pa., led the singing, may be mentioned. More than a hundred converted or reclaimed; several hundred Christians reconsecrating their lives; scores and scores manifest ing the spirit of forgiveness and renewing friendships that had been broken; almost a thousand people pledging themselves to the uplift of Mebane and the community; and more than 50 heads of lamilies pledging them selves to conduct family prayers. Nearly 100 members are ex pected to be added to the church es of the village and surround ing country as the direct result of the two weeks meeting. The free-will offering was more than Rouble the amount that Mebane has .ever raised for a meeting. The King of All Laxatives For constipation, headaches, in digestion and dpspeDsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blessin? to all ray family and I al ways keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25«. Rec ommended by C. M. Shuford, Mo er & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store, adv. • A Severe Sickness 1 eaves The Kidneys Weak. After recovering from a severe spell of sickness some time ago. 1 was all run down and suffering from poor blood. 1 would have pains In my back and hips aud my kidneys bother ed me all uie time. 1 started taking Swamp Root upon the recommenda tion of a friend and found it was just what 1 needed. My blood became *ll right and after taking a few bottles, I was surprised at the effect it had on my kidneys. They were entirely cured and 1 have much to be thankful for what your great remedy did for me. Yours very tiuly. W. O. BLACK MON, # Plienix City, Ala. Sworn to and subscribe* 4 before me, This the 14th day of July, 1909. W. .1. BIRS. Justice of the Peace. Letter to ! Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. : Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., tor a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telline all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the flickory Democrat. Begular fifty-cent and one-dollar s»ire bottles for sale at all drugstores, (adv. Can't Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Tablets is daily becoming more wide ly known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles has ever ■ been known. For sale by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv. North Carolina, ( tn the Superior Catawbi County > Court. Mrs. Lottie Taylor vs. Howard Taylor. BOTICE OF SJCBVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above named has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Catawba bounty by the Plaintiff above named for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the parties Plaintiff and Defend ant. The said defendant will further take notice that he'is required to ap-" pear at the fall term of the superior court of Catawba County to be held on the eighth Monday after the first Mon day iu September 1913, it being the twentieth day Of October, 1913, at the court house of Catawba County in Newton, K. C., and answer or demur to the complaint i" the action, or the Plaintitf will applv to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Tiiis the third day of July, 1913. C. M. McCofkle, Clerk Superior Court Catawba Co. D. L. Russell, Attorney. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of Noith Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Eree tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information, addiess Julius I. Foust, President, Greensboro N. C ICATS PAW a A NON-SUP RUBBER SPOT HEELS I MT LIGHT WEIGHT TTie Cat's Pai Prevents Slipping BRagg* INSIST ON CAT'S PAW HIELS THE NAME IS EASV TO RE MEMBER. ALL DEALERS *flßEl3nfi&aSf SO CENTS ATTACHED _£_^rJ*ubber_CoJos i> Fed£ral i SV ; BoiJon i £f»ssj These are the kind of Rubber Heel you get when we put them on, and we put 'em on to stay, too. We have them in black and tan rubber. All work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson Phone 106 Watches! You need a watch if you have a good one. Twenty-five or thirty years ago it would do to look at the sun, but to-day every man, regardless of his station in life should have a watch. One that he can rely on. You can always get pleased when mak ing a selection from my large stock, you not only get the best, but at prices that cannot be duplicated. Call and let us show you our nice selection. You trc always welcome. GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler & Optometrist Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. He Who Would Ride ON THE CREST OF THE WAVE, Should Early Commence HIS DOLLARS TO SAVE! We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Hickory, : : : North Carolina Let US Print for YOU—We Print for Others.

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