IA Stitch in Timet ■} P O Would it not be wise to take time by the forelock 1* Q and take a few shares of stock in Our Associa- V tion, so as to be prepared for the future. . K 8 Our New Series 1913 "D" is now open © fi and you are invited to take K 0 stock in this series. X s =8 A The> systematic saving of a small part of your n earnings is what counts. V 8 Just think of it! 25c. per week for N h 332 weeks in Our Association 9 amounts to $lOO.OO | X If you need help in Buying, Building, or Improv- k ing a home, call at our office and allow us to ex- A Q plain the Building and Loan way of helping you. O SWe are always glad to help those who are try- W ing to help themselves. X S In our Loan Department we use the Miller's X X Rule: First come, first served. to Be wise and call and take out stock and file A §your application at once. © 8 8 First & | Building & Loan Association K « OF HICKORY, N. C. V BG. H. GEITNER, President. J. D. ELLIOTT, Vice President, G. R. WOOTTEN, Secretary-Tieasurer. © Q ORGANIZED 1890. ASSETS OVER 5300,000.00 © CANDIESMDFRUITS HE CALIFORNIA FRUIT COM -iZ. PANY is headquarters for all kinds of Fine Candies and Fancy Fruits. Our home-made candies are the best to be found anywhere. For a goody breezy place to while away the time, try our ice cream parlor. Ice cream in all flavors, and" cool drinks of all kinds served at popular pricei. Meet your friends at the Ice Cream Parlor CALIFORNIA FRUIT CO. James Lazos, Manager, Hickory Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS,. Mantels, Moulding, Lumber, Etc. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY SEND US YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES Write for Catalogue and Prices PHONE No. 16. 1 " —n Beauty* Is*Onlyv Paint Deep # 4|(| when it comes to houses. When thepaint wears off, the house is no longer beautiful. A house in need of paint is an eyesore to a community. In justice to your neigh bors, as well as to your self-respect> you should keep your house well-painted and, in justice to yourself, you should see that Lewis White Lead and Pure Linseed Oil paint is used on your building. You can secure the most beautiful as well as the most durable results with this paint# By adding colors-in-oil any tint and any shade can be obtained. „ M&m* * We sell these materials as well as all the other painting requisites. ilpHuH |l . - Come in and have a talk with us, and see ! if we can't suggest a color scheme for youi " house that will appeal to jour good tasto» rfimj Shuford Hardware 'IE9. Company. PLEDGE SIMS TO CATIWBA ran Statesville, Oct. 3.~ At a meet ing held in the Commercial Club rooms in the interest of the creamery project, which is occu pying the attention of Iredell far mers just now, it was decided to immediately place men in the field to work up and establish cream routes leading into States ville for the purpose of beginning shipments of cream to the Cat awba Co operative Creamery at Hickory. Those who will be sent out to establish the routes and get the cream wagons in opera tion have not yet been named, but it is the purpose ~to a&sign one man to a certain route and let him make all arrangements for it. Once the cream wagons are started, there is little doubt that many more cows in addition to those already secured will be pledged. Whenever the ship ments to the Catawba creamery are found to be sufficient to sup port another creamery, a local plant will be established. Al ready nearly 500 cows have been signed up. The Family Cough Medicine. In every home there should be a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, ready for inteimediate use when any member of the familv contracts a cold or a cough. Prompt use will stop the spread of sickness. S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., writes: "My whole fam ily depends upon Dr. King's New Dis covery as the best cough and cold medicine in the world. 'i wo 50c. bot ties cured me of pneumonia.'' Thou sands of other families have been equally benefited and depend entirely upon Dr. King's New Discovery to cure their coughs, colds, thioat and lung troubles. Every dose helps. Price, SUc. and $l.OO. All druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. adv. Ties Herself to a Man. The motion-picture theater was well filled the other after noon when a stout woman enter ed and wedged herself in next to a slender man. For a time both appeared extremely interested in the pictures. Then the woman noticed that one of her shoe laces was undone. After some thing of a struggle she bent over and finally succeeded in bringing both the laces together. A few minutes later the man arose as though to start for the door. Down he went in the aisle and the woman gave vent to an ex