CHE HICKORY DEMOCKAi Published Every Tliursde y E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance ? i .u > Six Months. " " 5^ Three Months " " 25 Advertising Rates on Application Entered atthsPgst Office at Hickory second class matter. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 391 3 Let's have another "Gocd Roads Dav", You ought to .have seen some of our ministers handle a shovel. Rah, rah, rah! Rah, rah, rah! Rah, rah, rah! Lenoir, Le+.o i, Lenoir! Of course Murphy is sun enough sorry now that he didn't have Sulzer barred public office. The value of the work done on our streets last Wednesday hi « Thursday is estimated at $l f 00( or more. Top soil was or Tenth Avenue from Twelfth Street to Sixth Street, and 01 Thirteenth Avenue from byterian church to the Lutherai church. The value of the work can hardly be estimated in dol lars and cents, inasmuch as the enthusiasm which the "Good Koads Days*' stirred up in the minds and hearts of our citiz°n? will be an added impetus to the cause of good roans that will be impossible to estimate, and the results of the two days last week will be far reaching in helping on the eause of good roads in our county and state. The work done on our streets last Wednesday and Thursday by the students and professor? of Lenoir Collage is worthy of special mention. These students, the majority of which were Iron: other towns in this and othe States, responded to the ca!! al most unanimously aYui woiker with a never-failing energy Boys, though your hands be sou and .calloused, you can teet am that you have the praise you de serve and .-the officials of the city and our good citizens thank you for the service rendered. Th young ladies did their p*rt well They prepared lei neb for the boys and cheered them on in a way tbat.ocrig young ladies can do. Here's ' three -chcrr.. for the ladies, and, tnotigh the hoys are too gallant to let them get out and use the shovels, still ..we wish; to ask them to keep on usin: their influence for t! : ;ause o; good roads, which wil! be greater than the efforts of the best speaker of our country. The policy of the United State- Government at Washington i. dealing with the Mexican situa tion seems to be generally ap proved by the public. President Wilson has been very pat>rr with Huerta, in fact he has bv-i criticised in some quarters for the spirit of conciliation winch he has emphasized in his deal rngs with the m*n, hut as Hut has not manifested the spirit o compromise in the slightest de gree, in fact his defiance has in creased, and. he has become more arrogant, and from his action seems to defy intervention or the part of the United States Diplomacy tas no effect on a man of. Huerta's caliber, soft words are inefficient, only a com mand with power enough behind it to make it effective will cause him to.change his plans. There is no eqgivocation in the char acter of the message. There is no equivocation in the character of the message sent from the State Department in Washington to Huerta. It de mands the retirement ot Huerta and aH his conspirators in Mexico The policy now agreed upon is that Huerta will .be .given an op portunity to renounce his claims to the throne of the republic of Mexico, to have nothing to do with the responsibility of the government, and to ieave the people of Mexico frop tn a ; voice in their affairs and at least a chance at self-government, which of not have in the present regime, if this request is refused there wiii he but one alternative, and that means he will be made to how in submission. It will Ik* p. -rreat pity should the last course be come necessary, and yet there is determination expressed in this message from Washington, and it of course depends u»on the actions of Huerta in this matter. Every citizen of this counlrv would regret the necessity of going to war with the Huerta element injMexico, and we most earnestly hope that intervention may yet be avoided. Cause of Insom? ia. The most common cause of in somnia is disorders of the stomach and constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by Moser & Lu'z and Grimes Drug Co ariv Mills Morton. Statesville, Nov. 6.—Mr. J. Wi.i'Mills and Miss Lottie Mor t n, a Hickory couple, were mar ried in St tesviile last night. Mr, Mills c -me to Statesville by private conveyance yesterday afternoon and Miss Morton a - riv don "the evening train. By previous arrangement werp met at the Anteß-?!lum Hjtel 1 y Rev. J. H, Pressly, who pre formed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ivliils remained here ui til tonight, when they re turned to Hickory. Mr. Mills is a form?r Statesville rran.asonof the late IV. C. Mills, tut has for the paat four yeai*fe lived in Hick ory, where he. has been engaged ,r. .Ku si heps.' • M'i.-s Morten;... who is an at tractive youmr woman, a. datgfctf r of the late David Mor ton of Washington, "this state, -j 131 has. lived in Hickory for .nme .time, Claude Thomas, 17 Years Old, Con victed For Distilling. Asheville, Nov. s.