| HICKORY~TAND —^IDEVELOPMENT f!l? f 6 " 1 - 735 1 , Mgftr r Buys; and Sells Real Estsfcet '^ll 2 "23" DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR MAKING iJiliii i ~ , ;• j £,|| | I A $10.22 PRIZE I '"ll SI he Hickory Land & Development Company, offers a Ten Dollar Gold Piece to the person selecting the mostappropriate name for the suburban *5 ll development to be made of the 50 acres of land just east of the new Graded School Building. ! ' jj™ C A The name of the person should beplaced inside of asealed envelope and the name for the lanflwritten on the outside of envelope. This envelope should be placed in another fa ? 4 ! ;1 Q and mailed to the Hickory Land & Development Co. This will not be opened until October 20, on which date the directors will select Ike name without Inowing the person's same. :5 rawwrarararerayrawreijraTO Wtf raraurawrarewwrau wwwwnfinnfinf^i It's Worth _ i to you A COMPLETE LINE OF THE MOST RELIABLE MOVEMENTS I CASES Elgin I Boss Waltham I Crown Hamilton f Wadsworth - Illinois I Duebei Hampden ft Royal Rockford H Nickle Equity Comp'ete Watches What You Save In Buying Here Is That Much Made J. O. RHODES —i^ +++ ++ + , H , 4' + + , S , + + , i , + , i* , s*** ,,J * * * LOC\L AND PERSONAL. * + + Mr, J. J. Hefner went to For est City last week. Mr. M. M. Sigmon is building: a house on 12th Avenue. Mrs. Mary Sloop has returned from a visit to friends in Iredell. Mr. Connor Furman went to Charlotte Monday on a visit to his brother. Mr. A. H. Williams, of Maiden was a business visitor to Hickory Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hilton, of Harrisburg, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hiltcn. Mr. Walter Brittain and fam ily, of Cherryville: visited rela tives here this week.. The U. D. C. will meet with Mrs. A. A. Shuford on Monday afternoon at 4 p. m. A ' :• Mr. E. E. Anderson arrived in the city Tuesday after spending some time in eastern Carolina. Rev. Wannemacher went squir r'el hunting out at Mr. Phiilif Suttlemyre's on Monday. Rev. J. G. Garth is in Newtor this week assisting the pastor it a series of services. We were glad to see Prof. A. P. Whisnant, of Newton, on our streets Monday. ,;3liss Mabel Miller, who ha? b£en quite ill with tonsilitis, i? much better now, we are glad to learn. . Mr. A. B. Hutton and Mr. Charlie"Cline made a trip to New York, Philadelphia, and other cities last week. Mr. L. E. Zerden returned home Monday from Baltimore, where he replenished his fall and winter goods. Mr. R, M. Knox is soendincr some time in Lenoir where he has opened an up-to-date 5 & 10a store. Capt. Applewhite, who if a representative of the Coca- Cola Co., of Atlanta, Ga., visiter Mr. J, J. Willard last week. Mr. F. L. Willard returned t' h's home in Baltimore, Md , Fri day, after a visit to his brother, Mr. J. J. Willard. Mrs. J. L. Berry has returned home from Lenoir where she been engaged in nursing in pri vate families. Prof. Staley. Superintendent of the City Graded Schools, state? there are 700 white children en rolled. Mrs. W. C. Redlich of New York arrived in the city Satur day to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. A. S. Townsend. Mrs. W. E. Plumer, and chil dren of Lenoir, visited Mrs. R. G. Mace last week. They are now stopping in Hickory. At a meeting of the City Coun cil Tuesday night Judge B. B. Blackwelder tendered his resig nation as municipal Judpe. His resignation was sc2epted and Mr. C. W. Bagby was elected to succeed him. Rev. Harte went to Crewe, Va., this week to officiate at the marriage of Mr. C. W. Ellington and Mis? Moore which took place Wednesday. Misses Frances Ingold, Mamie Sue Johnson and Frances Lentz went to Morganton Friday to visit relatives and friends. They .vent in Miss Lentz's car. Mr. Tellus Miller and K. C. Menzies went to Charlotte to see Barnum & Bailey circus. Dr. Wood also took a crowd in his car. - - Mrs. W. C, Burns and family went to Connelly