Catawba Items. Miss Rae Davidson of States ville is the guest of Miss Zula ci.errill at Catawba Inn. Mrs. Oscar Sherrill went to xjpwton Monday to. visit her bro ther Dr 'IV W. Long. Mr an d Mrs. John Rector and family, of Richmond, are irnests of Mrs. Rector's parents, fir "and Mrs. J. H. Trollinger. Mr T. E. Harwell spent thti week-end at Davis Sulphur SP Mrs° S j. H- pilts and Mrs - S Rafty are on an extended visit to Hickory, Lenoir and Blowing Rock Morrison of Miami. v\* arrived Tuesday to visit Mrs F. Y. Long. Mr. and fi/jrs. J. B. Bridges have returned from a trip to A White, of Atlanta, Ga., and Mr. Tom Clitton* ..of vpiton, were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Little, Sun- Sadie Pope of Route 1 spent the week-end with Miss Winona Leonard. Miss Fanny Ahernathv entertained Saturday in honor of Miss Pope. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. He Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sjtf .Signature of C Good, Better and Best j For many reasons you will find OUR STORE THE BEST PLACE to purchase anything you need in the JEWELRY LINE, Quality of goods the best and prices lower than anywhere else. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. J. O. RHODES, Hickory, N. C. I 100 PAIRS J High Grade I Mens' Oxfords I Worth from $4.00 to $6.50 in broken sizes to close at $2.95 Come early and get fitted Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. - "The Quality Shop." p "Back Bone" - Many a man has a Wish bone where his Back bone ought to be. Don't sit and wish for fortune. Get out and seek it. Remember thousands are out looking for what you are wait ing for. Start a Bank account. You will need it some day. Four Per Cent. Interest paid on Savings Ac - » counts, compounded quarterly. Money to Loan at all times. ' Finft National Bank HICKORY, N. C. • I Capital and Surplus, $265,000 J. D. ELLIOTT, President K- C. MENZIES, v Vice-Pre*. and Cashier J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier Wreck on the Yard. A wreck on the Southern Rai 1 - way occurred on the east end r f the yard?here late yesterday at ternooh. A box car loaded with lumber broke loose from a freight train and gained such a raDid rate of speed that it jumped the track turning completely over; block ing traffic on the main line of the Carolina and Northwestern Rail way. Mr. Earl Nabors of thi* cjty. was on the car and in at tempting to apply the brakes rar a narrow escape gf serious if pni fatal injury, jumping as the car left the track. The wreckiro crew was caHed out and had the track clear at' 10:30 o'clock last night. How's^This? Wt off r One Hundred Dollars-Re ward tot any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure F J. CHENEY & CO., Tol^O We, the undersigned, have known N- Cheney for the last 15 years, and be'ieve him perfectly honorable In all business-1 ransact tons and linanclal!v able to carry out any obligations made by his firm national bank ofcqm Fierce, _ - Toledo, O. Hall s, Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting direc ly tfpoti thi\ blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Pric"- 75 cents per botUe. Sold by all Druii gis'^. Takft Hall's Family Pills for cons! i pation. Gliildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TO R I A local and personal. + Miss Hilda Field visited in Le- * noir last Week. i Miss Iniogene Finger is visit- | ing her aunt, Mrs. Finger. , 1 J°hn Bohannon was in Char lotte Tuesday on business. Mr. Carl Pope of Claremont was a visitor in town Monday. Mrs. Ed Gates of Greensboro i is here on a visit to Mrs. D. L. , Martin. Mr. E. L. Shuford is spending ( a few days at All Healing ( Springs. . 1 Miss Margaret Rose Smith cf ! Bristol. Va., is visiting Miss Sal- i lie Martin. Miss Sadie Salvo left Tuesday I for a two weeks 1 visit to friends t in Durham. c Miss Theo Lipfert of Winston- ! Salem, is here on a visit to Miss 1 Sallie Martin. Miss Loyd Davis of Colletts- t ville is spending some time with 1 relatives in the city. ( v James Maddrey of Win- ston-Salem is the guest this week of Mr. Q?iver Li taker. Miss Grace Brawley will leave ! this week on a visit to relatives and frieads in Statesville. Mrs Richard Elliott will leave Saturday for a months' visit to t relatives in Detroit, Mich. Mrs D. A. Ramsour and daugh- c -ter, Wi lie, of Newton, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. M. Henkle. 