"" "" ' .; ,T ™ llr T T - -•" —T. —n«* , ojckpry Development News. Look for it nexf week.' The" cooijetition was so sharp, have no t been able yi one.. fl,e companfis 'very much rfftffest ' Shown. ZfW huhdreOnd fifty nam£&" Jiave be en v suggested, ,:eii^' rom 'HOTejrm'ooii Park' jj, &row Wilson and Mc »■&»rr ;• ■ BlgfLQfeY LAND & COMPANY i' / * " X It's sf to you f V . .... v . . . LINE OF THE MOST I X ~ RELIABLE _ "" T y MO V EMgNTjS... iu CASES ' ~ jSfgin - \ fV c ( vv , v vffi ~ ■, .1 v Hamilton T* Wadsworth 4) Illinois | Dueber Hampden - B , . ... Royal Equity Complete Watches n X W'hiit YciU T*i "Baying Here'ls That Much Made V .. *•"*. '• ,fT j ». .• . »i ,* % ft— ~ /r | 4ti* + + + ** + + + * + * + **** J fc£)C\L A|H> PEMONAti * + ♦ +++ f*t *** ** * M. Verina Setzer visited re lates in Hudson last week. l&M* BaM.otJtoel, is vidlmlirierds in tne-cHy c - Moose spent.Sunday at home with his family. MfSßiu-ilobse in CharlQtte with his sistei\Mrs. E. F. Hamilton. Mr. Jonas Hansucker, of Chase City, Va. tf was in the city Tues day on Mr. went to "Raleigh on business ind also fair. Mr. of Roanoke, Va. is visiting hte cousin, Mr. J. H.Patrick: Mr. J. JV Brawley, of Moores ville, wakin the. city Tuesday on ' Mr. fHitii v Jfo&rkle, of York- Tille, spent Sunday with Mr. H. 1L Mrs. W&- Sterne, of Char ktte, isf-visiting her mother, Mrs. Penny. J Mr. R; M. Knox moved This" family on 12th £treet Tuesday. I Mrs. her sister. Mrs. Hjjplig Rev.|: A Muniroe went to Old Fort Saturday to-attend '.the in stallation of Kev. W. H.Goodman m pastor of that churchy : « Weais glad to note pur ffi ayor, jtf&V. H. Geitner,''is im provinß:ift6r-his slight . indispo sition. " :-v --:v . - / > Miss left Tuesday for a sister, Miss ™se, atPsCssifern attend school. ' - : Mr. arid Mrs 1 ; Edgar Yocer pll Bpefid the week-ehd -witfi Mrs. Yoder's a.unt, Mrs* ..Mrs. arid" little Nancy from a visit !? ller J||fef&itrs. Lang, of Greenv ? Mr. took : CHe dfe 1 ttrs and teacners'"of the^-Baptist iff the Baptisx Qc : SaJWrdly. j r L B - Qbijders and little 2? e spendsome if w I|P%$ hfir . Mrs. Rarn- J; alvrt&s Brent" to Girt feti'^ arc T : * in « 10 pcrsonaffj WtW 3 anc * return your money lotfriu ° your complexion is to lts natural beauty. S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, Hot teal : ai .absolutely harmless. Will »emov« t! 1 xT ir row but will positive!? BVAN. PIMPLES and FRECK '**Tn° m ~ in today and trvit. The jars Moser and Lutz -• i Sell Your Idle Land;. > Many people are wanting i farms and town lots. We advise you to sell and in ~ Vest your mosey where you can get an income and also benefit the community.* * - Is that business or not? People are anxious to* come ' to Catawba County and Hicl&rfc but they must have land and homes. • at the Htfb Mcm day, Tuesday and Wednesday ; nights of next week. Be sure to. come. *' V • Mr. J. C. Healand, * of Lenoir, was in the city Sunday. There . seems to be much attraction n Hickory for him. r Mr. W. G. Fox formerly of ctry now a residertt-of'Mwfcanton was in the city Saturday, and as wellrasUSii^l. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Bum garner have returned to the : r • home in Tulsa, Okte.. alter a visit to Mr. Bumgarners' parents in this city. » Mr. A. B. Hutton has returned i home after an extended trip to New York and other cities. Mr. , Hutton is one of Hickory's most o.ogresßive business men. Miss Claire SeHers and Master J. E. Punderburk, Jr. ; left Wed , nesday for a visit to Mrs. J. E. Funderburk at Cheraw r S. C. J. E. has been visiting his' £rahd " parents here for some time. *- Mrs. W. M. Stevenson and 'to