Atlanta Engineer Won Bet Pulling Wilson in on Time. By puttinur the presidential special into Atlanta on the dot at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Engineer L. F. Busiia of the Southern Railway. won "the eats" from th rt train dispatcher at Charlotte, N. C. The wager between the engin eer and the dispatcher hinged upon the former arriving with the President in At'anta at exact schedule—neuher one second early nor one second too late. He won by bringing the train to a dead stop in the terminal as the hands of the clock tplit 5. "Wire him I'll take bacon crisp and eggs scrambled," said the engineer to the At'anta dispatch er, as he climbed down from his engine, Mr. Busha is a resident of College Park. The Southern rail way put one of its best engines at the head of the President's train from Cnariotte, and gave Mr. Busha the honor of running it because he has been with thi road twenty years and his recon is one of the best. Not a mishap marred the trip. —Atlanta Journ al. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Wan't Care The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. _lt relieve -I'ain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, §I.UU. A MESSAGETO WOMEN Who Are "Just Ready to Drop." When you aro "just ready to drop," when you feel 80 weak that you can hardly drag yourself about—and be cause you have not slept well, you get up as tired-out next morning as when you went to bed, you need help. Miss Lea Dumas writes from Ma lone, N. Y., saving: "I was in a bad ly run-down condition for several weeks but two bottles of Vinol put me on my feet again and made me •trong and well Vinol has done me more good than all the other medi cines I ever took." If the careworn, run-down women, the pale, sickly children and feeble old folks around here would follow Miss Dumas' esample, they, too, would eoon be able to say that Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and made them strong. It is a wondarful, strength creator and body-builder, and we sell it un der a guarantee of satisfaction. You get your money back if Vinol does not help you. P. S. For any skin trouble try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. Moser & Lutz TO , (TRADC MARK most rem:: remedy ever ■ covered for Indite?-:: Dyspepsia and all forr-.s of Stomach Distress, from any co.'.se. Relieves huraediately Creates appitite, re veres vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due to hol?c and other excesses. GreaVl Tonic and Bracer K:,:wn Absolutely no harmful i nr«l'c nts. Guaranteed under Pure Food a'la Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bott 1 c direct to Tke Digestoneinc Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. Far Sale All Druggists. RUBBER j PV HEELS | The Cat's Raw Prevents Slipping THr NAME IS EA'iV TO RE -50 :jts atticke:!' " > i ; r-Cj ?P5 S; ,B-sion. Has Thesear thae kind of Rubber Hee ou get when we put them on, and we put 'em on to stay, too. We haw Ih 2m in black and tan rubber. Al. I work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson Phone 106 t T -uyf -r i x *?.- - t i-J f'-ii absolute fact, that one 50 c.~' far of tVTLSOK'S PRBCXT.-T-] CHEAN will either remove your freckles cr catVc thi-jn to fade r.;id that two jars v/iil ever in tuo iaDct severe esses completely cur. th. ;:i. v.'c arc veiling to personal!., If\ -unuoo th:a arci t y .v-curn your mcnov * r -.' r%f' arsuracst i? ycu? complexion i *'* v.V psiore«! to its natural beauty. V iu- 3 * RECXLE CREAM is fin" iv-z* v.,:i .wl ak-claU-tjr huv/.'-.less. V«T« t'- . hair f v o'.v but iviU pTsl'ive 7 ' rr-no/oJTAN, PIMPLES and'FRECK" v'-itnem today a.-iil try it. The jar i ; and results absolutely certain. ' 't by rnaH if desired. Price 80c nrncrh javs SI.CO. WJLSONFA.IE : Y "OA.P2&C. Foreule b.v Moser and Lutz To Prevent Blood Poisoning once the wonderful old reliable DR , 7? S ANTISEPTIC HKAT.INO Oil,, a sur t-oal dressing that relieves pain and heals at same time. Not a liuiuieiiU iic. £oe. $l.OO. Women of Mexico in Active Warfare A dispatch from Del Rio, Texas, 3 ays the women of Mexico are playing i prominent part in the warfare of the southern Republic principally as "sola daderas," foraging succesifu ly fcr the men, and occasionally as actual fight ers. This is true probably because the present