Good, Better and Best lor many reasons you will fiffd OUR STORE THE BEST PLACE to purchase anything you need in the JEWELRY Quality of goods the best and prices lower than -ivwhere else. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. J. O. RHODES, Hickory, N. C. * i Farm Mares •1 . " ... - •• • ' * ;I— . - and j Work Mules >j • j| ' • -V " •• ' - '• " ' 3 „ * C] *■ A. * We have received a nice lot j of Farm Mares and Work Mules that are well broken and ready for service. ' " - • We think this the best lot of stock ever shipped to Hickory and we would like for prospective buyers to call and look them over before buying or exchanging. 1 ' ' . - 1 A. S. Abernethy & Son KCSIB %.. UV- -* -WgVSWM——————Mfc———fc——— It's Never Too Late To Mend! Mend Your Financial Condition by Starting a Bank Ac count, and by Depositing to the Credit Thereof, Re gularly, a Portion of Those Dollars which Escape so l a lly, Without Bringing Adequate Returns! We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest Qn Time Deposits Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Hickory, : : : North Carolina New Goods Every Day Now at Allen's A great line of serges. The leading style in Dress Goods. Prices 45, 48, 50, 85, 98 and $1.25. Dress Trimmings Beautiful line. All overs, nets, laces, bands, beaded goods, buckle?, slides, tassels, buttons, and all sorts of pretty orna mants to make your dress beautiful. Shoes Shoes Shoes. Here lam as usual with the Best stock of Roods. New. stylish, good fitting, comfortable, long wearing. Lowest Price shoes in Catawba county. J. F. Allen Knox 5 and 10c Store for your money's worth, that's all I Watch The Space 11 SOCIAL CHICLES One of the most delightful an nouncement parties ever given m Hickory was the one Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Joe Aber nethy entertained about fifty of her friends with Hearts Dice and announced the approaching marriage of her sister Miss Mat tie Abernethy, one of Hickory's most attractive and popuiar young ladies, to Mr. J, Loyd Thompson of Eufoula, Ala. As the guests arrived they were taken to the punch bowl which was presided over by Miss Laura Wall, sister of the hostess. In the games of dice Mrs. E. L. Shuford won the first prize, a knit glass dish, and Miss Ciaire ■tellers the second, a hand paint ed belt pin. After the dainty refreshments, «hich were suggestive of hearts aad been served, the hostess' sweet little daughter daintly ar rayed as cupid was brought in with envelopes for each guest containing pictures of a bride and groom and the names "Mattie and Loyd", and the date October 21st, 1913. The favors were candy hearts with bovs and arrows. When the announce ments had been read, the bride to-be was presented with a beau tiful bunch of asters and ferns Miss Mattie Abernethy is the daughter of Mr. J. F. Abernethv and has hosts of friends in the state who will be interested in the announcement, Mr, Thomp son is a North Carolinian but is dt present engaged in business in Eufoula, A.a. Mrs. J. W. Moose delightfully entertained at her beautiful home in West Hickory Tuesday night, m honor of her sister, Miss Lillie Healan of Lenoir, and her cousin, Miss Phebe Moose, of Moores ville. The house was beautiful ly decorated with ferns. The guests were met at the door by Miss Pheribee Whitener. Those invited were Misses Ellen White, Florence Leonard, Gladys Fisher, Mary Bumgarner, Pheribee Whitener, Phebe Moose, Lillie Irene Heaian, Joe Moore, Metta Deal, Mary Moose, Messrs. F. L. Moose, Bryan Wilfong, Bill Thomason, Henry Peeler, T. W. Clay, Harold Deal, Chester Wil liams, Laurie Deal, Freeman Dietz and Earl Pool. Watermelon and grapes wert served. Mrs. Bryan Jones entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening n honor of Mrs. Waiter Martin. It was a most enjoyable. evei;t. Mrs. Albert Abernethy enter tained her bridge c'ub last Fri iay with three tables. Mrs. Hoy \bernethy received tne pr ze. Mrs. C. M. S'lei rill entertained i two tfcble-bridge club Tuesday n honor of Mrs. Walter Martin. Mrs. Dr. Fairar received the orize, a powder box. Toe vuest prize, was a pair of silk hose. Mrs. E. L. Shuford entertain ed two bridge clubs of six tables. L'ne high score was made by Mrs. I. A. Grimes. This was quite • n enjoyable meeting of Hickory