Springs Sun day to see her father, Mr. John Berry, who had the misfortune to break his leg about two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Sledge at rended the marriage of their niece, Miss Kate Elliott in Char lotte. Monday. Mr. J. E. Sellers has returned ome after spending some time it his old home in Cheraw, S. C., ringing with|him his little grand son, Master J. E. Funderburk. Col. M. E. Thornton arrived in the. city Monday morning, after spending two weeks in Knoxville fenn., on business. He left Tuesday evening for Walhalla, 3. C. Miss SallieShuford, Mrs. Estes md lut a Miss Ruth Estes, of Ft, Smith, Ark., are visiting relate ✓es in this city. Miss Shuford'B rather, Mr. Wallace Shuford, has jeen here for several months. Mrs. J. W. Hartfield has re curned home after an expended •/isit to her parents in Durham vVe regret very much to learn ol the illness of her father whom she fears is in a serious condi tion. Miss Jessie Joy returned Sun- Jay from a three months* visit to her old home in Pittsburg, Pa, She spent a week in Washington, D. C., as the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Howard A. Banks, enroute home. Mrs. Frank Henderson visited | friends in Concord and Charlotte 1 last week. She was joined in Charr "He by Mrs. Pearl Sherrill, Messrs J. D. Elliott and Frank Henderson, where they attended chs marriage of Mr. Elliott's liece, Miss Kate Elliott. " Marshall A. Hudson, the busi ness inan,ot" Syracuse, N. Y., the founder of the World-Wide Baraca sn«i Pnilathea Union will give us an address at thfe Baptist church on next Thursday night, Oct. 16th at 7:30 p. m. Every body is urged to attend this meeting. Come, he will do you good. His many friends are glad to see Mr. Raymond Abernethy out again, after several days' con finement because of a fall from the wall of the handsome bunga low he is having erected on his farm near town. Mrab- Aber nethy is very much indispose 1, also, but we hope for a speedy recovery for her. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO'fttA IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Oct. 9 at 3 o'clock the Travel lers' Club met with Mrs. Patrick. Mrs. Healdi Mrs. Mosteller, Miss Wood' of Kentucky and Mrs. Frampton of West Virginia were invited guests. After "quota tions on Learning and Art" Mus McComb gave an interesting "Outline history of Florence in the 13th and 14th centuries". Miss Ramsay then played the beautiful ''lntermezzo" from Cavalieria Rusticana increasing interest the "Outline history of the 15th and 16th centuries". Mrs. G. N. Ilutton read Ouida's "The City of Lilies". Mi&s Wood at the close sang with im pressive beauty "Desdamona's Prayer" from Verdi's "Othello". Refreshments were greatly en joyed before adjourning to meet Oct. 16 at Miss Geitner's. Miss Kathrine Allen entertain ed the "Busy Bees" Tuesday afternoon. AH the members were present but two. They sDent a most delightful hour, their merry voices keeping time with their needles, as they were busy with dainty fancy work. Delicious refreshments were served. The next meeting will be with Miss Miriam Whitener. Continued in Office. Ashevitle. Oct. 14.—An an nouncement that will be learned with no little interest in western North Carolina political circles is that of Collector A. D. Watts of the Internal Department to the effect that all of the deputies who are now working under the direction of Agent R. B. Sams will be continued in office for a while. Mr. Sams received a message from Collector Watts to that effect yesterday. Collector Watts has not ad vanced any reason for arriving at this decision and it is not known just how long the old employes will be kept in office. It is presumed, however, that it will be several weeks before any more appointments are made. Mr. J. F. Allen informs us of the fact that the Fox Club of Hickory : went up to Short Off Mountain for a fox hunt and was I told by a number of people