revolution has touched individ uals and homes more intimately than any other conflict of recent times. Mearly every woman in northern Mex ico has seen warfare, shorn of its the atricality. because it entered the home and left death and want. Many of these women have left their homes rather than remain alone, and a few of them have gone under fire to get revenge. In the tiege new in progress atMon terey, a valuable member of General Pablo Gonzale's Constitutionalist com mand is Senorita Marie Sanchez, said to j2 a wealthy Castillian whose brother .vas shot by Federal irregulars. She up the comforts of a luxurioui iome and begged for permission to re place her brother. A few months ago at Montclova. a son of Senora Pimental, cf that city, had been sentenced to be shot. The mother got into the Federal jail by stealth, stabbed two of the guard-, and rescued her son. In the Federal ranks there is told the story of the wife of an officer, who led the Constitutionalists into an ambus cade at Puerta Carmen, and though fired upon by the maddened troops, galloped through the lines to her hus band's side. When the Federal army cf General Maass occupied the Constitutionalist's ; provisional capitol at Piedras Negras on the American border across from Eagle Pass, the "solaSaderas" played an im-: portant role in the blcodicss capture A small group of them pitched their tents on the overlooking hills two days before their men arrived, acting as look j outs. When the army arrived, fully 500 cf these soldier women accompa nied it, most of them guarding the wa gon trains, their skill as foragers had filled to bursting. A few hours af ter the city was occupied, the women spread suvper for the entire army in the open p'.rza It is said a demmd for food h m e refused these "solodaieras." i -uv are expert with both knife or-.i and no. sow to empby t.. uo Oi death to gsi what they way. One o: the famous women fighters, M s. Alonzo Alanis, who recently sur readirea *o the Kutrta garrison in Juarez ano was par*.ioned oy the Gov ernment, is the wife nf a former Ma derista commander. oht developed as leader during the revolt against Madero. One r.ight, at the head of a picktd oand, she rode into Ju »rez, held up the po ice station, took all availa blearmsar.d escaped to the hills. Shi rema : ned at the hea. oi ner troop.; several months. A Gentle and Effective Laxa tive. A mild, gentle and effective laxative is what people demand when suffering from constipation, 'i housands swear by Dr. King's New Life Phis. Hugh Tahman, of San Antonio, l ex., writes: "They are, beyond question, the best pills my wife and I have ever taken. '* They never cause pain, Price 25c. at druggists, or by mail, H. E. Buck len & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. adv | Are You a Woman ? | B CarM J HiB Woman's Tonic I FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS^ DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing and ioing business under the firm name ot Morrison & Sm'th hasthisday been flissolved by mutual o msent, 11. S. "jmitli withdrawing frornlhe linn S. R. Morrison wi.l hereafter have lull charge of the business. This the 23ih day of October, 1913 11. S. SMITH iO-30-41. S. R. MORRISON r Wood's High-Grade* Farm Seeds Best Qualities Obtainable We are headquarters for Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Alfalfa and all Grasses 6- Clovers. Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices and seasonable in formation about Seeds for Fall sowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Descriptive Fall Catalogue and information about all Garden Seeds for Fall Planting. Muled free on request. WHY THEY DC IT Moser & Lutz Give Feasons For Selling at Half P^ice. It isn't ofter that w have faith enough in the medicines put up by other people to be willing to offer to refund the money if it do.