f?,£'yMo9 T M S2O~ Pessary tor a DeEvery Wa4oß Vyjl "** SAVPh bald Rigli* . JVo Dirt, A'o Bother— ln a very short tirtfe any building can hav6 its fuc- ' ; -. trap covering turned into a modern fire-proof, storm-proof, ligllnrng-proof roof at a very moderate roof that vyill. last as. long as the building and never nee J repairs. " F „S,uX "* f / F. B. INGOLE>Hickory, N. C. - - _ A MASTER-MODEL ■ OF THE ■ DAVAT STANDARD ixU i x I~L/TYPEWRITER One Standard Model for all Purposes HAS TWO-COLOR RIBBON. BACK-SPACER, TABULATOR and many now anil \ aluable patented features that other typewriters do not PRICE, §75 ' \ \\ no for '"The Rovat BookT" or STeUti' for - . ROYAL TYPEWRITER. COMPANY • ROYAL TYPEW KlTt:£ DEAL LEONARD, Local Representatives lickory, : : : : Carolina : PHONE 327 J. .. .. >HOSE 293 *- -• * Eye §E : I Strains , ; *• r.* -- > ' • * .-i • Now is the most important time to look after the eyes. This applies especially ,to ? . students and children in school. Many eyes - are injured permanently from being neglected These troubles can be avoided if taken in time. Don't negfect yoirr eyes or your children's eyes. . Have them examined at once if they show any signs of trouble. GEO. E; BISANAR Registered Optometrist • » •' .? % • . *• • * - * ?» £• VH 1 '-JT *;• v t It's not so m«eb you Earu as it is The Am that county.l^-a^E^a^day,.^, Every Accdmddatfon Consistent With Safe banking Methods Extended to Our Patrons. \ ~■/■' t '.s * > V.*' T We Pay 4 Per Cent Interejtfbn lime Deposits. * Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Hickory, V| •f* *V' f North COTlift* ~ Let US Print for YOU-We Print for Others j ot# Receive Many . Offers to ac .apt-ofiice employment if you are graduate of the * -Asheville Business College Ertfol! fj'ow and secure a cash-paying .Sttueation that staris you far above the r ot of tine ladder where the untrained are obliged to .begin. We are- offering special in Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, ■•••—■* Touch-Typewriting and v \ v Penmanship N'OTK—We teach by mail. If you can u»t attend the college, write us about ('ourses. Address, HENRY t 3rd floor No.g; North ■ ack Snaare. Asheville. N. C. • J** v _, /> ■ 3 ISbFESSIONAL CARDS |k._ Ay. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Over Postoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re '■» • .modeling a Specialty. HICKORY ... N c. \\ILL G. KIRKMAN rtaSm-and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. •' OjFZ. .!. Jl. HICKS DENTIST VV ill be in p" W • Fridays and Saturdays p in Club ijld'g., next door to "'* " Shtiford Hardware Co, I>r. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. -Calls answered night and day. «)®c§.at residence, 1430 11th Avenue. 'PHONE No. 94. OP.'J. C. BIDDIX DENTIST | ' .OCficfc over Singing Sewing . ' Machine Office. " VTA -"- HICKORY. N. C. NEAT HAIR-CUT - VOL IIAYK BEEN LOOKING FOR IS AT Diefe Barber Shop i rilY •>. • NONE BETTER R'WWOEF'S^ YLir-RfNARY HOSPITAL' ; 9th Ave., 9th" St. . .v ' Kindergarten ?Mrs. H. D. Abernethy . ONE; AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE'3B ' .. 1205 13th STREET |-Dr. I. A. Wood, | f DENTIST iffict over Moser & Lutz Drug Store, i • Hi.ckory, N. C. * • * Barber Shop fry us once and you will come again D. E.CLIN E. Proprietor Mrs. D. M. A.tk;ins Trained Nurse WHI be clad lo serve Physicians in adjacen towns and country as well as in Hickory PHONE 80 HICKORY, N. C. Carolina & North-Western Ry. Schedule Effective Sept. 7th, 1913. I Daily Daily Mixed Northbound i Pass. Pass. Ex. Sun No. 8 No. 10 No. 50 Chester *. by. 130 p m 7 50am forkville ...... 2 16 8 36 Jastonia .... 303 930 f ,iricolnton .... 4 10 10 27 ■Jew-ton -...... 4 47 11 05 ...... Itckory ... 535 11 4o 7 00am .'. 