clamation. The audience turned from the flickering to the real catastrophe. She had knotted her shoe-lace with his. It was several minutes before the pair untangled and untied. —Florala (Ala.) News. Retired Georgia Planter's Advice to Kidney Suffers Regarding the wonderful curative merits of your Swamp-Root, I cannot say too much. After suffering severe ly for three years or more with severe pains caused by weak kidneys, I was finally induced to try Swamp-Root through a testimonial 1 read in one of the newspapers. I was in such a condition that 1 was obliged to arise from my bed six or eiglit times ever 3 night. I purchased a Jifty-cent bottle and before it was used I t'elt so much relief that I purchased a one-dollar bottle and by the time this was taken the old pains had left my back and 1 could sleep the whole night through. I am a retired planter, 70 years of age, and owing to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, lam in the best of health and feel like a boy. lam always glad to recommend Swamp-Root to those who are in need of it. Sincerely yours, C. E. USSERY, Bowersville, Ga. Personally appeared belore rue,this* 3th of September, 1909, C. E. Ussery, who subscribed the above statement ind made oath that the same is true m substance and in fact. T. H. MCLANE, • Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle, li will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of.valuable infor mation, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Hickory Democrat, j Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size ! bottles for sale at :>h drugstores (adv. Statement of the Ownership, M n J agement, Circulation, Etc., of The Hickory Democrat, published , weekly at Hickory, Js. C., required by i the Act of August 24, 1912. Name of Editor, E. V. Morton, Hickory, N. C. Name of Managing Editor, E. V. Morton, Hickory, N. O. Name of Business Manager, E. V. Morton, Hickory, N. C. Name of Publisher, E. Y. Morton, Hickory, N. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding ] per cent or more of total amount bond?, mortgages, or other securities: ; C. Dowd, Charlotte, N. C. Sworn to and suoscrioeti uefore me this 6ih day of October, 1913 (Seal) W, X. REID, Notary Public My commission expires Decernbei 13, 1914. - CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Had Killed Fourteen People. Chicago.* Get. 5. Mrs. Mildred Allison-Perroat, dancing teacher, who was shot to death at Wheaton, Ills., a week ago, was the victim of a modern bluebeard. who, according to his own , confession, had killed 13 others in . s many years. Henry Spencer, arrest- j ed in a room near the southsiue levee j district, tonight confessed that he rni i only killed Mrs, Rexroat, but that « had slain 14 persons. He was identified positively as tl e mysterious Mr. Spencer with whom Mrs. Rexroat left Chicago on the night she was killed. Mrs Rexroat"s blood stained rattan suitcase was feu id in his room, as was the revolver with whicn he said He had killed her. The police, while in doubt as to tiie full truth of Spencer's story, are confi dent they have found a wholesale mnr derer and that he will be proven to have killed at least several of those whose deaths he described in a long confession tonight. Spencer's confession was so startling that it probably would have received no credence had not the. bloody suit case and the revolver confirmed at least part of his statement. All his murders except two, he declared, had been for the purpose of robbery. McKesson and His Job. A North Carolina Republican post master told the Virginia and North Carolina Postmasters' Association that Woodrow Wilson is the greatest Pres ident since Thomas Jefferson. If that man gets out before his term expire . Burleson will have to pry him out with a crowbar or blow him out With cyna mite. Houston Post. WOMAN A GREAT SUFFERER Tells How She Was Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound* Grayville, 111. —"I was a great suf ferer of female complaints for a year and 1 g ot nothing ~ Sfc."- at helped me un liljBE»OMt til I began taking SBy* Lydia E. Pinkham's Wm Vegetable Com- yJFpound. I v/asirreg -\ ular and had cramps / i so bad that I had to iE° to bed. Now I h ave better health jl if I? // f, (f than I have had for IVIjI I•» y ears arKi I cannot _J—l—i—l speak too highly of your medicine."—Mrs. JESSIE SCHAAR, 413 Main St, Grayville, 111. Case of Mrs. Tully. Chicago, 111.— "I take pleasure in writing to thank you for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I sufFered with such aw ful periodic pains, and had a displace ment, and received no benefit from the doctors. I was advised to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and am now as well as ever."