society. At Mrs. J. G. Garth's, Friday after aeon, Aug 29th. Mrs. E. B Men .ies class in expression and Mrs iarth's cooking class joined forces and. /ere " 4 at home" to parents and friend'! cm three to five o'clock Th* following little ladies composed ie classes: Catherine Men?ies, Ciar jtte Garth, Mary Doll, Janie Menzies, /lary Shuford, Mary Stuart Menzies, nd Ellen Stuart M enzies. The occasion marked the closing of ie present terms and the work dis layed st.owed pain? —taking endeavoi in the part of both tenchers and pupils, vfter ths guests were received and 7elcomed into th* hall a splendid pro ram was rendered by the expression lass, the entire class taking Dart in a .rili showing the exait work of the tudy period, primary lessons in voice culture, true positions of organs, first lessons in grace: Correct standing position. Correct chest position. Correct throat position. Deep breathing. Nine reading pitches taken from the hree registers of the voice, the uppT, nedium and lower. Tone Color. Syllable analysis distinct prounacia tion. Gesture Drill, supine, proul and re pellant gesture. Minuet Bow. Then the following Readings were given, showing remarkably skillful •.raining on Mrs. Menzies part: "My Foot's Asleep,'' Catherine vl enzies. * Nassv Cryin' Baby"* Charlotte Garth. "The Fate of Charlotte Russe \ Janie Menzies. "Baby's Soliloquy," Mary Rodgers Shuford. "The Stumped Toe", Clarissa Aber nethy 4 'The Little Teacher" Mary Stuart Menzies, The next half hour was delightfully social conversation while partaking of refreshing ices and delicious little cakes cut in various shapes, made and served by the little maids of the cook ing class. Mrs Garth had many re quests to teach the older members of the company to make these same dain ties. ' LOCAL MID mHALI j William McComb left today for Davidson College. ( Mrs. Crane of Atlanta, Ga. is visiting Mrs. H. C. Dixon. Miss Gertrude Hall of Lenoir, visited relatives here this week. Eorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Mosteller, Saturday morning, a girl. Miss Laura Wall of Wadesboro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bowles have returned from a trip to northern cities. • A. A. Whitener and family spent several days in Blowing Rock last week. G. L. Clendenin and family of Shelby are visiting his sister, Mrs. J. F. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell have moved to the Huffman house, on 10th. Ave. R. W. Stevenson will leave in a few days for Baltimore and other Noithern cities. Miss Phebe Moose, who has been visiting Miss Mary Moose, returned home Monday. Miss Mary Allen has returned home after a visit to Charlotte, Chimney Rock and other points. P. A. Healan of Lenoir, who visited his daughter this week, returned home Thursday morn ing. R. C. Glenn has returned from a trip to Northern cities, and is visiting his sister, Mrs. D. L. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rison left for their home in Baltimore after a visit to their sister, Mrs. S. R. Morrison. • Mr. John, and Miss Louis Cline of Concord are spending some time with their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Shuford. Mrs. Hartsfisld is visiting her aunt in Greensboro. She will then visit her former home in Wake Forest. Miss Lillie Healan who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Moose, returned home Thurs day morning. Mrs. Ramsay and Miss Mar garet have returned to their home in Salisbury after a visit to Dr. Ramsay. The friends of little Miss Derthy Cilley will be pleased to know she is about well again, aftei her illness. The Utile boys are very much interested in the pony contest, and are manifesting much en thusiasm in working for the pony and cart. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin are visiting his sister, Mrs. G. R. Wojtteii on their return from Atlantic City, and other north ern cities. Mrs. C. A. Munroe left Wednesday for a visit to her mother, Mrs. A. E. Stokes, of Virginia. Mrs. Stol*i is in her 90th year. Miss Coline Munroe has gone to Davidson College, where she will teach the same school she taught last winter. Her many friends regret to see her leave. Miss Helen Thompson tf Union Ci'y, Tenn , has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. G. Garth. She i - teaching at the Graded School, *nd will board with Mrs. Garth. Mr. and Mrs. Hambleton left last week for Denver, Colorado, to the regret of their many friends here. We hope Mr. Rambleton will soon be restored to health. Mr. A. P Whisnant and family •vill move to Newton in a few da , wlmt'M-. Whisnant will t>ke charge of the Newton Grad ed School, which opens Septem ber 15th. Newton is to be con gratulated on securing the ser vices of Mr. Whisnant as Super intendant of this school. Hick ory regrets very much that we cannot have him in our schools this year. He will be greatly missed. The lecture given by Mrs. Motte Martin at the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon was greatly enj yed by the large crowd/present. She gave many items of interest in regard to the work being done by the Presby t°rians at Luebo, African, from which point she has recently come. Her enthusiasm was so great and she gave such vivid pictures of the needs of the African, from a moral, mental,, and physical standpoint, that all were intensely interested and many resolved to do„ more for Mis ions. She emphasized the great need of a physician at Luebo, as there is none for a distance of 800 hundred miles from Luebo. Such a wonderful opportunity for christiau physi cians. Master George Martin was with her. Her nurse Ma tumba, who is a native African, and cannot speak English cre ated much interest, especially among the chUdren Mrs, Mar tin left Monday for S-atesville, Davidson College, and other i points. FALL Suits for men and boys in all the new patterns and cuts now on display at Moretz- Whitener Clothing Company. FOR SALE: About 100 pounds goose feathers. Harris & Lit tle. BOYS school suitsinthe very ! best makes now on display at ! Moretz-Whitener Clothing Com pary. ____ J. F. SMYRE, dealer in groceries, lresn meat and fresh fish on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 601,13 st. Phone 157-L. GET a Stetson hat this fall, it will pay you. all Btyles and colors just in. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Company. IF you are going away t-* school get your sheets, pillar cases, blankets, etc., from J. A. Bovt les. TRY us for your hose the next pair you buy, and get the best values to be had in fine hosiery, Moretz-Whitener Clothing Com pany. FOR SALE—one milk cow and one horse. W. J. Shuford. GET your fall shoes from Moretz- Whitener Clothing Company and vou are sure of the best that money will buy. FOR SALE —200 bushels ctton Hickory Seed Co., Hick ory. N. C. • WANTED —white lady for house keeper. Prefer middle aged of settled habits. Hotel Huffry. LOST—Dietz antoinobile lamp last Saturday. Reward if re turned to this office. VEAL CALVES WANTED—I am still buying calves and'pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. IWE have said it before, but it will bear repeating,—you can always get a good trunk or suit case at J. A. Bowles. WE will be in the market for good i clean wheat and will pay the highest market prices. See us when you have auything to sell. We ouy all kinds of produce. Hickory Seed Co. ' WHITE bed spreads (see win : dow) in all qualities and prices at * J. A. Bowles. 1 WANTED —Every day—green * corn, beans, tomatoes, cab bage, fresh eggs, beets. Hotel Huffry. 1 GOOD school shoes for the boy or girl at J. A. Bowles. ' WAN Fto exchange good second hand two horse wagon for i eight-foot cord wood. Call at J. C Martin Furniture Store. 1 FOR SALE—A nice resident lot 94 by 215 feet in good neigh borhood good shade just 3$ t blocks from Depot. This proper ■ ty can be bought at a bargain. f Address H. care Democrat. GOOD as new, second hand bug gy for sale cheap, on exhibit at 5 J. C. Martin Furniture Store. [ IF you want a buggy cheap, see r the second hand one on exhibi tion at J. C. Martin Furniture Store. ! HAVE you seen that good sec ond hand wagon J. C. Martin offers to exchange for cord wood. r . ABOUT 100 pounds goose feath- .ers for sale. Harris & Little. . FOR SALE—One five room house r and lot in West Hickory neai graded school and churches. Lot I has good orchard on it Apply at this office. GOOSE feathers for sale —about 100 pounds Harris & Little. . NEW fall shoes for ladies just received at J A. Bowles LOST—A return railroad ticket from Franklin, Va ,to Hickory Endorsed by Louise Cobb. Re i turn to Democrat office and re [ ceive reward ' DEVONSHIRE cloth for school wear. Won't fade and will wear at J. A. Bowles. i— ~ - i TRYING to see without the proper glasses when vour eye sight is failing or defective, only i helps to make the matter worse. Wear glasses that will rest anc strengthen your eyes and make reading a pleasure. Have your eyes examined by a Registered Optometrist and then the pre scription filled with a pair of Toric Lenses. The best is none too good for every one. And the Toric Lense is not a fad, it is th* most scientific principle in glass es known to date. E. E. Hight. Registered Optometrist, 1316 Union Square, Hickory, N. C. CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Ha*a Always Bugtit New Fall Goods Our buyer has just returned from the Northern markets with the very newest in Fall Merchandise. It has been our aim to make our store 50 per cent, better in every way than last year. We want you to be the judge. ■ Coat Suits and Long Coats | The styles have changed some, but for the better. They are prettier. The tailoring and workmanship is much bet ter. The styles are more graceful, more attractive. Many new cloths are shown. In color the four shades of blue lead. Blacks and browns are both very good. Tan and taupe come next. Wines and mahogany are also shown. | Considering the styles and better frwtoring suits and 1 coats are much cheaper than ever before.. Let us show you. Our prices range from $3 50 to SILKS and RIBBONS f If you have been reading yn know that this will be a big silk season. We are proud of our silk and ribbon purchas- 1 es. The Long silk strike has made desirable goods scarce. We contracted for our siiks and ribbons some months ago at old prices and picked out the colors when we were in New York and Philadelphia. We can show you all that is new—plain and brocades erepe-de chines, plain and bro caded charemouse, charemouse messalines, serges, 40-in. poplins, brocaded messalines, silk ratines, etc. - Our line of new ribbons is the best ever. Sashes are the rage. We have the ribbon for every kind, the tassels I too. Prettiest patterns in good hait ribbons that you ever saw. Let us show you. ~ | WOOL DRESS GOODS I More wool dress goods have baen soid for Fall 1913 than 1 ever before, Th*»rs is a reason. Evcybody wants a one piece dress. Wide materials and new styles do not call for many yards. Hence, the cost surprisingly small. We | only bought the new weaves and cloths and we have the | colors desired. Serges, whip cords, eponge, brocaded a eponge and suitings, honey comb, diagonal, etc. Let us show vou. § Let Us Show You j It would take ail this newspaper to enumerate the good things that we have to show you. We want you f o come and look through our entire st >ek. It makes no difference it vou are not ready to buy. We want you to see what is going to be used and that we have it for you. You owe it to yourself to be posted early on the new styles. You do not want to make a mistake so let us show you. Remember we are specializing on ladies and childrens fine shoes and we,have the best stock to select from that we have ever shown. We can fit you as we are carrying in stock B. C. D. E. and EE Thompson - West Company j "The Ladies Store." A Cut Price Event lj — mmmmrnm Men's, Ladies and Children's LOW SHOES must go at any price to make room for our Fall stock which is arriving daily. All new goods in the latest styles. The opening of the schools will soon be at hand and your boy wants a New Suit We have a full line of up-to-date Clothing in the latest styles. We have them in Norfolk's, Knick erbocker pants and all patterns in Blue Serge and Cassimeres, in fact we have not much space to tell you all the colors we have. Every mother owes it to herself to call at our store and look over our stock before buying a SUIT or SHOES for her boy. Zerden's Underselling Store j We Give more for less Money Try us. One time coming to our store will convince ycu that we sell reasonable. Others have tried it and kre convinced. vVhy not you? Come to Bowles Furniture Company SHOE SHOP Want to do your repair work. Best work manship. Rear end SOUTHWORTH'S SHOE STORE S. M. MURPHY ________ ,et US Print for YOU—We Print for Others.

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