635 1 10pm 8 18 vlortimer . " oat "**" vdgempnt ,Ar. ....... '-2 45 Southbound No. 7 9 . No. 51 ■ydst'mo.nl.. Lv. 5 30am- doriimer. £>37 yQnoir 645 1 30pm 3 00pm tickofy 743 235 422 Newton 8 13 3 05 i b^ nc °l Hton • • ® , Gastonia... Ar. 10 00 fit "Jastonia. ~.Lv. 10 05 440 Yorkville 10 54 5 36 Chester . Ar. 11 40 625 • •* I: v, -■ ♦ Leave t A rrive ? CONNECTIONS. Chester —Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yqjjsyille—Southern Railway. Gastonia —-outhern Ry., Piedmont & Northern Ry. . Lincolnton —S. A. L. Newton and Hickory—Southern Rail- VVay ' E. F. REID, G. P. A., Chester, S. C. \ Cares Old Sores, Other Remedies Weo't can Tf '' The worst cases, no matter of howlong standing, are cured by the wonderful, old "liable Lh-j Porter's Antiseptic Healing OiL "■lie^v Pain and Heals at the same tune. 26c, Wc, SWDSrSCHOGL Lesson IV.—Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 26, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tho Lesson, Num. xx, 1-13. Memory Verses, 11, 12—Golden Text, Ps. xix, 14—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. I have endeavored In our past stud ies to touch upon a few of the many things not included in the portions as signed in our lessons, but have proba bly passed by more than 1 have men tioned, such as the different offerings, the annual feasts, the year of jubilee, the great day of atonement and others. In chapter xix, just preceding our les son chapter for today, we have the re markable ordinance of Ulie red heifer, or the Lord's provision .for cleansing, by the way, by the ashes of the heifer mixed with running water and sprin kled by hyssop upon the person to be cleaused. To my luind, the central chapters of the first five books are Gen. xxil, the lamb provided; Ex. xii. the passover lamb; Lev. xvl. the an uual atonement; Num. xix, the red heifer; Deut. xviil, the prophet like unto Moses, for in each we see the Lord Jesus Christ In a special manner. The present lesson chapter brings us to the fortieth year of the wilderness sojourn and begins with the death of Miriam in the first month and ends with the death of Aaron at the age of 123 years, in the fifth month (Num. xxxiii, 38, 39). Moses died at the age of 120, so it must have been before the close of that year, for there were just three years' difference in their ages (Deut. xxxiv, 7; xxxi, 2; Ex. vii. 7). It does seem too bad. as we say, that after all his forbearance with them and intercession for them during thir ty-nine years, that in the fortieth year he should so fail as to shut himself out of the land to which he had been load ing them, and that neither of these honored three. Miriam, Aaron or Moses, should enter the land. While those who are truly in Christ can never per ish and shall surely reach home, there is much that may be lost in the way of service and reward by our failures along the road (John Hi. 10; x. 27-29: I Cor. iil, 4-15): therefore the admoni tion to take heed lest we lose a full reward (II John viii). The generation which left Egypt. -yK)3.r>so men over twenty years of age. rouble to go forth to war (Num. i. 4.">, '4c>: il. 32. 33)/ not counting the Levitts, v.'iad perished In the. wilderness, an average of over forty deaths every .day. Was it any wonder that .Moses wrote, "Thou carriest them away as ...with a flood • * * We are consumed ''by thiue anger • • * all our days are passed away in thy wrath" (Ps. xc,T». 7, 9). (In passing let me remark ttyat this is a most inappropriate passage to read at the funeral of a believer). J* A new generation had arisen, but were given to murmuring and wishing they were dead, justrjike their fathers. Moses and Aaron do not seem to have made any reply to the murmur ers, but went to the Lord about it. May we ever follow their example in this. Whoever may complain to us or about us, let" us always take it to. the rx)rd in prayer, committing all things ;o Him. i The Lord's instructions to M&ses were simple and very plain. "Tyke tho rod * '* •speak ye unto the rock » • * and it shall give forth His wa ter" (verses 7, 8). Moses took tho rod. gathered {lie people, spoke in anger to them and smote the rock twice (vdrses 9-11). Note his words. "Must we fetch you water out of this rock?" We are reminded of his words to the Lord nearly forty years before when He said that He would give Israel flesh to eat for a whole month. "Shall the flocks and the herds be slain for them?" (N»ea. si, 22). On neither of these occasions did he act with un thod feet, as if the affair was wholly the Lord'g and not his (Ex. ill, 5). How ipt we are to fail in like manner. Then as to smiting the rock, that rock typified Christ (I Cor. x, 4), and it had been smitten (Ex. xvli. 6). The sufferings of Christ for us as our sub stitute were once for all. and there can be no repetition; hence the awful sin of the so called mass of the Church of Rome. Christ having suffered, the for giveness of sins and all the benefits of His finished work are free to all with out money or mass or earthly priest. The Lord's word to Moses was. "Ye believed Me not, to sanctify Me ift the eyes of the children of Israel." "Ye re belled against My commandment." "Ye trespassed against Me" (verse 12; xxvll, 14; Deut. xxxli, 51). The words of Moses to Israel con cerning it were. "The Lord was angry with me for your sakes, saying. Thou shait not go in thither." "The Lord was wroth with me for yonr sakes and would not hear me, and the Lord said unto me. Let It suffice thee: speak no more unto me of this matter" (Deut. I. 37; 111, 20). The comment of the psalmist is. "They angered Him also at the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sakes. because they provoked his spirit so that lie spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Ps. f-vi. 32. 33i. We do greatly need to pray the pray er of our Golden Text, and when we consider that meekness was the man ner of Moses* life and yet he failed in that particular, now it hum ble us before God and lead us never to trust ourselves one moment. Diarrhoea t When you want a quick cure withow any loss of time, and one that la hp ao bad results, UM r Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and - Diarrhoea Remedy I n MWI Mm ui h ytoa—rrt to take l ' k fa tonally raloabte fcr •fcildrsn. It 4 "• fcsaoa flwaa awe awat a large part • I JH&I I -. | For Infants and Children^ I 17 The Kind You Haye ill JH Always Bought Ih-iV?: ; j ALCOHOL 3 I'EIl CENT, jj - I, ; j t> ji £ fcr.j j Bears the £ t , \ m aiiu Uowcls oi' - . g/% \'-K Aj! Proirc ; 27DitionChferftd- 1 n jf Ma Ii };r > 11 ness and ResrlContaiis neiUier i 01 \ M r ■ ; OpiitPA.! larphißc ncrMiocraL! sA . ft# ; MOT NARCOTIC. Y j ! rxr&s&d- if ! fe.| tSU- ) i If 4 ife! pst, \a ry In fepf L-.yurtmmSsih* I II 1 II P 3!• • Cl'Mifltd Sugar • 1 V\ M _ _ mm ks=?h_2_ j /» T fee W^r Q ApcrfPrtßemedyfcrConsfipfr; f\| A3* y^y 6 1 ion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhea j a Ml/' §£**. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish: HT H of Sleep, j I M L ||y pr racSbntte Signature of ;; V/ IS" 3 VI t if Th rtv ibqts = ' S Exact Copy of TNK CENTAUR eoantar, NEW YORK cm. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. other medicines. 1 decided t ... i * n. n take advice, although I did not havi Hughes Would Die, But any confidence in it. One Helped Him to 1 have now been taking Black-Draugh n _ for three months, and it has cured me- Kecovery. haven't had those awful sick headache: since I began using l it. Pomeroyton, Ky.