Good, Better and Best I For many reasons you will find OUR STORE THE BEST I PLACE to purchase anything you need in the JEWELRY I LINE, Quality of goods the best and prices lower than I anywhere else. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. J J. O. RHODES, Hickory, N. G. i » =■ 1 Ml Ml) ML | Attorney A, A. White ner V/v> in Newfon Monday on business Mrs. W. B. Councill and chi dron are some time it v Boone. Miss Mattie Hunter of Hunter ville is the guest of Mrs. D Stevenson. Mr. Harvey Bullock of Greer ville, N. C. is here visiting Mr Frank Elliott. Mrs. N. Martin is visiting rela tives in Winston and Mt. Air> for two weeks. Dr. Hansucker, of Drexd, spent Sunday and Monday will! friends in this city, Mrs. S. M Hood of Greer s boro, is a guest of her sister. Mrs. H. D. Abernetby. Mr. Auburn Stevenson ot Stcny Point, i? visiting his broth er, Dr. T. F. Stevenson. Miss Lois Siiiith of Gastonia is spending some tima here with her aunt, Mrs. L. B. Gwin. Dr. H. C. Merzies made the trip from Hickory to Blowing Rock in 2 hours and 15 minutes. A. W. Cline, local editor oi the C.' ."ba County News, made s pleasant cail to The Democrat Tuesday. Misses Isabel and Isla Mortoi returned home last Friday fron a visit to relatives at HurdU Mills, N. C.- Mrs. J. F. Miller with Master Albert spent Thursday with Mif. \Y. A. Rudasill at Oak Grove, L'ncolnton. Mrs. Henry Elliott and famil\ have returned home after spend ing the summer month at Ridge crest, N. C. Mrs. S, F. Watson _lef i Wednesday for Clinton, S. C . where she is to take charge o --*■ aii orphan sefc&oi.- -1~~ Mr. and Mrs. H { L. Moore. Misses Joe and Naomi Moore re turned Sunday from a trip to All Healing Springs. Miss Sallie Herndon returnee' to her home in Kinston aftei spending some time with her sis ter, Mrs. E. A. Herman. Rev, J. A. Scott of Statesville. will preach at the Presbyterian church here Sunday morning api night. Everybody cordially in vited. Capt. Lyerly went to Char lotte a few days ap:o, and say? he made the trip from Chariott to Hickory in 2 hours and 1.5 minutes. Miss Willie Williams of York vilie, S. C., who has spent sorm time in Asheville came Tuesday to visit Mrs. F. B. Gwin, on he' way home. Mrs. J. F. Miller accompanied by Miss Pearle, Masters John F Jr., and Albert have returnee from Charlotte where they spent some time with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and daughter, and son, Miss Helen gnd Master John, of Minco, Oklahoma, are expected to visit Mrs. D. F. Messick this week. The load from Hickory tr Newton is perfect except frorr Mr. Harvey Harris' to Mr. Pell Bumgarner's. We hope this wi) be attended to in the near future. Mr. L. E. Cansler, who holds a responsible position on th Charlotte Observer, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cansler, on Eighth street. After a visit to her daughtei Mrs. W. A. Hall, Mrs. W. D. Jones expects to return to hei home in Happy Valley Friday Master Davenport Jones will re turn with her. • Misses Essie Winston and Annie Anderson are visiting their aunt, Mrs. E. V. Morton, after spending some tifne witl relatives and friends in Caswell county and Richmond. Va. Miss Rosalie Dixon expects to leave Saturday for Barium Springs, where she has accepted a position as teacher in the school there. Mr. Walker is to be con gratulated on . procuring the services of Miss Dixon. We are in receipt of the an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Rose Finger to Mr. Marcelle Demanche. Miss Finger has been in Taylor, Texas, for sorm time and met her husband there. The bride is the bright and at tractive daughter of Mrs. Clan* Finger of this city and is welt known to all. We extend our best wishes to the newly marrieu couple. ' CM COUNTY CREAM OPEK The Hickory Democrat:— We expect to have our Cream ery opening on Saturday, Augue the 80th. The Creamery will b >pen for the inspection of th oublic ail day. Short talks wil be made during the day by Clar ence Poe, Editor Progressivt Farmer; J. A. Conover, formerly in charge of Dairy work in North Carolina, and B. B. Hare, fron. the Division of Rural Economic , U. S. Department of Agricul ture. We will probably have with us- Mr. 0. A. Nelson, of Svea, Minn., one of the foremost leaders in eo-operation in the Northwest, and Maj. W. A, Graham, fronr: the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, and others. Farmers are