there that the:fox in there could not be C^Oght. ! The first chase only larffed a.bout an hour and the fox was caught. The second lasted thirty mjinutes and the fox took a tree aftd the dogs were taken away anid the fox was allowed time to- come down and get a good start of the dogs and he was caught in thirty minutes. They had another race Monday night oat from Hickory abcut four mOes and made the catch in about forty minutes. If there s a fox that cannot be caught, please write the Democrat, as Mr. Allen thinks he can catch any of them. County Fairs. The number of county fairs in North Carolina is arrowing every year. It is a good thing for a county to hold a fair, it gives the people an opportunity to mingle with one another and it stimu lates effort in all lines of activ ity. A.ny kind of worker is like ly to get fresh incentive from seeing what his fellows in the same or even a different line are doing and have done.—Raleigh News and Observer. Cotton Statistics. The report of the county statistician shows that 182 bales were ginned in the county UD to September 25th as against 38 last year. The report for all the counties of the State show that the counties in the western part of the State have ginned more than for the same time last year, while the eastern counties fall far below last year's total. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect pro duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of body and mind which they create make one feel joy ful. For sale by Grimes Drug Co. and Moaer& tutt. - v.; adv. Cooooooooooooooooooooooooo q BUSINESS LQCALS § LOST—While on trip to Hickory, Statesville, and Lexington, N. C., Oct. Ist to 9th, a black leath er purse with cash, a check from J. C. Fultz. E. M. Clem ? s-store slip, etc., disappeared. Consider able loss. Reward for return to Rev. W. L. Darr, Edinburgh, Va.. owner, or to sev. J. H. Wanne macher, Hickory, N. C. MEN'S hats less than manufact urers-|:ost kt Allen's. t PIGS FORSAtiE—Anyone wish ing thoroughbred 0.1. C. pigs will do well to see W. H. Propst, Jr., Hickory, N. C. R-3. 2t. VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller. Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. FEED Dr. Hess, poultry food. If she don't lay she's a rooster Whitener & Martin. LADIES and children's new coats cheap at Allen's. WANTED—3 rooms for light housekeeping, modern. State price and location, Address Lester P. 0. General Delivery. WANTED—VeaI calves weigh ing from 75 to 200 pounds on foot. Will pay Sets, per pound. 'i. H. W. Harris. NEW underwear for men, women and children, at Allen's. TWO cottages and lot on Bth. street, lot 100x300 feet. Cot tage on each end of this lot. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Call at the Democrat Office and get particulars. FOR SALE—Twenty-three acres of fine timber land located on sand clay road near Oyama sta tion. Apply to E. J. Shipp, New ton, N. C. for terms. 2t NEW CAKES, 101 kinds, at Whitener & Martin. BLACK CAT stockings, best on earth for men, women and chil dren at Allen's. j WANTED—Salesmen to sell our guaranteed oils and paints. Ex perience unnecessary. Extreme ly profitable offer to xiuht party. The Glen Refining Company, Cleveland, Ohio. ' It. WANTED—To take dancing les sons under competent instruc tor. Call at No. 1111-14 th. St. SPECIAL cut prices on new dress goods, at Allen's. MACARONI, imported from France and best cheese, at Whitener & Martin. GENUINE E. C. skuffer shoes for girl's and boy's and chil dren at Allen's. WANTED—Harness and collar makers. Apply at one to C. B. Ray Harness Co., Raleigh, N. C. 4t. WANTED—An established busi ness. State full particulars, W. E. L. Democrat office. It. WANTED—To rent on Union Square all or part of a store for two months or longer. X. Y. Z. Democrat office. It. GRADUATE book-keepei de>- sires position. No experience. H. I. J. Democrat office. It - GREAT line of children's school shoes, and you know I sell good ones cheap. Allen. AT Whitener & Martin's —Pre- pared buckwheat, graham, whole wheat, and pan cake fl ur, mackerel, codfish, raisins, cur rants, nuts, grapes, celery, cran berries, oranges, grape fruit, mothers bread, potato chips, cheese, twenty kinds, imported macaroni. BOY'S school pants at Allen DEPARTMENT!! We Have Added Ladies', Misses' and Child- || dren's Coats and Sweaters. 