tHeir home*in Cheraw, S C , after spending the summer at Montreat and a few days at the r ;H_uffry Hotel. "... ! Mr. W. L. Cline brother of D. F. Cfine, spent : nere relatives this week on his return fro&n Greensboro, In diana, were Tie went to be mar- I ried. ' r -. "' : Mrs. Wicker, • her son .and i daughter carne'from Michigan to spend the winter in Hickory- to enjov our splendid climate. They at Dr. Johnson's. Her ' son will return to his home in a - * Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cline spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P; L ? Ciine where they attended the r birthday of Mr, Cline. Not-' withitandinc the rainy day • there was about 100 guests pre r a-delightfu' dinner was served. , ; - :£ . t: 'Mr. Watfe V. Bowman, of this »-city, wKb has*een miii chr« on I the a &.JN. w,. ftr mere than a I year, hasreceivad notice* Of his transfer to the .Washington •fnd' i.^Cfaarlestoixcurv.,Hei3 to take up ty&new flutres iiext month. : Freight Wreck Saturday Night. • v Saturday" nijfht about 9:30 west ,• Uoun&- freight train N0.87 was wreck-. ' ed atEufnla..seven miles tins side of '» St atesviitef THfe ensrine' ami* ttfteen ? cars lefW-lie - ed by fnewrectf untlTß o'clock Sunday . morning. - Passenger tr»m VI and 16 transferred passengers at tlie 3 scen«of the w*#ck- and l N»:. was. annulled. The train was in charge ot „ Conductor.Burgin *V»d Engyieer-lial r larfl, both of AshevjlTe. inson, a n6gr3 brakeman, xiding in the cab with the engineer and hre mar. All three were burled from - I hi* tab oUUe it let t the rails, and' weie Thrown clear of Uifi J and was unconcious for a while. • United States Civil Senrice Exqmjn* ; tion Railway Mail Clerk (Male.) II Examination for Railway Mail .Clerk 7 will be held at Hickory, N. C. on " November 19th 1913. f Foe information and application. i blaal?apply • S - Commission; Washington, D. C. or A. ; l 5 Dfeal, "Local Secretary, Hickory, N. C. \ Those Plans They are beautiful and you will want a home on top of that hill overlooking the gorge. I. WHen you see the artistic mariner in which the land is laid .off you will want to live there. So we advise you to take a look at the maps before buying else where. } 111 SOCIAL CIRCLES -The following: announcement of the marriage of Miss Helen Ch&dwick will be of interest to her msnv friends here: Mr. and Mrs. CharlesKiUridgeChadwick f # announce the marriage of their daughter Helen .Mitchell to >. % _«Mr. Ethelbert Hopkins Garlrell " *on Wednesday evening, October the • •• - eighth dneThousaud nine hundred thirteen Upland, California. At Hortie after-first of November Ashland, Kentucky. • M iss Wheeler welcomed the Hick-1 ory Book Club to her home Oct. 15, After discussing of books read during la§t iertnight and items of current news, the hostess a detailed account of K he.r book ' The Roadmenders" rend ere3 especially interesting by excerpts from the life of the author, Michael Fairless. Roses, dahlies and chrysan- i - themums in profusion were added pleasures. A feast awaited ip the I dining-room where the place cards were ( questions asked by tramps on the "Road." Mrs. Garth and Miss Geit- ] ner drvided the honors in guessing the 1 answers. ( The books for the year are: Romance of Ali, E. Stuart; The 1 1 Rcadmender, M Fairless, Life of Mich- t ael'lfaTrless; Story of My Boyhood an 1 \ Youth, J. Muir; Road of Living Men,[c W*. T.~ Com fort; The Bears Claws, s Mason and Hiiliard; Port of Adventure, I WliljS'mson; London Lavendar, E V. i Lucas; Dream of Blue Roses A B3rclay; v Laddie, G. S. Porter; Within The Law, t M. Dana; Wayfarer in China, E Ken- j dall; Polly-Anna, E. H. Porter; V. V'S i Eyes, H. S. Harrison; Mr, Pratt's Pa tients, J. Lincoln. ' ' ( Oct. 16, the Travellers' Club met v with Miss Geitner. After quotations j from-Byron, Mrs. Murphy opened the program with an able paper on ( "Peifarch." Mis. J. H, Shuford read ( a letter of Petrarch's and. two of his s sonnets on "Laura." Miss Geitner ( then presented briefly and with clear- ness the topic "The Renaissance" t concluding the program, with reading £ "'Ex Lihris,'* —Upson and Petrarch's Grave-%iOn. Roses, dahlias and chrysanthemums added to the pleasant hour. were seived be- • fore adjourning to meet with Mrs. F. .A. Abetnethy Oct. 23. . Mrs. Ben Gaddy entertained the j Embroidery Club. Ojt. 15 with ten ' members p/esent ond Misses Mattie | Aberneihy, Piukey Forney and Nannie J Phillips as visitors All enjoyed a de- k lightful hour of fancy work. Mrs. Joe Abernethy gave the reading for the ifternoon.* Delicious refreshments jpere seryed by the hostess at the con clusion of the meeting. The club will ( meet with Mrs. A. A. Whitener, Oct. j 30th. ; . ] The Quatre Main Progressive Club j met with Miss Matt Thomason Satur- , day njght. Delicious refreshments consisting of candies, grapes, water melon, and cake were served. All pie- ] sent enjoyed the occasion The next i meetiug will be with Miss Dslla Bum garner. , The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church held its regular monthly literary meeting Tuesday af ternoon at the home of the president, 'Mrs, J. W. Shuford. Interesting papers on Mexico, the study for tl ii month, were read by Mrs Bertha Sher- I Wood's High-Grade Best Qualities Obtainable .We are headquarters for Seed Wheat, Dats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Alfalfa and all v Grasses & Clovers.: - -Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices and seasonable in formation about Seeds for Fall sowing. ' T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalogue gives prices ana information about all ; Garden Seeds for Fall Planting. Mailed free on request. A House to Suit You 1 We will seli you a lot, build t a house to suit and give you a long time to pay for it. » I No excuse for a man to pay rent when he can do that. Can place you on a hilltop, in a valley or on the level. Till and Mrs. Loyd Miller. A mis siooary contest which had been clever ly arranged byr£the hostess, on the names of some of our missionaries kep the' society guessing for the next hal: hour. This was followed by a progres sive game on missions, also prepared by the hostess, which gave those pre sent ample scope for the display o: their knowledge or ignorance of the subject but which was much enjoy ec by all. A delicious salad course was served, bringing to a close one of the most delightful and instructive meet ings in the history of the society. A round of parties were given dur ing the past week in honor of Tues day's bride, Miss Mattie Abernethy, Last Thursday afternoon. Mrs Roy Abernethy gave a delightful reception when the bride-to-be, Mrs J. F. Abernethy, Misses Nannie Phillips, Mary Abernethy, De Grange. Lenore Sourbeer and Gertrude Finger assisted in receiving. Friday afternoon Miss Pinkie Forney entertained with Hearts dice. Saturday morning Miss Rrth Abernethy entertained with Hearts. Saturday afternoon Miss Margaret Mc Comb entertained with a hosiery shower. Monday afternoon Mrs. Frank Henderson entertained with rook at her beautiful new home "Duncan," on Thirteenth Avenue, and Monday evening Miss Margaret Bost entertain the bridal party with Hearts D.ce. After this party, the company went to the bride's home. There the b-ide's cake was cut. This was of unusual size and beauty. The ring was cut by Miss Stella Dellinger of Lincointon, i}ie dime by Ed Bolick of Ccnover, the wish-bone by Mr. Walker of Greens boro. the button by Mr. George Kirk patrick and the thimble by Mr. Oin Sigmon. The firft meeting of the Round Doz en Book Club was held, Occ 15th, with the President, Mrs C. H. Geit ner. "The Road of Living Men" was give prominence in the discussion of the books,- the hostess gave criti cisms of the book and sketch of the author, Will Levington Comfort. A delicious luncheon in courses was ser ved in the dining-room at the close of the meeting. Mrs. J. F. Allen wil entertain the Club Oct. 29th. The Smart Sit Club was organized at Miss Miriam;Whitener's Oct. 21st The six members are: Misses Miriam Whitener, Katherine Allen, Vera Gibbs, Katherine Shuford, Doris Hutton and Isabella Morton. After spending some time with dainty fancy work delightful refreshments were served. They ad journed to meet with Miss Katherine Shuford Oct. 31st. Methodist Church Notes. Sixteen persons were received on profession of faith last Sun day morning. In the afternoon the Light Bearers were reorgniz ed with about thirty boys and girls with more to join later. Sunday School meets at 9:45, Mr. G. F. Ivey, superintendant. At 11 o'clock the pastor will preach and the choir under Miss Schultz will render special music. The opportunity will be given for joining the church. The Light Bearers will meet I = ! NOW IS THE TIME TO I BUY - YOUR | Cold Weather CLOTHING! Mr. Zerden has returned from the northern markets where he purchased the prettiest line I of me'ns and boy's clothing, coats for ladies and children and shoes for everybody ever shown in Hickory. These are coming in ev ery day and prices will be the lowest as usual. Every customer should insist on the clerk giv ing them a receipt because ihey will be valuable to you. Zerden's Underselling Store L. E. ZERDEN, Proprietor. That 50 ft. Street The people on Eighth Ave., can'i afford to miss that fifty foot street. No residence street should be less than fifty feet. We do not want to make our main entrance through 6th Street to 9th Avenue 'but may have to do so if our fiends on Bth Avenue will not let us. do jso. 3- at 3 o'clock, r- At the evening hour, 7:30, tha e choir wiil furnish an attractive >t musical program and pastor If will preach. The new carpet is being laid i this week, and gives the finish - ing iouch to the interior im )f provome its recently made. e The p-.stor makes soecialre d quest t n.t all the Methodise s people the community mak: e it a rule to come to church ever: - Sunday. The Methodist peoph moving into Hickory are especial ly invited to come to crurch anc make themselves known. A _ hearty welcome awaits them. ) Mission Board Meets. 1 Thp F :ecutive Committee the Alet >dist Mission Board oi the West! - n North Carolina Con : ference net in Hickory on Tues day of tn 3 week, holding their session in Mr. Litaker's study. There wi>re present Kev. J. H. West of .Veaverville. Rev, H. K. Boyer of VVinston-Salera, Rev. C. A. Wood of Ashevide, Rev. R. M. Cowrtney of Thoraasville, and Rev. L. T. Mann, of States ville. The business was of a regular routine ch a-acter being prepara tory t> th .vork whieh the Board has to do vvnen the Annual Con ference moots the last of Novem ber in ChLrlotte. GOO LIVER GiL AND IRON ~ 1 f Two Most World-Famed Tonics ( Combined in Vinol. Cod Liver oil and Iron have prored f to be the s~>vo most Buceessful tonics s the world lias ever known—iron for j the blood & :d the medicinal curaUre elements of cod liver oil as a strength j and tissue builder for body and | r.crves, an;l for the successful treat- j ment of threat and lung troubles. , Two eminent French chemists dls- 1 covered a method of separating the ! curativo medicinal elements of the | cods' livers from the oU or grease i which is thrown away , but t* these medicinal elements tonic lrcn Is now I added, thus combining in Vlool tilA. I two most vcrld famed tonics. . . i As a bot!"