fHE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Publisher livery Tbur&d«y E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance 11 - 00 Bix Months, " " 5° Three Months " " 2 5 Advertising Rates on Application £nterea at the Post Office at Hickoiy second class matter. THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 3913 The farmers in this section of the State were very much dis couraged during the dry weather this summer for fear their crops would be ruined. Many predict ed there would only be one half a crop, but from what we can learn the farmers in Catawba county have as good crop 3 as they have had in many years, and the prices have increased so materially that they are real'y in a better financial condition than ever before. They are begin ning to realize the value of good roads, and almost without ex ception they are all good road en thusiasts. They appreciate the increased length of the school term, as they realize the value of an education to the coming men and women of this county. They ask that the Superinten dent and County Board of Edu cation take more interest in the rural schools than they have in the past. We are glad to see our farmers manifesting an interest in everything that pertains to their welfare, and working to gether for the accomplishing of their purposes. Nothing is so beneficial to the country as for the citizens to become enthused over these things, for when they do results are sure to follow. We are always glad to hear from our farmer friends as to their views on these subjects, as well as what are best methods to be pursued in the daily work on the farm. The Creamery is a fair illustration, of what cooperation will accomplish; they make 1000 pounds of butter every day, and all this has been done by our farmers. The citizens of Catawba coun ty should be duly.appreziative of the work of the promoters of the fair held at Startown, they deserve credit for their efforts to perpetuate a fair in this coun ty. It is a matter of regret that the citizens of Hickory did not see their way clear to assist in the effort to have the fair in this city this year. Let us all get to gether with the determination to hold a fair in Hickory in the year 1914. A fair ground should be secured and properly equipped, and a fair association organized on a basis which will guarantee its continuance. A vision of the future possibilities of a fair for the whole of western Notth Carolina, of the immense value it may become to the county and all its interests would surely awaken an interest in the mind of every citizen of Catawba coun ty. It takes hard work and un daunted enthusiasm to ac complish anything that is wcr h while, and a fair is no exception to the rule, but if we begin in time and give freely of our time and money we can have a fair in 1914 that will be long remem bered in this section of North Carolina. There is no county in the state that can excel Catawba in thoroughbred livestock, and poultry, Our people are award ed premiums in numerous fairs held in North and South Carolina and Georgia for their exhibits, and there is no doubt but that can have first class fairs if we try. We do Know Who is to Blame. For the last few weeks we have had more complaint on EC count of poor mail fervice than ever before. The News reacheu Maiden a time or two next day after it was published. Tuesdays issue of this week had not reach ed Catawba on Wednesday eve ning and Tuesday's paper last week some of the papers reach ed Hickory on Thursday. We do not know who is to blame but if this thing continue? we will call upon the post office department to find out when, the trouble is. Since the above lines were written, we are informed that the mail pouch for Catawba con taining the News of Tuesday was found beside the railroad above the depot at Catawba. This explains one delay.—Ca tawba County News. Uncle Remus at Home. * Uncle Remus," roared Col onel White, who had been arous ed in the middle of the night bv a suspicious noise in his poultry house, ''is that >ou in there, you black thief V "No sah," humbily replied f frightened voice. "Dis is mab cousin, dat looks so much lik* me, and steals every thin' he can lay his han's on. Ah's at home dis minute, sah, sleepin' the sleep ob de just."—Rural Life. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite Jhe Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic Wrc For adults and children. 60c. Should a Doctor Lie? Whether to tell a patient or the members of his family just what is the matter with him is one of the most puzzling pro blems the young medical prac titioner has to face, Very oftt n he has to lie abcut it. Some times he does not get found out. "When I began the practice of medicine I was located in thf heart of old Greenwich village, and the dipt! e ia antioxin had been discovered," said one phy sician. "Parents as well as physician? were much exercised when L child had an attack of diptheria. In the immediate neighborhood when the news got about that a child was stricken with the dis ease there was almost a panic. I was called on a case one bitter cold and stormy night, and found the child well advanced in the disease and suffering from neg lect. The mother was very young, it was her first child and she was so worried over the con dition of the little one that in order to calm her I assured her it was not a case of diptheria, only an aggravated form of ton silitic sore