1 Miss Gertrude Finger has re turned home alter a visit to friends in Morganton and Lenoir. y Mrs. Willis Bagby and Master k Willis Jr., are here visiting her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shu ford. f Mr. Fred and Miss Pearl Camp- r beli went to Concord last week to spend some time with their grandmother. Misses Lula and Bobbie Rudi- 1 sill of. Henry River spent Tues day and Wednesday with Miss * Lucile Litaker. | Mrs. John M. Stephens and little daughter, Peggy, are visit u ing Mrs. Stephens sister, Mrs. T. r T. Gilmer, of Charlotte. 1 Mrs. C. N. Hughes, of Los J Angeles, California, is here on a J visit to her sisters, Mrs. R. L. ? Hefner and Mrs. Bruce Fry. Miss Lola and Flossie Henkle p will leave Eriday for their home c in Rock Hill, S. C. Miss Sudie t Burns will accompany them home. J Mays and daughter. f Mi s Hazel, who have been visit- * ing her sister, Mrs. Louis Gwin, will leave Saturday for their home in Fritzgerald, Ga. s L C. Glenn, Latin teacher in j, the High School department of £ the city schools of Lake Charles, g La., is here on a visit to his sis- g te.r, Mrs. D. L. Russell. Childrens Day service at Mil ler's Church Sundav. Service at 10 o'clock. Missionary sermon in the afternoon at 2 o'clock p. m. by Rev. D. E. Snapp. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Johnson and two children of Lumberton, are spending some time here with Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Moser. Miss Mary Allen and Mr. Frank i Allen, Jr., left Tuesday morning for Charlotte where they will join their sister, Miss Louise, and j will then go with a party of j friends to Chimney Rock. , Miss Lillian Gaither of Cha* \ lotte and Misses Eva Burke and 1 Lena Bogus of Richmond, Va., 1 are expected to arrive in the city 1 this week to visit Miss Ruth Mo ser at her home on Highland ave nue. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fewell of } York ville, S. C., and Mr. and * Mrs. J. B. Thomason of Kings ; Mountain, were joined here Tues day by Miss Bessie Thomason for , a two weeks' stay at Blowing j Rock and Linville. - The many friends of Mrs. S. F. Watson will be pleased to learn t that she has been appointed « teacher of the Mary Jacob's High l School at Thornwell Orphanage, j Clinton, S. C., and will take ■ charge about September Ist , The Citv Bakery has employed ] a German baker to do their bak- i ing in the future. The bread i furnished by this firm cannot be surpassed. If you will gd in and • see the sanitary conditions of the \ place you will get your bread from them, especially if you once try it. The singing class from the I. 1 0. 0. F. Orphange at Goldsboro j gave a concert at the Hub thea i tre Monday evening. A good I crowd was present and enjoyed ! the extremes very much. The door rtceipts amounted to $64.00, while the outside collections amounted to S2O. Notice. To whom it may concern: • '\ he undersigned will not be respon sible for any debts contracted for or bv the Busy Bee Cafe or Restaurant of Hickory, N. C., or the Management thereof. _ This 16th. day of July A. D . 1913. , *- T * J; LAMPROS. GUS J. LAM PROS. tto teachers at Lenoir College. t JPipf. K. G. Busch of St. Paul, has been appointed Pro feasor of Chemistry and Physics at Lenoir College. Prof. Busch is well and favorably known to ! the people of this city, having taught at this institution lor three years. iSince that time he has had most excellent university ad vantages, and is an A. B. and B S. graduate of the University of Michigan, and did two years of special post-graduate work there. He is a strong scholarlv man with rare gifts as a teacher. Prof. F. G. Morgan of Maul din, S. C., will teach Latin the coming term. He graduated from Lenoir College a, few years ago with first distinction. He was awarded the M. A. degree at the University of S. C. in 1913, Miss H. Louise Wright of Rush ford, Minn., is the new teacher of piano, etc. She is a graduate of St. Olaf College of Music, and has been remarkably successful in her teaching. Miss Dorthy Dorn of Fort Wayne, Ind, is the new Art teacher. She studied Art in the Fort Wayne Art School, the Chicago Art Institute, and the Academy of Fine Arts, Chicago. We welcome all these teachers to our city, as well as the former teachers, who will return for the coming term. Better Paint Better paint this year if your proper \ty needs it. Mistaken men have been waiting tor paint to come-down. The cost of their job has gone-up not down; it always goes-up by waiting, never comes down. Better paint than Devoe? There isn't any. Suppose one had waited 20 or 30 years ago for a better paint than Devoe; how long would he have waited? How long world he still have to wait? The price a gallon makes some dif ference; yes, but not much; it's the paint that counts; the quality counts. It s the go-far that counts. Protec tion of property counts more yet. Better paint. DEVOE F. B. Ingold sells it. adv. Harry Little Secures Another Pro motion. H. H. Little, our one-time pop ular railroad agent, has just been notified of another promotion. This is no surprise to the people of Hickory, as they believe his merits would justify almost any position. The only regret is that he will be permanently located at Boston, whereas in his present position they could count on an occasional visit from him from the general office at Washington. As traveling passenger agent, Mr. Little's operations will keep him out of this territory. Presbyterian Church Notes. The pastor will preach at both services next Sunday. The fol lowing Sabbath our church will be closed except for the Sunday School, as Mr. Garth will be away at Edgemont camping, conclud ing his vacation. He will return on Saturday. August 23, and will conduct services as usual. The Young People's Missionary Socie ty will meet next Monday after noon. The Prayermeetings will be conducted in the absence of the pastor by the officers of the church. New Shoe Store. Mr. J. H. Southworth, of Stack house N. C., has arrived in the city and will about the! first of September open a shoe store in the store-room recently occupied by the Campbell cafe. The store will be run on a cash basis and will be known as the Selz Royal Blue Store. Mr. Southworth was formerly with the Carolina Bary les Company. Mrs. Moore, of Columbia, S. C., has been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Harding, who lives on 9th avenue. NORTH CAROLINA,) In the Super- CATAWBA COUNTY. S ior Court, The First National 1 NOTICE OF SALE Bank of Hickory I UNDER EXECU P. Berry J ™N! By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Catawba County in the above-entit led action, I will, on Monday, the Ist day of September, 1913, between the hours of 12 o'clock m., and 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court house door of Catawba county, in Newton, N, C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, the following real estate, being bounded and described as follows, to-wit: — FIRST TRACK: Situate in West Hickory, adjoining E. J. Berry on the West of her lo'ts,— Beginning at a stake E J. Berry's corner on the South side of the Southern R. R., and running S. 84 W. 200 feet more or less to a stone on Mountain Street; thence South 14 W. with said street 208 feet and 4 inches to a stone; thence North 84 East 200 feet, more or less, to E. J. Berry's line INorth 1 1-2 East 200 feet to the beginning, be inir lots Nos. 7 and Bon a plat of lots surveyed by T. L. Bandy for D. W. R SECOND TRACK: Situate in West Hickory, adjoining the lands of P. K. Baker and A. J. Drum,— Beginning on a slake P. Berry's and A. J. Drum's cor ner on South side of the Southern R. R., and running South 87 W. 230 feet more or less to a stone in A. N. Rowe's line; thence a southerly direction 200 feet, more or less, to a stone P. K. Baker's corner; thence East 180 feet to Baker's and Drum's cornei; thence a north east erly course 200 feet more or less to the ■ point of beginning, or beginning cor tier. This July 31st, 1913. R. Lee Hewitt, Sheriff, ] J? Per J. P. Burns, Deputy Sheriff. I LOCAL AMD MM, | i— my L Miss Coline Munroe is at Mon treat. Grant Hamilton is visiting re latives in Philadelphia. Rev. S. B. Stroup went to Asheville Monday for a few days visit. Misses Lizzie and Amelia Mo Comb are at Montreat for a month. . • •», Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lentz have returned home from a visit to Canton. Miss Lottie Settlemyre is sDend ing a few weeks here with her parents. Mr. J. B. Haithcock is spend ing a tew days at Catawba Springs. Mrs. S. H. Stone has gone to visit her son, W. A. Stone, st Waynesville. Hilton Shu ford has accepted the position of delivery clerk for the parcel post. Misses Marguerite and Annie Link are visiting friends in Edge mont this week. Mrs. Frazier and family have gone to their old home in Utica, N. Y.. on a visit. MissNeill Patterson,of Moorer ville, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. R. M. Knox. The Hickory Overall Company has moved into its handsome new building on 11th ave. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Geitner and children have returned home after a visit to Blowing Rock. Mr, W. M. Reese left today for Rocky Mount - where he * has accepted a position with the Wil liams Printing Co. Mr. Killian, of Lmcolnton, ac companied by his wife and baby daughter, made a short visit to G. W. Killian on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs v Murphy made a visit to their so'n, John Murphy, at Taylorsville. John has re cently entered the drug business there. Miss Alexandria and Master Harry Link, Jr., of Spartanburg, S. C., are vipiting at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Link. Marshall Garth of Union City, Tenn., is here on a visit to his cousins, Voorheis and Robert Garth. He will accompany them on their camp next week. G. W. Hall went over in his car to attend the tuneial of the late J. G. Hall at Lenoir. Mr. Hall was accompanied by his wife! and children, Mrs. Bettie Holden and Miss Mary Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs J. Ben Comer left yesterday for Oxford. Mr. Co mer will be business manager of the Granville County Publishing Company of that city. We wish him much success in his new work. Misses Virginia and Nancy Hall, Alice Cilley and Sallie Mor ton left today to attend a house party at Mrs. W. D. Jone's, of Happv Vallev. Judging from their happy faces they anticipate a pleasant visit. Mr. Ellis McComb returned last week from Shull's Mills where he had his annual camp ing party, consisting of Bonner Knox. Henry Menzie, Robert and Harvey McComb, Donald Shuford and John Cilley. Mrs. Bourbonnais will leave this week-with Mrs. Augusta Wezen and her daughter, Miss Greta, for Asheville on a visit to Mrs. Erickson. Mrs. Bour bonnais will go from Asheville to Michigan for a month or so on a visit to relatives. Rev. J. L. Murphy left yester day for Crescent where his de nomination is erecting a large Orphanage building, he being a member of the building commit tee. He will also begin a pro tracted meeting at Mt. Hope church in Guilford county, this week, Mrs. E. B. Menzies is chaper oning a party of young people in a camp at the Cliffs this week. The party consists of Bessie Mc- Comb, Adelaio* Johnson, Mary Field, and Messrs. William Mc- Comb, Robert Bonner, Oliver Li taker and his friend, whai»now on a visit, James Medrick of WW. ston-Salem. Diarrhoea ■When you want a quick cur® whhoW any lon of time, and on« that a follow** ty bo bad raaulta, um Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy h in mi hn « and hi »Uawn( to take II h equally valuable at ebfldr*n. It i Imwo# Ibr W MM a Ware ~r« * mkmtU .i - CHICHESTER S PILLS V THE I>IAMON» BRAND, A Ladleat Aak jou~ Druglat for fj\ Cbl-ehe»>terl Diamond Brand//V\ 1° Bed and tt.ld mettUfc\V/ t boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. \/ IL. JM DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for *S V«* J? yesiskoo*na«Best, Safwt,Alw*jn Reliable r SOU) 8Y DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE FREE LEMONADE! I Our store will be closed Friday, August Bth. to ar range for our annual End of Season Appreciation Sale—which we mean to repeat at least once or possibly twice each year. Doors will open prompt ly at 8:30 Saturday morning, August 9th, and sale will run all through the following week, ending Saturday, August 16th." In appreciation of the very liberal patronage which we have enjoyed since opening, we will serve free lemonade to every one coming into our store all day and at night Satur day, August 9 th. It matters not whether you make a pur chase or not, we want you to be social and accept the lem onade, as we will feel hurt if you do not. The lemonade will be served by bright young girls on gallery for white people, in rear of store for colored people. Every one in vited. On account of the cost of serving these cool drinks we cannot afford to enumerate price in newspaper, adver tising is very expensive. Our entire stock will be well ar ranged and all summer merchandise will be reduced to close. Many specials have been bought especially for this sale which will cost great activity. Plenty of competent help will be provided so every one can get waited on promptly. Tell your friends! Wc want them here wheth er they purchase or not. Music ali during the day and at night. Remember the day and place, SATURDAY, AUG UST 9th, at Knox 5 and 10c Store JUST ARRIVED Another Car Load of the Famous "BABCOCK" : ' Buggies and Surreys If you do not own a "BABCOCK" ask your neighbor who does own one how he likes his and what he thinks of it. Come to see us when you are in town D. M. Boyd & Company, . Vehicle and Harness Dealers, At Henkle-Craig Stables, Hickory, N. C. Bowles Furniture Company Have some surprises in Mahagony Dressers and Wash Stands Something new in Hall Curtains at Bowles Furniture Company Do you need a Rocker? Bowles Furniture Company have some bargains ; See that new Folding Bed at Bowles Furniture Company Best Mattress for the money at Bowles Furniture Company * *ust a few Porch Rockers left at Bowles Ihamiture Company CITY FEED COMPAKYI FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271