—ln interesting ad- 1 am so thankful for what Black vices from this place, Mr. A. J.Hughes Draught has done for mc." writes as follows: "I was down with Thedford's Black-Draught has beer stomach trouble for five (5) years, -and found a very valuable medicine.for de would have sick headache so bad, at rangements of the stomach and liver. I times, that I thought surely I would die. is; composed of pure, vegetable herbs I tried different treatments, but they contains no dangerous ingredients, anc | * fe-r did not seem to do me any good. i acts gently, I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,! used by young and c!d, and should be and all my friends, except one, thought I kept in every family chest, would die. He advised me to try Get a package today. Thedford's Black-Draught, and quit Only a quarter. * j^( 1 I | Before You Buy Your | 1 GoOCiS we want you to look over our stock j MENS SUITS \ at the best bargain you ever had. i ! SHOES of all description that will please any one. i LADIES DRESS GOODS ii ; f and COAT SUITS that you can save money on ! : I by buying from us. I SETZER & RUSSELL I a— BM b^bbb — 1 > * I L. L,. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job all iirst class work and will save you money. ; See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. k' : ! Phone 173 L. r I CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED Co (on seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cia'ty. We also carry a full line of seed J i oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices 1 before buying. ?| PHONE NO. 271 MII i ■ i ii i i ■ ■— ■ ■ wmmmntmtimMmm—mm*' j Notice! Notice! Notice! Sale of Valuable Rcal-i-stittei »» * - Wf. ]': KA>. on Ihe7t li day of Feb- « u. r>, . 1 -*i J, Win. C. Watts ilid A. L; Watts. h ; s wife, executed that certain d ed of trust to G. R. Wootien which is registered in Book 9tt..Qf Deeds, pr.ge 423, in the ollice of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, North Carol-no, I'J secure the payment ofthe principal :ind interest of a certain n Atri . t .. given to the .First Build inf & Lear Association; • AND V KREAS default has been mad payment of the weekly M i'Uen s i : - in note —the same being ■■'■f i '.'—tor more thait thirty days md in Ih" performance of various o-her sti ; . 'ions contained in said ■I- ed (.j ti st: NOW. tin rcfore, the undersigned uustte. by virtue of the powers con t iiruM in th deed of trust aforesaid, •> iil sell at public auction for cash at he Steps ft the First National Bank >!' Hickory, the place designated by he trustee, on Friday, the 31st day of ihj.oher, Ir«i3, at twelve o'clock noon, the following described property, to vvi! That ceitain lot in the City of Hick •»ry adjoining the lands of C. E. Pope, J. Ii t and W. R. Doughton. l'he h: id h.t beginning at a stake and runs North t>9 3-4 West IGB feet to a stakeout 2? h Street: thence North 1 54 Ea.-t 50 feet with 12th Street to a stake; thence South 85 1-2 East 155 feet to a stake; thence South 1 3-4 West 100 feet to the point of begin ning. The same being that certain tract of land conveyed to;Wm. C. Watts and A. L Watts by C. E. Pope and wife by deed recorded in Book 97, i>age 3"-h and being part of the land •i nveye l by S. D. Campbell and othei - "o \\ E. Pope by deed recorded in hock £4. page 149. This 30th day of September, 1913. G. R. WOOTTEN, Trustee. North Carolina. 1 Notice of Lot Catawba County. J Sale.-. Notice is hereby given to the public that the undersigned executor of the last will and testament of Amanda Pope, de ceased, un:k r and by virtue of an order iof the Superior Court of Cataw;ba coun ty, in a cei ; ..i special proceeding, entit led, Chas. Pope, executor, vs Clarence Pope, Lee i i.pe and others, for the pur pose of securing assets with which to pay debts, ,aid .. hich order and decree was signed by the Clerk of the Superior Jour! oi *. lawha county, on the 29th lay oi Sip nber, 1913, authorizing the sale of the lid premises for the purposes set out in the complaint: Yheivioro in i>ersuance to said order I, Cha,s. Pop.