-builder and strength cr% ator for weak, run-down fcople, for ' feeble old people, delicate efclMren, ! to reft ore ftrength after sickness; j and fcr cTircnic coughs, eelds, bron-' i chitis or piOmonary troubles we ask.' you to try Vinol with the nrdentwd* 11 ing that your money will be retamedo| if it does rot help you. P. S. For pimples and blotches try , our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. IVioiser «& Ljtz j Just received From ! I unnally's ] Old Fashioned Horehound Drops, | Chocolate Almonds, Jordon AI- ~i monds and Burnt Almonds, Chry- i stalized Fruit, Marshmallows, ' Minis and Chocolates. Bread, Cakes and Pies, Ice Cream and Soft Drinks | City Bakery ! C. W. Ellington, Prop. Phone 235 I The Streets If our friends on Bth Avenue will just let us have five feet more, we will, get right after the powers that be and have thai street improved without any more fuss about it. The streets on our place will be fifty feet, so you see we practice what we preach. I Overcoat WeaMr ftY » stocks of Overcoats s\e ur o |PPnses all /—Si e n^w mo^e ' s ' - a*^ol'' terials in all the good. col, || Our price range isall that any ° ne couid want ' 1f 11 prices from $7,00. ■,, 1 1' t' ii t0 $3Q.00, induding a com-.. f | Wjjj |pH Plcte range of rain co^ts \ Moretz"■ White»et i} * "THE QUALITY SHOP' I Winter is f I Now Here! § 5 AUR STOCK has never been so com; £ 5. . P' e t. e - New goods have been com-,S > 5 ing in daily by freight and express for ® s a the past six weeks. Below we giveK S you a partial list of new arrivals. We 5 jjj assure you that it will be decidedly ,tQ 5 5 your advantage to look over our stock !e e whether you are ready to buy or not. jjj _ WE LIKE TO SHOW YOU jg 5} Ladies Coat Suits $7.50 to $25.00 |c C Udies tpg Coats... 3.75 to 25.00 IC fi Lidies Dresses 1.00 to 13.50 IC g Misses Coats 3.50 to 16.50 IC g Childrens Coats 1.00 to 12.50 IC cj Childrens Sweaters .50 to 1.50 H5 g Ladies Waists 1.00 to 2.00 IC g Bon Ton Corsets 1.00 to 5.00 IC g Kimonas 1.00 to 6.00 IC 1" Ladies Fine Shoes 2.00 to 4.00 IC r Childrens Fine Shoes .50 to 2.50 IC gj "Set Snug" Underwear .50 to 2.50 IC jjj Costume Velvets .90 to 1.00 IC g Velvet Corduroya .75 to 1.00 IC g Newest Wool Goods .50 to 1.75 IC fi Lace and Muslin Curtains 50 to 4.00 l§ a Latest Neckwear .25 to 2.00 IC 3 "Kelly" Green Silk Hose 50c nair 15 2j "Kelly" Green Belts 25c to 50c 35 a New Mesh Bags 25c to ssjjOO ?C e Latest Jewelry Novelties 10c to sl.sb IB a "Centemeri" Gloves SI.OO to $2.00 jC a Childrens Gloves 10c to 25c »{5 a Childrens Hose, guaranteed.. 15c patr^jfi 5 We are proud of these and our other® jjj lines and we are anxious, to prove theii: j£ 1 § SAVE YOUR CASH CHECKS 5 S THOMPSON-WEST COMP'Y 1 i S "THE LADIES STORE." " g' " ■ ' = " =:^E=^^^^!?s3s3BsSE^~ !,b ; fob Printing' That's Different—Phone, 37 Our Neighbors A It is a great thing to be able to help ourselves, but it, is a greater thing to help the com munity in which we live—to do something for the general good. Broad, well built streets are. a great help to any section. - Will you lend a helping hand for the good of everybody on 18th avenue and the city at large!