-s not cure, said Moser & Lutz to one of their ma ny customers, but we art glad to sell Dr. Howard's specific tot tlie cure of constipation and dyspep ia on that plan. • The Dr. Howard Co., in order to iret a quick intuductory tie, author ired us to sell tie regul - fifty cent bottle of their peci tic fo half price, 25 cents, and il nough w have sold a lot of it, and gi aranteed '.very pack age, not one ha » been bri ught back as unsatisfactory. We are still elling tb * specific at half price, alth >ugh we cannot tell how long we si ill be ab a to do so. Any person win is subje t to consti pation, sick hca iache, diz'.iness. liver trouble, indigef rion or a general play ed out •.condition, ought to take ad vantage of thi> opportunity. If the specific does no; cure the i, ft hey can come right bact- to our St re, and we will cheerfully lefund tin ir money. Adv't. Whft'sa Ma i? A little girl wrote the follow ing compositi n on me 1: "Men are what wo len marry. They drink at d smoke md swear, out don't go to churc i. Perhaps if th*y wore I onnets ney would. They are mc *e logic *1 than wo rnen, and als > more zoological. Both men aid won >n sprung from monke; s, but ne women sprung furth' r than t man." Nearly E' ery C iiid Has Worms Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunf ei, pick lg the nose, great thirst, eic., are ndications of worms. Kicka ioo Wor 1 Killer is a reliable, thorough med :ine for the removal of al; kinds f worms from children and ad alts. Ki scapoo Worm Killer in pleas .ntly cai iy form, ails digestion, tone. system overcoming constipation am increasit i the action of the liver. L perfectly safe for even the most delic te childi n. Kickapoo Worm Killer -nakes children happy and healthy. 2: c. Guars teed. Try it. Drug stores or by ma Kickapoo Indian Medicin* Co., Ph adelphia and St. Louis. adv. President Huerta of Mexico has been told that -3 must re sign the pres dency vitnout loss of and that h must not leave Gener tl Blan uet as his successor. This ultit latum from Washington will fc ce him to sfive iwo answers: Flat refusal to comply with th demand or eliminate himself officially. Beware of Ointments for Ca | tarrh That (Jontai;; Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell andcomp ►itelv derange the whole system whe • entering it through the n ucous su faces. Such articles should never b used except on prescript ions from r putab!e phy sicians, as the damage t.iey will do is ien fold to the good yoi c;»n possibly derive from them. * 1 ail's Catarrh (Jure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio., co: tains no mer cury and is t;\en inie nally, acting iirectly upon he blooi. and mucous surfaces of tl t> system In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be -ure you gel ihe genuine, it is tak -n internally and made in T( ledo, C., >y F. J. Che ney & Co. Tes-.imonials rep. Sold by druggists, I . ice 75c per uottle. Take Hail's Family Pi: s for consti pation. Children Cry FOR FLETCHf R'S CASTO R I A WOMEN SUBJECT f KiDHEY. ROUBLES I beg to say tiiat I hav been a con stant sufferer vith sever fains in my >aclt and was on the vei of nervous jrostration resulting froi kidney tro uble and other com plicat -JUS. A friend >f mifie recommended Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root as a sure these roubles. Acting upon ; jr advice I bexan taking Swamp-Ro t and began to improve before I had inished tl>e first bottle. I continuec its use until L had taken several bott -s and con tinued to improve unti I was com pletely cured. lam hapj to say that I am as well as any worn a ori earth md have been so for 1 .e past nine years, thanks to Dr. Kill .er's Swamp- Root, and I cheerfully n :ommend it to all who suffer fromki. ney troubles. Very trulv y urs, MRS ALVA BAXTER, 407 Cypress St. ( -ange, Texas Subscribed and sworn 1 « before me this 21st day of March, 1 12. JOHN J. ] ALL, Nota v Public. i- Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., j Bingham ton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Wii Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. K-'mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for sample size bottle. It will convince njone. You will also receive a book I. : of valuable information, telling all a »out the kid neysandbladder. Wntnw. iting, besure and mention the Hicko v Democrat. Regular fifty-cent and ore-dollar size bottles for sale at all drugstores, (adv. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Sunday School —9:45 a. tn. Chief Service —11 a. m. Evening Service—7:3o p. m. At the mornirg service the pastor vill preach on "The Spirit of Mis sions." At the evening service the Sunday School will render a missionary pro gram. An offering: for Home Missions at the evening service will be taker. The church will be heated by steam. A steam-heating plant has been in stalled in Holy Trinity Lutheran church by Mr. Wesly Martin this week. The Lutheran church will now have the most comfortable place of public wo - ship in the city. During these cold winters months those who woiship in Holy Trinity will be warm and com fortable. The public is very cordially invited. St. Andrews Pastorate. Rev. Jno. 13. Mauney, pastor. At St. Andrew's there will be ser vice in the morning at 11. Sunday school at 9:30. In the evening at 7, the young people of the Sunday school will render a special Home Mission service. The offerings at nighi will be for Home Missions. Service at Mi. Olive in the afternoon at 3, • The public is cordially invited to all services. % For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and build* up the (ystem. A true tonio and cure A'.ret>rer. For adnlta and children. 60c, Tonight. Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For sale by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wff. THE DIAMOND BRAND. A. Ladlca! Aak jr*a~ Dnctiai for A\ Chl. e fc^u>raDU-o»fßr» a 4/VV\ I'llla la WU4 ud UoU meZmXS/J boies. Kalcd with Clu« Ribbon. VX W fi Wl T«k» ■« •tier. Bay of your V I / ~ flr sr n CT , " t - AskforCUl.Cires.TEHß I nmloNw üband pills, ss V ~ a yean k»owm as Best, Cfcftst, Always Reliable r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE j Fancy Fruits ; £ ' cJ AND [y ( J Home-Made Candies J « —=o ARE C 7 • | Our Specialties! (Special Prices on Candy Until! j Christmas. } We Can furnish you with all kinds of fruits and candies for f that party on short notice. J Car-load of Bananas received 1 every fifteen days. ! Special prices to dealers j ! California Fruit Company 1 JAMES LAZOS, MANAGER j Before You Buy Your Fall Goods we want you to look over our stock MENS SUITS at the best bargain you ever had. SHOES of all description that will please any one. LADIES DRESS GOODS and COAT SUITS that you can save money on by buying from us. SETZER & RUSSELL | HESSH3S9BE2S^BHHR9HSE32]iHHHHHRVfIHHBBHBfc£ 1 A NOTE TO YOU | HICKORY, N. C., Nov. 6,1913. j We figure that we will never lose any trade or j make any enemies, foes or antagonists, by selling the ! best of Pure Drugs and Reliable Remedies at right f prices. Don't you think we figure correctly? Yours trul/, MOSER&LUTZ "On the Corner" Two Phoneat I*7 A 317 Tobacco Grow'ni for Catawba Far mers. Statfsville Sentinel. A citizen of Statesville familiar with the tobacco trade and with the territo ry suitable for growing tobacco, says that with tobacco at profitable prices, the farmers of Catawba county have a gcod field before them. "There are some sections of Cataw ba county," says the gentleman, "where excellent tobacco can be grown. So far as I'm informed the farmers of our neighbor county are not growing tobacco to any extent. There are cer tainly some sections where I belitve the farmers would add very materially to their income by growing tobacco. The land and climate pre suitable for producing good tobacco and when pri ces are so good much money could be seared. When a man keeps cows and stock I do not know that I would advise one 10 go too extensively in tobacco. But there are many farmers who are not in the dairy or cattle business. In some sections the farmers are looking around for a money crop, a crop which may be called a surplus and money crop. To bacco may be the thing. ''Statesville is near at hand for these Catawba farmers and an excellent (mar ket is offered here for all the tobacco brot ght in. The buyers are coming here and they come to buy. With suit: ble lands and a good market close at hind I feel satisfied that many Ca tawl a county farmers will certainly find tobacco worth a trial at least." Income Tax in Force. The?rew income tax law start ed on its revenue-raising course on Nov. 1. All who haye an in come of over $3,000 a year are liable for the tax. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTO R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST O R I A "STARVING TO DEATH" Was Mrs. Bell, of Florida, When She Began Taking Peruna. "Yes, I was starving to death," said Mrs. Emma Bell, of Fort Pierce, Florida, Box "204, "when I began to take Peruna. I could not eat any thing. If I swallowed anything it soured on my stomach. My stomach was very much swollen. My bowels acted as if I had acute dysentery. I was in great distress and pain. Three doctors had been employed, but gave me no relief. I was .continually growing worse. t Was In Despair. "In my despair I caught at every straw. Picking up a newspaper I saw some account of Peruna. There was a testimonial from a woman who had been troubled much like myself. I concluded to try Peruna. 1 Wrote to Dr. Hartman. "At the same time I wrote to Dr. Hartman. He pronounced my case catarrh of the stomach and bowels. I soon began taking Peruna. At once I began to improve. After tak ing half a bottle my stomach was so improved that I could eat some." I Began to Recover. Then this good housewife goes on I to narrate in detail her rapid im provement and final, recovery. She said. "After taking two bottles of Pe runa I was strong enough to stand up to wash the dishes." When she be gan taking Peruna she weighed 102 pounds. After she had taken five bottles of Peruna she weighed 122 pounds. She concludes by saying that she Is welL It Was Twelve Years Ago. The letter from which the above quotations were made was received January 29, 1901. In a later letter, written September 11, 1904, she says, "I sing the praises of Peruna far and near. It Is used a great deai in our vicinity. This seems to be a bad place for catarrh." We have received letters from her since. The last time jSave Your Coupons'] Twenty Coupons are worth 1 ONE DOLLAR 1 in obtaining 1 Win. A. Rogers Silverware j 6 Tea Spoons $1.78 $ 6 Dessert Spoons 1.96 j 6 Table Spoons I.9'' | 6 Medium Knives 2.59 jj 6 Medium Forks 1.99 1 1 Sugar Shell and Butter Knife 1.75 1 1 Three piece Child's _ 1.85 1 Berry Spoon 1.95 1 Gravy Ladle 185 1 Cream Ladle 1.65 One Coupon in each loaf of "Our Home-Made Bread" Save the coupons and we will accept them as $l.OO on basis stated jj above. The balance of odd cents must be paid in cash. Only $l.OO in | coupous accepted on any one set or article. g OUR PLAN: —Will enable you to obtain a complete set of the la K mous Rogers Silverware for one-third of its value. | EXAMPLE—To obtain a set of Tea Spoons, value as above $1.78, j'.y g us the odd 78 cents and we will accept them as $l.OO on basis stated above, r When ordering by mail add 10c extra for postage. |j _ § USE OUR MALT AND MILK BREAD PHONE 235 CITY BAKERY j C. W. ELLINGTON, Prop. I Bread, Cakes and Pies, IceCream and Soft Drinks | HICKORY, N. C. I jHIB—IIIHI■■ ——— —MIHH |i I T fob Printing' THat's Different—PSione 37 HAVE YOU ! I TRIED OUR | Concord Grape] i *5 IT'S SIMPLY FINE 1 In Bottles, 5c I ' I ! § Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company i j ■— - r, • ./ we heard from her, December 15 she was still a friend of Peruna. For other testimonials on catarrh of the stomach, see "Ills of Life," free. Address Peruna Co., Columbia Ohio. The stomach and bowels are with a mucous membrane. They therefore subject to catarrh, the (>a , as the nose and throat. Catarrii •* the stomach and bowels will don the functions of these organs, stomach can no longer f The food lying in the stomach, for a short time, without immediately sours. The souring duces gas and irritation. Food Sours In the Stomal A portion of the undigested mni fa absorbed into the system by th 1> ,*4 vessels of the stomach. This poU«>j the whole system, producing a cu?,*. tion now known as autointoric,«* *» ; self poisoning. The fermenting, tating mass, as it passes down in*# the bowels irritates the boweli, ducing sometimes a chronic sometimes producing the very opy*. site, constipation. The average dyspepsia medliim helps to artificially digest the '.nfc Even when such medicine does !i« work it is only temporary. A perm*, ment relief can only be expected the catarrh is overcome. Symptoms of Catarrh of the Storrtcl, The symptoms of catarrh of stomach are: First, heartburn. S««. ond, food rises in throat after Third, sour stomach. Fourth, heavy feeling after eating. Fifth, stomach bloated, belching of gas. Sixth, pal pitation of heart. Seventh, poor ui gestlon, have dyspepsia. Eighth, ! tongue coated light brown. Ninth, j tenderness over pit of stomach. ! Tenth, cannot bear tight clothes around waist. People who object to liquid medi cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets.