fflE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published overy Thursday , E. V. MORTON. Editor and Proprietor TBRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance 1 1 *°° Six Months, " " 5* Three Months «• •• 2 5 Advertising Rates on Application Entered at the Post Office at Hickory secoiid class matter. THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1913 There has been much discus sion of the proposed amendment providing that the reading of the Bible in the public schools shall not be prohibited. We cannot see why any. one should object ti the reading of the Bible in the school room.* The fact is an\ man who is afraid to have th* Bible read to his children must need to read it himself. It woult. probably not be wise to attempt to teach the Bible in the public schools, but what harm could possibly come to our children in hearing it read? What are ou? schools for, books only? Sureb not. Children should be taugh; many things in school beside? what are found in text books. In no other book can we find sue! lessons in obedience, morals, truthfulness and general up Tightness as are found in the Bible. We cannot understand why a minister of the gospel who reads and preaches from the Bible should so seriously ob ject to the reading of the word of God to children when they are so easily influenced for good or evil, and the lessons then taught will never be effaced. As thi? measure has been defeated and will not be submitted to tht people of the State with the oth er constitutional amendments, it leaves the matter optional with the teachers of the different schools. Representative Linville Bum garnrr of Wilkes, introduced bill in the Legislative which th New-5 and Observer designate; the«"Sneak" bill. This bill pur ported to repeal a local law af fecting Wilkes county only. It passed the House, but when r reached the Senate an investi gation was made to ascertali what effect its passage woul have, and it was found that if would transfer Wilkes county from the seventh to the eight!) congressional district. This transfer would have probably re sulted in the election of a re publican to succeed Congress man R, L. Doughton in 1914, as the Republican majority in Wilkes county is large, and the Democratic majority in the eighth district is small. This was a bright scheme on the part of the Republican party, and but foi the watchfulness of the Demo cratic Senate would have passed to a successful issue. This matter was turned ove? to a committee which severelj reprimanded Mr. Bumgarner foi imposing upon the confidence tht House places in its members ii local matters. Mecklenburg Wants Creamery. Charlotte and Mecklenburg peo pie are taking the right step in the agitation that has been start ed for a co-operative creamery. It strikes us that the enterprise ought to become a potent factor in this community noton'yfor the producers but the consumers as well. What has been done at the Hickory Creamery ot which Mr. W. J. Shuford is the presid ing genius, is well known the State over and certainly the natural environments here would indicate that such an industry would become instantly profit able.—Charlotte Chronicle. Antis Strong in Japan. Woman suffrage has gained no apparent headway in Japan, says Mrs. Wesley L. Jones, wife of the senior Senator from Wash ington, who has returned after spending seven months as a guest of Consul-General Thomas Sam mons, of Yokohoma, Mr. Sam mons was formerly a resident of Tacoma. "I did not see a Japanese wom an in European dress while I was there, and I visited practically all of the large cities," said Mrs. Jones. "The women approach the suffragists' ideal, in that all of them work, hdWever." State of Ohio, city of Toledo, » Lucas County, > ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED Dili LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed m my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, „ n, _ . • Notary Public. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. .-.oTi e Hall's Family Pills for consti pat ion. Captured Still in Town. Tbe revenue officers had been told by a "little birfi" that a blockade outfit wobid pass through town Saturday and were on the watch. Pretty soon the suspected drove in sight and the officers followed for some distance when the driver, Jim Turner, was approached and asked what he was loaded with He replied that he was hauling fodder. A search was made and a complete outfit found, with some malt. However, Turne» was liberated but the r.fficen took charge of the still. —Mor canton Messenger. KNOW IT WELL Familiar Features We'll Known to Hundreds of Hickory Cit izens. A familiar burden in many homes. The burden of a "bad back." A lame, a weak or an aching back Often tells you of kidney ills Doan's Kidney PiUs are for weak kidneys. Here is Hickory testimony. Mrs. J. W. Neill, 423 Tenth Ave., Hickory, N, C. t says: "No other remedy could be better than Doan s Kidney Pills. I willingly praise them again as I did some time ago when I gave a My back ached and there were pains across my loins. My kidneys did not act regu larly and I felt miserable. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Moser & Lutz, Drug Store, acted as a tonic to my system and made me strong and well." For sale by all dealers.. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's —and ake no other. adv. Mr. B. A. Whitener, a former resident of this city, but row of Maiden, was in the city last week attending Syncd and shak ing hands with old friends. Mr. A. W. Cline, of Newton was in the city Friday on busi ness. $20.00 Don't Pay More PI than necessary for a Delivery Wagon. SAVED Special introductory price to one gfgsili .. Era in each town ■B Write quick lor Price list A with —— j. ■■ large cats. Secure this bargain. Ii n 1 Tell na what yon want. We can make a for your business and aav* "" \ ''' freights enables ua do-thia. Big factory, best facilities. Act quick J \W-'7~VM' / Cf The m Baggy Co., Strains Now is the most important time to look after the eyes. This applies especially to students and children in school. Many eyes are injured permanently from being neglected These troubles can be avoided if taken in time. Don't neglect your eyes or your children's eyes. Have them examined at once if they show any signs of trouble/ GEO. E. BISANAR Registered Optometrist It S not SO much Earn as it is The A that counts for a rainy day. Every Accomodation Consistent With Safe > Banking Methods Extended to Our Patrons. We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits Hickory Banking & Trust Co. ®^ or y, .. . : : North Carolina YOU CANT EAT APPETITE POOR Multitudes of people lose their appeUte. Simply don't care for any thing: to eat. The dinner beU has no interest to them. They loathe their breakfast They may nibble a UtUe of this and a little cZ that, but they do not care for it. Lunch has lost all of its charms, although they try to eat something, Dinner about the same. There is something positively wrong, of course, but no diseas* that Pfln bo named. Just out of sorts. That is all. © It Is in this kind of a condition that Feruna acts very beneficially. After using Peruna, interest in food is revived. Beginning with a tea spoonftil of Peruna before each meal will generally quickly improve the appetite and help the digestion. Thousands of people can testify to this. Liberated from a slavery that is almost unbearable. The slavery of having no interest in life. All used up. Yet one does not know exactly •why. Take Peruna before each meal. Skies will get blue again. Fields will look green ones more and life will be pleasant You will feel that you are good for something and the world is a good place to live In. Peruna will do It Not as an artificial stim ulant Simply a tonic that stimulates appetite in a natural way. • Those who object to liquid medi* eines can now obtain Peruna Tablet* While Family is at Circus Thieves Get Rich Booty. Durham, Oct, 1.-Thehomeof Mr. Jones Fuller, a prominent attorney of this city, was rob bed this afternoon while the members of the family were st the circus. Nearly all of the silverware was stolen and two and a suit of clothes. The aggregate value of the stolen property is about SI,OOO. It is belived to be the work of a gan? of thieves following the Barnum & Bailey aggregation. It is thought the entrance tr the home was gained throupl a second-story win low. Th door to the kitchen Wis foun unlocked when the family re turned bu L was locked when Mr. and Mrs. Fu ler left. j\oiicei Noiice! - Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate in tl:e City of 'Hickory. WHEREAS, on the 29th day of April, IPSO, Alex Bost. and Florence Bost, his wife, executed that certain deed of trust to G. R. Wootten which is registered in the oliice of the Regis ter of Deeds for Catawba county, North Carolina, in Book 96 or Deeds, pajreSO, to secure the payment or in« principal and interest of a certain note that day given to the First Building & Loan Association of Hickory; AND WHEREAS, on the 18th day ot" April, 1913, Florence Host, widow of Alex Bost, she having acquired a fee simple title to the properly here inafter described, executed that cer tain deed of 'rust to G. R. Wootten which is registered in the ollice ot the Register of Deeds for Catawba county and State of North Carolina, in Book 107 of Deeds, page 78; AND WHEREAS default has been made in the payment of the weekly in terest on said noi es for a period ot more than thirty days and in tiie per formance of various other stipulations contained in said deeds of trust: NOW, therefore, the undersigned trustee, by virtue Of the powers con tained in the deeds of trust aforesaid, will sell at public, auction, for cash, at therteteps of the-Fiist National Bank ofltickoiy, The place designated by the-trustee, on Friday, the 31st day ot October. 1913, at IL' o'clock noon, the following described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amounts due and secured by said deeds of trust: — First Lot. That certain lot m the City of Hickory beginning oi P. E. Keinhardt's northeast corner and run ning north with Burns' Street 132 feet to a* street; thence west with E. B. Cline's line ?4 feet to a stake; thence south 132 feet to a stake on P. E. Rein hard's line; thence east with Rein iiardt's line 80 feet to the point of be ginning. Second Lot. That certain lot, in the Southern part of the City of Hickory, that begins at a stone. Henry Bost's northeast corner, and runs with said Bost's line north east 125 feet to a. stake, 125 feet fromBjid Bost'.ssout ii east comer on Burns Street or the New Brookford Road; thence south 2% west lO feet, a new line, toastake; ihence south 853s west 125 feet, to a stake on Bob street; 1 hence north 2% east (50 feet to the point of beginning. Third Lot. That certain lot, in the City of Hickory, that begins at Henry Bost's southeast corner on the New Brookford Road and running south 2% west 60 lee' to a stone; thence -outli we-t 125 f»et. to a stake, a corner of the second lot herein de scribed: thence north 2'£ east 00 feet :o n stake; tuence north 85>2 east 125 feet to the beginning. This 30th dav of Sect em be v. 1913. C-. R. WOOTTEN, Trustee. Executrix's Notice. Having qua-ified as executrix of the estate of the late Dr. W. L». Abernethy of the City of Hickory, Catsvvba county, N. C., 1 hereby notify ?-•! persons in debted to said estate to mske nrompt settlement to me, or to C. M. Shufrrc\ rny agenc, and aii persons having elairrs against ssid estate io present them to :r.B duly -rmhenticated on or be fore the 28fh d=n* of August, 1014, or this notice be plead ed in bar of their recovery. This Aucrust 28th. 1913., MRS. PHERIBEE I. ABERNE THY., Executrix, estate of Br. W. L. Abernethy, deceased, Hickory, N. C. A Marvelous Escape. "My little boy had a marvelous es cape/' writes P. F, Bastiams of Prince Albert, Cape ot Good Hope. 'lt oc curred in the middle of the night. He {jot a.very severe attack of croup. As luck would have it. I had a large bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the direc tions for an hour" and twenty ndnuies he was through all danger." Sold by Grimes Drug Co. and Moser & Lutz. adv. ,&S:^%ss!^£'e£^3,m^p, S'WIM&Sz There's Something to a Name 2E -When Yon Boy Shoes J w hen a man ° r womM buys a pair of shoes, they like to know something about the reputation of the maker. fjfr* When . you buy a l^ oe the SELZ trade mark -gta : stamped on it, you are getting the best shoe you can buy for ' x th ? money, because that mark will not be attached to any- &B0 thing but a good shoe, and when it is placed there, a guarantee 15 ta £' ihat no doubt, accompanies the shoe. &%&* pjglef rtffisy fm Miem don't believe you can get as strong a reason for Jl@^ buying any other shoe, that's why you ought to buy E&&3 SELZ Shoes. Southworth's «®» - r n f ELZ Royal Big" Store A .„ $ NON-SLIP y RUBBER I HEELS ,iS3 Prereiils | 1 [ 50 CtNTS ATTACHED ; g rester Rubber Co IPS Fedoral St .Rorton, Mass \ | T1 CSC aic (he kind of Rubber lice i ; ou get when we put them and I we put 'em on to slay, too. We have j ( them in blr.ck and tan rubber. All j work called for and delivered. jF. M. Thompson Phone 106 . CASTOR IA For Infante and Children. The Kind Yaa Hate Always Bugiit' Breakfast 'Good, & ™-| Warm W gj|f ]| 1 Room PERFECTION A "warm" breakfast —the kind that sends you out ready braced for a good day's work —should be eaten in a warm room. You lose half the good of the meal if you are shivering in discomfort while you eat it A Perfection Smokeless Heater makes breakfast a cozy meal for the v/hole family. No smoke or smell with a Perfection. Easily cleaned. Easily moved from room to room. An ornament anywhere; a luxury in the bedroom; a necessity in the sewing room or the bathroom. Dealers everywhere; or writ* far descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. (New Jer»ey) Charlotte, N. C. Richmond, Va. BALTIMORE Charleston, W. Va. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. Automobile Owners We are pleased to announce that we have purchased the Hickory Motor Car Co , garage, and are fitting it up with lathes and all modern repair machinery. We have secured the services of Mr. C. E. Cole, an automobile expert, who will have charge of the repair department. We have automobiles for hire at reasonable rates, driven by Careful chauffers. We carry in stock all supplies and lubricating oils at reasonable prices. We are selling Standard Oil Co's Gasoline at 20c per gallon. . ?4 CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL Holler & Little Motor Car Co. Phone 210 job Printing' That's Different—Phone 37

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