-, executor, will on the Bth day of November, 1913, in front of the Post Office in the city of Hickory, at two ! o'clock, p. m., sell at public outcry to he highe-t bidder for cash the following I Jescrihed real estate, containing a nice I nodcrn residence: It being a certain tract or p.;: ei of land situated in the city [ of Hickory, Catawba county, North Car : | otina, i .tlj- : ;i: iig the lands of J. D. Elliott, jP. A. Set/ and Huffman heirs, (part of I Max Cliiie e-.iate) and others, bounded ; nu desv i ii>ed as follows, \i/.: Lying on I the west si.L of a new street, known as ' Shell stu-i-i. beginning at a stone in the j nidulc oi' •;'! street, and running south • 3 1-2 west 102 feet to a stone; Thence north N> 1-2 west 335 1-3 feet to a stone; : Thence, n« rth 3 1 2 east 102 5-6 feet to a stone in Huffman's line; Thence south 86 east taining 3 I acres, more or less. TniM ill .!li day of October, 1913. CM A3. POPE, Commissioner. D. L. Ru M, Ally, Notice! Notice! Notice! Sjlco vr u ble Real Estate in the Citv of Hickory. WII ERF AS, on the 29th day of Ypril. 19-lt». Alex Best and Florence lost, 1 lis wife, executed that certain i eed of tn; • to G. R. Wootten which I s registered in the otlice of the Regis ter of Deeds for Catawba county, 1 Vortli Carolina, in Book 9G of Deeds. age 'SO. to secure the payment of the , >rincipal and interest of a certain note ■ hat day ;iven to the First Building & ■ fjoan Ats fiat ion of Hickory; AND W HEREAS, on the 18th day »i f April, 1913, Florence Host, widow f Alex B st. she having acquired a ea simple title to the property here .riait -r described, executed that cer ain deed'l ! rust to G. P*. Wootten vhich is registered in the otlice of the fegister of Deeds for Cataw ba county : nd State of North Carolina, in Book 07 of Deeds, page 78; AN I) WIIEREAS default has been nade in the payment of the weekly in erest on s 'id notes for a period of oore than thirty days and in the per | ormance of various other stipulations i contained in said deeds of trust: NOW, therefore, the undersigned | rustee, b\ virtue of the powers con ained in ihc deeds of trust aforesaid, .ill sell a: public auction, for cash, at he steps of the First National Bank f Hickory, the place designated by he trustee, on Friday, the :Ust day of i )ctober, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, the ' ollowing described property or so ! audi thereof as may be necessary to i -ay the amounts due and secured by | aid deeds of trust: - I First Lot. That certain lot in the Mty of Hickory beginning at P. E. ■ leinhardi \s northeast corner and run i i ling north with Burns' Street 132 feet L'l oa street; thence west with E. B. [ 'line's line 74 feet to a stake; thence i outh 132 feet to a stake on P. F.. Ilein [ card's line: thence east with Rein ! iarit's line SO feet to the point of be- E ,'inning. . , Second Lot. That certain lot, in the t Southern part of the City of Hickory, * hat begins at a stone, Henry Bost's L lortlieast corner, and runs with said ost's line north 85% east 125 feet to . stake, 125 feet from S3id Bost'ssoutk " -ast corner on Burns Street or the >ew Brcokford Road: thence south \y 2 west >(» feet, a new line, to a stake; hence south 85}£ west 125 feet to a •take on Boh street; thence north 2% •ast >o f •>! to the point of beginning. Third Lot. That certain lot, in the >ity of Hickory, that begins at Henry host's southeast corner on the New 5 rook ford Road and running south west oo feet to a stone: thence oulh 85 1 4 west 125 feet to a stake, a •.orner of the second lot herein de j bribed; thence north 2% east 60 feet I o a stake; Thence nofth 85J4 east 125 eet to the beginning. This 30th day of September, 1913. G. R. WOOTTEN, Trustee. ■| 1; New Tin Shop. I have opened a tin and sheet metal shop, in basement of Express Office. Work guar anteed and prices right to all. Junius Huffman i ,