••fa f or your Fall and Winter Footwear. Only store in the city that carries a complete line of MEN, WOMEN and CHILD i I REN'S Boots and Shoes exclusively. If seeing is believing come in and we will show you up-to-date line of PHOENIX 'II HOSIERY for Men and Women with unlimited guarantee. Remember the name and place. I South worth's r- J Selz Royal Blue Shoe Store Kwß - ■ 1308 UNION SQUARE SI Hickory* - - - - North Carolina Mrs. W. H. Sprunt and son Douglass, of Wilmington, are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Dixon. Another son, Mr. Alex ander Sprunt will join them there today, after having spent the sum ner traveling in Europe. NATURE'S ESSENCE.--Extracted From Forest Plants. Nature'*, laws are perfect, but disease follows if these laws are not obeyed. Go straight to nature for the cure, to the forest; there are mysteries here that we can fathom for you. Take the bark of the wild-cherry tree, the root of mandrake, stone, Oregon grape root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal, make a scien tific, non-alcoholic extract of them with just the right proportions and you have Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It took Dr. Fierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists, eight year* of hard work experimenting to make this pure glycerip extract and alterative of the greatest efficiency and without the use of a particle of alcohol. tJust the sort of remedy you need to make rich, ted blood, and cure that lassitude and feeling of nerve exhaustion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery bears the stamp of PUBLIC APPROVAL and has sold more largely in the past forty years than any other blood purifier and stomach tonic. "Some time ago I rot out of health—my stomach seemed to be the seat af the writes MR. Enu WILLIAMS, of BeUavSfa, Kans. "I commenced to doctor with all the doctors at home as as with other specialists on stomach and digestive organs. None seemed to do any good—in fact, most of the medicines did me harm. Finally. I wrote to "Dr. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., who replied, stating that I had liver com plaint with indigestion and constipation, and advised Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets.' "The '-Dtocovery' and 'Pellets,' have "pot me on my feet again'— seemed to be just v/liat I needed. 1 could not have recovered without them." E. WILLIAMS. ESQ. fir. Pierce* a Pleaaent Pell eta afa tor llrar Ilia* A Cut Price Event! Men's, Ladies and Children's LOW SHOES must go at any price to make room for our Fall stock which is arriving daily. All new goods in I the latest styles. The opening of the schools will soon be at hand and your boy wants a New Suit We have a full line of, up-to-date Clothing in the latest styles. We have them in Norfolk's, Knick erbocker pants and all patterns in Blue Serge and Cassimeres, in fact we have not much space to tell i you all the colors we have. Every mother owes I it to herself to call at our store and look over our stock before buying a SUIT or SHOES for her boy. Zerden's Underselling Store - - 7 - A ' • . -J? >. f» Mrs. Mottie Martin and little son are visiting Mrs. H. C. Dix on. Mrs. Martin is a Missionary at Luebo, Africa, and her hus band is in Africa now. She has a nurse with her who is a Baluba girl, and cannot speak English. ++++++♦++++++*+♦+++* ♦ ♦ + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. + * + •♦++++++♦♦+ + + + + + + + + + Rev. J. G. Garth is at Banner Elk this week. Hyrle Yoder spent Sunday in Greenville, S. C. George Gline of Louisville, Ky., is visiting relatives here. C. M. Sherrill spent Sunday very pleasantly in Black Moun tain. Mrs. Frank Lentz visited her aunt in Greenville, S. C., last, week. Mrs. J. IK Sprir.jrs has return . ed from a visit to relatives in Charlotte. Richard Shuford has returned home and is now at Shuford's Irug store. Arthur Ingold, of Morganton, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ingold. Mr. Brem Bonner of Salisbury spent Thursday night with his mother, Mrs. Bonner. The Hickory Band went to Blowing Rock last week to attend the Penny Brothers land sale. Mrs. Oscar Hefner of Bluefield, W. Va., has returned home, after spending some time with rela tives here. Mrs. N. C. Longcrier, of Con over, is visiting in the city this week with her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Seagle. Mrs. Norwood Bass has re turned to her home in South Carolina after a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. L. Springs. Mr. John Anderson president of Rock Hill Buggy Co., Rock Hill, S. C spent Sunday with his brother in-l*w, Mr. George Kil lian. The many friends of Mrs. Bourbonnais will regret to know that her nephew., at whose home she is visiting in Michigan, is ex tremely ill. Miss Emma Bonner spent Tues day with her father in the States ville hospital, [lis many friends will be glad to know he is get ting on nicely. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Ingold have purchased the residence formerly owned by Mr. W. G. Fox. Her mother, Mrs. Super, will spend the winter with them. Mrs. Evelyn Lang and Miss Evelyn have returned t/o their hopie in Greenville, after spend ing some.time with Mrs. Lang's daughter, Mrs. Wesley Martin. SHOT TO DEATH BY . MOB IN CHARLOTTE Charlotte, Aug. 26. — "That Joe McNeely. deceased, came to his death by pistol shot wounds iu the hands of a mob unknown to *he jury" was the verdict given this afternoon by the cor oner's jury at the inquest held over the body of Joe McNeely, who met death at an early hour this morning at the hands of a mob composed of some 35 persons. The negro was taken from the negro hospital at 2*30 o'clock, dragged into the street and his body riddled with bullets. He lived, however, after be ing carried to the police station until 5 o'clock. The members of the mob wore masks and none of them, it is said by the officers who were guarding the negro, could be identified. At a special session of the board of aldern>en today a reward was offered by the city of Charlotte of SI,OOO for each and every member of the mob. The crime for which McNeely for feited his life was the shooting of Po liceman Wilson on the streets of this city last Friday. McNeely alleged to be drunk on cocaine was shooting his pistol in the street and when the offi cer appeared on the scene to arrest him, he shot Wilson from the motor cycle he was riding. Wilson in turn shot the negro and this accounts for his being in the hospital instead of in prison. Wilson is still in a precarious condition, but unless complications set in it is believed he will recover. Horse Racing. Mecklenburg Fair Grounds, Charlotte, N. C., Labor Day, Sept. Ist. For the past months five or six trotting and pacing horses have been in training for the County Fair in October. This training has developed a keen rivalry amongst the drivers and a race will he held on Laßor Day to decide who has the fastest horse. A purse of $200.00 will be presented the winner of the best three our of five one-mile heats. The following horses and their drivers will take part: Sadie Paterson driven by Julius Johnston Lady Ambulator " " Solon Hinson Billy Wilkes " " W. G. Ross Mac D " " A. B. Wilson Searchlight Maid 44 " C. M. Bell In addition to the above there will be a two in three heat race by horses ifav ing a record of 2-21 or better. Between heats of the trotting and pac ing horses there will be a purse of $15.00 for the winner of the fastest trotting mule and one to the fastest running mule. An entry from Steele Creek Township claims to have the fastest mule in the state. This contest open to all. A band has been secured and it is pro posed to make Labor Day one to be long remembered among the lovers of fast horses. For this occasion| the Piedmont & Northern Lines will sell special round trip reduced rates from all points on their line. New Art Courses at Lenoir College. It will doubtless be of special inter est to many of the ladies and young : women of Hickory to learn that, in addition to the regular four years course in Art, Miss Dom, the new teacher of Art, will offer the following Special Courses: Outline for Art Crafts (One Year). I.—Basket Weaving 2.—Stencilling, textile printing 3.--Leather tooling 4. —Metal Work j 0 wql ry 6.—-Clay Modelling, Pottery, Mech anical drawing, Bookbinding. Applied design through entire course. CHINA PAINTING Naturalistic and conventional design applied on China. Our college and city are most for tunate In having the services of a teacher of such remarkable talent and skill. Miss Dorn has enjoyed the very best advantages in training that our country affords. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of this excellent opportun ity to get the best in Art Crafts Work. Popular Excursion to Rich mond, Va., Vsa Southern Railway, Tuesday, Septem ber 9th, 1913. Southern Railway will operate an nual September excursion from North Carolina territory to Richmond, Vir ginia, on Tuesday, September 9th, 1913. Special train consisting of first-class coaches and standard Pullman sleep ing cars will leave Charlotte, N. C.. at 8:00 p. m., Tuesday, September 9th arriving Richmond, Va., 6:00 a. m., folllowing morning. Returning, tickets will be good on any regular train leaving Richmond up to and Including trains of Friday, September 12th. Passengers from branch lines can use regular trains connecting with special train at junc tion points. This will be the last ex cursion of the season to Richmond, and will be a first class trip in every respect. Three whole days and two nights in Richmond. Ample time to visit the many attractions in and around this magnificent city. Following low round trip fares will apply from points named. Marion - •' $5.00 Glen Alpine 5.00 Bridgewater 5 00 Rutherfordton 5.00 Morganton 5.00 Connelly Springs 5.00 Proportionately low round trip fares from other points. For further in formation, Pullman reservations, etc., see any agent Southern Railway, or writi* R. H. DeBUTTS, D.P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Sherbrooke, Que., Aug. 27.—H*ny K. Thaw won three victories over the New York state authorities today and was locked tonight in the Sherbrooke jail immune for the time being from ! the Dominion immigration authorities, ' after having received an ovation from ,« the townspeople of Sherbrooke that would have done honor to a prince of ! royal blood. - "Back Bone" -» Many a man has a Wish bone where his Back bone ought to be. Don't sit and wish for fortune. Get out £hd seek it. Remember thousands are out looking for what you are wait ing for. Start a Bank account. You will need it some day* Four Per Cent. Interest paid on Savings Ac counts, compounded quarterly. Money to Loan at all times. Fir£ National Bank I HICKORY, N. C. I Capital and Surplus, $265,000 § J. D. ELLIOTT, President K. C. MENZIES, Vice-Pres. and Cashier J. L. CILLEY, Assistant Cashier CITY FEED COMPANY § FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cialty* We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 RIMriHAM SCHOOL'S central purpose for 120 yoaro has been to make DinUIUAITI 9VnUVL 9 Man Of Bfoya. Asheville dimata world renowned. Organisation Military* Two details from U. ft. Army allowed to N. C. The A. and M. Col lege haa one, Blnsfcam the other. Target and Gallery practice, with latest U. S. Army Rifles. Lake for SwUmMMK. Sumnaor Camp daring July and Aagnst. Tuition and Board l6O per Half Term. WOO a fear. Address CoL B. Bingham, Box 46 Aaheville, N. C. ■—f—s— ——M—————— Let US Print for YOU—We Print for Others,