—Court at tendants at yesterday's session of the United States district court, for the trial of criminal witnessed an unusaal sight, when Claude Thomas, an orphan ifss than 17 years of age, raced trial chared- with conduct ing an illicit distillery. He ad mitted .tiaat he was guilty of -t he charge-Vhich had been preferreo against him. ,Numerous witness es were introduced and the evi? dence was to~ the effect that the young jna», not yet out of his teens, in an effort to gain a live lihood had operated a distillery against the laws of the United States. Dr, Pratt Satisfied With Good Road Work. Pvaleigh, N)v. G, —Dr. Joseph riyde Pratt, state, ge.o'ogi&t, and in charge of me good roads .. JI k for state geological and e .JX c survey here, tonightf.iy. lie is satisfied that when '• > .-turn i are all in it will i s. ).vnthat ! very material progress has beet. ' race the oast two "gnu roads days" in Nor h Carolina and ht asserts that in 110 state where such "good roads days" have been observe! 1 iwt spirit oi the people ii i e po idiog beer finer, while in a*.- u.l work ac complished 1 e I sieved thai North Carolina has rcaliy ou: stripped other ft.ts wnere tlr'i plan has been aji pt j l. Marrying Practice Stopped. * Charleston, vV. Va., r-.'ov. 6. The Charleston .2,1 mist.-:ial f;s scctation made up evangelical n-imsters of this city, today se cured in tde i\an 1 .vou count\ c urt av.r 11 prohiomng th*° liev -Vi. H, Lacy and t!ie- Kev.~H. J* Hi;; uorn perlonning t'ia mar ri ig ceremony in the oourtbouse. Tn ■ association charged that tot:i ministers made a practice '•t ':.a t 'ry;-ig persons to when icense had ja-L t>..-en issued anr v»h«> were ui.x;;us t have th knot tiid qjicA.iy, i 1 }i-;. the as soC'ati j:i n-i l y is n.)t ano 10: :n ueip-iu '.vith tn.-- ethics 0; tn ;ir p t ores o 1. % }// -16 «i 3ft Upl U .V, S '•*»/' taV u.i 'l-7' J g Homessekers are i soid at greatly reduced fares cn\he 1 stand 3rd Tuesdays cf eacn month; stopovera free and Z5 days time, via Cotton Belt Route,—to Arkansas and Texas V/inier tourist tickets (round trip) from southeast points to many points in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico, will be on sale daily Nov. let, i 913 to April 30. I9!4; with exceedingly / ;/r return limit of June iot, 1914. Stopovers. All year tourist tickets on sale daily to certain jscir. 3 in Tc::as —9O day llmi-.. The Cotton Belt Route is die direct line fromiVlcmphistoTexas, through Arkansas—two splendid trains daily, with electric lighted equipment cf through sleepers, parlor cars end dining cars. Trains from all parts of Southeast make direct tonncctin rt M with Cotton Ee!t Route trains to the Southwest. For full information about Home eeekers Fart 3, Y/int r Tourist Fares ' or All Year Tourist Tickets, address n t.»e Boo'rs r.bcnt farm- • I ingin Southwest, rt?:6 ffrae. \vritel * I H.H. SUT iON, bistnet-r'ass'r Agent ; UM. B. Passenger Agent ?. St.,ChGttr.noo2a, Tc*in. Wff t§4tt W IlliSJll# W9 P"""8 «. § BURKE POULTRY SHOW. Fourth Anni al Exhib' ion to be Held N' ven.ber 19-22 The officii prem: '.m list of the Burke Poiltry A* iociation has just been issued f? ?m the press of J. W. M irtin. a id is very at tractive both in design and in the value ;ind vai ety of prizes offered, This is y.he fourth an nual exhibition of the association and promi to 1 3 one of the most inte? } ?t held, Good crowds alw ■xys att nd the show and the ev nt is ah ays of much interest to ooultry anciers. The association in thi; county has done much to stimuate the rais ing of bett t poultr;. The time set for the show th. year is Nov. 19th through the 21. id, Thecffic«. rsof t e association are W. A. Leslie, president;" L D. Cox, 'ice-pre* dent, J. D. Bovman 2id vice -resident and E. D. Ale: .ander, secretary and treasurer, W. W. Matthews is superintendent of t .e association and R, L. £ immona of Charlotte, is judge,—"Jews H raid. A Con >umpti\ e Cough A cough tiiat both ts you continu ally is one of the danger signals which warns of consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery stop th i cough, loosen the chest, oanish fc ver and let you sleep peacefi ily. The irst dose checks the and j ves prompt re lief. Mrs. F. I *ertz. of Glen Ellyn, lowa, writes: ,4 >r. King's New Discovery c:red a stubborn cough after six wreks' do Loring failed to help." Try it, as it will do the same for you. Brst medicine for coughs, colds, throat and lung roables. Money back if it fails. Price 50c. & SI.OO. All druggists, by mail -H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis, adv. Cotton Report. In North Carc.ina 252,193 balas of co ton wer N ginned up to October 18 this jar, which is 104,033 bsles less than for the isame time last year, Catawba county gin ied 4,078, which is an increase of 1,848 b lies ov£r last | year. | PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. W. 5. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Pcstoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR d BUILDER Fine . Residtnce and Difficult Re „ modeling aSp cialty. i HICKORY ... is c. | WILL G. KIAKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTI , N. C. : 1 Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. HACKS DENTIST Will be in rny office Fridays and Saturda- s I r ,'p Stairs in Club Bld'g , next door to Sliufcnl Hardw.-re Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIr N. Calls answered nigh and day. Office at residence, 14: > Avenue 'PHONE Nc 94. Di% J. C. EJDDIX DENTIST Office over Singi -g Sewing Machine OJ - ice. HICKORY. N. C. THAT NEAT HAIR-CUT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR —IS AT Diet's Barber Shop TRY US NONE BETTER K. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9tli St. iKindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abf rnethy | ONE AND TWO YEAU COURSES I PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office ever Moser & Lut? Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. \ 1 Palace Barber Shop Try us once and you will come again rietor | Mrs. D. M. Atkins Trained Nurse Will be Elad to serve Physicians in adjacen a towns and country as well as in Hickory PHONE 80 HICKORY, N. C. v - j ■■ »■ TO prevent disease hj«Bß_| resist disease genns^Xjuiin^Mf 3 mtvmwon *r*»" IIT | I \ \( 94W—jl v \fwy fri |s ■ SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination tfcte injection of vaccine. | |Z • \ DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injectioirof anti-toxin. Theue enable the body to produce which prevent the growth of smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood ./; I There are many other diseases, nearly, if. not quite as dangerous, and far more common typhoid fever, the, grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism, 3 and a score of others —that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making the body strong to resist gertn %. I Olive Oil Emulsion 1 I (With HypopKosphites) I Is designed for the prevention as well as the relief of disease—by enabling the body to overcome the germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire & system into a proper healthy condition „to combat and successfully resist disease. jl - ■ ■'■"■: "• Every person not in perfect health has incipient germs are so unpleasant to take that many people can't keep of some distressing ailment in his or her system. them down. Cold weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, are . Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The liable to bring about just the conditions under which Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure those latent disease germs will get the upper hand, and Olive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood put you on your back down sick." Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap pi You who are run-down, tired-out, nervous — and ginger and vitality into youi system. It makes you You who, though not sick enough to give up, still feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and don t feel good your bowel action. You who are apparently well, and want to stay well—' It contains no alcohol nor any dangerous or habit forming Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to- drugs. day, and use it as a means to get well and keep well. It is guaranteed to be just as represented above —to Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food do all that i 9 claimed above —to satisfy you in every M tonic. _ _ way, or your money back without quibble or question. « . „ s 1S different from most other so-called Enough for full two weeks' treatment, SI.OO. H . tonics " which either have no food value and do noth- Sold only at The Rexall Stores —the World's greatest | ; :ng more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in _ Drug Stores —and always with a full guarantee of com a worse condition than before or, having food value, still plete satisfaction, or your money back. I Sold in this community only at * I •*%..0E.J3Z.00 GRIMES DRUG CO. I a >v JJt& JV&%CtUy Store Main Street. Opposite Park Place I ' wWihhwhb HICKORY, - NORTH CAROLINA § It's not so much The Amount You .?• Earn as it is The Amount You Save that counts for a rainy day. Every Accomodation Consistent With Safe Banking Methods Extended to Our Patrons. *■ 1 We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Hickory, : . .: North Carolina I SHOE SHOP I Want to do your repair work. Best work manship. Rear end I - SOUTHWORTH'S SHOE STORE I S. M. MURPHY L. Moss, Cflbinet Shop 1 can furuish building material for any kind of a job all lirst class work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L. Now is the most important time to look after the eyes. This applies especially to students and children in school. Many eyes are injured permanently from being neglected These troubles can be avoided if taken in time. Don't neglect your eyes or your children's eyes. Have them examined at once if they show any signs of trouble. I GEO. E. BISANAR Registered Optometrist The Essentials of Perfect Service ££l£!t e S ca " y Trains - Smooth Rock-Ballasted Roadbed. Through Sleeping Car Lines. Adequate Block Signal Protection. The* features denote the high standard of service maintained via Bl affording direct, through and comfortable travel to and from BIRMINGHAM NEW ORLEANS Cl*s!>hL > 3R T VICKSBURG MOBILE CINCINNATI LOUISVILLE * CHICAGO AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS RO nTS Stf-w YORK-NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE ™EW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, KNOXVILLE, CHATTANOOGA, BIRMINGHAM, NEW ORLEANS. Fares, schedules, and com lets information on request. , _ - nui | Apply to nearest Ticket Agent or write Let US Print for YOU—We Print for Others.