urged to take g d?y off and attend the opening Friends of the Creamery in towi and in the country, especially the ladies,. are urged to co operate with us in making this s hig day for Hickory and thi Creamery. Speaking will begin promptly at 10:30 o'clock in the park ad joining the new passenger depot Dinner will be spread at 12:30 on the vacant lot adjoining the Creamery. Everybody is urged and ex pected to bring a basket. Butter milk and ice cream will be fur bished by the Creamery. Several additional speakers have been added, including Lieu tenant Gov. Daughttidge, who will speak on Rural Credits. All farmers are urged to at tend Saturday, and bring their families. CATAWBA CREAMERY CO., J. W. Robinson, President, W. J. Shu ford, Secretary. Ivey Dots. Ausr. 25.—The Ivey Mill' is now preparing to change all the work on satteen. For- sometime they have been weaving twill and a little silk on a few looms The mill for several years run all the looms on satteen and have Jecided to change on the same work again. Everything is mov ing on fine at present under Capt. Warner's good manage ment and when he gets the work changed it will still be better, Messrs J. D. Beck and Shel a-e worKing on tne grade for the Highway through the town of West Hickory at present. They are working a considerable force of hands and the work is mov ing on rapidly. Miss Julia Richards went to Lenoir Saturday to visit relatives. R. ■-W. Williams is all smiles just nt w. The stork visited his home one day last week and left a fine baby girl. Mrs. M. Lewis died here very suddenly Tuesday, Aug. 19. She was well and attending to her work Tuesday morning, but at noon she had a severe stroke or paralysis and died in a few hours She was buried at Mountaii Grove Church on Wednesday. Tin funeral services was conducted by her pastor Rev. Mr. Cook. Sht leaves several children, beside a number of relatives and to mourn her sudden death. E. B. Brown and family mov ed into their'new house one day last week. The house has been finished only a short time, D. C. Wilson went to Roanokt i Rapids a few days ago. He is ' going to work in the mill thece. 1 Mrs. W. D. Dellwger was here Saturday and Sunday visit- I ing G. L. Bolick and family. ! IOTA S*. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Pastorate. Rev. Jno. D. Mauney, pastor. Service Sunday 11 a. m. at St. Andrew's. Service Sunday, 3 p m., at* St. Stephen's. The public is cordially invited. • Cosfly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipation and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment." writes C. H. Hines, of Whitlow, Aik "I went to a hospital, also to a hos pital in New Orleans, but no cure was effected On returning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets, fed worked right along. I used them for some time and am now all right." Sold by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. , adv CASTOR IA For and Children. Tin Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the /7T Signature of MIERICMIS WARNED 10 LEAVE MEXICO AI OK Washington, Aug. 27—President Woodrow Wilson went to Congress to day and revealed how the Huerta pro visional government in Mexico had re jected the friendship of the United States and its.effort to aid in the es tablishment of peace and a jrovern uaent which could be recognized by nation and which would be obey ed and respected by Mexico's own peo ple. WARNS AMERICANS TO LEAVE MEXICO AT ONCE. President Wiison tonight warned all Americans t,o leave Mexico at once. \tthe same time the American em bassy and all consular representatives throughout the" southern republic were instructed to "notify all officials, civil and military, in Mexico" that they would be held strictly responsi ble for harm or injury done to Ameri cans or their property. Catawba College. The time is about here again for the schools and colleges to open the fall term. Parents are called to decide what school shall have their boys and girls. The boys and girls have been talk ing the matter over for most of the summer. Indeed this is a matter of the greatest moment. It is a serious time in the life oi the boy and girl when they say good-by to the old home and for the first time in their life they take up their abode among strangers and amid strange en vironments. Parents cannot be too careful in selecting the school for their boys and girls. The schoul opens