—Mrs. WIL LIAM TULLY, 2052 Ogden Avenue, Chicago, 111. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.PinkhamMediciueCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence, Low FARES! Homeseekers tickets are sold at greatly reduced fares on the I st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month; stopovers free and 25 days time, via i Cotton Belt Route, —to Arkansas and Texas Winter tourhi tickets (round trip) from southeast r>oints to many points in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico, will be on sals daily Nov. Ist, 1913 to April 30, 1914; with exceedingly long return limit of June Ist, 1914. Stopovers. All year tourist tickets on sale daily to certain points in Texas —9O day limit. The Cotton Belt Route is the direct line from Memphis toTexas, through Arkan3a3—two splendid trains daily, with electric lighted equipment of through sleepers, parlor care and dining cars. Trains from all parts cf Southeast make direct connection at Memphis , with Cotton Belt Route trains \ to the Southwest. l For full information abort Homo j, seekers Fares, Winter Tourist Fares U or All Year Tourist Ticket:", address i B| the undersigned. Books about farm- • If ing in South \ycBt, sent free. Write! * I H.H. SUTTON, District Pass'r Agent : M. B. HOLTSFORD, Passenger Agent I 09 W. 9th St..Chattanooga, Tenn. Wood's High-Grade Farm Seeds Best Qualities Obtainable We are headquarters for Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Alfalfa and all Grasses & Clovers. Write for Weed's Crop Special giving pi"ices and seasonable in formation about Seeds for Fall sowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Itichmond, Va. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalogue gives price 3 an J information about all Garden Seeds for Fail Planting. Mailed free on request. AT AUCTION CAR-LOAD Unbroke Horses and Mares Morg-anton, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1913. We will sell one car load of unbroke horses and mares. These are well bred, heavy boned, good shape and fat. 1 key range in age from two to five years and in weight from 800 to 1,050 pounds. In this lot are some weii matched teams that will make good livery or farm teams. This will be a great opportunity for yon to get a good horse or mare cheap. Don't fail to attend this sale as these horses will be sold to the highest bidder. Your price is ours. Gome one and all Re member the date, Tuesday, October 14th. Sale will be held in Morganton at Ward & Mull's Stable beginning at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Brannan & Kirby Of Knoxville, Tennessee ' • NEW • D APARTMENT! . \ . . We Have Added Ladies', Misses' and Child dren's Coats and Sweaters. It is our aim in this department to handle only the very best styles that money can buy in popular priced garments, enabling you to get what you want at a very small cost. By all means see what we are showing before you buy. New styles coming in almost daily. DRY GOODS SPECIALS One case real 10 and 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams in full pieces 8c yd. One case 8c Apron Check Ginghams. 5c yd. One case Best Prints 5c yd. 5 pieces real 10c check Nainsook I llllsc yd. One case 36 in. 10c Bleached Domestic "__Bc yd. One case Fleeced Outing for underskirts, real 10c value _~"~I~~~8c yd One case real heavy 15c Cotton Flannel at 10c. Not over 10 yards to a customer. Complete line Knit Goods of all kinds. Complete line of underwear for men, women and children. HOSIERY SPECIALS i case of real 25c Ladies' Hose JS C p r i e case of real 25c Men's half Hose III"""" 15c pr! These are leaders and are worth your attention. 5, 10 & 25c DEPARTMENT in 5, i'( & 25c Departments are great. You will wonder how we ever managed to get together such a collection at such prices. | XMAS GOODS Siock of Xmas Goods are coming in fast. It will be an interesting iOi you to come in and look the stock over. Almost anything ere you could call for 11 5 & 10c STORE CO. IANOTETOYQUI HICKORY, N. C., Oct. 9,1913. I\ Our rubber goods are of the A (rood hot |i 11 r water baj? is a friend indeed, in times of need. It is of such iL & if help in «übduing pain and can be used for such a variety 'WxjfWl P urposes « that no well regulated household can afford to be without one. Thoi%e we offer you are entirely dependable and wiU R» v e you the best of service. yfejH MOSBR S UUTZ "On tho Corner" Two Phonem 17 A 317 CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe- ' cialty. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 L. L,. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furnish building material for any kind of a job all first class work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L.