throat. That so re lieved her that I was not sorry I had lied to her. The case yield ed to treatment so readily that when I called in the early morn ing of the next day the child was well on the way to recovery, "My lie would never have been discovered and no harm wouid have been done had it not been for an intermeddling old grand mother, who put in an appear ance about an hour after I had left the house. She was sure there had been diptheria, and hustled off to her family. physi cian, who was in those days at the head of the medical profes sion here, "He had no scruples about tol ling the truth about the case He tried to calm the mother by telling her that no one could havt done better with the case and that I had probably saved the child's life. "When I called at the tavj-.e in the afternoon there was a florin of which I was the c :it e, I was not allowed to see the huby. "But I did see the mother, and what she said was good and plen ty. I pleaded in extensuation ol my prevarication that I had sav ed the child's life, had done no injury to any one ai.il liau spar ed her a lot of needless worry and anxiety. "That availed nothing. She discharged me after paying me my fee. "Two months Inter I was sorry I had lied about Luc cuoe. Tnui mother told all the neighbors in the block, and tney told all the rest of Greenwich village that j didn't know a case of diptheria when I saw one. "That settled me. I lost every patient 1 had in the vicinity. So I moved away uptown and start ed in all over again, and for ten years liyed in the fear that the lie and its effects would follow me to my new location. But it never caught up with me." Philadelphia Ledger. Beware of Ointments for Ca tarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering ii through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they v\ill do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. * Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio., contains no mer cury and is taken internally, acting directhVjpon the blood and mucou> surfacesVof the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure" you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, C.,by F. J. Che-' ney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists,.. Price'. 75c per bottle. - '■"••* Take Hail's Family PlUs for-consti pation. : North Carolina, l . a -~ r NOTICE: -; - Catawba County, i ' The undersigned having teen ap po'nted and duly qualified as'admin istratrix of the estate or-John Rirte hardt, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate are notified to exhibit the same before the said administratrix or her attorney on or before the 30th day of October, I)H, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make, imme diate payment This the 30th day of October, 1913. JULIA liINEHAJIDT, Admr'x of the Estate of John Rinehardt, deceased. D. L. RUSSELL, Atty. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTO R I A WHENEVER YOU NEED . A GENERAL TONIC ■ TAKE GROVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. For Grown People and Children. I You know what you are taking wliea you take Grove's Tasteless cliill Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vi.qor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relkves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and -urifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthened .o family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. The Ladies and Tire Telephone Winston Journal. A citizen r* ports 11 at some days ago the manager of alai re department store in the ci y went i «to an insur ance office ail asked lermission to use the teleph me. He equested cen tral to cut off Lhe count ,tion with the line using the elephonc to his stoie. Central requir d an ex ilanation and he promptly ephed t at a woman had come into Lhe office -some 30 min utes beh r; an I request d permission to use tne tele >hone. it was granted in all good i'ai li and sh had prolong ed her convert ition to uore than 30 minutes, del a) ing much of the busi ness of the stc re. Cen .al agreed to cut off the c mnectioi the worried manager hunt' up the receiver and turned to go with an e: eedingly un complimentary remark jpon the lo quacity and th 3 incons derateness of some women. "That.s nothing," rej ied the insur ance man uhe had hear i the conver sation at the ' >hone. "A woman came into this office one day .;st week and asked permission to use the 'phone. 1 granted it. She cat lei 1 up a rival agency and telephoned A, right in my hearing, a large order -or tire insur ance. Then, hanging u » the receiver, she turned to .ne and t aid, 'That's a horrid phone to talk ever,' and lelt my office. 