11 * jaM It is our aim in this department to handle only jfce very best styles that ii|| money can buy in popular priced garments* enabling you to get what you want at a very small cost By all means see what we are showing before you buy. New styles coming in almost daily. DRY GOODS SPECIALS I One case real 10 and 12 U2c Dress Ginghams in full pieces ._.Bc yd. One case 8c Apron Gheck Ginghams 1 5c yd. jlj One case.Best Prints ... „ 4 5c yd. §1 5 pieces real 10c check Nainsook S. _sc yd. One case 36 in. 10c Bleached Domestic 8c yd. One case Fleeced Outing for underskirts, real 10c value 8c yd One case real heavy 15c Cotton Flannel at 10c. Not over 10 yards to a customer. Complete hne Knit-Goods of, all kind*. Complete line of fcf underwear for men, women and children. \ HOSIERY SPECIALS 1 One case of real 25c Ladies* Hose ; 15c pr. One case of real 25c Men's half J5c pr. These are leaders and are wortki your attention. ffj 5, 10 & 25c DEPARTMENT I Our 5,10 & 25c Departments are great (You will wonder how. we ever managed to get together such a collection at such prices. If f XMAS GOODS I Our stock of Xmas Goods are coming ift fast It will be aa interesting sight for you to come in and look the Mock Almost anything J here you could call for t KNOX 5 & 10c STORE GO. r|l A | ya AJ. 1A HICKORY, N. IN* || IT 1 ~" w '— HMwiflnMitr - A «ood hot • •%'; M fT/MT JpaL' V/ : :' watarbati**fri^!tdtedoodri»ttmaa a#-need. It it of such *|3 81/ Cv trtet help hi ttabdbiag win and eta ka weed for aueh a variety mks** ' •£ purpeaaa, that, BO voM rofjrfjkftd huaaehoJd afford to be '■ss i without out. art amifslj 4opandable and 'M. S WL. : ;• will giro yap thafraat Mmrijfr. ' "On th« Cortwr" Two PhonMi IXAai7 Sy fSHr « Look At Them Aren't they beautiful? One of these handsome Belding Pillow Tops with Back given FREE to every purchaser of a 25 cent Beld ing Outfit containing 6 skeins of Belding's Embroidery Silk I Illustrated Lesson and Latest Em* I broidery Designs. This is a very I Special Offer so don't delay. Come m I early today andpick out the Pillow I Top you want FK£&. Miss Maiy Rosebrough HICKORY, N. G. V J I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTOR 4 A Catawba County Agricultural Society ;jj Annual County Fair| Startown, N. C. (Newton Township) || Thursday, October 30, 1913. || Awards mil be made; for all classes of farm products, live slock* school work, baby sfiow, etc. m r - Rules sad Regulations • Alt ctiH« Is —iyatf rioa Jer prise* are lice. All catrie* akat! b»oa dbt Staitsw* by U o'deck WtdtMdif, }|fj October 2Mi; wiA live Hock vlleb biad by I o'clock t* l Tbaraday, Oetobe* Jttlb. '- r i The ■frieohmol society HI fee raepe—lble Ut aayevkfbft tool, damage* 'j? ; j or stolea. H The arrlcstt*r*l society «ebaewled#«* witk theeka the loHovM deeefloao S! towards the cxpeesea aad frixe# of Ibe Felr: ' Board ol Cooaty Cooninloaen, 121. H; SbeAard Natiooal Beak el Newtea r Board of Bdaeatioa, $11.14; Pirat Natleaal Baak of Hickory, flt.M; E. D.- Ml Gamble, |I.M; C. M. Yoder. fI.M; K. S. Little, t»H; S. L. Wbiteaer. SI.M; M *>' C. Setzer, s!.•#; R. B. Gabriel, Baakiof «i Trut Co., 919.H; ||L A. Graham for Ibe Kortb CaroVaa Depertmeat of Agricaltere, Jadt«i for yleciaf tba differeal award* wIN be. previded by the Departaear of Africalturaat JUleigjb> N. C. • J Premlarn list may be ebtalaed by »ppHcation to KK. Foater, Newtoa, N. C. ■&(:, . DIRECTORS AHJ> OFFICERS - ~C* tmr tpui:.. . J. w. Roblaaa;n ? Frc*tdeat Gordoa Wlliwf R. L. Shuford, Vice Pretfdeat :: H. tint Sweeiwy