up to these boys and girls*a new world of thought and action. If the home train ing has heen good the boys and girls have been taught to think in the right direction. If the home influences have been bad the problem for the schools is all the greater and more perplexing. The little denominational school holds an unique position in the preparation of our boys and girls for citizenship. Many ot the very best leaders in the various movements of the ages have comp up through the small denominational col eges. CA TAWBA COLLEGE is not be hind in the production of man hood. With her new president and faculty this college asks the parents of this county and sur rounding counties for the con tinued opportunity of helping to prepare their sons and daugh ters to meet and solve the great problems of this age. All the members of the- faculty have been selected with the vie w of their special fitness for their specific work. Give them a trial. Come and enroll the first dey if possible. If not the first day by 1 all means the first week. Very cordially yours, J. 1). ANDREW , President. | Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Rev. J. H. Wannamacher pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. Not only are all the members of the Sunday School and church urged to be present at all these services, but a most cordial in vitation is extended to the pub lic. Vacation season is over and now to hard zealous work again. Lenoir College Opens. Next session of Lenoir College >pens Tuesday morning, Sept. 2. at 9 o'clock. Classification of students anci vsignment of work begin at once. Advance order of an hand. All students should be present at the first chapel service. Married in Burke. Mr. Thomas Lee t)f South Carolina and Miss Arlee Hill of Burke county were married at the residence of Esq. H. A Adams, the officiating magis trate, in Burke county on last Sunday evening. The marriage was we\\ at tended by relatives of both the bride and groom. Mrs. B, Rush Lee left yesterdav morning for Hickory to be at the bed side of her mother, Mrs. M. E. Wris tou, who has been indisposed there for the past four or five days. Mrs Wriston and sister. Miss Alice Springs, were en route to Blowing Rock after spending several months at Bonnie Crest. Mrs. Wriston was taken sick on the train and she and Miss Springs stopped off in Hickory hoping that after a day'or so they would be able to continue their trip to Blowing Rock where they expected to visit Mrs. Wriston's eldest daughter, Mrs. Geo H. Brockenbrough. Mte Wriston is suffering with a cold and'.has been un able to take but little nourishment Charlotte Observer, 26th. Minister Praises this Laxative Rev. H. Stubenvoll of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King's "flew Life Pills for constipation, writes:- 1^ 4 'Dr. King s New Lite fills are such perfect pills oo home should be without them. No better regulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c. at Moser & Lutz. adv. OhildreJi Cry . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA mat nm rami~f Miss Evelyn Douglas went to Charlotte Tuesday. L. R. Whitener has returned from Blowing Rock. Mrs. E. L. Flowers and chil dren are visiting her mother at Dealsville. R. M. Knox and family spent a few days at Black Mountain this week. Misses Yoder and Mar garet Wannamacher spent last week in the country. !. Mr. Ogden Crowson, Jr.. of Burlington, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. F. B. Gwin. Mrs. A A. Harbin has retur - ed home after a visit to relatives in Maiden and v-cinity. Mrs. Staten, who.has been visiting in flendersonville, re turned home this week. Mrs. S. C. Mauney of Cherrv ville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Campbell. Mrs. Scruggs and her sister, Mrs. Love of Statesville, visited Mrs. S. F. Watson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Killian have returned home after spend ing the summer at Blowing RocV, J. A. Bowles left Tuesday for Baltimore, New York and other points to purchase his fall stock. Master Gordon Wessick return ed Saturday from a two weeks' visit to friends in Caldwell coun ty. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shell and children are spending this week in Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D. C. Mr. Echard says if you want something good drink a bottle of Pepsi-Cola, and be convinced it is the best- Mr. P. C. Setzer returned home Tuesday from a trip to Atlantic City, New York and other cities. Misses Gertrude and Imogene Finger have returned from Marion, where they visited Miss Moffit Sinclair. Misses Emmafcel and Myra McFail have returned from a visit to their uncle, Mr. Lee McFail of Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of Nek ton are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ben Gaddy, and sister, Mrs. Raymond Abernethy. The many friends of Miss Ada Schenck wili be pleased to know she has returned from Colorado, where she spent the Summer. % Mrs. W. R. Beckley left the latter part of last week for Balti more, where she went to pur chase her f all stock of millinery. Rev. J. P. Price of Lenoir, was in the city Monday 'and gave us a pleasant call. We are always glad to meet with such men as Mr. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and baby left Sunday for their home in St. Louis, Mo., after a visit to her parents here, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Wilfong. Mr. Fred Harris and family, | who have been on an extended visit to Spartanburg, Hender -Bonville, and Forest City, return ed home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Aber nethy visited relatives in New ton Monday. Little Miss Mil dred Phillips accompanied them home for a short visit. Miss M amie Sue Johnson has returned home after spending ■lome time in Asheville, Biltmore, Bryson City and other points in western North Carolina. Rev. J. D. Harte and family. Miss Rawles and Mr. and Miss Parker, left Wednes day morning for a camping trip to Grandfather Mountain. Miss V. H. Wever, who left here about 20 years ago for Deer Lodge, Tenn., died August 25th., after a long illness. We with her many friends regret very much to hear of her death. ' During the month of August Rev. spent a very pleasant vacation so kindly grant ed him by his good people and tor which he is most grateful. Rev. J, H. Wannamacher oreached in the Lutheran church at Lincolnton last Sunday eve ning and visited his friend. Rev. L. L. Lohr Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Powell of White ville was in the city Tuesday on her way home from Lenoir. Mrs. Powell has been in Ler.oir for some time with her sister, who recently died. , Mrs. J. A. Durham left yester day morning for Hickory to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. M. E. Wriston, whose con dition continues about the same. Mrs. Minnie Wriston Smith, who has been spending six weeks at the Green Park Hotel, Blowing Rock came down the mountains yesterday and stopped off in Hickory to see her mother. Mrs. Wriston's continued i'lness is a source of much eoncern to her host of reatives and friends. See is at the Hotel Huffry. —Charlotte Observer, 28. Highland News. Highland, Aug. 25. —Good health is the best news at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. David Fry, and son Arrie. of Charlotte, spent Sunday in Highland visiting relatives. Lawrence Houston, and sister, Ivey, spent Saturday night visiting here. Leon Cline, spent Saturday night and Sunday in ths Claremont section, with his wife, who is staying with her father, C. C. Carpenter. A-good many of our people attend ed the Ball's Creek campmeeting Sun day. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Cline, of the county home section, spent Sunday with their daughters, Mrs Perry and Chas Hefner. • Robt. Ekard has bought the stock jn Cline's Grocery store wear the col lege. and will continue the business Willie Holler, is preparing to erect a dwelling house on his lot near h s store. We are informed that the Baptist Sunday School, will give another ice cream supper at the town hall Saturday evening next. Atlant?, Ga , Aug. 25. —Leo M. Frank, showed no visible signs of emo tion early tonight when he was inform ed that he had been guilty of the mur der of 14 year eld Mary Fhagan. The factory superintendent's wife was with the prisoner when the message was de livered, and she collapsed. - OOOOOOOOCOCKJOOCXJOOCOOOCXJC 8 BUSINESS LOCALS § OOOOOCXXSOCDCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR SALE: About 100 pounds goose feathers. Harris & Lit tie. J. F.SMYRti, deaUr in groceries, iresn meat and fresh fish on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 601, 13 st. Phone 157-L. IF you are going away t school get your sheets, pillar cases, blankets, etc., from J. A. Bowles. FOR SALE—one mil It cow and one horse. W. J. Siiuford FOR SALE —200 bushels ctton Hickory Seed Co., Hick ory. N. C. VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L." WE have said it before, but it will bear repeating,—you can always get a good trunk or suit case at J. A. Bowles. WE will be in the market for good clean wheat and will pay the highest market prices. ...See us whpn you have anything to sell. We buy all kinds of produce, j " Hickory Seed Co. WHITE bed spieads (see win dow) in all qualities and prices at J. A. Bowles. W ANTED Every day green I corn, beans, tomatoes, cab bage, fresh eggs, beets. Hotel Huffry. ! GOOD school shoes for the boy or girl at J. A. Bowles. WANT to exchange good second hand two horse wagon for eight-foot cord wood. Call at J. ! C MnrtySjF'urniture Store. FOR SALE —A nice resident lot 94 by 215 feet in good neigh borhood goad shade and just 3J blocks from Depot. This proper ty can be bought at a bargain Address H. care Democrat. GOOD as new, second hand bug gy for sale cheap, on exhibit at J. C. Martin Furniture Store. IF you want a buggy cheap, see) the second hand one on exhibi tion at J. C. Martin Furniture Store. * * HAVE you seen that good sec ond hand wagon J. C. Martin offers to exchange for cord wood. ABOUT 100 pounds izoose feath ers for sale. Harris & Little. FOR SALE—Ore five room house and lot in Wett Hickory near graded school and churches. Lotj 1 has good orchard on \t. Apply | at this office. GOOSE feathers for sale —about I 100 pounds Harris & Little. NEW fall shoes for ladies just received at J. A. Bowles LCST —A return railroad ticket from Franklin, Va ,to Hickory Endorsed by Louise Cobb. Re turn bo Democrat office and re ceive reward. DEVONSHIRE cltth for school wear.* Won't fade and will wear at J. A. Bowles. TRYING to see without the proper glasses when vour eye sight is failing or defective, only heips to make the mat-er worse. Wear glasses that will rest and strengthen your eyes and make reading a pleasure. Have your pyes examined by a Registered Optometrist and then the* pre scription filled with a pair of Toric Lensee. The best is none too good for every one. And the Toric Lense is not a fad, it is the most scientific principle in glass es known to date. ' E E- Hight, Registered Optometrist, 1316 Union Square* Hickorv, N. C. Cam Old Sores, Otber Renedlis lu't Bart The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves fain and Heal» *t the wune time. 36c, #oc, IW Big Lace and Embroi-1 dery End of Season I SALE I One tot of 25c. Embroidery, choice 10c. yard j One lot 10 and 12 l-2c., choice sc. yard One lot real 10 and 15c. Lace?, choice sc. yard One lot real sc. Val and Torchan Laces, choice. _2sc. yard This is your chance to buy Laces just as advertised. The values are as represented and were bought at end of sii son prices direct from manufacturer. We are giving you the advantage of this great saving. Big line to select from, but advise you to come early as the best will go first. The entire lots go on Saturday, August 20 Piece Good Specials One case Bc. Apron Ginghams. 5c ~1 One case 12 l-2c. Dress Ginghams 7 l-2c One case best Goods Print 5c One lot best 10c. White Nainsook 5c One lot real 12 l-2c. White Goods 7 l-2c These are only a few of the many specials all through our large stock. Grocery Specials Standard Granulated Sugar 5c Octagon Soap 4c , Star Naptha Washing Powder 4c Real good quality Jap Rice 5c | Gome in and see us and look through our entire sto&. Can save you money. Respectfully, I Knox 5 and 10c Store I Fall Opening j . I We are showing many advance styles in FALL CLOTHING in both Men's and Boys' Suits You will find our Boys' department bet- 1 ter this season than ever. Come in and get a , line on our prices, it will save you money. ■ ■ ■. . * ■ \ Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co. "The Quality Shop." • -V PEPSI-COLA f / .j ■M gives you what you want most, on a hot, stifling summer day. It's original. It's different. Keeps } you happy and clear-headed for any work which you should do. It is safer to drink than water, for it is filtered, purified, tested and proved. Drink PEPSI-COLA when your body Wants refreshment. Ask yourself the question—"Am I thirsty, NOW?" IN BOTTLES ICE COLD 5c fob Printing' That's ! Different—Phone 31

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