10IMPRO/E PRE IY HAIR AND BEAUTIFY JGiY HAIR Harmony H lir Beaut , iei\ a delight fuHiquid hail dressing,-is ju»t what it is named —a hair" Tj'auti lie r, No matter lio»v pretty your "hair now is, it can be mad *to ; look. t veil better ho using Harmony Hair. I -autitier. To those who mourn ,beCa> se the hair is stringy, dull, lustreless and homely, Harmony Hair Beadtiti -r will provi; a real blessing tnd pleasu e. • It seems to "polish and burnish >e hair, mak ing it glossy, silky-soft, and more ea sy to put up n grace fu, wavv foids that''stay pu ." It ( vureomes* lhe oily smell of tne hair, .iti a dainty, true rose frag atice.. ve v. pleasing to the user and ti.ose am -:d. Very easy o apply--simply sprin kle a little on your hail -iach tune he fore brushing it. It an tains no oii, and will not cnange th color of tiie hair, nor darken gray h: ir. To keep hai: and seal > dandruff-free aud clean, use llirm >ny Shampoo. This pure liquid shamp gives an in stanteous rici. lather t:.at- iinmedely penetrates to every paru of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Wished off , ust as quickiy, the entire operation tal es only a few moments. Contains IU tiling that can harm the hair; lea\es n ; > liaishness or stickiness —just a sweet cleanliness. Botii preparations come in odd shaped. very ornament .i bottles, with sprinkler tops, Hainicity Hair Beau titier. $l.OO. Harmon; Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to saHsty you in ev ery way, or jour rnonei back. Sold in this community only ai our store —The Rt'xal Store —one oi' l tie more than T.otiO leading drug store* of the United States, Canada and (...eat Biitian. which own tie hig Har :jony iahorato .ries-in Boston, wiu-re r!. • 'many cele brated Harmony Perfu.r.os and Toilet Preparations are made. —Grimes Drug Co., Hickory, N. C. adv't I Sloan's Liniment is a speedy, jj|j reliable remedy fo«* lameness in horses and furra stock, g j Here's proof. Lameness Go:: "I had a horse sprain h'~ shonlder by fs pulling, and he was so 1: ne he could Eg not carry foot at all. I g.-,t a bottle of m your Liniment and put it jn four times, §9 and in three days he sho »"ed no lame- B nessatall, and made a ''thirty mile trip H besides."— Walter B. Alor.-jard; La Salle, H ' l For Splint and Tlinish VI have used Sloan's Lament on a H fine mare for splint and'tfureu her. This ff! makes the third horse I've cured. Have X recommended it to my neighbors for S thrush and tbey say it jgfiner-. I- find it gj the best Liniment I ever used. I keep S oh hand your SureColitf Cure for my- £3 self and neighbors, and I can cert ainly 15 I recommend it for Colic."— S. L. Smith, H |MS| f is ft quick, safe remedy for poul- § I try roup, canker and bumble-foot HI For Roup and Cr.nker £|j "Sloan's Liniment is the rpeediest || ■ and surest remedy for poultry roup and ra ES canker in ali its forms, especially for 13 Eg canker in the windpipe. P• Spauld- M B ing, Jeffrey, N. 11. H At all Dealers. 25c., 5Cc. cc $l.OO l| H Read Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, R Hog* and Poultry; sent free. Address |j DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., Boston, Mass. Pj /IP- W\ J c ~'j — iS&y New Double Daily Service VIA Piedmont & Northern Lines AND Carolina & North-W estem Railway Companv. Lv. HICKORY Ar. 7.47 a.m. 11.45 a m 2.30 p.in. 5.35pm Ar. GASTON IA Lv iO.OO a.m. . ?.30 a. in. 4.40 p. m. I> P m - Between Ga-tonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Sept. 28th 19 1 3- Lv. Gastonia Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 1. 7 a. m. • " 4 8.15 " 3 0 =•' «« 6 9.30 " "6 i0 15 •' " 8 10.20 " " 7 11 50 " "10 11.55 " " 12.45 p.m. » 12 12.50 p 111. "11 l-s:> " "16 200 " "15 2.55 " "iS 3.10 4J "I? 4.40 V •«20 sOO " "in 5.35- 1 «. 22 "(5 .5 « -21 745 " "24 0 -»0 " "23 10.30 " . "26 11.00 " "25 1159 The above schedufe, figures and connection [•»h- t lished only as information and arc. not guarantied, C. V. PALMER. Oen. Pas. Agent. . Charlotte, N.C. E. O. JENNINGS. Com. Agent: : Gastonia, N: tC. ' CASTOR! A For Infants and Cliildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /~7fl y/fT. /?. Signature of Ic/Cc/l* A MASTER-MODEL ' GJ. » „ ■p f\%l A I'STANDARD Read_!_ RVO A TYPEWRITER ONE REFLECT ! V" IT' S NOT SO MUCH The Amount You 1 'A £(?/-» AS IT IS HAS TWO-COLOR RIBBON, BACK-SPACER, TABULATOR THAT COUNTS FOR A RAINY DAY. and many new and valuable patented features that other typewriters do not HAVC o*7 - EVERY ACCOMODATION CONSISTENT WITH SAFE . \-. , UT . U ,P „ „ BANKING METHODS EXTENDED TO OUR PATRONS. \\ rite tor The Royal Book, or send for a Royal man RO XAL ITPEWRI 1 ILR COMPANY We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits ROYAL TYPEWRITER BUILDING - NEW YORK ¥¥• 1 T% 1 • fl rw\ DEAL AND LEONARD. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES HLCKORY DFLFLKLLLFF & LTUST CO. MEMORY, : : . ; NORTH CAROLINA . 0 PHONE 327 J. PHONE 293 HICKORY, : : : NORTH CAROLINA ■Jjjfj 'S"st3 fc- ' of jllli IjL ! Great Shoe liui ||sl ekm&wmiss atYour |j|| I IF! FT >) I THE SELZ DESIGNERS I !(rJp ' foS&>' "ME RECORD Of SAIL ORDER FRIDAY • • S , . g _J&r£ 1 »muni are oriamaforc of if4c 1 -/ Jgjy--. I 1V!.!..; I & . fcj®i frV IFLFTL / * [ STYLES. THIS STORE I I§J|J / GETS ALL THESE NEW, JJJJ ? ITL'I STYLISH SHOES FIRST. NPNLLHL F ILL PEW SHOE STOS- ®I! I ®|l "Si r UiE2 f P3 ; ESENTIN 2 THE RAPIDLY CHANGING jlfflll I MM A NCW SLLOE OR A NEW STYLE IS LAUNCHED, I KP'L 12-HOUR'NOALL' O^E^ST YOU°GETTHE B "What a store!" "Yes, that Per -1 fection Heater keeps us cosey W and comfortable. We -I%'esfection don't lose any business hF on account of a cold store. I've always had a Perfection at home, ■ Nine ;; hours' warmth for a j * t applied the idea here." , . single gallon of oil. Can be J earned wherever needed. p or s tore or home, the Perfection ' £ is the handiest and cheapest heater pensive. Lasts for years. yOU C 3.11 find. ■> ■ ' Dealers everywhere, or i&rite to u» for descriptive circular• * STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. G. Richmond, Va. BALTIMORE Charleston, W. Va. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C.

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